Last Activity:
Jan 26, 2012
Mar 3, 2010 at 8:27 PM
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8:07 PM
May 24, 1967 (Age: 57)


Junior Member, 57

Been away for some time... not been locked for some time... Wife had requested not to be "pressured"... Been complying... ...yet, I did manage to get her to agree to participate in a workshop entitled "The reluctant Dominatrix" last month. I'm hopeful that has given her some very good ideas. For one, she now has a name: Queen Xena Mar 16, 2011

BeDazzled was last seen:
Jan 26, 2012
    1. BeDazzled
      Been away for some time... not been locked for some time... Wife had requested not to be "pressured"... Been complying... ...yet, I did manage to get her to agree to participate in a workshop entitled "The reluctant Dominatrix" last month. I'm hopeful that has given her some very good ideas. For one, she now has a name: Queen Xena
    2. BeDazzled
      Been on vacations... 2 weeks - visiting in-laws. Not sure if that should be considered torment, or punishment...
      1. key4lisa
        i'd say both.. lol.. x
        Oct 9, 2010
    3. BeDazzled
      Been in the dumps, mood wise, for a while... wife has glanced over the contract, says she'll read it and is opened to it, but it has been over a month since she's seen it...
      1. BeDazzled
        ...Don't take me wrong. She's not noticed that mood. In actuality, she did notice how much more active I am getting things done to help her. May it be with laundry, cleaning after the dishes, or cooking meals (from scratch even) on the week-end when she works.
        Sep 21, 2010
      2. BeDazzled
        BeDazzled mood is the reason I use to explain having diminished (well, stopped - in essence) visiting here (for the short term anyway). I will be more active the moment my wife gets onboard with the idea. I do hope it is soon, I do hope it is well before Xmas, but until then I'll likely only visit seldomly. I do wish the Blog system would return though. A few times I dropped by were at times when I thought I should update my blog... Oh well.
        Sep 21, 2010
    4. BeDazzled
      ...I may regret doing this, but I left a draft of a chastity contract/agreement on the kitchen table for my wife to read today. Not sure this was my best idea...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mplbwb4u
        I did the same with Mistress Marg,She had me make changes then she sign it.
        Aug 12, 2010
      3. BeDazzled
        No updates on this matter... KH has not had the chance to complete her reading. I can't say I'm not disappointed a little... ...especially since I was just on a 3 days business trip...
        Aug 20, 2010
      4. BeDazzled
        Had the opportunity to remind her the contract was a draft, so she can scratch out, modify, or add anything she wants. I hope she can get to complete the review this week-end...
        Aug 20, 2010
    5. BeDazzled
      I totally shaved my crotch for the first time in my life on May 22nd 2010. Been maintaining/shaving it again once or twice a week since. I just can't get over how much I am enjoying shaving my crotch like this!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BeDazzled
        I have heard in the past that it was not a good idea to use the razor you shave your face with to shave your crotch as well... and that made sense to me then.
        Aug 11, 2010
      3. mplbwb4u
        I have not had a problems. I shave my crotch 3-4 times a week.
        Aug 11, 2010
      4. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        I shave my crotch, balls, and ass whenever I shave my face. The only thing I hate is the red sensitive bumps the next day.
        Sep 3, 2010
    6. BeDazzled
      Going to a wedding... I'm wondering: Is a CB6000 an appropriate wedding gift?
      1. gaysub
        Aug 9, 2010
      2. BeDazzled
        LOL - Didn't expect an affirmative response like that. My wife (KH) didn't think so when I suggested it...
        Aug 10, 2010
      3. gaysub
        They're expensive! Save them the cost of having to buy one, I think it's a great idea.
        Aug 10, 2010
    7. BeDazzled
      Been busy... Wife noticing changes in my behavior/helpfulness.... All is goooood!
    8. BeDazzled
      Big mistake... I took the liberty to relax, and did nothing yesterday. Not only wife was in a bad mood from the day she had just spent at work, but finding out I had done nothing made it worse... *deep sigh* Now, I got double the chores to do... go figure.
    9. BeDazzled
      Home alone, wife's working, got chores to do - but not feeling like doing anything... *sigh*
