Out With The Old... in With The New!

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by PuppyMaster, Jan 1, 2009.

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  1. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    So 2008 has officially gone and we're now in 2009! Makes sense to start a fresh blog.

    2008 has been a funny old year, full of ups and downs, kinky fun times, shout screamy I hate you times as well. Oh the joys of a relationship. It hasn't been all bad though.

    Today Has been a quiet day, i've felt a little drained after mixing my drinks last night (Bad idea but it was New Years) I have wanted nothing more than to play with Kris but have ended up on the sofa in my dressing gown playing Fallout3 all day (Thank you santa haha!)

    SO plans for the new year then, Main plan is to get over my confidence issues, well that will happen with loosing a little bit of weight and getting me a 6pack.

    Second plan is to make a lot more time for training/play with Kris, i've had loads of rants in my old blog about me getting f*cked off with Kris, but at the end of the day if i'm not there giving him a constant reminder of how dominant I am and where his place is then that's not gonna happen either.

    My third plan (and the last for now) is to stop smoking, as of tomorrow, and save the money for 2 things, firstly a big shiny HD TV that will do my ps3 justice and the second would be making a start on the list of toys Kris and I want for play and to keep things just that little bit more kinky.

    Oh Sod it! My forth plan is to make sure I update my blog and allow myself more time to read the posts on the site. Also I'm going to be stricter on Kris and make sure his diary is constantly updated too.

    Gosh I'm gonna have to be superman to pull all this off but i'm sure in the long run it's all going to be worth it.

    Hope everyone has an amazing 2009!!!
  2. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    :manga_partypopper: Hooray for a new blog!

    Pardon me butting in with my ideas, but if your toys aren't too expensive, why not order one a month? That's what I'm doing with my lingerie addiction... usually I get depressed, go into La Senza and blow 300 on stuff I'll never wear! I figured if I make a "date" of a monthly, one item shop, I'm more likely to make a considered purchase and feel more treated in the process! Gives you something to look forward to each month.

    And I hear you on the losing weight. I think we all feel that way after Christmas. Blame the UK weather. If we all lived somewhere more sunny and wore less clothes, we'd be more inclined to eat well and exercise!

    Yay for saving for a new TV. We really could tell the difference on the XBox, so much so that we had to upgrade our bedroom TV too because I couldn't stand the loss of quality. Lol!

    I know what you mean... that's the hard bit isn't it!

    Good luck, and happy new year! :chores002:
  3. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Not at all Mistress Watchful, sounds like a plan to me! a good one at that!

    Things are certainly going well with me and Kris (I hope this blog entry don't jinx things, the ones in 2008 seemed to when I wrote that haha!)
    We have had some pretty amazing sex over the last few days, I'm well happy with it all, the only thing i'm missing now is toys, i so want to tie Kris up and tease! Make that little sissy gurl squirm and squeal. I guess i'm stil slightly recovering from xmas and new years, being thrown straight back into work hasn't helped either.

    We are both off work tomorrow so I think some proper play is in order, get back to the stuff that we both love so much but rarely seem to be able to do.

    I have a few ideas and tricks up my sleeve but won't go into any detail as I know Kris will read my blog.

    I will let everyone know how things go, and I'm sure Kris will too in his blog.
  4. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Ohhh.... looking forward to reading! :love0070:
  5. Missy Tanya

    Missy Tanya Senior Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Why settle for a 6 pack when you can have a keg. Oh no that's how I got this one. Good luck on the diet, I know I need a lot of luck....as the Wife/Mistress said no more cummies till weight comes off.

    Missy Tanya
  6. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Decided to update my blog as i stated that as it's a new year I aim to keep it updated.

    F*ck me it's cold! supposedly temperatures in the uk are at minus 10c in the north west. Me No likey it! I'm sure the fact that Kris has purchased a cage should heat things up abit though, I wreckon there wil be some photo's of Kris in it coming up tomorrow! Ohhh talking of pics, I'm gonna upload some new self taken ones, Been busy with that.

