A week to a month with a whole lot of pegging. My wife’s new journey.

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  1. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Ok, my journal and the plans to go 121 days without experiencing freedom went a little sideways so it’s time for somewhere new to document my chastity struggles. It is however, time for my wife to fully accept the lead role.

    We start on why would have been day 83 of a continuous 121 day lock up.


    Finding her feet

    If we’d had carried on I’d still have over a month before I was released. I’m pretty sure that would have been a step too far considering all the ups and downs we experienced when I was finally released. We needed the break to determine what to do next. We needed the break to enjoy each other. If I’ve learned one thing it is that permanent chastity and complete denial of PIV is just something that isn’t going to work in our relationship. Not yet anyhow, she has joked that when she hits menopause that I shouldn’t ever expect to be released ever again! That’s for the future, we still have a lot to experience. We have certainly learned that complete withdrawal from the cage is also something that isn’t going to work…

    There’s a 3rd thing that we’ve learned too. I know it, she now understands it. I cannot be in control! When I am, I can never satisfy myself enough. I always have to push that little bit further, and then some again. I’d have sexual activities going on every night until they become unmanageable, unrealistic and dissatisfying. There are no limits to how far I would go. That’s definitely a problem that the cage will aid with when she finally finds her feet again.

    Handing over control is now my biggest challenge all over again. It’s like our chastity journey has come full circle and we have ended up back at the beginning. It’s certainly not been a linear journey, but we find ourselves now with a wealth of understanding on who we each are and how we can remain content in our sexual lives in the coming years.

    Still I find it tough. As she muses between letting me out a lot and not letting me cum, to not being released at all, I struggle to keep myself from speaking up on what we should do. I know what my preferences would be, but I know now this has to be her journey. She has grown into it a lot and very quickly, drawing on her knowledge of what she wants, but also what she’s comfortable with. Learnings she has made within herself whilst I tested her limits on the cage, our life and changing everything we were to fit some predefined FLR.

    She has already started setting boundaries and has intertwined certain aspects of our life into our chastity dynamic. One of which is how often I drink. I’m glad she has acknowledged that fact as whilst some were celebrating a dry January I was doing quite the opposite. When she set rules on this she asked my perspective, what I would expect in return for reducing something I enjoy for her. This was a solid example to her on how this situation has changed. When we embarked on this route her requirements were met with some form of reward for me; something sexual and no less. So when she asked what I wanted I was clear that I expected nothing. I was clear, because that was the truth. Our sex life has always been an issue in our relationship to some degree as it is within anyone’s. I doubt there is a couple on here that could argue that they are the perfect match. I understand now if we are to retain some balance, if I can offset the happiness I receive with her giving me the denial I crave, this can only be achieved in kind. I answered clearly, “If it makes you happier then it’s something I’ll agree to. I don’t want a reward”.

    She was content with this response, but she was also made it known that if I do disappoint her on this I should expect a consequence. She has no intention to monitor me fully, that’s on me, but if she senses that I’m not fulfilling on my word that’s enough. No set rules, set punishments or rewards. Just her happiness to focus upon.

    Another subtle difference I have seen is how she has started to set tasks. She doesn’t write lists, there’s no point systems or charts. Just a gentle message here and there about what’s he wants me to do. They’re not requests, more directional statements. Eg. “Today I need you to go and…”. “There’s some jobs that need doing today…”. Just natural dominance in our relationship that sits well with who we both are. I don’t have to know in advance of her needs or complete everything even though it wasn’t what she wanted me to do. She wants to contribute, but expects me to help out in ways when I’m directed. She’s also being very clear that there’s something else she wants me to achieve, if she’s has lost her favourite part of me then the rest of my body should be arousing to her too. My arms and chest especially, but my abs and legs shouldn’t be ignored either. I stopped working out after our big holiday where I would be in view for everyone else.. I neglected the thought that the most important person to enjoy me is her. So when she sets her tasks she also adds into the mix “unless you’re going to the gym or working out. That’s your priority.”

    Within a few days she’s reset our dynamic. Should I say it’s an FLR? I don’t know, but if this is it, where my wife ensures I remain fit and healthy, have a better diet and gives me the opportunity to please her in ways she manages… well I guess I’m all for it. This is the best kind of FLR I could have asked for!

    So what is happening now? I’d let her decide upon the cage aspects of our life when she relocked me. It’s how this has to be. She had settled upon once a week intercourse, but I wouldn’t cum. Once a week orgasm max but she was yet to define how that would be and she was at a loss on how to manage my freedom. She doesn’t really want to have all the pressure that comes alongside thinking about her own sexual needs and mine at every given stage. This thought process changed when she relocked me. My piercing is great for ensuring I can’t pull out. The BAWR is phenomenal for long term wear. The propriety screw is a fantastic addition to ensure my cage lock doesn’t bother her when we are intimate. All that comes at a price, it’s takes time to remove and be ready for intercourse… after she put it on, she declared, “That’s why you won’t be released very often. It takes ages, it’s not worth it.”

    It is a faff, I can agree on that point. It’s not like the fantasies you see as a semi erect penis is forced into a very simple cage. A cage that will not at all prevent pull out or be comfortable long term. This cage provides long term security. Readily available for PIV not so much!

