Hi everyone, I need some advice from experienced chastity device wearers. I'll try to as briefly as possible trace my history with devices. My first purchase was a CB-3000. While this is aesthetically nice, I could pull out of it easily. What was worse, it was fairly easy to make myself cum. So my next step was to get pierced (8 gauge frenum) and I ordered a Lori's spiral. This seemed a step up at first - really secure, no way to pull out once locked on. However, I could still make myself cum. It seems that for some reason I can cum when not nearly fully hard if I try. Next I saw that someone had a spiral with bars placed across the end. This seemed like it might work since the head of my penis swelled out of the end of the spiral when I was trying to cum - maybe this would be the anwer. Instead of investing time and money getting bars installed, I decided on a "proof of concept" - I taped the end of the spiral closed with scotch tape before installing it. (By the way, this is when I took the pictures in my profile album - you can see the tape on the end.) This helped, but with great effort I was still able to cum. My final step was a homemade device like the cb-3000 but MUCH shorter and tighter, using my frenum piercing to avoid pull-out. Again, able to cum. Right now my girlfriend has me on the "honor" system, which works for now but she is really disappointed with not being able to lock me up. Is there anyone out there with similar experiences to mine that found the "perfect" device? My choices as I see them are: 1. forget the device and remain on the honor system, disappointing my girlfriend/mistress. 2. try get a still smaller lori's spiral cage part only - smaller diameter and even shorter, with bars. 3. order a more expensive but possibly more secure Lori's device, like the #9 4. experiement with a homemade #12 for a proof of concept - if this works then order a Lori's #12 5. full chastity belt - extremely expensive, probably not practical for daily wear (I'm a runner), and also probably impossible to resell if it doesn't work While I'm not eager to spend a ton of money, I would spend whatever it takes in a second if I KNEW that it would be a totally secure and wearable option. Anyone with a #9 device out there with similar "houdini-like" qualities that can attest to it's security? Any advice? HELP! Thank you so much for your time, ~spiraled1
Neo-steel. You won't be able to have an unallowed cum for sure. And it keeps you nice and smooth in front as well...
Hmm. Is it possible that you need a device that's narrower in diameter - so that when you get semi-erect in the device, it restricts your urethra. I know that I've managed what amounted to a ruined orgasm in my lori. It was SO tight that I basically had a VERY painful orgasm, with no "outcome", until my erection subsided, and then it dribbled out. It was SO unpleasant, I would really not consider it a relief. Anyway, if you're having a satisfying orgasm while in the tube, I wonder if you could reduce the diameter? mikecb
Thanks Miss D - Neosteel is definitely the belt of choice for me. However, besides the cost I'm not sure if I wear it day to day - I run 4 to 5 miles daily and I'm not sure about the comfort factor. Mike - thanks for the advice on the tube diameter. I'm leaning towards ordering a smaller spiral - my previous one is 1 inch diameter, 1.5 inches long. I'm thinking about 7/8 inch diameter, 1 inch long. That is much smaller than my normal size, but maybe if I'm tightly compressed it would help. thanks for the help!
I would go for the neo-steel masterpiece arch. It looks very comfortable and not bulky in the least. It may be just what you're looking for. There are many reviews of the neo-steel perhaps you should have a read of what people have to say. I work outdoors and am giving serious thought to buying a neo-steel. I don't want to mess around with other tube style devices. They are good but for long term denial I think only a full belt will do. Hope this helps.
spiraled1, ya, the reason I mention it is because I do a lot of exercise and want a minimal device myself. I'm going to home-build a tube which is simply very narrow, and is secured by a PA - like a Lori number 3. Since I've found that bringing myself off in a VERY narrow tube is downright excruciating, that may just suffice as a device. I can't have a pleasant orgasm wearing one like that, so that will probably "just do". It'll also make it very easy to conceal at the gym. mike
Narrow is good, up to a point. If i measure with the tape pulled together a bit, i wind up with a diameter of 25mm. If I put myself in a 25mm tube however, I can't pee properly.. clearly too tight. If I measure with a little slack in the tape I wind up at 32-34mm, which seems about right for comfort/urination, but I'm sure I could probably cum in it. Its a very very very fine line.
