Early Christmas Present: Frenum Piercing

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by Danger_Money, Dec 13, 2009.

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  1. Danger_Money

    Danger_Money Lonely RE Novice

    Aug 30, 2009
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    So, after long consideration, communication with Mistress, and some research, I got my frenum pierced today. It was for aesthetics/stimulation for mistress and any other potential partner, as well as a way to properly secure my CB-6000. I figure I could put a lock in it or something to make it so I can't pull out.


    It is pretty awesome. Mistress made it a Christmas gift, and I can't wait to try it out. Too bad it won't be ready for initial testing for 4-5 weeks.

    Good things: it looks awesome. If you would notice the placement of the barbell in the wiki picture, it is a bit lower down. I wanted that exact placement, but the piercer that did it said that it would be uncomfortable there since I am uncircumcised/it isn't the best place for it. He offered, once my current one is healed, to do another there if I so desire.

    Bad things: it hurts a bit, but wah, it isn't all that bad. The slight pain reminds me that I had it done, which then reminds me how awesome it looks, which then starts to make me aroused. Arousal doesn't cause pain, but it worries me. It is a vicious cycle.

    The end result is that even though I am out of my CB-6000, it sort of acts as a virtual one, since I don't think I should, and won't, induce orgasm/masturbate for a while.

    So, dear chastity comrades, suggestions for a chain/lock/whatever setup with a regular sized CB-6000k to prevent pullout? Some sort of ring and a chain?

    I am very excited about all the possibilities!
  2. TGNadine

    TGNadine Naughty teasing Tgirl

    Dec 8, 2009
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    I believe now that you have that frenum, you can get almost any size sleeve to fit over it. A sleeve now would be much more comfortable, and I believe would set your balls free. I don't know where on the net you can get such....but have seen many advertised in Slave Piercing/Forced Womanhood.

    If you still want the cb 6000, I'm thinking a ring through the frenum, attached to a chain. Out the front of the slit, you could put another ring that won't fit through the slit. I suggest that the chain be long enough so that there is no tension on the cb 6000. The idea would be to just have it so that the chain was also short enough so that you can only get about 1/2 way out. Also, a nice thin chain would be best.
  3. Danger_Money

    Danger_Money Lonely RE Novice

    Aug 30, 2009
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    I guess I should look around a bit more if there is a device that will accommodate my new modification. I saw this: http://www.chastitytube.com/CV1506.jpg

    I thought in order to make it secure I would need to have a lock through the piercing, and I don't know if I want something that heavy in it for long stretches of time.

    [Edit] Or I could just spend five seconds on Google and find the thread here on the Lori Tubes. >_<
  4. lockedup54875

    lockedup54875 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    How bad was the pain at the time of the piercing?
  5. Danger_Money

    Danger_Money Lonely RE Novice

    Aug 30, 2009
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    In all honesty, it wasn't that bad. I have hurt myself more messing up the setup on my PES electrostim powerbox (remember to lubricate thoroughly).

    The piercer cleaned the spot, had me confirm the placement, re-cleaned it, marked it, and had me take in a deep breath and hold it. It was a tad more painful than getting a shot in the arm, but without the residual throbbing pain. It was sharp when he did it, and then nothing at all. It only hurt for a very sort amount of time.

    I had it done three days ago, it hasn't really hurt more than a little bit on two occasions. Totally bearable.
  6. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

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    rotfl. I almost blew diet coke out my nose!

    Good luck, and heal well!
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