Dollyanne's Chastity Journey!

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by dollyanne, Jan 2, 2009.

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  1. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    I wonder why the sudden change of heart from your spouse?!

    I'm sorry dollyanne. You make such a wonderful sissy, I can't imagine anyone wanting to squash that grapefruit! We all have our different buttons though, and I did get jealous and annoyed for a while when charlotte went through her very girlie phase... but I miss it now.

    Fingers crossed something will be worked out... don't go getting rid of all your stuff though! If you have to, parcel it up neatly and tuck it away somewhere safe. :butterfly:
  2. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    Well....this is just awful news!!! I had been busy over the weekend and did not see this until now. What the hell happened??? You did not really say dollyanne, what happened to spark this? Something had to have happened, everything was going so well. Might be a little easier to offer advice if we knew what caused the problem! I dont even know what to say at this point, I know everyone has things that happen and we get off track sometimes but....Oh Dear dollyanne....
    And for goodness sake, do what MW said if you have to for a while, pack up dollyannes things and secure them in a safe place if it comes to that, you have too much invested to let anything go. I would be more than happy to help you with that dollyanne as I am sure many here would also be.
    Hopefully things will calm down and nothing will happen but you have to know you have all of us backing you and will always be here for you.
    We LOVE you dollyanne!!!

    Mistress Michelle :love0028:
  3. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    I am sorry to hear about your condition dollyanne. There is nothing harder for a sissy than to be denied her femming. It is usually such hard work to get to where a gurl becomes as avid as dollyanne is for her femming - it seems such a waste to deny her now... she was making such good progress...

    You need to tell us more of what happened to bring about this condition. Was it a matter of dollyanne taking things just a little too far for Wife to be comfortable? Were there rules or something?

    I can see that dollyanne is greatly in need of her frills - if there is anything we can do to help - please let us know sweety.
  4. Respectful

    Respectful Chaste by choice

    Oct 25, 2008
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    Dolly Anne;

    Do not purge! Find a safe storage locker (you may need to rent a whole building :) or a friend near you to store your stuff while things sort themselves out. Having a separate bedroom should allow you to keep enough items at home for night time dressing, undies and such. Poor gurl.

    If we knew the details we may be able to offer better advice though, so please elaborate on what is going on. Many of us have been there too!

  5. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    For dollyanne:


    With love
    Mistress Watchful
  6. cks

    cks Banned

    May 18, 2008
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    hugs dolly
  7. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Thank You, Mistress Watchful! Dolly will explain below what she thinks happened. Meanwhile, dolly has taken Your advice and packed everything away and locked it. Dollyanne has kept out a few things--panties for day wear, sleeping clothes, and of course, her pink chastity!

    And thank You, Mistress Michelle, for the generous offer of help. Hopefully, it won't come to that, but dollyanne really appreciates the gesture. If it does, maybe some of Your subs can use some extra femme things! Dolly sends much love back to You!

    You are sooo right, Miss D! Being denied her femming is a disaster for a sissy gurl like dollyanne! Dolly really appreciates all Your wonderful advice and motivation and hopes that You will still be able to help her, even though dollyanne's conditions are changing. Dolly will just need to be more creative and may need extra brainpower and ideas from an expert like Yourself!

    Thank you, respectful! Dollyanne will not purge just yet. It's nice to know that others have been through this sort of thing before too. Thanks for your support and advice!

    Thank you, cks! Hopefully, it won't come to this, but who knows, you could end up on a femming journey yourself with contributions from dollyanne!

    Here's what dollyanne thinks happened. This has probably been seething beneath the surface for some time, but erupted because of a pink shirt! Dollyanne had purchased a nice pink shirt on sale ($4.99!) some time back. Dolly only tried it on once and kind of forgot about it. When visitors came, dolly had to move some of her things to her spouse's closet. And guess what, the pink shirt was in the things she moved! Dollyanne forgot about it and left it in the spouse's closet. When dolly's spouse came across it, it seemed to trigger the outburst against dolly's pinkness, shaving, and shopping in the woman's section. Everything dollyanne's spouse could think of and then some! Here's a picture of the offending shirt (with dollyanne's pink bra underneath!):

    It is definitely a gurly shirt with a 3/4 sleeve and pink polka-dots, but dollyanne did not expect the shirt to cause such a furor. It must have been the last straw, so to speak, and the problem must've been there along. It was just triggered by the shirt, of all things!