    Last night, she eluded on her thought process for a different strategy. When I was finally released and finally experiencing freedom after two long ass months, I thought a couple of weeks denial at a time would be a nice balance. Just enough to keep the denial alive and to still get the most from our sex life. I had considered that Valentine’s Day would be a good time for some freedom and to make the most of our love for each other (eww. Sentiments). She on the other hand appears to have something far more adventurous in mind, Valentine’s Day (and she had counted how long it would be) would be the perfect time for her to take me again with her strapon, the time I would feel it in the most pleasurable way. It might not be for everyone, but she seemed excited by the idea. Considering it was the first real night we had talked about this in any real context, most of our evenings had up until this point consisted of gaining a 4 day streak of female orgasms in varying manners, it was quite a surprise that she had settled upon a different system. A system that appears to focus on my needs whilst maintaining the balance in hers. (She has decided upon a plan, more on that by the end of this mightn’t long post.)

    There’s still an internal struggle within her as she weighs up the best route to follow with the denial and I would suggest that some of her questioning wasn’t so much playful banter, but as a means understand and to determine how to make the most of the situation.

    She posed at one point if I had a choice between only ever taking a strapon or having sex as a means to orgasm which would I pick?

    Although my anal orgasms far exceed the pleasure I feel from your typical penile counterpart, they do not reduce the craving for alternative at all. Most men I guess would know their answer, who would give up on full intercourse for any other of life’s factors? That’s crazy! For me that’s a tough decision, I went without pegging for months, long enough to know that I didn’t really want that to be permanently absent in my life. Anal orgasms are great and a good addition to the experience, but there’s something rather unique in seeing your partner donning a false penis for your sole pleasure. I’d say I find that image more sexy than any lingerie she could appear in. It’s always been one of my favourite acts. Recieving this for the first time at just 18, it’s a part of my sexual make-up and formed some part of my sexual experience throughout each of my previous relationships. Giving that up would be difficult. Giving up sex would be as bad, even if it meant I could still receive half of the event without the climax… I still wouldn’t know if I can answer that question. Neither option sounded good and she knows full well I wouldn’t be happy without being pegged every so often. I thought for it for a while before telling her, “I think the only option I could say for picking the strap-on would be how little I could receive the alternative. I think if I could have sex just 4 times a year (my maths being that every 3 months would still be achievable) I could accept a life with just a strap-on otherwise.”

    Was my wife shocked by this? Not a chance! However, this wasn’t the question she really cared about. She was on a fact finding mission for sure. “So you’d want to orgasm when we have sex too?” She followed up.

    “Obviously, it’s so much better when I can enjoy it fully. I didn’t say I wanted to give up every orgasm.”

    There you have it, how my relationship works, how my chastity dynamic will be moulded. Silly little questions that give her full understanding. Without ever asking the question, without me pushing for a plan that fits my needs: she knows my limits on how frequently (or infrequently, depends how you look at it) I can orgasm and remain positive.

    So finally, this morning my wife laid out her new schedule that suits her needs. Enough sex without fiddling with the cage every week. Honestly, it was the exact idea I had settled on would fit best, so for her to suggest it and to feel fully in control and still give me the best option was rather satisfying.

    Here’s how that conversation went:

    My wife (to our toddler): Isn’t daddy your friend?

    Toddler: No!

    My wife: Daddy’s my bestfriend.

    Me: Yeah, best friend with benefits.

    My wife: Yeah, 4 days straight of benefits this week, but not the one I want the most.

    (My toddler had left the room at this point, we don’t discuss sex in front of him!)

    Me: sounds like it’s time for a little bit of freedom to satisfy you properly! (Taking this moment to grope her)

    My wife: No I’ve decided I’m going to let you out for a few days the week after my period.

    Me: That’s a good plan, it’s when you’re the horniest.

    My wife: It has to be a few days though so I can make the most of it!

    Me: You’re also really horny the week before your period.

    My wife: I know that too… that’s when you can expect some real fun! (Returning my grope of her vagina with one on my bum).

    So that’s that. A week to sort out, handing over a little control and I’m sure my chastity experience is just about to begin fully. It’s now her journey…
    denied_one, LoneMan, knightly and 4 others like this.
  2. Echo321

    Echo321 Long term member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    Good for you. I love how you two easily change your ways when something isn’t working right for one (or both) of you. Too many people seem to chase an idealized version of chastity instead of doing what’s best for their own relationship.
    Stephplayswithyou likes this.
  3. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Thank you. It does seem that it goes wrong quite often :confused:
    I guess that’s a good thing. We retain the passion. She will admit that’s she’s quite hotheaded and can easily lash out at things when they aren’t right. It causes the speed bumps that we often hit, but it also gives us an opportunity to talk and figure out solutions.

    I’d say this round of chastity may be more definitive (if I can keep my mouth shut). It’s on her, it’s her decision to keep me caged, she’s making the decisions on how long and how frequent… if she isn’t happy she has the sole responsibility of putting that right. I guess that’s pressurising and comforting all in one, it it also gives her a lot of freedom to just do her own thing.

    Only time will tell.
    littleguy3 likes this.
  4. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    Thanks for sharing.
  5. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Just 10 days into the new regime.

    The cycle.

    I thought about adding a graph of the hormone cycle, but that seems to be a whole lot of work so I’ll just describe how the month with my wife seems to go. It’s always the same when I think on it. My wife’s sex drive marries up to monthly cycle to perfection.

