Newbie Struggles with Wife as Keyholder Dynamic

Discussion in 'Novices and newbies' started by Marcus_Fappington, Feb 23, 2023.

  1. Marcus_Fappington

    Marcus_Fappington Mid-Life Crisis Haver

    Feb 20, 2023
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    So what happened is after a few times playing with chastity for short sessions I told my wife/keyholder I wanted to push it longer without orgasms (previous chastity sessions she was giving me orgasms in 2 or 3 days). At the same time, I was keeping up my chastity diary. One day 5 I wrote:

    I actually did know where they were and went but I was just all despondent and depressed and that makes me think/say things I know aren't true. That was over a month ago and she's shown no interest in male chastity since. None whatsoever.

    In our vanilla relationship I am completely dominant and she is pretty happy with that. She played along with the male chastity thing a bit but couldn't really get into a femdom mindset at all. She's not one to want me to be unhappy so telling her how I felt just made her end the game. She doesn't have time for tease and denial and worrying about the state of my orgasms and whatever.

    In terms of what I actually wanted out of male chastity, it's not actually about sex because our sex life is really good but rather:
    • To learn/be trained to be a better husband
    • To build trust from [wife] and trust in [wife] – much of the game is trust based on both sides
    • To cure or hold back my seasonal depression which will happen as a result of the interesting nature of the game along with male chastity bolstering my hormonal state
    • To control my jealousy, lust, and wrath
    • To show my wife how much I love her and how far I'm willing to go to make her happy
    • To see how [wife] behaves and maybe learn something new about her personality, character, or fantasies
    So I kind of killed it for now at least.

    I guess the issue is two fold:
    Locked and forgotten type issues
    She's not ....malicious? or femdom oriented enough to push me thru my complaints/unhappiness

    Any advice on how to do this better if she ever decides to re-engage chastity play with me?
    Lazlo Toth likes this.
  2. Giles_English

    Giles_English Chaste slave

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    Sounds like she doesn't want you locked around the kids.
  3. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Sounds a lot like you need to find a way to turn her thinking around. She doesn’t have to be malicious, rather to understand that her denial is a sign of kindness.

    You also need to think about what you are doing that is making this situation pressured. She doesn’t need time for tease and denial, it can take seconds and last days. Just a mention of your predicament will suffice.
    She doesn’t need to do anything other than hold the keys.

    As a very minimum approach you could simply ask for orgasm denial. There is absolutely no change to anything you are doing, with the understanding that sexual interactions do not end in your climax. That alone will allow her to see the positive aspects of this lifestyle and build her own version of what that is.
    Danny15 likes this.
  4. Marcus_Fappington

    Marcus_Fappington Mid-Life Crisis Haver

    Feb 20, 2023
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    Recently she wanted me to do something and threatened me with the cage if I didn't get it done by a certain date. I told her, it's not really a threat if I want it....but I did the thing anyway :(.

    I think she got that from our few chastity sessions. But obviously they aren't significant enough to keep going I guess? I helped her a lot more with house work when I was caged but she doesn't seem to mind doing all the house work I guess. I already offer WAY more oral sex to her than she even wants (we watched the entire Hobbit trilogy over a period of weeks and I was licking her pussy basically thru the entire film trilogy). I already offer more orgasms to her than she wants. I already use more sex toys on her than she ever imagined existed or wanted. So sexually there is 0 reason other than perhaps to STOP me from getting her into sexual situations. In terms of servitude and help with chores, she said she didn't really like how overly helpful and eager to please I was during lockup :rolleyes:.

    I know some people don't like the chastity contract thing but we do. The next contract, unexecuted heretofore, states that I am able to attempt to initiate sex throughout the duration of the contract. This prevents the "locked and forgotten" issue. If I'm passively waiting for her to get horny we're going to have sex, at most, 2 maybe 3 times a month and...yea I've read a lot of stuff from people in this kink so I guess I'm way way way off base from what other guys are doing and want out of this whole kink or whatever you want to call it. I guess I want to give her control but simultaneously continue an active sex life and yea maybe these things aren't compatible.
  5. WWSUB

