Last Activity:
Dec 10, 2023
Nov 10, 2019 at 1:28 PM
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Local Time:
2:06 AM
Jan 1, 1971 (Age: 53)
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
SF Bay Area, California


Active member, Male, 53, from SF Bay Area, California

Unlocked since 2021-02-11 Nov 9, 2021

slimswitch was last seen:
Dec 10, 2023
    1. slimswitch
      Unlocked since 2021-02-11
    2. slimswitch
      Video call with KH. I'm to be locked for one more day... but with the spikes!
    3. slimswitch
      I've shaved my legs countless times and thought nothing of it. But while locked? Humiliation greatly intensified.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. slimswitch
        it helps of course that I'm shaving on the orders of my KH! She didn't specifically order me to shave my legs, but if I'm doing my chest and some of my pubes, I feel a bit silly leaving any hair below my neck. I'll have to wait to do the hair covered by the cage though!
        Feb 9, 2021
    4. slimswitch
      Phew, KH has read and liked my journal entry :)
      Sissycaitlin77 likes this.
    5. slimswitch
      Holy crap, my KH has really stepped it up. See my journal for details!
    6. slimswitch
      Cheque cleared early, KH has chosen to keep me locked anyway. Who knows when I'll be released?
    7. slimswitch
      Really can't believe how much difference the smaller base ring is making, but I'm reminded by the slightest sexy thought. 19 days to go.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. slimswitch
        Well, maybe 19 days? I was actually helping KH out with a financial transaction (nothing involving any of my money), and I'm to be unlocked when the cheque I posted clears. Was a bit of a shock when she said it would take 16 working days to clear!
        Jan 30, 2021
    8. slimswitch
      Wow, the new smaller base ring makes this cage *much* more restrictive. Morning wood just crushed immediately. An intense 20 days ahead.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rectrix
        You're in A273, right? Me too. What size ring is working for you?
        Jan 31, 2021
        slimswitch likes this.
      3. slimswitch
        40mm. Just a huge improvement - much more comfortable most of the time, and absolutely crushing if I start to get turned on.
        Jan 31, 2021
      4. slimswitch
        I've put more details in my journal!
        Jan 31, 2021
    9. slimswitch
      Keyholder was kind enough to video chat me today so I could change down to the smaller base ring, both more comfortable and more restrictive
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. slimswitch
        One week down, three weeks to go, unless she decides to extend it. Twice as long as I've ever done before, looking forward to seeing where it takes us!
        Jan 28, 2021
    10. slimswitch
      Holy shit, I'm to be locked until 18th Feb - 28 days locked overall. Longest I've ever done is 15 and I was climbing the walls at the end.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. Rectrix
        You can do it, it'll improve your self-image when you make it and you'll appreciate her more.
        Jan 28, 2021
        slimswitch likes this.
      2. slimswitch
        Thank you :) I am actually confident I'll do it, I'm feeling good about it right now and glad of the chance to try such a long lock-up. And I really appreciate your comment, thank you for making me feel heard!
        Jan 28, 2021
      3. slimswitch
        Also, I think I'll do it just because even if it's very hard, I would hardly feel physically able to unlock without her permission!
        Jan 28, 2021
    11. slimswitch
      Locked since Thursday, won't be unlocked until something I've posted her arrives. Watching FedEx tracking v closely.
      1. slimswitch
        Just spoke to her... I don't think she's going to unlock me when her parcel arrives!
        Jan 24, 2021
    12. slimswitch
      Was given permission to unlock on Friday only after we set off on a day trip, so I didn't get to unlock until we got home!
    13. slimswitch
      Asked for unlock, she'll think about it. Cycling very rapidly between really wanting to unlock and being so grateful it's not up to me.
    14. slimswitch
      I was pretty sure she'd let me out tomorrow since I'd need to wash anyway. Today she ordered me to take it off to shower, then lock back in!
      1. slimswitch
        So now the clock is reset on when I'll next get any release, might not be until Sunday!
        Jul 30, 2020
    15. slimswitch
      Locked in clear nub for at least three days. Very glad right now!
      1. slimswitch
        With this device I'll need to come out after three days to wash, but I'm assured I may be ordered right back in :)
        Jul 29, 2020
    16. slimswitch
      Feels weird to be uncaged. That's worrying...
    17. slimswitch
      Freed from the Nub! Thank you Keyholder.
      1. slimswitch
        aand now trying out the A273 cage with the anti-pullout spikes, because she was curious. You have to be very soft to put it on!
        Jun 25, 2020
    18. slimswitch
      Fuck. Mentioned I was trying out the Nub to keyholder. Right away - "Yes, leave it on and sleep in it".
      njcuckold and Sissy_Denise like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. slimswitch
        wow. How long can you wear it at a time?
        Jun 24, 2020
      3. njcuckold
        I can wear the Nub pretty comfortably all the time. I see now I should have not have admitted to my wife just how comfortable it was. I do remove daily when I shower.
        Jun 25, 2020
        BigCockTinyCage and slimswitch like this.
      4. slimswitch
        Ah yeah, I didn't get to take it off to shower, which limits how long I can wear it. With the A273, I can shower in it and get clean because it's a cage.
        Jun 25, 2020
        Rectrix likes this.
    19. slimswitch
      Sadly was able to pull out of the Vice after two days, it's just too big for me. Now seeing whether this Nub device is sustainable.
    20. slimswitch
      Trying out the Vice, just for long enough to test the claim that after two days you can't pull out. One day so far, already v frustrated!
    21. slimswitch
      I am FREE! And planning to stay that way for a little while at least :)
    22. slimswitch
      KH invited a lover we have threesomes with to unlocking videoconference; they cancelled, headache. Really hope this doesn't delay unlock!
      1. slimswitch
        KH: "Aw, sorry to hear it. Does that mean we should give him another day? :-O" please no...
        Jun 8, 2020
    23. slimswitch
      Today is unlock day, unless she decides otherwise. Went to bed desperate to be unlocked. Now I'm less sure... but it's not up to me!
      Disciplined Boyfriend likes this.
    24. slimswitch
      Remind me why I asked for this again?
      Rectrix likes this.
    25. slimswitch
      Oh God, KH says it's now not convenient for her to free me today and I'll have to wait until Monday. I am absolutely desperate to be freed.
      1. slimswitch
        She's 5000 miles away, but I can't unlock without her permission.
        Jun 6, 2020
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  • About