    There’s the week of her actual period where nothing much happens, but she becomes incredibly horny, touchy feely and full of insinuations. This is followed by a week where she literally cannot get enough! We’ve had that week… that week was perfect, half unlocked to make the most of my last freedom that I’ll (possibly) ever control, and then half in the cage whilst she allowed me to pleasure her in ways I could only dream of. I’m looking forward to more of these weeks, where she promises she’ll be needing my dick. They set me up with all the frustration I need to keep me going.

    That of course is followed by the next week, where things just aren’t as fun. It starts off OK. Some touching, mild stroking. The feeling in it just isn’t there, the hugs are less passionate and more comforting. The desire to be in my presence is switched to wanting some time for herself; a book, a bath or maybe just scrolling on her phone. There’s still a willingness to participate in more sexual activities, but these tend to be lead a lot more by me and a whole lot more effort needs to be put in just to get her in the correct frame of mind for another explosive orgasm. This week is difficult, the sort of week that makes you ask the question, “What’s wrong?”. There isn’t actually any issues, there isn’t a boredom of the life or anything like that, it’s just the way it is. Understanding that has really helped me just enjoy the time and relax my sexual advances. It does ultimately end with comments like, “See, a week since you’ve been caged and I’m already over not having your dick anymore.” I guess that was kinda hot!

    This is followed by a sexually tentative week as her drive begins to build into craving… but, a concern that things could begin at any moment. I think this is my favourite week. There’s no pressure on the cage as such, it’s just enjoyment of the sexual acts in play that don’t necessarily involve penetration. It facilitates rather than restricts. This week drives me crazy and like any situation for a chaste man, it’s ends in frustration. The sex just stops for another week of waiting…

    I’m not sure where we are right now. I think she’s entering the third week. Last night suggests as much, but she was still willing to allow my fingers (which is a new phenomenon, she’s not been into that for quite some time!) and an adventurous look around the new vibrator I bought her for Valentines this morning. Again, she’s had vibrators but this is the first for internal stimulation.

    If she entering this more aroused state than this is good timing, I’m on a promise for Valentine’s Day and her being sexually motivated will really add to that. There is nothing worse than obligatory sexual actions.

    This is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot.

    It’s just so tough!

    I have to bite my tongue and give political responses and I’m certain that’s through her own doing.The more I withdraw from leading the direction of this chastity dynamic, the more she pushes me for answers. The less my suggestions are made, the more she jumps in them as leading. Women!

    For example, this promise I find myself on is her intention to give me a prostate orgasm, her question the topic being, “Do you want to be out of the cage tomorrow or in it?”

    Like… how do you answer that without taking control. I had the perfect response of course, “That’s really up to you.”

    But this was only met with a frustrated follow up, “Is it going to be easier for you to orgasm in it or outside of it.” Specifics. That I can answer, giving her enough knowledge is still important rather than have her (literally) stumble around in the dark.

    Then in a completely different situation, she is telling me off for ogling her and being too affectionate (wouldn’t have been a problem the week before mind you.) I explained that was why she always relieved my frustration every couple of weeks.

    “Well, that’s great. Now I have to do something every couple of weeks!”

    Omg. Can this get any more difficult? I was just explaining how she had managed it before. How she DECIDED to manage it before. Truth be told, I wasn’t even horny enough to need a release. When she’s in that zone, where she doesn’t want affection, her arousal doesn’t have that knock on effect in me. I’m still going to ogle her and touch her if she’s naked. The cage doesn’t make me gay…

    Anyway, we quickly moved on from that one when I explained I’m more than happy with her decision on once a month of freedom as it suits her needs more.

    The overall situation however, is slowly taking a turn towards her control. The balance of sexual desire has switched to me wanting out of the cage, to penetrate her and have my way. An orgasm and nothing less. Her standing is firmly “No”. This refusal drives me to want out even more… I guess in a way I work harder, think about her more, and am genuinely more intuitive. I guess that’s what this chastity malarkey is all about, it makes me wonder why it takes years to actually get to this stage. To actually want to be out of the cage as much as she wants you in it?

    I can honestly say that if she withdrew her pledge for tonight, and instead replaced it with something penile-centric… I’d take it!

    This is new! I guess we all start at the same stage. You know the one, where you secretly hope she’ll say “No, you’re never coming out.”

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d still want her to lock me up again after a day or two. Maybe even straight away after. Yet, this signifies a definite switch in her favour. A switch towards her control.

    Hope you enjoyed the update. In a few hours I’ll be bent over the bed with my wife behind me… guess that update will be more entertaining.
  6. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    My Four Wives

    Following in from my last post I’ve been thinking and I was going to write up my Valentines events, but I read back and sometimes and I wonder to myself how my wife can vary in her approach from one week to the next. It’s like I’d be describing someone completely different at each point, she changes her mind so often that you’d think she had ADHD herself. But, what I have come to realise that under different hormonal stages these four different mindsets prevail and show a completely different side to her. Im beginning to believe that she needs a different name at each time or one for each week of her cycle.

    I’m still considering my options for these titles but they revolve around the wrong time of the month (for me), I’m leaning towards my ‘untouchable wife’ for this week. The week that follows where she is horny as fuck… I don’t have a name for that one that could be reasoned to be respectful. Then there’s two varying, but somewhat similar approaches in the two weeks in between. Both of which seem to have very little concern about my sexual satisfaction, but respectively one has no sex drive (for now I’m going with wife 3), the other is more than willing (wife 4).

