Last Activity:
Jun 16, 2024
Nov 3, 2018 at 6:37 PM
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Sep 1, 1967 (Age: 56)
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):


Member, Male, 56, from Indiana

Day 5 Locked Jul 29, 2022

Denied7151 was last seen:
Jun 16, 2024
    1. Denied7151
      Day 5 Locked
    2. Denied7151
      After a period of freedom. Unexpectedly reacquainted with my device this evening. GF says it time.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. Rectrix
        I hate Day 1. Day 81 is better.
        Jul 24, 2022
        Denied7151 likes this.
      2. Denied7151
        The last time I was in for 8 months.
        Jul 24, 2022
        Rectrix likes this.
    3. Denied7151
      After an extended period of freedom, My GF informed me I will soon be facing lockup as my recent behavior has not been to her liking.
      Tarknassus and Rectrix like this.
      1. Denied7151
        I tried to apologize, but she told me to stop whining and accept what I'm about to face. She said it would be a short period. The last time she said that I was locked for 8 months with 5 ruined orgasms. Wasn't expecting this tonight, a little nervous now.
        Apr 11, 2022
        asastype likes this.
    4. Denied7151
      Haven't been permitted to touch my cock unlocked for 126 days. I'm cuffed behind my back during my cleanings. I'm definitely a changed man
      ugams and Rectrix like this.
    5. Denied7151
      Day 98. I have seriously been put in my place.
      Locked2019 likes this.
    6. Denied7151
      I never imagined my GF would push me this far. 82 days locked with one ruined orgasm at day 61.
      Ma’ams Slut likes this.
    7. Denied7151
      After 61 days locked. Tonight i was restrained and let out.I experienced a very frustrating ruined orgasm and was locked back up again.
      Rectrix and Ma’ams Slut like this.
    8. Denied7151
      Day 20. The ring is painful today.
    9. Denied7151
      Look for suggestions on a good lube. I did alot of walking today and the ring has my scrotum sore.
    10. Cagedboi69
      I’ve only been locked up for 10 days so far this time, pervious was 26 days, and experienced the most painful night time erection ever last night.
    11. Denied7151
      Night time erections hitting me hard tonight.
      Rectrix likes this.
    12. Denied7151
      Resisting the device is futile.I must surrender to it.
      Rectrix likes this.
    13. Denied7151
      So aroused today. So helpless.
      Ma’ams Slut likes this.
    14. Denied7151
      Well my friends my girlfriend had me draw 1 card out of 20 numbered 15 thru 35. Luck was not on my side tonight as i drew 33 more days.
      Penney likes this.
    15. Denied7151
      My girlfriend just gave me 20 small cards. I was instructed to write a number on each card starting with 15 to 35. Wish me luck.
      KatlynAshe and Ma’ams Slut like this.
      1. Unlucky
        I hope that 1) she didn't let you see the number selected and 2) that you got 35.
        Jan 21, 2019
        Denied7151 likes this.
      2. Denied7151
        Well Unlucky i got 33 more days added to the 15 days already locked. The longest i was locked prior was 29 days. My girl is really getting off screwing with my head. I have a feeling i won't be released in 33 days.
        Jan 21, 2019
    16. Denied7151
      Entering day 15 locked. Been out twice for cleaning. Girlfriend now handcuffs me behind my back while she cleans me. So frustrating.
      ugams and Ma’ams Slut like this.
    17. Denied7151
      My girlfriend locked me up this evening. She is really getting into this. She explained to me i will be spending more time locked in 2019
      ugams, Rectrix and Ma’ams Slut like this.
    18. Denied7151
      I have a device with a 50mm metal ring. I'm having an issue getting everything through the ring.Any suggestions would be appreciated.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Denied7151
        I did try it as you describe. Trying to get the 2nd testicle through is proving very difficult. I can get my penis and one testicle through with no problem.
        Jan 2, 2019
      3. Unlucky
        If you can get one through, I'm not sure why'd you have an issue with the other as the first getting through doesn't reduce the space for the second. Did you try with the other testicle first?
        Jan 2, 2019
      4. Denied7151
        Finally got it to work. Thanks for the suggestions.
        Jan 3, 2019
    19. Denied7151
      My girlfriend announced to me I will be soon be experiencing long periods locked up.I'm seeking recommendations on good devices for that.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Denied7151
        Thank you much for your advice. I currently have a CB6000 and about 2days is all i can bear in that before my scrotum is hurting bad from the ring.
        Dec 29, 2018
      3. Unlucky
        Properly fitting devices run on the small side which means they somewhat clamp down on erections before they have a chance to grow out of hand (pun intended) which means less stretching on the skin which means less friction on the scrotum. That being said, using some sort of lube at night on the ring is ALWAYS a good idea and might help alleviate your issues.
        Dec 30, 2018
        Denied7151 likes this.
      4. Denied7151
        Thank you much. I forwarded your info to my girlfriend. She took some measurements of my cock last night. I believe she may of ordered a few devices from Amazon last night.I guess I'll find out if and when they arrive.
        Dec 30, 2018
        Rectrix likes this.
    20. Denied7151
      Needing recommendations.
    21. Denied7151
      Being new this forum is very exciting. Hope to learn many of the aspects about chastity that I'm currently unaware of.
      Breathe likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1967 (Age: 56)
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    My key is held by:
    My Girlfriend
    Locked since:
    January 6th 2019
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    Chastity devices:
    Chastity resume:
    My experience with Chastity began on December 26th 2016.
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