Not just playin anymore

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Yodermanks, Nov 11, 2008.

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  1. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    First off hi to all and sorry for the long post but gotta get caught up hehe, ive been a lurker forever but since ive been offically chastized as of today i figured that i might as well make a diary on how it goes, and that way my keyholder can read it and know if i cant talk to her.

    Well lets get some background, im a 19 year old student that has been intrested in this for a long time, i purchased my first device (cb-3000) about a year ago and have been playin by myself since, not that it ever went very far, put it on hang out for a couple hours get turned on by the thought and off it came for a release, well i finally got up the nerve to ask one of my close friends to help me with this, try it out and see if it was something that i liked as much in reality as i do in my head. luck was with me cause she said yes, shes two hours away so we are gunna mail the key back and forth with her holdin the spare too, so we started talkin bout it seriously and she spent a couple days researchin the subject, and decided that shes gunna like this alot, so i started wearin it for real, i kept it on as long as i could and when i was as turned on as i could take i took it off and masurbated and put it back on as soon as i could. i did this for most of a week and i was only out for maybe a day in total out of 6 days. we decided to go for it, might as well cause i dont think i was gunna get anymore ready, physically and mentally lol we decided on a schedual of release, 3 days for the first time, off 24 hours on again for 5 days then reevaluate.

    Day Zero
    Sunday, i took off the device as soon as i woke up sunday morning to get a period of rest before i was in without an escape, so it was off all day, needless to say i enjoyed many orgasms and prolly went to far in my anxiety.

    Day One
    Monday, woke up later then normal but feeling excited/nervous/scared, showered talked to boss lady and thought what the hell no time like the present so i put it on and at noon i clicked the lock shut and hurried up and sent the key out to boss, i have to admit the mental aspect of it didnt really hit me til bout an hour after i had sent the key, when it did whoa say hello to my little guy, he acted like a caged animal, tryed his best to break out of the cage, but it held, went on about my day, it kinda blows my mind when i think that i cant get out if i want to, but i guess thats the purpose. so im enjoyin the experiance so far, ill try to keep this updated but as we all know life gets in the way sometimes,

    finally locked
  2. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing how this works for you, as you move forward!
  3. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Mikecb, thanks for the support, it never hurts to know that ive got some one on my side lol my friend has been very supportive too, so im glad ive given it a try. on to the update

    Day Two
    i know not much for many but seems like a life time to me, but today was a lot better then yesterday, and last night was the best one while in chastity yet, only woke up twice (hell yea), kinda startin to feel a little pressure for release but not bad. gettin more used to the feel of it hangin down there, kinda forgot bout it a couple times while i was preoccupied with work.

    on a side note i mailed the key to the boss, and with the spare it only took 1 day, but she didnt get the main key today like planned so its lookin like im gunna be in this for longer then we origanally thought, lol such is life, and besides at this point i have no problems or sore spots or any reason to take it off except for some fun ;) but i would like to make some minor adjustments to the fit of things but they arent nessacary so who knows, i guess we'll play it by ear.

    and i have a question for you guys, i have another close friend that i would like to tell cause i think she would be willing to tease me and keep things super intresting, i know that shes open to just bout anything in the bedroom but i dont know if this is part of that anything she thought bout lol and i dont want to freak her out or lose her friendship over it, so what do you guys think i should do?

    until next time,
  4. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Just stopping by to say congrats on starting a Journal.

    I'm in a mad rush, so I will catch up later... keep the chastity to yourself for a while longer, you're very over-excited about it, but sharing is difficult!

    I'll chat more later. :animal0008:
  5. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I would agree with Mistress Watchful on that one. My kneejerk feeling when I read this was "unfaithful". Let me explain why.....

    If you think about the "long haul", wearing a chastity device is an inherently submissive act. Titillation for most of us comes from giving up control to the keyholder. If you think you ARE submissive, then wouldn't it make sense to let "The Boss" decide when and if you're teased, released, etc? It almost strikes me as a bit "unfaithful" to involve another in your chastity games, without first clearing it through The Boss. Perhaps that's just me.