    Jan 1, 1971 (Age: 53)
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    SF Bay Area, California
    Your chastity role:
    • Other - (Explain in "About You")
    Chastity devices:
    Chinese A273 short cage, CB2000, cup device
    Chastity resume:
    Not serious about it, but having fun!
    Short version: the wonderful partners I live with are happily very supportive of me sometimes being locked up on the orders of a lover who lives 5000 miles away!

    Long version:

    I've identified as polyamorous and kinky and bi for 30 years. I've been lucky to play with a lot of people and try a lot of kinky things - including dabbling in chastity play. I've been with my primary partner for nearly 20 years and I'm devoted to her, though due to her health we don't get up to much kinky fun now. But we've always had other partners, and today we live with another partner. I've been seeing the woman who is now my keyholder since late 2011, a sexy goth lady roughly my age; she bought a strap-on for our first date which was a great start. Very often our dates would be with her and a very beautiful person with whom we'd have every combination of three-way fun, and she's always strongly encouraged me to cross-dress, to an extent that it has at times shaded a little into a delicious forced feminization kink.

    At the start of 2016, I moved 5000 miles from our shared home town of London to Silicon Valley, saying a sad goodbye to my London lovers, though of course hoping to visit frequently; I've had much fun connecting with the kink scene here in the Bay Area. Near the end of 2019, I was looking at her FetLife page, and noticed an entry that said: "Curious about: chastity devices (giving)." Goodness me, I thought, and messaged her. It turned out that she had fantasized about attaching a leash to a chastity device at a fetish club. I had a visit to the UK planned, so I immediately ordered a short A273 with 45mm ring to try out, ready for the club.

    I was checking the post every day for it to arrive, and I put it on as soon as possible, and left for work - taking the key with me. But I knew immediately I wanted her to have control of when it was unlocked. After our first three-day experiment with it, we agreed that she could simply order me to put it on at any time, but that I'd make sure she knew about any dates I had planned so it was only me that was inconvenienced :) Unsurprisingly the UK visit has had to be postponed, but I've worn it around half-a-dozen times since then, the longest stretch being 15 days. It's a fantastic way for the two of us to connect across all this distance.

    When I put it on, the keys go in numbered evidence bags, which I show her before unlocking, to demonstrate that I've been good. In so far as it's possible given our long distance arrangement, I have no safeword; I am permitted to unlock for medical reasons, but otherwise it's up to her. There are various ways I could cheat (I could pick the lock) but I have sworn not to cheat, and outside of an emergency I don't think I could open the bags unlock without her permission if I tried.
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