Comments on Profile Post by BeDazzled

  1. BeDazzled
    ...drat... She had a bad day, slept most of it away, didn't resume her reading, and was totally not in the mood for anything else... *sigh*
    Jul 8, 2010
  2. BeDazzled
    (some might say I did get my "surprise" after all!)
    Jul 8, 2010
  3. gaysub
    How did she respond to the panties?
    Jul 9, 2010
  4. BeDazzled
    She's not found them out yet... she's doing laundry today, and I purposely left some of the panties I've been wearing in there for her to find... Stay tuned!
    Jul 9, 2010
  5. BeDazzled
    She made a joke of it... Said someone broke in our house and dropped their panties in with our laundry! Recognized some were from a store she goes to (where I sometimes accompany her to) and I guessed [Between her look, and her question] she wondered if I went there, where the staff know us well! (I went to a different, out of the way, location)
    Jul 11, 2010
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