    If you truly want to experience the power exchange that comes from chastity play, I'd suggest you talk openly about all these feelings with The Boss. Personally, I think you should start with some introspection about whether you really DO feel submissive, or whether this is just a game of titillation for you. If it IS just about titillation, let The Boss know that. If it's submission, she should know that too. You have put a lot of trust in her. Two things are going on. 1) She is trying to do the right thing for you, and 2) she certainly has her own feelings about what's going on with this game. Might she harbor other feelings for you? You've asked her to take control of your sex life. Why is she doing it? As a favor? Because it turns her on? Because she has feelings for you? How do YOU return the favor? What's in it for HER? As you examine the situation, if you think you're submissive, you really need to start asking the question, "What can I do for The Boss?", not "Who else can I get to turn me on?"

    Anyway, from a submissive's point of view, that alarm bell went off for me. I would hate to see you damage this great situation with The Boss, because you didn't take her feelings into account.

    On another note... do you have a PA piercing to lock your tube? Your avatar seems to indicate you do. Just curious.

    Best of luck!
  6. S&S_MISTRESS's boy toy

    Oct 15, 2008
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    I'm enjoying your account very much. I agree with Mistress Watchful and mikecb postings. I would also suggest not telling people about it because it is likely something they won't understand and once you tell them, you can't "untell them".

    If I understand your situation correctly, there is one suggestion I would like to respectfully suggest that I hope you will consider. I understand that your Boss has both keys. If at all possible, I would suggest having her hide the spare key at your place where you don't know where it is and are unlikely to find it. The reason for this is should you have an emergency and have to get out of it ASAP (something breaks and pinches you for example), she can direct you to the spare over the phone and you are released in minutes.

    I am always surprised when I hear of young people who are interested in chastity and curious where their interest came from. I don't think I had heard of it until I was in my mid 30s other than use as a historical torture device. Would you mind sharing how you came to learn about decide to participate in male chastity?

    I am glad you are no longer just a lurker and are sharing your experience. I also hope you will check out my journal when you have time.

    Good luck.
  7. maidmisty

    maidmisty Senior Member

    May 16, 2008
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    boytoy has a very good idea & i'll tell you way ,it's from experience. This happened two years ago . My wife/Mistress had been useing a 3k for about three years .i had been in lockup for about four wks. at the time . i was at work and i fell, and broke my hip .:anim_43: As bad as it hurt the first thing i did before they took me to the ER as to call my Mistressand ask her to bring the key . While i had her on the phone i ask if she would bring along a pair of boxers ( i was wearing pink panties that day) . She did , but said that she thought about not bring them , i think she was kidding :sign0007:.
    i now have a key that she put in a envelope , put her name on it , put tape all over it so if i try to get out i'll have to rip it apart.
    i guess what i'm trying to say " better safe than sorry" . Have fun with your " lockup " i'll be looking in to see how your doing .:smilies_xxx02:
  8. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Wow. you guys are great, thanks for all the advice! and i really appriciate all of you stoppin in.

    Mistress Watchful,
    thanks for this wonderful site, and yes ive been told by my keyholder that im way to excited about this journey, luckily for me shes there to bring me back to reality. shes my calm in stormy weather

    i completely understand where your comin from, and i have asked her if she cares and she says go for it if i want. We have completely open communications, I tell her everything, I have for a while thats why i decided to trust her with this, but we are just friends and while that might change with time at this point she just wants to help me out and see if this is something that i like as well in reality as i did in my fantasy. Some more info that might be revalent is that we are both virgins, and very inexperianced in sexual activitys. i have asked her what she wants out of this and all she says is to know that she is helpin me out, but im takin her to dinner tomorrow so i am tryin to see that shes getting some benifits out of it.
    And on a nother note, yes i do have a pa that is used to help secure the device, if i didnt have that then i would be able to pull out with hardly any trouble, even with the tightest setting i could find, i use a pin that goes thru the sides of the tube and my pa ring then locks on the outside, its a pretty good thing, makes the tube shorter (which fits me better) and prevents me from gettin out.

