True Story Request: Introducing Chastity to Vanilla Wife

Discussion in 'Chastity in vanilla life' started by ChasteJase, May 10, 2022.

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  1. For Her Eyes Only

    For Her Eyes Only New member

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    This has been a great read with some inciteful posts.

    I've been wanting to try chastity for quite a few years and have tried a few cages but never for any real serious length of time. However I'm now ready to take it to the next level and currently on day two of self imposed chastity; I'm giving it a week and then need to make the decisions to tell my wife and ask her to act as my KH.

    My main concern is my wife and I have not been sexually active since our daughter was born 3 years ago and we don't really have a sexual closeness and worried she's going to not understand why I'm wanting to go in this direction and how it will benefit our relationship.

    I have to get relief and masturbate 4-5 times a week and I want to see if chastity can bring back focus onto my wife and hopefully her sexual pleasure.

    I've been very good at hiding my more "non-vanilla" side so she'll certainly ask about this side of me.

    Be good to know how some of you others approached with your wives and partners.
  2. laohuboy

    laohuboy Active member

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    Thanks for the update CJ - honestly, I think that sounds really encouraging and a load of progress TBH. I wouldn't give up hope yet ;)

    Perhaps another way forward is to park the cage and focus on the chastity (and maybe denial) first, see if she would be interested in playing with that.

    Does she know about Locktober - it's going to be here very soon.

    You don't even have to call it that to her - just explain that you'd like to spend the whole of next month focused on her happiness and pleasure in the bedroom, and you've heard that great sportsmen refrain from sex to focus their performance, and you'd like to try that.
    Maybe not words exactly like this but you get the general idea.

    At some point - if all is going OK - you could explain what 'Locktober' is and what honor chastity is, etc.

    Hopefully she's just a bit put off by the cage aspect, maybe the chastity is some common ground and she'll see the benefits - if all goes well, things might move on in the direction you're hoping for.

    Lots of advice on here if you're interested in exploring any ideas on this.
  3. laohuboy

    laohuboy Active member

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    Welcome @For Her Eyes Only - you'll find a lot of good advice on this site, not just on this thread :)

    I see you did post on the Intro forum and I'd definitely suggest posting the info above there and asking for some suggestions. Or create a new post in the main Chastity and Orgasm Denial board. I had a couple of thoughts but best they are posted in a separate thread so more people will see it.
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  4. true42

    true42 Owned member

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    From my reading on this forum and others, most men "approach their partners" in a super-overwhelming fashion, so my first advice to you is: DON'T DO THAT. Take your time. Be extra patient. Don't overwhelm her. If she puts up any sign that you're overwhelming her, back off. Give her extra time to think through things. etc.

    This is bad. Not sure how you have even managed this. Have you and she talked about this at all? I mean, I gave my wife 6 weeks off from fucking when each of our kids were born, because that's the doctors' orders. But at 6 weeks and one day, I would have been out the door and never coming back. (I'm not suggesting that is the right response; just relating my state of mind at the time.)

    So you may need more than just chastity to help things. You may need a marriage counselor to help you work through communication issues, for example.

    But it sounds like you want to make the marriage work, which is wonderful. Great place to start. I won't jump to too many more conclusions without hearing from you, so hopefully you'll respond and give some more background on your situation.
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  5. ChasteJase

    ChasteJase Long term member

    Jan 28, 2022
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    True42’s reply is actually timely to poke out some thoughts I was already having that I want to share here. This should benefit for @ForHerEyesOnly but others as well.

    For the guys in hetero-relationships, there appears to be at least 3 types:

    1) On one end you have the guys who have and have had active and even kinky relations with their wives more or less consistently, who introduced chastity as another fun and kinky lifestyle path. This is where @true42 and many others are at and where so many others wish they were at.

    2) On the other end of the scale, you have guys who have zero sexual relations with their wives and likely never will again, and are doing or wanting to do chastity because caging your dick and fetishizing about this denial is better than feeling empty and ignored. It’s a bit of a mind game.

    3) There are many flavors in between those two, but somewhere in the middle is a bunch of guys who fucked up their relations with their wife due to a mutual lack of communication and dwindling sexual relations that worsened from differences in libido and replacement of marital relations with masturbation (with or without porn). These guys want a chastity relationship for a myriad of reasons. For me, my reasons were many:

    a. I thought if my wife knew I was wearing a cage on my cock, she would have a heightened awareness of my sexual needs, because they were in her control. This might cause us to have more intimate relations, even if not always with me having an O. There’s a lot of flaws in this logic, but alas, that was my main motivator.

    b. I thought that wearing a cage and take a “vow of chastity” to my wife would hold me to be more accountable to my wife and reduce or eliminate any PMO temptations.

    c. I thought that adding a cage to our relationship would help evolve things toward a more D/s or FLR relationship, which would scratch a kink itch to experience more sexual submission in our relationship.

    d. Ultimately, the dream is to move toward the #1 category, but I think trying to do that with a cage is really putting the cart for the horse.