Hmmm, when it comes to comfort i would definitely suggest a full hip belt such as Neosteel or My-Steel. Well measured they are good for long time wear. However, when it comes to sports and running i am less experienced but i know Neosteel offers the system belt which can be adjusted to the chastee's needs - even though my personal opinion is that a chastee rather should adjust his/her life to the belt and not the other way around. I can imagine that the Neosteel arch, combined with the sports rear solution, should be good for daily sport activities. I even would go as far as to say that the belt gives much more support than any tube styled belt can give ... just my thoughts but may be it worth to considerate ... maid katrin
hi :butterfly:,, i am wearing the masterpiece "arch" ,now for more than a year and i can confirm ,, the "arch' wears fantastic ,, i feel no restriktion at all ..i am not wearing the belt from time to time ,i am wearing the belt permanent 24/7 every day and with the masterpiece hipbelt it is an outstanding combination.. the masterpiece hipbelt is without any profiles or siliconliner ..:anim_37: reg.. GWENY:scared0016:
Thanks everyone for your input - Gweny did you get measured by the makers of the Neosteel belt or did you do the measurements yourself? Everyone including myself seems to have issues measuring for a Lori's device, I'm afraid I'd spend the money for the masterpiece arch and need to get it refit...and refit...etc. I'm intrigued by the steel belt - I'd definitely be at the mercy of my keyholder! My current plan is to give the spiral I already own another try by ordering a narrower (7/8 inch) and shorter (1 inch) cage. In my experience if you order a 1 inch cage it actually ends up being more like 1.5 inches, because they don't seem to account for the length of metal that connect to the ring. I know this is very small but I figure if it compresses me enough i shouldn't be able to cum... If this doesn't work I'll consider the neo-steel masterpiece arch with sports rear cable. ~spiraled1
hi ,, i did the measuring by myself ,, i mean with the help of my K/H ,, it works well !! it takes time and it has to be correct , rather abit tide than loose !! reg... GWENY
Hi spiraled, gweny should have told you that Neosteel provides a measuring kit with detailed instructions on how to take the measurement. When you, or better your Mistress, follows the instructions to the letter it shouldn't be a problem and repeated refitting should not be necessary. maid katrin
Sorry sorry:anim_37: maid katrin,,,, i forgot ,, you are right ,, i am abit confused and mixed up:fish: ,, my mistress has a new "housefriend" and that confuses me .. a nice sporty person ,,,,,, i hope he will except me as her cucky !!! but why should i worry as long she keeps ME locked in my belt !!:tortoise: cucky`s life:anim_12: !! reg.. GWENY:anim_39:
I have been making stainless steel chastities for about 5 years of so. Your problem is that the device is too long. A shorter one should do the trick. I have also found that an oval ring insted of the round ones work much better. I could build you one like my pic much cheaper than the lori's tubs. They are great quality but very over priced!!!
The device looks interesting maturemetal - do you have an option to lock a pin through a frenum piercing to avoid pull-out?
I agree that steel belts are much more secure and restrict the ability to cum much better than the trapped ball style. I also find mine much more comfortable.
That was EXACTLY our complaint... fell on deaf ears, apparently we measured wrong. :sign0095: I don't know if you've read our experiences with the #9, but long story short, it didn't work for us because pet isn't circumsized... otherwise we would have loved it! Good luck in your search though. :love0028:
Hmm...It seems that most people's experiences are that the full "neo-steel" belt type devices are actually more "practical" in that they actually work and are comfortable for day-to-day wear. I'm really surprised by this - I thought that the best answer for chastity would be a Lori's type device. After reading so many negative responses on this thread and others, I can't help wondering if ANYONE out there has had complete success with a Lori's device? By success I mean that it is impossible to cum or escape AND is suitable for long-term wear (more than a week at a time - with supervised removals for cleaning of course.) One the other hand, it seems that most people are quite happy with their belt-type device. It seems that this is a really significant find and should be investigated. Perhaps a chastity mansion poll in which people specify their device, how often they wear it, if it stops orgasm, and how comfortable they would rate it. I wouldn't be surprised if the CB/Lori's devices poll extremely poorly next to the Neosteel or Tollyboy, given the recent responses here. Food for thought....although I'm still waiting for my second fitting on my Lori's spiral... ~spiraled1
I can't comment on others but I can tell you that a steel belt is much more secure for me than the trappd ball devices. I haven't tried a Lori's tube and don't have a desire unless instructed to. It's been a long time since I wore a CB2k but I can tell you I can orgasm in a CB3k which is something I can't do in my William Jones Belt (similar to Tollyboy). I can rub the front shield on the belt all day and/or night and get nothing from it. Combine that with no access and it's an easy choice. Now the benefits are that I've had some problems with weight gained after ordering the belt. So it took awhile for it to fit right. And I've also had some minor problems with the shield edging. But nothing I couldn't fix. Cleaning is harder, as is peeing but that's a trade off for security. Add these to the high cost of a steel belt and it's not for everyone. My suggestion is for those exploring a CBxxxx is a good inexpensive place to start. For someone who is going to be very serious and knows that this will be part of their lifestyle then they need to do some research and decide which option will work best for them. It won't ensure that they won't have problems but should help limit them.
Well, I just got the second "cage" portion of the Lori's spiral device. The size was right and it was indeed a nice tight fit. However the spiral design kind of squeezed the skin over my piercing really tight, and after just an hour I could tell it was going to be a major problem, so off it came. Nothing against these devices, but the spiral clearly isn't the device for me. I need to evaluate whether to go with a different design on the Lori's devices or scrap the whole pierced cage idea and go with a neosteel. My only option with the neosteel will be the masterpiece arch, since several neosteel wearers agree that is the only type that might allow me to continue running (although I recently discovered I have tendonitis in my ankle, so I haven't been running lately anyway!) making it a very considerable investment. Oh well. Maybe one day I'll find something that works. In the meantime my mistress has me on the honor system and that is working ok, but she really wants to find a device to lock me up securely in... sorry for the long rant, it's just been a frustrating and expensive process... ~spiraled1