    So, dolly has locked most of her things away, and as a compromise, is growing the hair back on her arms. Dolly doesn't mind this so much as she kind of liked her arm hair anyway--it was soft and furry! Plus, it doesn't raise eyebrows so much when dolly wears a short-sleeve shirt. Dollyanne is going to try to keep the rest of her body shaved as long as she can. Shaved legs may become a problem during summer shorts weather, but men's cargo pants are pretty long--almost below the knee--so maybe dollyanne can get away with it.

    In some ways, there is a positive to this too. Dolly likes to be creative and this gives her a chance to try new things in her femming journey, like outdoor adventures perhaps. Dolly went swimming in the last few days at the gym and wore her new pink flip-flops, black girl's swim-suit bottoms, and also used her pink gym lock. Dolly can add her pink hat, pink and white towel, more colorful gurly swim suits, bathing cap, and even paint her toe nails pink! Dolly will try to post a picture of her femmy gym kit so far!

    On the chastity front, dollyanne had to remove her chastity this morning. Dolly's tessies were red and sore from the tightness during the night. It's amazing how things change in only a few weeks. Dolly is giving it one more day to heal and will try it again tomorrow night. Dolly can't go back to larger spacers because she cut the guide pins! Probably what dollyanne needs is a pink mini-birdlock! (That is, if she can figure out how to get one!)

    Thanks again, everyone, for Your concern and offer of support. It is so nice to know there are friends out there who are so supportive and helpful. Dollyanne loves you ALL!! Hopefully, this will will not be a meltdown, but just a blip in dollyanne's chaste sissy gurl journey!

    Curtsies and Huggs,
  8. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    It *is* a beautiful shirt! You're right though, what an odd thing to flip out over...

    As you said, you'll have to go back to being a stealth sissy and fitting it in when you can, that can be a bit more exciting too. :love0038:

    *hugs* for dollyanne.
  9. snubbe86

    snubbe86 Searching for Mistress

    Jan 6, 2009
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    Sad to hear everything dollyanne.
    This is how to get a PinkMiniBirdlocked. Send an e-mail to then say you want a PinkMinibirdlocked. Also tell them that you need to get the information how to pay for it. Then they are gonna say you need to give them the Creditcard information. Its just the numbers standing in front of it, when it expires and what name it says on the card + the 3 back numbers. Thats what they wanted from me atleast then it took them about 10 days to deliver it. Hope this will help you dollyanne. And that everything solves just fine. :manga_cheer:
  10. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    What a bargain - a $4.99 top. I think it's cute - especially with you bra'd beneath - very gurly. I think a part of your Wife's concern is that you are taking your sissification out into the exterior world. While I see this as a positive step, I suspect She feels the opposite. She doesn't want people to know what a gurl you can be. She probably thinks that you intend to wear your pretty top in public. Of course - I am just guessing - I could have it all wrong.

    Suppose you assured Her that your femming would remain private? I'm not sure whether that would mean you would have to stop shaving to please Her. Sometimes I get a bit cross with people who are all about images - people who hide their emotions or keep their real self from showing in public. I suppose in your case, She believes the image you portray is a poor reflection on Her. It seems to Me that an obsession with image keeps people, who otherwise would be quite happy and content from living life to its fullest - not a good recipe.

    I don't want to add to the turmoil you are in now dollyanne but perhaps a conversation with Her about image might help. But it could make matters even worse - you have to be the judge of that. At least - regardless of how this bump in the road works itself out - here at the Mansion, you are a gurl and a gurl is what you will stay.
  11. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Thank You, Mistress Watchful! Dollyanne is already working on her new chaste sissy gurl plan, starting with her visit to the gym. Dollyanne loves to swim and is starting back into it. She needs the exercise, but it will also present many opportunities for being discreetly gurly in a thrilling way!

    Curtsey and Huggs,
  12. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Thank you, snubbe! Dollyanne loves your signature! What price range can dollyanne expect to pay for the pink mini bird locked? Does the pink one cost more than the clear phosphorescent one? Dolly may have a problem using a credit card as dolly's spouse monitors the accounts closely--especially these days! It would be nice if they accepted paypal with a discreet name or something like that.