    Now with a little time since my chastity reveal, I can step away and see that all of my motivations were flawed. With that realization, I then have to say that my desire for chastity was flawed and perhaps needless and unnecessary. I was hoping the cage talk would jump start something but I was guessing at a kink that I thought she might find acceptable. Ultimately, there may be no kink that she finds acceptable, but then again, maybe me being vulnerable and sharing that will inspire her to reveal something less kinky that she one day wants to try. One can hope.

    Something that @laohuboy said about trying out Locktober with my wife actually inspired a lot of this thought. He suggested that I try by suggesting a month of chastity. The reality is that, my wife and I are having sex about once every 4-6 weeks already. It may be that sexual relations every 4 weeks is all she will ever really desire and I will need to learn to be happy that it’s not once every 4 months or years.

    So really, for me, every month is a month of chastity. The only variable is what I do in the gaps with myself. I didn’t share but last month I discovered a new erotic hypnotist and listened to some of her tracks. One track was mental chastity for 21 days. I tried it and it worked. It happened that my relations with my wife fell on day 20 of that. This morning, I listened to the track again and reset the clock for another 21 days. For now, I will use that to track not only my mental chastity cycle but also my PIV cycle with my wife. Will we have relations before 21 days, before 42 days? I will see.

    Why am I doing the hypno chastity? I guess I still want to get a handle on my PMO and I want to keep my mind and body more primed for my wife. But I also likely want to fill the gaps with something erotic, even if it’s this self denial thing. For now, the mental chastity is working well and it is more convenient than the cage. For me, the cage only works if my wife is part of it. I will hold on to it for another 6-12 months, just in case something miraculously happens, but one day I may be selling it on here.
    Rectrix likes this.
  6. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    I can’t 100% actually understand the full detail of your reveal, or maybe it’s that I’m missing a point, or the point was missed out… but did you actually express that you are unhappy with the current level of sexual activity within your relationship?

    I know you said this:
    Can I suggest something? I’m going to anyway. Do you think that you are fixating on chastity because it’s the absence of actually taking action?
    Even now, you are mentally adopting chastity rather than entering the challenge of increasing your levels of intimacy towards her?
    It’s like you continue to wait in between the moments.
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  7. ChasteJase

    ChasteJase Long term member

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I think that summarizes the reality of the situation very well.

    I know that instead of tracking my chastity run, I should be tracking my efforts to initiate intimacy.
    That is something that I have thought about for many years, but I have to admit that it is a wall that I have not been able to climb over. Whenever we have intimate moments, it is because my wife initiates it or it happens organically. The times I have willy nilly tried to initiate have typically ended up with rejection.

    I have listened to several podcasts lately that have said that the low libido partner has all the control in the relationship, and that is totally true. Many would think it's the opposite - the high libido partner would be the one making all the sex happen - but the reality is that its easier to have someone not do something than to have them do something.

    I really don't know how to initiate something when the other party is not up for it most of the time. I generally make assumptions that "now, is not the right time." The best I can probably do is say, "hey, can we have some love time in the next couple of days here?" To that, I would get a yes, but then it wouldn't happen. Even when my wife says on her own "I'm tired tonight, but tomorrow morning, I want some lovin'" it without fail is followed by a morning that is not apt for relations.

    I guess I haven't cracked the code in terms of making it happen with any reliability. A lot of that is just general exhaustion and being too busy. It's rare that we don't have a reason to have to get out of bed early to take care of some work or kid issue. Lots of excuses, because I could and should change my mindset and paradigm and find opportunities to make it happen. That said, it's a script that has existed for 20+ years and it's hard to change.
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  8. ChasteJase

    ChasteJase Long term member

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    PS - You are not wrong that my post was more of a ramble than the reveal that I thought it would be. I think the reveal was ultimately this, which I didn't share - Chastity is probably fun in a relationship when you are giving up sex that you would typically be having and you are playing that game with your wife. But in my situation, where I am having PIV 9-12 times a year at the moment (and the last 18 months have been a high relative to the past many years), chastity almost seems like more of the same and really just an uncomfortable inconvenience for no real gain. Now that I have, at least temporarily, figured out how to control a bout of compulsive edging, and with my wife not interested in kink games, there really is nothing in it for me with MC.

