Last Activity:
Aug 31, 2024 at 6:35 PM
Mar 1, 2020 at 12:17 PM
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Local Time:
12:35 AM
Mar 15, 1975 (Age: 49)
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
Seeker of Truth and Knowledge.


Long term member, Male, 49, from Texas

Learn to sit back and observe. Not everything needs a reaction. May 10, 2024

Isopropylforyou was last seen:
Aug 31, 2024 at 6:35 PM
    1. Slutty Susan
      Slutty Susan
      Thankyou for the like.
      Isopropylforyou likes this.
    2. Isopropylforyou
      Learn to sit back and observe. Not everything needs a reaction.
      1. Rectrix
        You are so correct. And so out of tune with the times we live in.
        May 12, 2024
        Isopropylforyou likes this.
    3. Isopropylforyou
      A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything.
    4. Isopropylforyou
      Of what does not concern you, say nothing good or bad.
    5. Isopropylforyou
      Never replace a chandelier while wearing a metal cage. Just trust me on this one.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Breathe
        Oof. Unintentional electro sounds ... not fun at all.
        Jan 25, 2024
        Isopropylforyou likes this.
      3. Isopropylforyou
        I swear my testicles were smoking...
        Jan 25, 2024
      4. PornAddict103
        HAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one! XD
        Jan 25, 2024
        Isopropylforyou likes this.
    6. Isopropylforyou
      The Strength of your mind is Stronger than the Strength of your Cage.
      Breathe likes this.
    7. Isopropylforyou
      People just need to be nice, be happy for others and mind their own business.
    8. Isopropylforyou
      Keep your attention internal, not external. Do not worry about what everyone else sees, but what the self sees.
      Breathe and TangoSub like this.
    9. TangoSub
      Thank you for following me.
      Isopropylforyou likes this.
      1. Isopropylforyou
        It's Bears Season. We need to stick together.
        Oct 6, 2023
        TangoSub likes this.
    10. Isopropylforyou
      It is ok to live a life that others do not understand.
      Breathe likes this.
    11. Isopropylforyou
      Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.
    12. Isopropylforyou
      I no longer have Winter Fat, I now have Spring Rolls.
    13. Isopropylforyou
      You think you know pain, you think you know suffering, unless you are a Bears fan you know nothing....
      asastype and Lazlo Toth like this.
    14. Isopropylforyou
      The older I get, the more I identify with Slappy Squirrel.
      Bronco likes this.
    15. Isopropylforyou
      You never Fail, you just find out what does not work.
      Bronco and LockedbyFridayGirl like this.
    16. Isopropylforyou
      Never judge a person by how strong they are physically, but by the strength of their own conviction.
      Bronco likes this.
    17. Isopropylforyou
      A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
      Bronco likes this.
    18. Isopropylforyou
      People have forgotten how to be people. Everyone just seems too focused on themselves and not paying attention to the world around them.
      Sissy-Angela and Bronco like this.
    19. Isopropylforyou
      Do Clown farts smell funny?
    20. Isopropylforyou
      I would like to thank Coffee for helping me get though this time of year. Without you Magic Bean, I would not have made it.
      Breathe and Lazlo Toth like this.
    21. Hubby&Missy
      Getting senile already are we? LOL Actually it is probably one of those things that you do without even thinking about it so you don't remember doing it. I don't know how many times I have gone back to see if I turned the stove off or locked the door and I always did but I couldn't remember actually doing it.
      Isopropylforyou likes this.
      1. Isopropylforyou
        It's like the Coffee hit me and I began to realize things. It was just so funny to me this morning.
        Feb 10, 2022
    22. Isopropylforyou
      Today, I walked into work realized I was wearing pants, but I do not remember how they got there. Interesting times ahead!
    23. Isopropylforyou
      Iso 2, COVID 0
      Gil Carnovsky likes this.
    24. Isopropylforyou
      COVID Round 2! Ready? FIGHT!!
    25. Hubby&Missy
      The most magical thing is when they can go through hard times and come out the other end more in love than ever.
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  • About

    Mar 15, 1975 (Age: 49)
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Seeker of Truth and Knowledge.
    My key is held by:
    My Love, She who Must Be Obeyed.
    Locked since:
    January 9, 2020
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Other - (Explain in "About You")
    Chastity devices:
    My mind and a metal cage I found on Amazon.
    What brought me here was an article I read on "Evolving your Man". I was on a business trip cruising for porn and I somehow found this article about how Masterbating was cheating. That realization hit me like sucker punch to the gut. The author was right. It is cheating. I had been cheating on my wife with myself.

    I love my wife and on our Wedding day, I made a promise to Honor and Obey Her. By hiding my Masterbation behind closed doors without her knowing was wrong and suddenly seemed a bit sleazy. I should be sharing everything with her. I was dishonoring Her, our Marriage and Myself. Being an Honorable Man is extremely important part of my life. It defines who I am. The realization that I was acting dishonorably toward my wife was too much for me.

    So I decided to do something about it.

    I stopped masterbating right then and there. I closed all my porn accounts, deleted all my videos, erased all my bookmarks and vowed to stop touching myself. My only pleasure would be with her. My only focus would be her. My love, My Lust and My Desire would be focused solely on her. I felt that this is how it should be.

    When I returned home I told her everything. Everything. I told her about my Porn watching habits. I told her I have been masterbating at least once a day since we met. I told her I was done with all of it and informed her that from now on she would be in charge of my Orgasms. She would decide when, where and if I am allowed to have one.

    Her reaction...she thought I was absolutely fucking crazy.

    She had no idea that I had been masterbating so often. She did not even see how that was possible.

    She did not like how I was giving her control of my Orgasms. She thought I was being weird. But I told her I was doing it anyway.

    Later on I told her that my penis was hers through marriage and she could determine what was done to it. She thought this was strange as well. I told Her I was doing it anyway.

    While researching Chasity, fate directed me here. I am here seeking knowledge.

    Now I am still figuring things out. I have a extensive Martial Arts background which has helped me stay in control. I am cageless 100% of the time. It is pure will power that keeps me in check. The knowledge that I will dishonor my commitment to her is a constant reminder to keep me in line.

    It has not been easy me. I fact it has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. To go from Masterbating everyday for years to nothing. It is a constant battle everyday.

    Sometimes every minute.

    My Beautiful wife has been slow to get onboard with this change but she is starting to come around.

    Now I do not consider myself a traditional Submissive. My dynamic with my Wife is closer to a Samurai and a Daimyo (Japanese Lord). I serve Her and her alone. My Wife has total authority over me. I protect Her, our Home and defend Her Honor. My life is hers. Woe be to those that dishonor Her.


    I do not kneel to my Wife out of submission.

    I bend the knee in Honor of Her.
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