    (Maybe I need to hand over the naming rights to an external source)

    Without experiencing these different mindsets they are hard to describe. You’ll probably get a lot of waffling about my wife’s demeanour over the coming weeks as I experience them firsthand. Most recently I’ve been dealing with one wife in particular.

    (Name to be confirmed) Wife 4

    As her sexual desire grows and the instigation of acts for her become more welcomingly accepted I get completely disinterested monologues like this:

    “I don’t really feel the need to unlock you right now. I don’t get anything from it. It actually makes things worse. Maybe I’ll want to let you out every month or so but it doesn’t feel worth. You might have to wait longer to cum. You’ll still get unlocked for a cleaning though, I know it’s tough when you haven’t shaved and that.”

    To put some perspective of when she was discussing this, she was laid naked, toys still out from a full body massage, two orgasms and she was wiping her intimate areas to dry herself from my rather extensive cunnilingus. She was fully satisfied sexually, and fully satisfied in the belief that I should not have anything in return.

    Whilst her views on my needs are on the floor, her desire to be waited on hand and foot seem to grow. There’s an apparent lack of motivation to take care of her self, instead moving more towards the more directional side of her character; dismissive but expecting.

    “You’ll be giving me a foot rub in a bit.” She told me. She received it gratefully by myself, In fact I found myself aroused by the feel and taste of her feet. I guess I gave more than just your average massage. If she would allow to do so I’d call it worship. Yet, whilst I swelled in my cage. The steel bars reminding me of my unfortunate situation, she ignored the act. Or at least ignored me undertaking it. Only when I stopped did she acknowledge the situation, “you’re not done.”

    The way I’m describing her makes her sound like some pro-domme or experienced handler of an FLR. This is just how my wife is, she would never allow me to describe these acts as sexually dominant. She laid in her comfortable pyjamas enjoying her own relaxation. There was nothing sexy in this moment for my wife, she was chilling and she has accepted that she is in a position to ensure I aid in that.

    When she allowed me to relax from my position between her legs she then made the suggestion that “we need drinks”. There was no movement of hint of her getting these. This was about as clear an instruction as she gives, looking at me expecting.

    “Do you like me taking care of your every need?” I asked as I moved to leave the comfort of the bedroom.

    “Oh, yes. It makes giving up your cock so much better.” She laughed.

    The same wife found out that my new piercing arrived. “That’s a waste of money. You’ll never know if it fits, you’re stuck in the cage from now on.”

    On Sunday I was routinely shopping with my fourth wife and whilst we discussed something monotonous her mind turned to the cage. As matter as fact as you like she just started discussing it in the open… in a crowded aisle… with everyone around to hear. I honestly, don’t think that I’ve ever felt so uncomfortable than I had in that moment as her declaring, “this is why you have to be kept in a cage and I don’t.” I can’t even remember what else she was talking about, I tried to escape my own wife for fear of her talking further, and she was, she was very much detailing our sexual acts like she didn’t have a care in the world. It’s a strange concept for a 37 year old man to be flushed with embarrassment… but there I was. Humiliated.

    Whilst she is completely comfortable with my lack of need to orgasm, she makes plans for the sexual acts to follow, when my untouchable wife has been and gone, wife 2 (name to be confirmed) will be releasing me and allowing me to penetrate her… she won’t be allowing me to orgasm! I get the feeling that wife 4 doesn’t know wife 2 very well by now, as wife 2 really enjoys it when I do! Wife 2 does not like me being contained within a cage very much at all. I fully expect that in a few weeks I’ll be dealing with someone entirely different…

    I say that confidently now, but this does feel different, and when I told me wife (generally speaking to the whole spectrum within my hareem) I was told, “you said you’d want to be let out and that I should ignore you. As far as I’m concerned you’ve had an orgasm last week and that’s enough for now.”

    Oh yes the orgasm… I certainly did. Valentine’s Day brought about a visit my 5th wife!!

    Wife number 5

    Of course there is the occasional visit from my other wife … except I’m not really sure I ever married this one. This seems to be a bit more of fantasy version, a mistress perhaps. It’s almost as though my wife is completely detached with her own insecurities and hang ups and just lets herself go. She leans into the sexual nature of the cage and delivers the ‘fully explicit everything you’ve ever dreamed of’ occasions…
    I love this version of my wife, she gives me a lot of material to work with. She pushes my limits and has me quaking without ever really doing much more than normal. She is the personification of its not what you do, it’s how you do it.

    I swear I’m going to write about my valentines event eventually! That is going to be one hell of a long post that is very sexual in nature!
    denied_one, littleguy3 and knightly like this.
  7. littleguy3

    littleguy3 Adoring husband

    Apr 26, 2022
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    All of this has been evident to the careful observer taking in your posts. I think you've been reluctant until now to admit this publicly. It's a good thing she isn't on CM! :p
    IB-Chaste likes this.
  8. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    I think I’ve always known her moods have changed over the cage for some time. There’s definitely ups and downs.
    It’s nice now that I can almost compartmentalise the reactions I will receive at any given time. That’s been difficult because up until recently her hormones have been really hard to understand.
    It’s only by removing her pill, and moving to a natural cycle rather than an induced period every 3 months that it’s become more pin-pointable.