    Sunday night was much fun, As I said I had lots planned for the day, well once the flat was tidy. Kris and I had a bit of a bounce as he didn't take the hints that if he got of his arse and helped that there would be playtime, I guess I lack confidence to be a lot more direct so I do take some of the responsibility.

    Kris then updated his blog with what seemed like an attack on me, After some talking and cuddling everything was sorted and good again.

    We did have some playtime that night aswell, i hooded and blindfolded Kris, tied him up and teased him, whipping him up into a frenzy, I then left him and took some of the pics I mentioned earlier (which will be up as soon as this entry is conplete) I came back to him and started using a dildo on him, milking him slowly, I could tell he was loving it, and I was too, enough to slide my cock into his arse whilst the dildo was in there too! i really enjoyed that! Kris actually seemed to love it because soon enough there was a stream of cum leaking from his sissy clit.

    Everything is so good at the moment and i'm really happy, 2009 looks like a good year.
  7. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    I think we should all chip in and buy a real life Mansion somewhere sunny!!!! :manga_cloud9:

    My only other comment (other than luck b*std for the cage!) is that you mustn't take the journals too personally.

    That may sound like rubbish, but it's something that pet and I have tried to learn by. You need to be as honest and open about your thoughts at the time of writing, and mostly that is in the heat of the moment.

    I swear it is much better to get those thoughts out on the screen than in a verbal argument. The person they are about can read, digest and then try and figure out what those words really mean.

    It's never meant as an attack, and it only helps to move forward!

    But then you know that really! :yes1:
  8. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Just a quick update!

    Massive thanks to Mistress Watchful for the kind photo comments *made me blush* but helped my confidence alot, so thank you!

    Other News: Wow the cage!! The night started off a little quiet, I had all intentions of sitting down and watching celebrity big brother, but nooo! haha! Kris wasn't up for that, he pounced on me and kissed me, it got me well hot!

    The next thing I know i've ordered him into panties, Kris then returns with a head gag and collar, this just made things even more hotter, I secured him in the cage then teased him for a while, after this I decided to leave him as I had some things to purchase online. After that I couldnt hold back anymore! I dropped my pants and pushed my cock through the bars and had Kris suck me. It felt so good and intense, I then ordered him to press his ass against the bars and used him for my enjoyment, It was such a hot scene and I deffo think the cage will be used again!

    Other news, Kris is now back in the CB, for how long I have no idea but it was his request so we shall see how we get on.

    Bye for now
  9. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    No problem on the photo love. :manga_devil: It's nice to be able to tell you how much I appreciate your photos without you taking it the wrong way! It's an odd kind of freedom... more please!!!! :sex023:

    And I so jealous on the cage. I soooooooooo want one, but there's no room in this house. Well, there is, but it would mean a lot of explaining to the kids. Actually the kids would probably spend a lot of time in it, which would then put a damper on things.

    Oh god... I really mustn't post before I'm awake and had enough caffeine!
  10. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Well last night ended up in a 2nd passionate sex session, jeez i'm good haha! I don't know what came over kris, he just pounced and I was more than willing.

    He was getting well excited telling me how much he wanted to be my 24/7 slave whilst riding away on me, it was hot, he even wanted me to brand him!

    This got me thinking, it's a hot idea but could end up going horribly wrong and looking hideous! I think a visit to the tattooist is in order, i've got the tattooing bug and plan on getting my 2nd within 2months of having my last one done, That may well be the time to get Kris his first ever one! How cute!!

    I'm thinking Kris can pamper me tonight and we shall take some photo's of me, theres lots of Kris and hardly any of me, so I thinks that needs fixing.
  11. Lady_Kismet

    Lady_Kismet Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Good luck on the diet and quitting smoking. I am trying to quit as well, best thing I have found is make yourself wait longer and longer each day before you have your first one, not that this helps me.