    To answer your final question - I am unhappy with the current level of sexual activity. I use to think that I needed it 3 times a week, but I think even 3 times a month would be enough and a dramatic change for me. I guess it shouldn't seem so daunting to figure out how to add a couple of more times a month to the situation.
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  9. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    I don’t have the answer to your situation. I will say this though, if I didn’t attempt to initiate anything sexual with my wife, we would probably have those moment maybe 3-4 times a year.
    She doesn’t instinctively feel horny and act upon those feelings at any given moment.
    I get rejected now. I get rejected a lot. That’s good, you know it’s way better than her accepting her “fate” and allowing my needs to succeed her own. If I didn’t try at all… how would she feel those 3-4 times a year? Would she try and instigate anything? I doubt it.
    So I’m coming from the opposite side here, I’m someone with a high sex drive, I actively seek those moments. I’ve given my wife the courage to reject my advances.
    My impression (and I could be wrong) is that you appear to your wife that you don’t want her. She probably feels rejected in a completely different way to how you feel when she says no. There are reasons why these times happen, but they are not to be dwelt upon. Don’t overthink it. You’re married and she wants to make you happy, you want to make her happy.
    The questions I would ask myself in this moment would be this: is she happy with the effort I am putting in? Does it make her feel wanted? Is it worth her effort to move from once a month to within 20 days?
    It sounds like she’s trying. The answer to those questions would give me impetus to pull up my trousers and show her how I feel.
    Dont worry about her saying no, give her the opportunity to say yes. It doesn’t have to be an onslaught of sexual desires. I tickle to the back. A pat on her butt. A longing look as she cooks and a smile when she catches you… initiation of intimacy is easy. PIV is less important.
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  10. ChasteJase

    ChasteJase Long term member

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    Thanks. That's some good input.

    I think this is a good point and I should be thankful that we do share hugs, hand holds, kisses, smiles and cuddles. I probably shouldn't complain as I know things could be a lot worse. I think part of my problem is a bit of FOMO. As in, I feel like we are missing out on experiencing more together. I need to be more mindful about initiating things - I think that is a main takeaway.
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  11. knightly

    knightly Long term member

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    This is probably one of the top 10 most profound and relevant posts on this site. Well said!

    Women are turned on by our desiring them. Ironically, though, we are turned on by their desire for our desire of them.

    When these signals get crossed (historical trauma for example), either one start thinking through fear of rejection, not being good enough, guilt, shame, etc, which makes it super hard to act on the desire.
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  12. knightly

    knightly Long term member

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    Your wife is a fiery minx! You guys just need to figure out how to decide to be on the same team.
  13. knightly

    knightly Long term member

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    Agreed, this is the goal.

    They need to go back to basics of the relationship, retrospective on their own journey and get their poop together (in a good way).

    She will likely forget you are wearing a cage in regular day to day life. And then it may get in the way when she's ready for sex. But could have fun teasing you with it on.

    It will help with this, if you use it as a symbol and deterrent. Or go for a full PA to really help slow you down. :)

    The more I explore FLR's, the more I am convinced that they are really different terms for a strong masculine/feminine relationship of two confident, mature people. Masculine and feminine already provide the drivers for what an FLR is, and when a couple explore and fully learn to express these it all just works anyhow. That said, each person has differing levels of masculine and feminine, so that needs to be explored and negotiated what each needs.

    Lack of confidence and understanding also seem to skew how masculine or feminine someone thinks they are. And, as people age, women get more testosterone and men more estrogen, which will change how they show up and their priorities...great for an FLR because women tend to get more focused and goal oriented, and men more creative and playful.

    If you replace "Chastity" with "Monopoly" or "Jenga" re-read your thinking. I agree with IB-Chaste...this is probably the actual issue:

    "Do you think that you are fixating on chastity because it’s the absence of actually taking action?
    Even now, you are mentally adopting chastity rather than entering the challenge of increasing your levels of intimacy towards her?
    It’s like you continue to wait in between the moments."
  14. knightly

    knightly Long term member

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    Another way to think about it...your primary initial goal here is not to get your wife to have sex with you. It's to convince yourself you are worthy of sex and that as a result of that she will want to have sex with you...because, as IB-Chaste says "You’re married and she wants to make you happy, you want to make her happy." She wants to make you happy. She does! She has little voices of her mom and society in the back of her head telling her chastity is weird and all of that. But that just needs to evolve to your voice in the back of her head telling her how awesome she is for the things she does for you and how much you love to provide for her and make her safe. And once she feels safe with you as a partner, she can re-learn that these games are OK.