    It probably the weirdest situation for most people to understand (that aren’t on CM) that wife 2 is the one I find the most difficult to handle. When she becomes conflicted about the cage and concerns herself with a more ‘joint appreciation’, thats when things get messy. That’s when I get pushed to have an opinion, to make decisions and to balance out our needs mutually. What sort of relationship is that :p

    But, yea you are correct. It’s a good job she isn’t on here! I certainly wouldn’t be as open as I am now.
    littleguy3 likes this.
  9. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Valentine’s Day.

    My wife returned to the bedroom looking incredibly casual, yet effortlessly sexy. There’s an appeal to a loosely fitted top and white panties that just gets me every time, yet this was more than that. This choice of attire is synonymous in our relationship with the acts that revolve her controlling and being dominant, whilst maintaining her innocent ‘I haven’t made an effort’ approach that would add pressure upon her. A grey ‘Pokémon trainer’ t-shirt covered her usually feminine frame, a slight nod towards her being in control, a purchase that was intended to be more of a casual joke than the mainstay that it has become in her anal adventuring. Any thought of training is now long gone, I can take any of the toys she possesses that can strap around her hips. The panties were vibrantly white, a present to her from myself for Valentine’s Day. They fulfil the custom of purchasing sale underwear at every given occasion, a joke that started as her birthday falls in January and I always used the sales to beef up her lingerie (it’s safe to say she hasn’t bought herself panties in the whole time we have been together.), now however, I think more to comfort and practicality. I make choices on how I would like her to look, the effects it would have on me, but I take into consideration how she feels in these moments. This choice was perfect for her, and incredibly arousing for me too. White panties being a fetish of mine since puberty and they now reinvigorated my desire for the much simpler of sexual needs; the full back angled around her curvaceous rear, the crotch fitted snugly and formed mounds on top of her lips, her slit showed temptingly but out of reach through the thin fabric armour. I wondered on the aroma that would soon engulf them, my wife’s sweet scent.

    In nothing but T-shirt and functional underwear my wife had me purring, my cage felt tighter than I can remember. My penis longed to break from within. I needed her.

    My thoughts on all the things I could do to my wife if I wasn’t caged were broken when she spoke, taking control and ensuring I knew that this was her show. She would be leading and I could accept only what she had planned, that is how our sexual encounters will be for the forseable future, “Turn over, I’m not giving you any attention to your front tonight”

    I conformed with her commands and laid myself across the towel covering our fresh bedsheets. She wouldn’t be chancing the need to wash our bedding again so soon.

    “And you’ll be needing a blindfold. You’re not watching me either.” She said. The magic of a simple act of covering my eyes should not be underestimated in terms of her confidence. In this instance it seemed redundant, what with me facing away from her but I once again obliged with her request.

    Her fingers traced from the tips of my ankles to the tops of my thighs, gently stroking teasingly towards my exposed scrotum before trailing away. Her soft touch bringing an unexpected moan. The anticipation of the day had heightened my frustration and desire for my wife, now fulfilling upon her promise I found her touches almost electric against my skin. So gentle, so soft: I needed more, I needed it faster. I lay achingly in a tantalising frustration as her gentle caresses moved across my body, up and down my arms, my legs, my thighs and every so often a gentle caress to my genitals. I could feel the moisture beginning to surround the top of my cage, cooling in the nights air.

    Whilst I yearned for more, a deeper grasp upon me, a greater touch against my manhood, her gentle caress was replaced by something even more subtle; feathers softly brushed my skin. I ached for some relief, relief from the tease and as if sensing so my wife’s touch became firmer, sharper. Her fingernails trailed behind the feathers. More moans exuded from my lips and as her scratches reached my inner thighs and the feathers brushed subtly against my scrotum, I felt a pulsating twitch in my groin. A sharp pressure against the cage walls as my desperate penis attempted to grow, a pulse of precum forcefully pushed from within, pooling where I lay against the towel. I didn’t think of it at the time, but now considering this scenario and role reversal we were enacting this was as close to a wet patch as I could imagine.

    This would have been enough foreplay. I could turn over, remove the cage and take my wife how it was intended… That’s how I felt at that moment. I wanted whole heartedly to regain the control and off-set the delicate balance we have finally started to achieve but I just lay there. Aching for something. Transfixed by this wonderfully innocent dominatrix that is my wife. I felt fully submissive. I loved that feeling as much as I struggled the overwhelming frustrations.

    In a few short strokes later, the gentle intimacy of her skin against me was replaced by a monotonous hum of her bullet vibrator. More teasing. I wonder now how much more I could take before I actually begged for relief!

    The vibrations found their way once again to the centre of her attention; it nestled against my testicles. Tingling shivers spread across my body as she leaned back and allowed it to function upon its own accord. Too gentle to bring me over the edge, but enough to add a fire to the softer touches she instilled with her hands… and then her lips. Each point of contact had an extra intensity in the darkness, where all there was to think about was the feel against me. The electric feeling within brought about a feeling of tingling nervousness. Her lips kissed upward from my lower legs. A soft bite to my rear before a gentle parting of her hands signified she was to take this to a new level. Her tongue brushed against my opening. Oh fuck, how I moaned! Her tongue toyed playfully against me before pushing deeper. A mash of soft wetness and incredible sensations.

    “Oh, fuck. I’m going to cum.” I moaned. I could sense the building feeling between my legs. I was so close.

    “Absolutely not!” She stopped all contact, seemingly annoyed that I had considered this. “You’re not cumming that way. Nothing will be touching you there when you do.”