    Probably tattooing is a better idea branding is tricky, though my experience is only with 4 legged creatures. I can only imagine it would be even harder to keep a human from moving. Besides tattoos give you the ability to have lots of colors and designs. I am happy for you guys. Hope it all comes out. And the cage sounds wonderful I shall now have to go check out the pics.
  12. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    [quote name='Kris'_Master']
    Other News: Wow the cage!! The night started off a little quiet, I had all intentions of sitting down and watching celebrity big brother, but nooo! haha! Kris wasn't up for that, he pounced on me and kissed me, it got me well hot!

    The next thing I know i've ordered him into panties, Kris then returns with a head gag and collar, this just made things even more hotter, I secured him in the cage then teased him for a while, after this I decided to leave him as I had some things to purchase online. After that I couldnt hold back anymore! I dropped my pants and pushed my cock through the bars and had Kris suck me. It felt so good and intense, I then ordered him to press his ass against the bars and used him for my enjoyment, It was such a hot scene and I deffo think the cage will be used again!


    This is such a hot description it got dollyanne straining in her chastity cage! Dolly could picture this vividly!

    Curtsies and Huggs,
  13. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Lady Kismet: Thank you for the support, quitting smoking seems to be the hardest thing i've ever had to do in my life!

    Dollyanne: I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Kris has uploaded pics from the cage.

    Nothing much to report, i've managed to get me a throat infection, don't know how, don't know why. It sucks to be honest, it's the weekend and thats usually our time for play. I sound so funny trying to bark orders at Kris, and most of the time he just takes the p*ss out of me and my husky voice.

    I said to Kris last night that just because I have no voice does not mean I am going to start being easy on him, so I still made my demands for drinks and some strepsil's for my throat which he sorted.

    Hopefully my voice will come back soon and i'll be able to post about something a little more interesting

    Hope everyone is good!
  14. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Been to the doctors, I've got pharyngitis! Joy oh f*cking joy! I can't speak let alone give orders, i'm so annoyed!

    It's the weekend which normally means playtime, not this weekend though, doctors orders to rest my voice for a week! Not that we have much playtime anyway, but it's a new year, it's meant to be a new start.

    I'm feeling like sh*t at the mo, on a complete downer, I've spent most of my day cleaning the flat whilst Kris was playing on the pc, I asked a couple of times for help but didnt really get anywhere, Normally i'd be able to bark out orders, it's like I have no power without my voice.

    Kris did eventually come help with the kitchen, after i'd already done the lounge and kitchen. :sex020:

    I hate this! ARGH!!! my voice seems to be disapearing more and more, i'm taking strepsils and gargling soluble asprin (like the doctor said) and thats making me heave!! it's vile!! Suppose I'm gonna have to take it like a man and carry on though if I want to get better and get back to being master.
  15. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Oh no you poor thing!

    You two know each other well enough for kris to know what you need with you speaking or ordering, and I'm sure kris knows that right now you need to be pampered and relaxed and not to feel stressed.

    I'm sorry you're feeling so crap.
  16. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Kris mentioned in his blog that he's not liking me being ill because we can't kiss. This is getting to me too! Loads! So I decided to get back to being a master, even though my throat is killing.

    When we went to bed last night I started to kiss Kris' neck, slowly moving down to his nipples, he was really enjoying this, and started to kiss me back, slowly playing with my cock which had become rock hard.

    Each time I kissed him I moved closer and closer to his mouth, but never kissing him full on (so he doesn't get ill)

    He was becoming really wound up and I was having lots of fun teasing him, his sissy clitty hard in it's cage.

    Kris then did something out of the blue, he got some restraints and tied my hands to the bed post, me likey, he played with my cock, me likey again, he used 2 vibrators on my balls and my shaft, me likey even more.

    But then he keeps bringing me to the edge of orgasm and stopping! 'don't you dare' I kept thinking, part of me thought he was going to give me a ruined orgasm, but then I thought he wouldn't dare.

    Turns out I was completely wrong! WTF! Why am I getting ruined orgasms?! Should it not be Kris that gets those? I could have the best orgasm ever, it was being built up and i was squirming around having an amazing time, then that!