    BTW, how are you liking yours? Is it a good one for a sissy gurl?

  13. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Good morning dollyanne.

    Thank you for all the lovely comments on my photos, it was a nice surprise to wake up to this morning.

    Good luck with the swimming and the birdlock. :manga_balloon:
  14. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Thank You, Miss D! Dollyanne is definitely a bargain hunter! You are really onto something about image. Dolly's spouse got upset once when dollyanne was going to take a walk around the block wearing a pair of girl's gray loungers with pink stripes down the side. She was concerned that women would see dollyanne and know they were girl's pants! She is right that women are more observant of these things, but the weird thing to dolly was: it was nighttime! Not only was no one about, but no one could have possibly noticed if they were!:mad0235:

    But she does worry about the image presented to the outside world, and how that might reflect on her. So, You're probably right that she worried dollyanne was going to wear that shirt in public. Dolly's plan was to wear it around the house, but now it looks like dolly's ONLY choice is to wear it somewhere in public, if she wears it at all.

    That sounds like a good idea to have a talk about image, though dolly will probably want to wait until things cool down a bit. Maybe a compromise can be struck.

    Another issue is family, as some of them have noticed more pink around the house and are asking dollyanne's spouse questions like, "Why all the pink things?" She worries about what they might think. Of course, dollyanne adores pink, not only because it is gurly, but because the color pink has been shown to be soothing and calming. It has actually been used in prisons to help prevent riots. (Sometimes it is also used to humiliate macho prisoners, but it just seems wrong to riot while wearing pink!) Dollyanne suffers from occasional anxiety and just feels better and more relaxed around pink! (This is not true of course if it stresses dolly's spouse, which it turn comes back around and stresses dollyanne too!)

    Dollyanne wants very much to continue being a chaste sissy gurl and hopes to work out a plan to keep her progress in femming going. As dolly mentioned to Mistress Watchful, dollyanne has gone to the gym to swim in the last few days. Here is a picture of dollyanne's pink flip-flops and pink gym lock:

    pink flipflops and lock 2.jpg

    Dollyanne has NO problem finding her locker among all the standard black locks! Dolly hopes to be able to add additional things to her gym kit that will help feminize her and motivate her to go to the gym. (Of course, this is Texas, so dollyanne has to be careful about not going overboard and risking injury from some tattooed monster pick-up truck driver who fancies himself a macho cowboy and is threatened by the likes of dollyanne!)

    Dollyanne has been to the gym in pink toe nails and is almost ready to polish them again! Any suggestions for dollyanne to help continue her femming at the gym and elsewhere would certainly be MORE than welcome, Miss D!

  15. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Good morning, Mistress Watchful! Those photos are absolutely gorgeous and dollyanne truly enjoyed viewing and commenting on them! Thanks sooo much for taking them and sharing them with us!

    Dollyanne is off to bed now in her pink lace-trimmed sleeping shorts with her pink chastity underneath! She feels heavenly and is ready for dream-land! Maybe dolly's gurly head will fill with visions of strawberries and cream!

    Have a great day!

  16. sophia

    sophia Senior Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    I love your writing and your great sense of humor! Whatever you do, do not stop writing. I really hope you will be able to live your gurly life as you wish.
    This is so stupid, why can't we gurls just dress as we like and do what we want?

    On the other hand, this question is so complicated. Women can "crossdress" as men and do it all the time (I don't understand why????. Female clothes feels so much more comfortable against the body). I feel trapped between my wife who seems to want me more and more as a gurl and I really love it. Then comes reality and I am a typical man during the days. What gender am I really? I get mixed emotions. Forced back to the ugly, boring, stereotypical male world. Being a gurl I feel like more true, more relaxed and in harmony.
    In a perfect world, why can't I put a dress or skirt on, high heels of course, jump into my old sportcar and go fishing? Then come home and have great sex involving submission, chastity, a little healthy dose of bondage and some nice fetishes??
    Sorry for my rambling in your thread. Just had to let my feelings out. Time for me to see a psychologist about an operation maybe?????
    Yeah, I had this kind of feelings since I was a child, then overcompensated the macho-male thing. Best to keep the balance.