    She moved from the bed and I knew she was employing her harness. Pulling it up against her smooth legs. Nestling the base of the dildo against her crotch as she tightened each strap in turn. I wanted to look, to watch her cute smile as she takes in the view of herself with her strap on, I love how she enjoys this so much. I just laid there. Submissive.

    “Get the lube.” She broke through the quiet music that played on our speaker. “I’m not doing it.”

    My moment. I pulled the blindfold upwards, brushing back to fit a make shift hairband for my now lengthening hair…

    I realise now, but how fucked up this scenario is. It’s like a weird sissy dream, but this is just me and my wife enjoying an evening. The once a month or so fantasy she likes to deliver, the acts I have to wait for, that make chastity all the more interesting.

    However, I didn’t care. Taking her in with her dildo protruding from her groin, the teasing was worth it. I was now gagging for her fuck me!

    In charge of cleaning after all these events I rolled a condom down her false shaft before covering my palm in lube. As I brushed it against her ‘manhood’ her hand reached mine, as a grasped her shaft she pulled my hand up and downwards against it. Masturbation of an inanimate object. I wondered how she would get any benefit from such an act before she made her intentions clear. This was teasing of my situation, of my locked confines, “You don’t get to do this anymore.”

    She had completed her mission to give me the fully submissive, locked husband fantasy… and we hadn’t even moved past the foreplay for the evening. I wonder how she seemingly lacks confidence in the bedroom at times, in these moments I couldn’t even dream of more. She is perfectly suited to being in complete control, I’ll regret the day she realises that too!

    She signalled that I should bend over the bed, no discussion, just a look towards where I should be placed. Taking her stance behind me she thrust forcefully into me, “You didn’t even need lube. This is so easy.”


    What followed was a good 30 - 40 minutes of unplanned pegging, we expect this normally takes a good minute or two before I’m done. Her motions changing from soft and gentle to hard and deep. Exhaustion set in and I found myself on top of her, riding like a cowgirl.

    This however is where the fantasy sort of falls on the wayside, not from her point of view. What she achieved was incredible! My body, now more accustomed to ejaculation in the typical manner wasn’t responding to the dildo how it would after all those months of denial. The gradual build bringing a premature ejaculation, a non-contact penile orgasm. The pressure against my prostate felt harder, more concentrated. Painful almost. I thrust on her in frustration but could not find a way to allow my body to ejaculate. To feel some relief from the tension. Maybe I was overthinking it all. Maybe we need more time. I regret telling my wife these thoughts as she has decided more time is exactly what I’ll be getting moving forward, they’ll be no climax again for me (caged or otherwise) until I can achieve this so easily once again.

    Eventually, after experiencing four full body orgasms without losing a drop of semen I collapsed with fatigue. Frustrated.

    My wife however, is a very considerate partner at times. Retrieving the prostate massager from the drawer, a few clicks of the buttons to find the right setting and I relaxed as she caressed my body once more. A soft rotation against my spot finally gave the relief I so longed for. She’s clear she won’t be so generous next time…
    Baggervance, AsUWish4 and littleguy3 like this.
  10. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    I’m really good to my wife. My wife knows it. I know it. We both enjoy that side of chastity, but I have been getting a sense of the real appreciation the last few days, but I don’t really have one example to really show how it is… I guess it’s just the positivity shown towards me right now. My wife has been quite hectic these last few days (probably weeks) with socialising, work, kids etc. she’s out in and out of the house a lot and I guess conversing with others about their own relationships. At each point it’s like she comes back with a renewed sense of fondness towards me.

    Although I’m always very good to my wife, sometimes I even exceed my own self set high standards. Yesterday was one of those occasions, not only did I save her bacon at work… I also saved her workplaces bacon later in the day! (To be clear, they don’t serve bacon and I don’t work there). As a result of this it seems my wife wanted to go above and beyond and treat me to something special. The text read:

    ‘You get a real orgasm cage free on a day of your choosing.’

    Straight after, another text read:

    ‘You may link that to next week. The choice is yours’

    I don’t actually know what to make of that. I think she feels guilty about using me for sex whist restricting my own enjoyment. There could be a little of that. I also get the impression that as I’m asking for so little right now and she’s delivering way above my expectations, that she doesn’t really know what else it is that I’d want.
    There is also an element of falling back from making her own decisions on these matters.

    However, I don’t think I need that yet. It’s too early. Things have been going too well and I’m just getting that real buzz from the denial. It’s not even been 3 weeks yet.

    I then decided that if it really was to be a treat, it should be something that I actually want…

    My decision? Our holiday in few months now won’t be as restrictive as she had first planned! She likes to keep me caged so that any down mood won’t ruin her occasion, but I like to have these experiences at a time that means something. Our last getaway where the cage was imposed upon us didn’t feel quite right. I think she’ll thank me for it in the end… I on the other hand may regret the decision knowing she’ll make me wait right until the last day!


    On another note, there was some random quote on TV. Something along the lines of “Communication is life.”, being as facetious as I am, I turned to my wife and told her that he (the guy on TV) was completely wrong, “Dirty rampant sex is life!”

    My wife laughed and then said, “No, coming home to my tea on the table is life.” She had returned once again to a freshly prepared meal, her favourite in fact, and we ate as we watched some lame garbage on TV. She then carried on, “Sex is life for you. If I offered you the key you’d have me upstairs as soon as you could!”