    After Kris had cleaned me up I curled up in a ball. I didn't know what to say, I was in shock! eventually I asked if he had done it on purpose to which he replied he had thought of it but me having the ruined orgasm was an accident. Which makes me think 'yeah right'

    After my blog where I said I felt like sh*t for not being able to be a good master whilst ill I guess I expected more, Not to feel like my position has been taken away.

    Stupid f*cking throat infection!! I'm fuming!
  17. Lady_Kismet

    Lady_Kismet Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    *hugs* it is possible it was subconscious. I have done things like that in my subbie days sometimes it was intentional, sometimes it was cause i was frustrated and well suppose even subconsciously it was intentional. Though it was all subconscious, but well what has happened has happened. It is hard to say how much of our actions are controlled by our subconscious. I can feel your pain though, even women can have ruin orgasms though maybe it is just me. Hate it when it happens, and to have someone do it to me makes me want to throw things or them :sex020:, depends on how aggravated I am :spankwhip: . *hugs* hopefully things will get better once your feeling better.
  18. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

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    A thought about giving orders. If you can't "bark", how about a little bell, or some other signaling device. I'm having this mental image of you ringing a delicate little bell, and your sissy slave coming a'running!

  19. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Awww! Lady Kismet thank you for the huggs, they made me smile. It's so nice how everyone is there to help each other on this site. I know what you mean about the ruined orgasm! I kudda thrown Kris out of the window for what he did! Hehe!

    That's such a good idea, thank you again, You have helped me alot with your advice and as always i'm extremely greatfull. I'm gonna have to get me a bell, a nice pink and black one if anyone knows where I could get one?

    So today is a new day, no orgasm as of yet and I still have this stupid throat thing. Kris is out working today and I have the flat to myself, I'm feeling like a geeky session of watching the Alien films back to back from start to finish. Sounds like a nice day to me!

    Not much happened yesterday, Kris and I had a little chat about sex whilst getting ready to go out, this ended in Kris dropping his pants to wind me up, but then we had to go out so nothing happened. Made me a bit sad but at the same time I still think i'm a little peeved over the ruined orgasm, I know I need to get over it, and I'm sure I will.

    Kris has been very affectionate this morning though so that's good I suppose. I think huggs and cuddles will do me good whilst I'm ill.

    All will be good, I just know it.
  20. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    I've not really posted on my blog for a few days, i've been back to work since my illness and it's taken it out of me a little, i've felt more tired than usual, but think i'm slowly getting back to my old self yay!

    So where to begin? Kris and I are really good at the moment, we had a talk the other night about insecurities and concerns that I have, This has helped alot, I'm not feeling so down and seem to be less of a grump which is good.

    I've started a little incentive for Kris, if he can get his finances under control and put more effort into getting out and doing work (not that he's lazy or anything, just that he finds it hard in the mornings) then I plan that our spare room will become a play room!

    I'm in the process of pricing up some equipment for it which I would like us to have, I guess i'm hoping Kris comes through with his side of the deal because I'm getting really worked up other it, the whole idea gets me incredibly horny! All the fun and different things we'd be able to do! It also makes me think we'd be taking our lifestyle alot more seriously.

    I've even gone as far as promising Kris a maids outfit, something I know he has wanted for a really long time, and something I know he'd look great in.

    I feel a bit better in myself too, i'm working on my confidence issues so hopefully I will be able to express my self and my needs more without feeling shy about it.

    Hopefully as it's the weekend some play time may be on the cards, I really need some after my stoopid illness!
  21. Lady_Kismet

    Lady_Kismet Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Well glad to hear your feeling better. I understand the shy bit drive J nuts cause I have a hard time expressing myself. part of the reason I write him letters even when I am with him. Sometimes it is easier for me to write it down than to say it. why I love my LJ can pour my soul into it and he can read it and often time sees things that I don't know how to say. Though need to get back to writing again. Hope everything works out well dungeon equipment is a definite investment but well worth it and so much more fun. Though can understand Kris's problem hate getting up, have to force myself to get up and go to work. Most of the time everyone at work loves me when I actually get there, it is just a question of getting there. Hopefully he will find something he enjoys that usually helps.
  22. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Started today with a cry, I sat at the pc doing my blog listening to A Perfect Circle (No wonder I was emotional) haha! Venting about last nights events, which were making me cry even more, then my pc crashed and I lost the whole blog, it was a mamoth one too, probably the biggest I've ever posted!