    Anyway, Dollyanne, never stop be the nice person you seem to be and don't lose that wonderful sense of humor!:character0053:

    Sophia (gurl):anim_39:
  17. lauren1fem

    lauren1fem Gurl

    Nov 14, 2008
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    Gosh. I'm away for a few days and bamm! Sounds like wife is worried about how your femming is reflecting on Her. She may have been asked about all the pink by her family or friends and it's causing her to feel awkward about covering for you.

    Dolly we're here for you... The best advice I can offer is to lay low and let time heal things between you two. If you want to try talking then go for it, but that can sometimes backfire so tread slowly if you decide to discuss this with her - it could become confrontational.

    Lauren is sad because of all the progress you've made. But changes offer new opportunities. Lauren loves the stealth nature of her own CD desires. Maybe you will too? It's just that that the secrecy can be construed as lieing to your wife and that may not be a healthy thing either.

    Love and hugs!
  18. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Thank you for your kind words of support, sophia gurl! Dollyanne's sissy gurl life has been like a pogo stick on steroids.:jumping0036: Or, more recently, and maybe more apt because of the financial crisis, like a "dead-cat" bounce in the stock market. :cat:

    Dolly is sooo in agreement with your comments. Why can't people be more "live and let live"? Not only does dollyanne enjoy being feminine, but it's fun! And what's wrong with having fun? And, as you say, wearing stretchy panties and skirts is quite comfortable. For dollyanne, it can also be quite a nice stress reliever (except when dollyanne's spouse rebels against it because of appearances sake!)

    Dollyanne can also identify with the feeling of being in-between genders. This is what Miss D calls the "third" gender. Dollyanne sees nothing wrong with this as it can access the best of both worlds! Apparently though, for some of us at least, we live in the wrong place and time to be able to truly enjoy it. Maybe the time will come when we can put on our skirts and heels and go fishing in submissive chastity!

  19. Respectful

    Respectful Chaste by choice

    Oct 25, 2008
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    You rock gurl!
  20. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Lauren, dollyanne has missed you! :welcome: back! Thank you for the good advice. Dollyanne is trying her best to tread cautiously and avoid confrontation. (Of course, as you probably know, that is sometimes easier said than done!)

    Dollyanne is looking forward to exercising her creativity in furthering her femming goals, even if it has to be done in a more stealthy manner. There's the gym, there's shopping, there's time when dollyanne is alone. And, of course, there's nighttime when dollyanne is freer to do what she wants.

    Dollyanne doesn't do much traveling anymore, so there aren't as many opportunities there. Dolly's passport has even expired! (Note to bimbo-headed sissy gurl self--renew passport, Acapulco awaits!)

    Maybe we can compare notes on stealth sissy gurl femming activities! You were on quite a path of sissy "delirium" before things quieted down, and dollyanne has been that way too. Sometimes though, dollyanne gets a feminine thrill out of small things like using her pink lock and flip-flop at the gym. It should be fun to think up new ideas, even if they are little femming things! We should put our gurly heads together! Maybe other gurls here can help too!

    In some ways, perhaps dollyanne was getting into a rut. It was just too easy to prance about the house in her pink mini and panties. Though dollyanne would rather have things in the open, there can be a certain thrill in secretive activities too.

    Dollyanne hopes not to openly lie though, as that can be stressful for all concerned. Dolly's current plan is to just not flaunt her gurly self quite as much around her spouse, grow some hair back (arms right now), and tone down her pinkness. Hopefully, that will satisfy dollyanne's spouse's need to keep up appearances. (Dolly doesn't want to criticize her for this because dolly knows that's the norm and it's dollyanne who's the weird "unconventional" one.)

    As for wearing panties, dollyanne has NO choice--it's all she has! And, dolly can still paint her toe nails (that is, when they fully heal--they're almost there). And, dollyanne can wear nighties to bed and chastity any time as long as she doesn't flaunt it. Dolly just won't be able to femme all the way with heels, hose, makeup, and bras and things unless she is either alone or away from the house.