    Ok, she’s right on that front. I certainly would make the use of my freedom if I got the chance. As soon as it was available to me any thought of delaying my own orgasm would soon be thrown to the wayside.

    It did make me pose another question to her.

    “If I’ve been drinking less than I have in years. I’m working out again all the time. You get everything you want from me. You’ve been happy with me since you locked me up. Why would you even think about giving me the key back?”

    She didn’t answer on the why. I don’t know if she could right now, but her honestly on her next sentence was as assured as she could ever be, “You forgot that the sex has been great too! We’ve done loads recently and I don’t feel we haven’t been able to enjoy ourselves.”

    That might not seem like a big deal. It’s factual. We have been very active sexually… but we haven’t had intercourse at all.. and her biggest hang up on chastity has always been that she doesn’t get aroused without my penis available to her and that it takes normal sex off the table.

    Turns out, currently, she just doesn’t care so much!

    She appreciates the lifestyle!
  11. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    By my standards, it’s been a while since I updated this. Spending a lot of my free time exercising and bulking up rather than documenting my antics. It’s what my wife wants!

    I guess three events have happened since.

    A little kiss goodnight

    Shortly after my last update, and having waited close to two weeks I was ready for a little relief. A pegging was on the cards, but when exactly that would be happening was only known to my wife. I never actually got to that as one night, whilst I slept…

    I guess it’s relevant to say that I typically don’t fall asleep before my wife, I’ll chill a little after she has dropped off. Maybe scrolling on my phone or watching a little TV. This week I was exhausted, so I slept…

    Whilst in the middle of some highly charged dream of which I have no recollection I felt my wife lean against me and kiss me softly. In a daze I could feel my penis straining against the cage, I rolled over toward her but didn’t quite make it that far before giving it up as a bad job. Falling back to a more solid slumber.

    My wife’s hands brought me back from this, stroking gently against my thighs. Brushing my cage. Caressing my exposed balls. I moaned as found myself in full consciousness. She played continuously until my moans reached that stage of the impending orgasm…. And then she stopped! Moved her hands from me and left me laying in a frustrated state of horniness.

    Soon, she started again bringing me close to the eve and stopping again. She must have carried this on for over an hour whilst she continued to watch a film. Toying with me with complete disregard.

    Finally, as I heard the ending credits rolling I felt her move down towards my caged member. Licking gently whilst she caressed my legs and scrotum. Within a few minutes my penis strained as tightly as it could muster and forced semen from me. It was as close to a full orgasm as I can recall whilst being caged.

    “Don’t worry, you don’t have to clean up. I caught it.” she said as she moved on top of me. “Go back to sleep, I was only kissing you goodnight”

    The Great Depression

    Of course, following a good orgasm there is the inevitable drop. This came at a bad time, I was already exhausted (I said me falling asleep was relevant.) my wife was stressed, burned out from work and tired herself from getting up early to work out herself all week. It was a terrible concoction. Within a few days we were at each others throats, before cutting all conversation for a good couple of days. Fuck!

    Yes. My wife, avoiding all the other life factors attributed this solely to my orgasm! She accepted no liability, it was all on me and she wouldn’t be making that mistake again. In fact, she has stated that I’ll only receive anal relief from now on and if that gives the same outcome I should expect to be caged indefinitely!

    I know my wife well enough that she’ll change her stance in a month or so, but for now it seems that she is serious. As we reconciled and again I found myself massaging her and bringing her to orgasm there was a complete change in her manner. In fact even with me directing her hands towards my cage she refused. (I will say that I do that for her benefit, my moaning is normally a trigger for her own orgasm).

    “Absolutely not. I don’t know what you thinks happening but I won’t be touching you again.”

    She has not actively played with me in two weeks! Until this morning, where she rubbed my cage through three layers of clothing. I considered myself lucky.


    Following on from the fall out, we had a concert to go to on the Saturday. It’s good that we had reconciled as I was dreading being in her company in all honesty.

    But as we were now on better terms, some time together out of our normal habitat and without the children was definitely in order. I made a request… and was a little surprised that it was granted.

    I wanted to go without the cage. Public events are no time to be caged, waiting for a stall is bad enough at the best of times. I think in honesty, it was a good excuse to give me some freedom without the direct call of ‘I want sex.’

    Yet, have sex is exactly what we did. Sort of! Not on the Saturday. She made no promises, just a concerted plea that I should not touch myself. I don’t masturbate. What ever happens I won’t orgasm.

    Even when she is this strict, this in control of the cage, this controlling of our sex life and my erections, my orgasms… she still openly claim that we only ‘do the cage for you.’ One day she will own it, for now I can only say “women!” And roll my eyes!

    Sunday, it was clear what she expected. She was getting the kids ready for bed (early) and demanding I go in the bath. She didn’t want to hang around waiting any longer and before long, actually after some lengthy foreplay (all solely surrounding her) it was my time! A month of chastity and I was finally able to feel my wife’s tight, moist vagina once more! I did so for seconds… and then had to stop. A few seconds more. Stopping again. I couldn’t take it at all, she just feels so good and the denial has completely eradicated my stamina. I remember the days where I would go on so long I’d have to force myself to orgasm… those days are gone!

    Those days have been replaced with something new. Discontent. My wife, although enjoying the moment was growing a little frustrated. She actually laughed, “Is that all you can do?” She then told me to get the cream and I made love to her properly without being able to feel a thing. She enjoyed herself thoroughly, and when she was done she immediately pushed me from within her.