    10. BeDazzled
      Wondeful week-end... Spent a lot, talked a lot, and been released since friday, but am to lock myself back-up tomorrow! Details to come in my blog, soon.
      1. mplbwb4u
        At least you got out of the cage for the weekend. That must have felt good.
        Jul 19, 2010
    11. BeDazzled
      Anniversary is tomorrow... Reservations at Hotel and Restaurants were made... Hope I didn't forget anything...
      1. ms-laurel
        Have so much fun!!!!
        Jul 16, 2010
      2. BeDazzled
        Thx ms-laurel! I look so forward to it too!
        Jul 16, 2010
    12. BeDazzled
      Hygienist at the dentist office was rough on me tonight... Puzzled: Should I have enjoyed it more? Hmmmm.... I won't even try to do any thinking now, that's for sure!
      1. BeDazzled
        (I'm just not quite ready for the consequences Spike's bitch went through yet...)
        Jul 15, 2010
      2. Mistress Spike
        Mistress Spike
        What?!? He's allowed to long as he thinks the same as the collective then everything will be fine. It's only when he tries to be and individual that I unleash the iron fist.
        Jul 15, 2010
      3. BeDazzled
        Thanks for the clarification! I hadn't thought of that... well, in my defense, I was trying hard not to think... but now that you mention it, and I read myself writing this, I realize that not thinking could also get me in trouble. [and I thought I had it all figured out... dang! Back to the drawing board].
        Jul 15, 2010
    13. BeDazzled
      11th wedding anniversary this Friday... First one in chastity... What does my KH have in store for me?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BeDazzled
        ...though we said we had spent enough this year, with the new 55" LED TV, hard wood floor living room, garage door replacement, driveway resealing, full wall unit in living room... I'm taking her downtown Toronto for 2 nights, a spa/massage treatment, and taking her shopping in a leather store where I will insist she buy something she likes. Ruth's Chris Steak House is the dinner outing, and I'm still trying to decide what show I might try to get us in at... I hope I don'...
        Jul 13, 2010
      3. BeDazzled
        ...don't have so much lined-up it conflicts with her plans for us!
        Jul 13, 2010
      4. ms-laurel
        wow!!! she may be very happy with you...sounds like my kind of night! Congrats.
        Jul 15, 2010
    14. BeDazzled
      Wife(KH), as of yesterday, has plans to let me out today... She is also resuming her reading on! I could be in for a surprise!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gaysub
        How did she respond to the panties?
        Jul 9, 2010
      3. BeDazzled
        She's not found them out yet... she's doing laundry today, and I purposely left some of the panties I've been wearing in there for her to find... Stay tuned!
        Jul 9, 2010
      4. BeDazzled
        She made a joke of it... Said someone broke in our house and dropped their panties in with our laundry! Recognized some were from a store she goes to (where I sometimes accompany her to) and I guessed [Between her look, and her question] she wondered if I went there, where the staff know us well! (I went to a different, out of the way, location)
        Jul 11, 2010
    15. BeDazzled
      Agreement draft... need to get it to KH soon! How will I introduce it to her?... *deep in thought*
    16. Slave_Scott
      Hi, I am from Ontario oridginaly but now I live in Newfoundland.
    17. BeDazzled
      Thinking of what I could do, out of the ordinary, that would be exciting when I go pick-up my Wife (KH) at the airport Tuesday... [got time to prepare...]
    18. BeDazzled
      Wife started to read!
      1. c82agedboy
        greta to u then :)
        Jun 14, 2010
    19. BeDazzled
      First real test coming up next week. Wife (KH) was going to be away for 3 days over the father's day week-end to visit her parents. Her mom is not doing well, so she decided to go early... She'll be gone 7 days! (and I'm not expecting to be let out before then either...
    20. Jens
      Glad to hear you like the new chatroom. Enjoy it.
    21. BeDazzled
      Waiting for Wife (KH) to to have the opportunity to read so she has a better understanding what those keys I gave her really mean...
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  • About

    May 24, 1967 (Age: 57)
    Chastity devices:
    Three - One I call Spiderweb, the CB6000s, and The Fort
    Chastity resume:



    BeDazzled :character0180:

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