    Thanks to Mistress Watchful and her pet, and all the wonderful supportive people here, it's so very nice to have such a terrific place like Chastity Mansion to discuss and vent these things as well as support each other.:loveCM: Now, if dollyanne and lauren can just swoop down on a department store in a gurly pink stealth fighter and snag one of those slinky LBDs we could prance around in sissy gurl delirium before the stealth fighter turns into a pumpkin. Dolly knows she would look frumpy in one, but svelte lauren would look fabulous!:ten-on-ten:

    Huggs & Kisssses,
  21. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Dollyanne, sorry to hear things are a little with The Mrs at the moment. Hopefully, things will improve soon.:chores007:

  22. sophia

    sophia Senior Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    Just sat in a caf looking out the window. A woman carrying a very nice deep pink round table on her head. I immediately thought of Dollyanne and Lauren and the pink delirium. A few minutes later two men came carrying an oldfashioned sofa in the same deep pink colour. Early 20th century I think. Pinkness extreme! :confused0068:

    You are not alone, gurls!
  23. lauren1fem

    lauren1fem Gurl

    Nov 14, 2008
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    I have a question that I've been wondering about you dear (and it certainly is a question I asked myself after my 10-day journey): I recall that one "reason" that you wanted to do chastity was to reduce all the nasty boy :sex_porn: spanking that you were doing and make "better" use of your time being "productive" in your life... So at this point in time I wonder if you were to reflect back from the day you were locked up tight & you were at your most extreme :manga_bath: sissiness (and such a good sweet sissy you were)...
    Were you more productive in life or were you investing much of your former "spanking wanking time" on being a sissy?

    That aside. I'd love to go shopping with you honey. Hunting for that ultimate LBD! I can just picture us gurls going together through the malls & stores, our knowing glances back and forth, the sweet secret that we'd share knowing what we were indeed shopping for ourselves - it almost takes me straight to a delirium state thinking about it... And if we could hop in our stealth fighter that just makes it all the more bitchin'!

    Gotta go and shave my legs (well at least my thighs anyway) - yumm!
  24. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Chastity has definitely changed one thing for dollyanne, lauren, and that is no more sissy boi wanking :sex_porn:. In fact, dollyanne rarely goes to "those kind" of porn sites anymore. Instead, dolly gets her jollies through sissy gurl fantasies! While in chastity, dollyanne loves to rub her nipples (she almost needs a nipple chastity!) and fantasizes about being a sissy gurl in various "compromising" situations. With dolly's chastity being so tight and shortened with the smaller spacer it has become increasingly difficult to have any kind of cummie in the chastity, though dolly is still trying!:slut:

    Is dollyanne more productive? Has dollyanne managed to convert her sexual energy to more useful activities? Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it!) when dollyanne rubs her nipples and her clitty expands in her chastity, her mind melts into an amorphous blonde bimbo state! So, dolly thinks the answer to these questions has to be no--at least, so far. Much time has been spent working out dollyanne's chastity and sissy gurlness. Just this morning dolly had to use her emery board to sand some nasty rough spots on the A and B rings that somehow magically appeared! These were gouging dolly's sensitive skin.

    And yes, dollyanne has also spent mucho time in sissy gurl activities--buying and trying on panties, nighties, plugs, and chastity locks. Dolly expects to spend even more time searching for the "perfect" chastity device!

    Dolly suspects things might be different if dollyanne's spouse participated. There would probably be more chores and tasks related to those "useful" activities than there are now with dollyanne in charge. Though dollyanne believes her spouse would no doubt use the leverage of chastity to "un-femme" dollyanne rather than femme her!:danger:

    Your questions are good ones, lauren, that make dollyanne reflect on how things have gone and where things might go from here. How can dollyanne do that conversion of her pent-up sexual energy to useful pursuits?:interrogation:

    Dollyanne doesn't think that has been accomplished so far. If you (or anyone reading this!) have any suggestions dollyanne is all ears (though they are in need of piercing and dangling!). It appears that chaste sissy gurlishness is like a drug compelling dollyanne forward into more and more sissy delirious femming!

    So, fire up the stealth engines, lauren! Dollyanne is in her pink chastity, feels sissy delirium coming on, and is ready to go LBD shopping!:bad-girl-0009:

    Huggs & Kisssses,
  25. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Wow...maybe they will hold a garage sale! Imagine going from sale to sale and scooping up all the pink items! Dollyanne would love it! (Though dollyanne's pinkness has to be toned down a bit these days:anim_39:.)

    Huggs, pink-loving sister
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