    To get you hooked on Alison, start here (manually copy and paste and fix the URL):
    https ://

    And a good point made around minute 6.
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  15. knightly

    knightly Long term member

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    Here's one of the best explanations for practicing chastity and orgasm control without saying anything about chastity that I've come across:


    This might be a good way to explain orgasm control and the actual underlying benefits and dynamic without saying anything kinky. Fully practical and explained concisely.
    hopefulhubby likes this.
  16. Deleted member 109631

    Have you listen to the podcast that Mrs mature metal recently posted up here on Chastity mansion anyways in that podcast she speaks about how her husband introduced the whole lifestyle to her and at first you know she says she's pretty vanilla and not into that many things etc but she goes to explain her story and how her husband introduced it and turns out it turned into a great business venture and how they make a living making custom chastity devices it was actually a pretty good pod cast
  17. NsToy

    NsToy Long term member

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    I assume this is the podcast?
  18. laohuboy

    laohuboy Active member

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    #118 laohuboy, Aug 15, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
    Thanks for your detailed post CJ.

    I think this has been one of the best posts on CM while I have been here.

    My views very much align with your high level summary of common different kink relationship types between long-term partners that I've observed on here. There are obviously many more but two I can think of also;

    3.5 - which is you have a partner that enjoys some kinks, but doesn't necessarily want to engage in the sort of kinks that you want (e.g. chastity/pegging/BDSM/etc.). That was certainly my experience with my ex-wife - the things I wanted were never going to happen with her, she made that very clear..

    0 - The ones that would scare me. Women who introduced chastity and require it as part of their relationship, together with possibly a few other more advanced requirements that would be absolute hard limits for many others.

    Just adding these because I thought they may help.

    Regarding your motivations for a chastity relationship, it shows great emotional maturity to be reflective on the initial rejection and to look at what the motivations were for you proposing it AND to see the errors you possibly made.

    I wonder if you were to tell your wife all this, how would she react?

    Maybe there is a conversation about both your needs that can help move forwards with this. If you're able to show this level of emotional maturity with her - you must have a very loving and strong relationship and I sense somehow, there will a positive outcome for you both from the discussion.

    I have two other comments/suggestions;

    First, any chance you make chastity a fun game/challenge - especially with Locktober? You might have to get creative and suggest a gift/holiday if she can get you to have sex during October?
    Locktober is primarily a fun game for most people who just dip the toe into chastity, I guess it is sort of like our 'outreach' month to the wider population.

    Secondly, as we all know - sex starts hours (or days) before the act. You mention you have a good physical non-sexual relationship with your wife with hugs, hand holds, kisses, smiles and cuddles, etc. Maybe you try some seduction as part of this? Maybe your journey to chastity is ironically by making her want to have MORE sex with you at first?

    I look forward to your next update and admire your pragmatism, best of luck.
    ChasteJase and IB-Chaste like this.
  19. Zevon

    Zevon Long term member

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  20. ChasteJase

    ChasteJase Long term member

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    First, I think your additions of #0 and 3.5 are very good additions to the scale. Maybe we can keep expanding that for fun.

    Second, I never thought about sharing my desires and reflections on the faults with my wife, but that's not a bad idea. I am going to seriously consider that and I will share if and when I do it.

    Third, I also agree that if chastity were to ever happen it will only happen after increasing sexual relations. I think that having little sex and expecting my wife to embrace this lifestyle almost requires her to be closer to the #0 woman, which she will never be. Therefore, we need more sexual activity so that she gets more comfortable with it and perhaps to a point where having our basic sex is no longer so novel - which it really is now. I think there is still a less than 50% chance of success but I also think it may be the only road to possible success, and if it fails in that goal, it will at least succeed in other goals.

    Good insight.
  21. Deleted member 109631

    Yes that's the pod cast. Sorry I didn't have time this morning to find it when I made the post.
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  22. true42

    true42 Owned member

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    No idea if your situation is similar to mine, but I no longer initiate sex. Ever. I never put any pressure on my wife, and none of my behavior is designed to get her to have sex with me.

    And that has really helped her relax. She knows that I have zero expectations. Like, literally zero.

    So when I'm rubbing her feet, I'm doing it either because she told me to, or because I know she likes it. Not because I want sex.

    And when I'm cleaning the house, I'm doing it either because she told me to, or because I know she likes it. Not because I want sex.