    I then had a mega melt down! stuff that had happened and now my entire post that had come directly from the heart had gone! I sulked into the bedroom where Kris was still asleep, tears streaming from my face, the lack of caffeen and nicoteen wasn't helping either.

    Last night me and Kris had a row, a stoopid stoopid row over rope bondage, he'd found a video on youtube which made it look so simple. Was it simple? Was it f*ck!

    I get stressed out using rope as it is, When things were not going to plan I snapped, told Kris to f*ck off and went for a smoke, I just had to get away from everything, I felt like a mega dissapointment.

    I had gotten it into my head that Kris would expect me to have done it perfect and that if it looked crap he wouldn't be impressed. i felt like I was letting him down.

    At this point kris had headed to the bedroom and removed his CB saying he didn't want to be 24/7 anymore. I was devestated, I knew I had done summit really wrong and Kris was annoyed.

    We had a little chat and then Kris ended up getting a bit horny, climbed on top of me and one thing let to another, He made love to me. I enjoyed it to be honest, He then pulled me on top of him, I then made love to him, it was sooo intense.

    Afterwards I went and hid in the bathroom for a while, I was upset about what had happened, felt like I was loosing my role as the dom, and also I had pains from where Kris' PA ring (which is quite a large one) had been hitting my prostate.

    I managed to get back to bed to find Kris asleep, Ilay there for what seemed like hours staring at the wall.

    I woke up this morning still sore, and with a head full of confusion, thats when the insident with the PC happened.

    We had a big chat this morning, I've decided that the sissy play doesn't really do it for me, I prefer a man, a big butch jockstrap and harness wearing man. There I've said it. I've been hiding my true feelings from Kris for a while and it's such a relief to have let them out.

    Kris has decided that he can be that butch man, but would still like to wear a maids outfit and dresses, this is fine with me, I could use it as a humiliation for him, even though deep down I know it would not be humiliating for him and he'd love it.

    Another thing that had upset me, but is now sorted is the dungeon equipment, I felt like I was being this master that he wanted and expected me to be, but it wasn't enough, (jeez a master trying to live up to a subs expectasions) and that I was going to lose that, all the effort and planning i've been putting into it, i thought was gone! It's not though! So I'm happy!

    I think though the whole event has made us appriciate how much we both want the lifestyle and that there will be hurdles and sh*tty things that life throws at you, but if the love is there you can get through it.

    Hope my blogs made sence, there was just so much that I needed to get out before my head exploded, and I didn't want it all coming out after I've been on the Vodka later on hehe!
  23. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Don't be so tough on yourself, you're still in recovery from being poorly!

    Rope bondage is supposed to be fun, and look so pretty. I've only tried a couple of times and it just stressed me out for the very same reasons!

    pet loves being tied up, so at least I know if I wanted to practice he would quite happily sit (or stand) for ages whilst I tried!

    I might have a go tonight actually... now where did I put my knotty boys book!

    Oh bugger..... the bed still has all the crap from the ensuite on it.....:sign0094: back later!
  24. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Sorry - I got so carried away with the moment, I forgot about the important stuff!

    You are a great Dom and kris is a great submissive. You just have the every day hiccups we all do, and you also have a bit of a temper! :mad0039:

    I'm sure it will all work out, and I so jealous about the play room. We would love to move into a bigger place and have our mini dungeon.
  25. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    So sorry to hear you guys went through a rough patch, but it sounds like it was for the good. I think it's paramount to be honest with each other, and not just say what the other wants to hear. Otherwise, you'll never truly be happy.

    One comforting thing when I read both your and kris's blogs, is that no matter how low you guys get, you end up looking into each other's eyes and knowing that it'll work out. There's an enormous foundation of love there. With that, anything is possible! Your so fortunate to have each other! :)

    Best of luck as you keep sorting it out!
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