    It’s not the first time that she has added a little humiliation into the mix, the sad truth is it’s all given in a matter of fact style. It’s not teasing, it’s not sexy. What she says is factual but entirely brutal.

    Take for instance, this morning. After she had caressed me for the briefest of moments, she was shaking her protein mix. A raised eyebrow from myself and she knew what I was insinuating. Without a hint of joviality she express what she thought to this, “you wish you were that big. You’re barely adequate.”

    I know I’m not small, but I get a genuine feeling of discontent towards my penis right now.

    Oh, no. It was four events.

    A little relief

    So after all those events we’d reached just about two weeks of more denial and she seemed a little frustrated by my over exuberant advances. As I cuddled her and groped her firming ass, she stopped me and said “is it time for a pegging?”

    I didn’t even have time to answer before she carried on and said, “we’ll do it tonight. Might as well get it out of the way!”

    Get it out of the way? My wife’s attitude does seem to have changed slightly. There’s a sense of duty rather than enjoyment to fulfilling my needs. A frustration of my limited sexual prowess. A move towards more manual and oral stimulation over the desire for intercourse. This morning (I guess we were a little flirty as a lot seems to have been said) I suggested she might like some more cage free time. She replied, “Not yet, I don’t want YOU to have too much of a good thing.” Cage free time was seen as fulfilling her needs just last month, what’s happened there?

    Anyway, the pegging: functional.

    She dressed in my favourite outfit once more. Paraded herself a little bit, enjoying how she looks and hopefully a little for my benefit, flaunting her ass in her vibrant white panties before telling me to get the lube and a towel. There was no other foreplay. Just a finger of lube, which quickly became two.

    “That was ready quick.” She said, as she gauged the relaxation. Then she laid me down and repeatedly fucked me, monotonously until I climaxed in the most intense manner.

    I will say, after that, she has become a lot more caring and compassionate. More loving. Just completely devoid of my penis-centric needs. It’s like that is becoming less important to her and more of a disappointment…
  12. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    The fall out from life indiscretions…

    So. This was a big week. My wife found out about my secret vaping habit!

    It was going to happen at some point but she was raging. Understandably.

    After a few days we actually discussed the issue.

    Her thoughts; it’s not the actual vaping that’s the problem, it’s that I happily hid it from her. I can agree on that point even if those weren’t exactly my thoughts on the matter; there’s been a building lack of appreciation, focus on negative aspects of myself (from her) and a tension with any request or mistake I’ve made. She’s become completely unapproachable. With my lack of confidence in conflict situations within a relationship (anyone knowing my full back story will understand this) it was a recipe for failure.

    So in the end, after quite a heated and emotional debate, I promised to be more open with her, and she has responded by being more available and supportive. So actually, this very negative thing in our life has turned out really well.

    In fact, that evening after she had been to the gym I offered her a non-sexual relaxing massage.

    “Oh, no. Put some music on and get my blindfold!”

    With it in mind that this is a forum dedicated to chastity, there was one aspect of caged life that I had become disheartened with and this whole situation created an opportunity to explain.

    I do not want to be caged 24/7 without any fun that involves my penis!

    She has stated that sex once a month is her mindset (no climax for me obviously) but what of the other stuff I have given up, the stuff we actually enjoy together? Handjobs, blowjobs, teasing etc. Her view on that? It’s just too much hassle to take the cage off, she doesn’t want to make that effort all the time. As I said, lack of appreciation: all the activities I complete (like 90% of everything in the household) and everything else I do to support her goals and a few minutes unlocking the cage and half hour or so of fun is too much effort. Just highlighting the point (there were other non-sexual related issues.)

    She didn’t get angry or rule the roost on this. I think she understands that she’s been letting me down as much as I have with her. If our two-month full term lockdown taught us anything it’s that we need the other stuff too.

    “Ok, how about on Fridays I let you wash and change to the piercing. You’ll still have the cage on but I might let you have some fun over the weekends… just don’t expect that I’ll be letting you cum and you’ll be back in tha cage fully on Sundays”
    (The hook and changing the piercing is the biggest issue with my cage. Great for long term, frustrating for impulsive behaviour)

    I’ll accept that! It’s safe to say, even when we fall out we find a way of moving forward. Chastity still very much aids in this, it’s now been nearly 6 weeks since I was allowed to orgasm outside of my cage… in fact I’ve felt relief just 3 times in all… but this just gives me that level to consider her thoughts and feelings so much more. It shows her my willingness to be better for her. But man, am I horny!

    However, last night, she said “you know” then stopped.
    I pushed her for what she was going to say, and with reluctance she opened up on what she was thinking.
    “You know I said it would be ok if you went on holiday without the cage. I don’t think that’s a good idea. You can leave the hook out for the week but you’ll be wearing the cage. I couldn’t trust you out for that long.”

    Fuck. Broken trust is a bitch!
  13. Echo321

    Echo321 Long term member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    I agree with your frustration with the lack of “other stuff”. I don’t have a piercing so my cage is a lot easier to remove than yours but it still seems that it creates a barrier to just playing. Random blowjobs, handjobs, etc. just don’t occur like they used to and when it is off it’s for a specific purpose (her needs) so anything else is an afterthought which seems to be your case as well. And the whole getting caught vaping situation? You know that’s probably going to come back to haunt you. Many times over. Best of luck when it does.
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