Last Activity:
Jul 17, 2024
Feb 22, 2012 at 4:14 AM
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Local Time:
5:26 AM
Dec 4, 1989 (Age: 34)


Submissive, Male, 34

When your whole world gets turned upside down and your left alone thinking, what could I have done differently? Aug 1, 2021

Knight1115 was last seen:
Jul 17, 2024
    1. Knight1115
      When your whole world gets turned upside down and your left alone thinking, what could I have done differently?
      1. sissydavenport
        The better question is "How will I do it better next time?" You're a good person and an amazing sub. This statement fixes nothing, but let your self feel it for a moment.
        Aug 1, 2021
    2. Knight1115
      It here, Its here and its soooooooooo tiny!
      1. King Hippo
        King Hippo
        Hope it was worth the wait! Lemme know about it next time you see me online.
        Jul 4, 2020
    3. Knight1115
      Update the Evolution Orion should be in my mailbox on Friday just in time to wear break it in all weekend :)
      bincorona and King Hippo like this.
    4. Knight1115
      MissKelly just said she got a email that the new Evo Orion Shipped today!!!!
      1. King Hippo
        King Hippo
        I hate waiting for this stuff... uggg
        Jun 27, 2020
    5. Knight1115
      Waiting on 2 new chastity devices, so excited for both!
      1. Sissy_Denise
        Don't get too excited or you will have a "hard" time trying them on :-) As Tom Petty once said, "waiting is the hardest part". Who knew he was talking about chastity.
        Jun 20, 2020
        Knight1115 likes this.
    6. Luscious-Liza
      Hello this is Liza and Mrs L hope we can chat soon
    7. Knight1115
      78 days and counting
    8. Knight1115
      Cant wait for my new device :)
      Kitty_Mischief likes this.
    9. Formyowngood
      Great pics! I'll be in a queens keep soon! She's hoping it will be here by xmas. I'll become locked 24/7 cams morning.
      I have a tone of great pics to share. I'll get them up soon!
      Are you guys in the US?
      We are out in sf California
      1. Knight1115
        were from Pa :)
        Oct 24, 2015
    10. the odd tease
      the odd tease
      Hope you're both still having fun and looking forwards to more to come!
      1. Knight1115
        were having a great time :)
        Oct 24, 2015
    11. Knight1115
      In Love and wouldnt change a thing :)
    12. Knight1115
      In love with my Mistress every hour of every minute of every day of every year for ever and ever and ever.......
    13. Knight1115
      I am just a peon humbled before my Queen.
    14. Knight1115
      Got a collar tan line today
      kazrin likes this.
    15. Knight1115
      Got a collar tan line today :(
    16. Knight1115
      Getting adjusted to my new collar :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Knight1115
        Around my neck 24/7, its tight too!
        May 22, 2012
      3. Jens
        Is it a metal one? I like the feel of metal ones but i also like the tight/huggy feel of leather ones!
        May 23, 2012
      4. Knight1115
        Its metal and locked on so I couldn't get it off if I tried not that id want to anyways :)
        May 23, 2012
    17. Knight1115
      I couldnt b happier, I love you so much Kelly
      1. MissKelly
        I love you 2 Baby
        Apr 26, 2012
    18. Knight1115
      1 day and 2 half hours.........OMG I CANT WAIT!!!!!!
    19. Knight1115
      1 day and 2 half hours.........OMG I CANT WAIT!!!!!!
    20. Knight1115
      1 day and 2 half hours.........OMG I CANT WAIT!!!!!!
    21. Knight1115
      Less than a week till unlock but only 11 more days till my 2 week vacation with my mistress aka the love of my life :)
    22. Knight1115
      I had to glue my cb after the seam split now that its back on i had a dream last night that the head of my penis had been glued to the cage.....Ooooo scary lol.
      1. Mistress B
        Mistress B
        Sounds fun
        Mar 26, 2012
      2. Knight1115
        Ha, I enjoy being locked but I dont think glueing it in there would b too much fun :)
        Mar 27, 2012
    23. Knight1115
      April 8th is right around the corner.........Right?
      1. Vithryld
        Technically, yes! Time flies when you are being tormented, no?
        Mar 21, 2012
      2. Knight1115
        Well considering that this lock up doubles my previous record, times not flying for me lol.But I do love to b tormented :)
        Mar 21, 2012
    24. Knight1115
      April 8th right around the corner.....Right?
    25. Knight1115
      Lock gose back on tonight
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  • About

    Dec 4, 1989 (Age: 34)
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Switch
    Chastity devices:
    Evo cage 8 with 2g PA, Custom Loris with 2g PA, Full belt, The Vice Regular and Mini, Holy Trainer Nano and Nub, Cb6000 and PA500, Lots of other tiny cages :)
    Chastity resume:
    Update 3/15/24- I’m in love! Been in a relationship with my gf for 2 years now, she is amazing. She calls me daddy but still wears a key neckless for me. I couldn’t be happier. Excited to keep exploring with her and discover all the fun kinky things we both enjoy.

    Hi there and welcome to my page :) I'm a big guy at 6ft 2 with a thick upper body, Tattoos and piercings and working on getting into shape and dieting. I'm also a huge nerd lol. I love gaming on the pc or table top, DnD and roleplay, I enjoy sports, mostly MMA but I can watch anything. I'm very passionate about cars and bikes, there is nothing more relaxing to me than going for long drives/rides unless you count sub space hehe. I'm happy outdoors hiking or chilling inside watching a scary movie. When it comes to music, I love female singers especially if they are a hardcore metal band. I play some guitar and used to practice jiujitsu and would enjoy getting back into doing it. I have a full time job as a Production Manager and a part time job as a pool boy, yes a pool boy :) I love all kinds of pets and animals. I'm a hardworking family man with a son that is my pride and joy.

    For the kinky side of things I'm a Huge fan of chastity and pegging. I’m mostly a submissive but I do enjoy switching it up and being a dom from time to time. There is nothing I love more than to please my owner in whatever way she desires. I have a thing for goth lady's with dark makeup that makes me weak in the knees. My Pa piercing attaches through several of my chastity devices to make sure they are 100% secure.

    I used to be a big shot on tumbler b4 the big porn purge, stoped posting for a long time but Im back on there now rebloging what I can, my Tumbler is So if you like Chastity,Strapons and Femdom check it out. Hope to see you all around in Chat sometimes :)
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