    And when I'm massaging her body, and eventually bringing her to an orgasm one way or another, I'm doing it either because she told me to, or because I know she likes it. Not because I want sex.

    She often ends up wanting me to fuck her, and this sounds crazy to say, but I almost feel like I've failed at that point, because I wasn't doing any of those things to get anything for myself. (I love sex with her. I'm not avoiding it. I'd doing it 3x every day if she wanted that.) Anyhow, the point is that I kind of had to get to the point mentally where it really was not about what I wanted at all, before any of this started working for her. And until it started working for her, it didn't work for me either. And it took some frustration to get over that hump as well.
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  23. ChasteJase

    ChasteJase Long term member

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    I believe my situation is very similar to yours in many of these ways. I do not put any pressure on my wife to have sex. I gave that up many many years ago as it didn’t really do any good and just created issues and animosity for us both. She's sort of subconsciously trained me over the course of years to have no expectations, so I don't. I believe my wife is totally relaxed about when sex happens but I can’t say with 100% certainty whether she is secretly harboring concerns about my expectations. That is something I can explore with her. She has already said recently - "I'm a big girl and have no problem telling you when I want sex."

    Given how we operate, she pretty much tells me when she wants sex. Again, I think this is something we could discuss. Does she like this? Does she want me to “force it out of her” on occasion or change up any of that?

    I think when I rub feet, etc. she no longer interprets it as a subtle sex sign. But again, good basic stuff to explore.

    I help clean and cook and that is certainly 0% sex forward and I doubt she has ever interpreted it as such. I clean and cook either because it needs to get done and hasn’t; I can tell she is stressed and want to take it off her plate; or simply because I am around and am generally conscientious about stuff like that. There really are no covert contracts when it comes to the kitchen.

    I truly like the frustration, the tease and denial, which is why I wanted to explore chastity with her. To me, being kept on the edge of horny is better than quick release and crash. I would love to rub feet, massage, and get her off more often while only being allowed to release once a month or so. Even without the cage. That’s the dream but I really don’t know if my wife has interest in that activity between the month long gaps. All that said, I think that is another good thing to explore with her. Now that chastity cages have been put out there, perhaps some of this other stuff will seem more mild and more of an “Oh, I guess I can do that.” It’s good to talk this stuff out on here to get to some of these realizations.
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  24. knightly

    knightly Long term member

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    One thing I'm really trying to come to grips with (and it's taken me a long time) is that women often, by default, want to have the same kind of sex (sex urge animalistic driven need) like one day a month. That's the day our wives will tell us they, need sex.

    As you say "Given how we operate, she pretty much tells me when she wants sex. Again, I think this is something we could discuss. Does she like this? Does she want me to “force it out of her” on occasion or change up any of that?"

    If left to her, she's likely going to tell you once a month. But, it is actually good for women to have sex much more often than that. And it's good for the relationship, and for you. Old adage, men need sex to feel love, women need love to have sex.

    So the idea is to get her to want to have sex. Don't think of it as selfish sex driven by us, but our desire for her and to be connected with her. Feeling our desire will turn her on and likely put her in the mood for sex. It's not about pressuring or her feeling pressured into it. Her feel your desire, to make you happy because she knows by making you happy you have more energy to make her happy. And she is connected to you through it.

    In chastity this is super fun because it does shift the focus to her pleasure and teases us. Builds up our focus and attention.

    "I'm a big girl and have no problem telling you when I want sex." - this is a great comment. I'm also trying to learn this better. If I dance around things and try to 'buffer', temper or shield my desires from her or make assumptions about how she's going to react, it doesn't build her confidence nor empower her. Me coming straight at her (in a good way) forces her to respond, and this builds confidence. Having the opportunity to say no (or yes) to an assertive request is empowering.
  25. Susanstoy91

    Susanstoy91 Long term member

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    I had seen something on the Net about male chastity and men wearing cages. I "Googled" it and found it very interesting. I read up about it and was curious about wearing a cage. So, I just brought up the subject and showed my Wife a few articles about it. Her response shocked me. We ordered my first cage about two minutes later. It couldn't get here quick enough. The minute it arrived here, it was on me. She had read up about MC and loved the idea. She got into T&D right away and my sex life changed over night. Five years later, I have gone 16 months without a orgasm and it doesn't look good for the near future. My Wife, now key holder couldn't be happier. In fact, this morning she had two great orgasms and a ass licking, got to give me 15 good whacks with her riding crop on my ass...She still tell me she wishes she had known about male chastity years ago and that if she had known how good she would have it, I would have been caged along time ago...
    Just remember one thing...Better watch what you ask for...
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