    WWSUB Long term member

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    My opinion is this… you’re annoying her. It’s nothing new, I know you’re excited about this new lifestyle and there’s a lot of changes for the two of you. But realistically you’re probably annoying her because you’ve become more needy for her to give you attention and she may be feeling pressure from you like she’s doing something wrong. The locked and forgotten feeling is you being hyper focused on your locked cock having never experienced anything like this before. You’re thinking about your dick 24/7 and she isn’t so you feel like it’s been longer than usual since she’s played with you. So it makes you feel a little insecure and forgotten about but these are the feelings that are important to control. You say your wife would only want sex 2-3 times a month if left up to her yet you’ll have sex 2-3 times a week if you’re not locked. Maybe you’re pushing her into sex (not saying she doesn’t want it) and she’s doing it more for you than herself even if she enjoys it. Perhaps her wanting sex only a few times a month is her preference although she still wants to feel and be chased by you. That is very much how my wife is, she loves the sexual flirtation and attention she constantly gets but doesn’t necessarily want to unlock me or have me touch her in a sexual way other than a butt squeeze or something of the like.

    The point I’m getting at is that if you really want her to become more dominant and assume more control then you really need to figure out how to be on the same page as her and go at her pace. Know that you’ve let go control and you’re along for her ride. She’s still discovering her domme side and it’s not easy for anyone to instantly switch their mindset into domme mode when they’re not familiar or comfortable with behaving like that. It’s awkward for her and there is a lot of pressure on her to perform because she’s trying to make you happy as well as live a regular day to day life with a family. My wife and I have been living a chastity/FLR lifestyle for 8 years and she told me just recently that the last 2 years she’s actually felt the most comfortable in her role and really embracing it now. You need to show your wife you have self control and not complain to her about what you’re not getting from her. You should be eager to help with those chores but don’t point it out to her every time you do a chore, tell by physically doing it and let her see. She’s probably not happy to do all the chores but maybe she thinks you’re seeking to much validation from her for helping her with things that she does on a daily basis and doesn’t get thanked for. So she’s rather do them herself then think she needs to thank you for helping out.

    My point is that if you really want the chastity lifestyle in your marriage you need to be prepared to do it on her terms and at her pace. You may only have sex or be played with 2-3 times a month based on her wants and you have to be okay with that. This is constantly changing for us but on average my wife only wants sex 2-3 times a month and it’s not because it’s boring or no good. We have very hot incredible sex in many forms but it doesn’t happen often. It’s more about the quality versus the quantity as my wife puts it. I really had to wrap my head around that, I am a very sexual person, it was hard for me to not have the kind of physicality I craved from her but it’s how at the moment she wants things.

    You really have to get in the mindset of doing it her way and let go of what you want. Doesn’t mean that what you want isn’t important, it just means you need to be patient and allow your wife to get into a spot where she feels more comfortable and confident with her role. When that happens she will open up more to your wants and needs. Then one day you’ll be shocked at the progress and how far along your chastity marriage has come. It’s up to you to help get her in the right head space to domme and up to you to behave accordingly to help keep her there.
    Gloria88, bondinchas and Danny15 like this.
  6. Marcus_Fappington

    Marcus_Fappington Mid-Life Crisis Haver

    Feb 20, 2023
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    Basically I think you're right and can't argue any of your advice.
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  7. WWSUB

    WWSUB Long term member

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    Dude there is a big learning curve and I only say what I say because I’ve been there and done that. I’ve made so many mistakes along the way I wish I would’ve been smarter about . But the longer we do this the more I learn about myself as well as my wife. It’s been a great adventure together and I majorly gotta hand it to my wife for putting up with my dumbass and allowing me to learn from my mistakes. Just apologize to your wife and let her know you want to try harder if she’ll allow you another chance at this. Sounds like she was enjoying it to some degree.
    bondinchas likes this.
  8. Nicoftime

    Nicoftime The suspense is terrible...I hope it lasts

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    I think she was completely right! You are not ready to be trained.

    If training was her and your goal, you failed. Failed at the bare minimum. When you are ready to fully submit to her needs and desires, ask her if you could resume and ensure her of your new found attitude adjustment.

    I’ve read about this a lot. Wives do not want to be babysitting genitals or grown men. They will take charge of a key and sex, but having another person in the house to check on or correct daily is not fun for them.

    No one is perfect, but if it’s still new, and you are bugging her and not behaving as you had promised…how is it going to be when this is old hat and barely a blip on the kinky scale. I’ll tell ya, it will be aggravating for her, and no fun for you either.

    Get your submissive mind right, commit, and follow through.
    bondinchas and Lazlo Toth like this.
  9. M@rcellus

    M@rcellus Long term member

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    We spend quite a lot of time just chilling with her not having to worry about my expectations. They are there, it's just that to be submissive is to just enjoy what we're doing in the moment. Nights like this we could be friends, flatmates or whatever. Even then we'll usually have a night time oral session for her before we sleep. The kinky playtime always comes around I just have to wait. Seems like you're getting a hard time on here. I like what I've got which is a domme who is relaxed in her position, feels no need to perform. She needed time and space to get there. I just want you to get into the same kind of position if that's what you want. You should also be prepared to get chastity and nothing else for a fortnight or so as I find I really need that time for the hormones to charge up so I am horny and kind of emotional in a classically feminine way, sort of feeling emotionally needy but not acting needy, just being 100% present in the relationship if that makes sense. It's a wonderful and multifaceted thing this chastity lifestyle and well worth pursuing. I wish you well.
    WWSUB likes this.
  10. Marcus_Fappington

    Marcus_Fappington Mid-Life Crisis Haver

    Feb 20, 2023
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    Thanks for all the good advice. I think one dynamic here is that the wife thinks of this as punitive and corrective. So if she's happy with me, she doesn't want to cage me. But at the same time, I'm not going to piss her off just to get caged. A big part of the reason I wanted to do this was a genuine desire to be a better husband in certain areas of our relationship. If she's happy then I don't want to force anything. I'll just wait patiently. She is fully aware of my interest in this kink and that I'm wearing my holy trainer v5 right now as I type this. Her knowing I'm self caging and abstaining from masturbation (another thing she desires, I admitted I sometimes masturbated up to 3 times a day while "working from home" and she was VERY against that sort of behavior and told me it's completely unacceptable) at least keeps the concept of male chastity in her mind so when she's ready for another training session she'll tell me. So basically, I ruined the game by being too asserting and controlling, and now I have to be patient and passively wait for her to be ready to play again....and then I can implement some of the advice in this thread and try to make it work better. I kind of think she has a very specific time frame in mind to recage me (she has some strenuous/long work hours coming up as part of her medical residency and she's indicated she sees no way to get through it without having control over me during that time). So, until then, cheers.
  11. Lazlo Toth

    Lazlo Toth C/D on the TomAllen-Rectrix scale: 9/9

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    I love your comment here that “wives do not want to be babysitting the genitals of grown men.”

    I’ve come to accept this. My wife likes me being chaste. She has zero interest in the hardware.

    Just like finishing some house chores without having to be threatened with a spanking, putting on your device and wearing it without being told ISN’T being “forgotten”. It is simply being a loving husband.

    I hope this helps Marcus, too.
    littleguy3 and IB-Chaste like this.
  12. jemima

    jemima maid for my Mistress

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    a lot of Ladys am fed up of men that keep wanting them do things to them when they am locked up in a cage and that is why the Ladys get fed up. they shud just do what they am telled to do and then praps the Ladys will be more happy with them.
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  13. Caged for life

    Caged for life Long term member

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    My wife is new as well, I find myself forgotten sometimes.
    She has moments of brilliance in chastity and then nothing for some time
  14. captain midnight

    Nov 21, 2022
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    It sounds like you had some good intentions with exploring male chastity, but unfortunately it didn't work out the way you had hoped. It's understandable that your wife/keyholder may not have been able to fully embrace the femdom mindset or have the time to devote to tease and denial.

    If she ever decides to re-engage chastity play with you, it might be helpful to have a candid conversation about both of your expectations and limitations. You could try to find a balance between what you want to achieve with male chastity and what your wife is comfortable with. It's important to remember that communication and trust are key in any type of power exchange dynamic.

    You could also consider exploring other ways to achieve your goals, such as couples therapy or personal self-improvement work. Remember that male chastity is just one tool in the toolbox, and there are many other ways to improve yourself and your relationship with your wife.
  15. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    It sound like the best thing is to sit down and have a drink to relax and then talk things through. And to go from there.
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