    thanks for that suggestion, ill talk to her today bout that, and as to how i learned bout it, im pretty sure that i happend on it on the net, ive always been into bondage and restriction, and while readin some stories online bout that they mentioned chastity, and it perked my intrest, as im one to learn as much as i can about a subject that intrests me i spent a ton of time on the net tryin to learn bout it, every site i could find that delt with the subject of chastity, readin expirences, lookin at devices, everything, i just let it be a fantasy for a long time, but my junior year in highschool i tried building my first cb, it worked out ok, wore it maybe 30 hours total, it kinda freaked me out one day when i couldnt get the lock to work and once it came off i threw it away cause i knew i couldnt keep it off, and i didnt want to get it stuck on lol, after that i never built another one, just kept it as a fantasy. until i decided to buy a professionally built device, aka CB-3000 and here i am today lol

    thanks for stoppin in, and that experiance would definatly be an intresting situation, and i worry bout gettin in something like that too, especially when im ridin my motorcycle, as i said above ill talk to the boss today and see what we can come up with

    Thanks to everyone, i love the way that everyone jumps right in to help out on this site, got to love that, thanks again
  9. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    So update for thing arent so good today, while im definatly not havin any problems wearin the device or the comfort of it, i am havein problems with it actually stopping me from havin an orgasm, i wanted to test my limits today so i was playin with the cage and doin everything i could to reach that orgasm, and while i didnt i definatly could tell that if i kept on i would, im really disappointed right now, i guess when i get the key tomorrow im gunna try to make some adjustments that will limit my ability to manipulate things.
    im gunna try the next size smaller ring to start with, if that doesnt work im gunna try adding one of the points of intrigue deals i know thatll make me not want to try but for how long is what i wonder. o well still wearin it with no release til tomorrow evening so im bein good but mostly out of choice and not cause im forced to be, which is what i want, but life goes on :mad0235:

  10. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Ah-ha! You're one of THOSE types then! :animal0017:

    I'm kidding with you, honestly! What I mean is you are a "defeater" and it's your job to try and find a way to defeat any given chastity device.

    At your age I completely understand!

    I believe (and other's will chip in) that all the CB range can be defeated, either by escaping (which you can't because of your piercing) or by manipulation or very powerful vibrators.... if that's what you want!

    Is that what you want? No... but you are also struggling with the need to be completely and utterly secure in a device because you can't control yourself.

    This is common quandry, and one which may take a long time to fix! You either need to get into the correct head-space, or you need to start thinking about a serious, long-term, waist-type belt. :animal0008:

    I'm glad you and your KH are communicating well.

    Regarding introducing another person, you KH told you that you could "if that's what YOU wanted". This puts a difficult twist on things. Surely this is about submission and commitment, and what YOU want has bugger all to do with it.

    Would it not be better to let this go? Your KH knows you are happy to introduce another, wouldn't it be far more powerful for her to decide when, where and how? What a wonderful surprise THAT would be!!!!

    Don't take away your KHs ability to surprise. pet does it to me all the time. He needs to trust me. I listen to what he says and take note. I won't do what he wants immediately. Sometimes he even forgets he told me... so when I do get round to it.... MAJOR EXPLOSIONS! :animal0008:
  11. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Yes, I have to agree with Mistress Watchful, but with another reason as well. I'm thinking from the perspective of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Alpha Centauri" point of view...

    If I ask my wife "Do you mind of I do X?", and she responds "Sure, if you want to.", what she "hears" is "Honey, I want to do X, because you're fat, unattractive, and I want to have sex with other women. Do you mind?" And her response translates to "If you do that, I'll pitch a fit, and hate you forever.. Go ahead. I want to see if you REALLY love me!".

    Isn't it grand that after being together for 20 years, communication improves so?!? lol. What's really disturbing is that I can actually TELL when that kind of "communication" is actually happening now. My poor brain is starting to think "womanish". I have a headache, just thinking about it.

    Anyway, I guess just hearing "If you want to" from The Boss leaves me unconvinced. Honestly, you've got a good thing going. Also, at age 19, it's not like you need a lot of external stimulus to get intolerably horny. I think YOU introducing a third person at this moment can only lead to potential hard feelings. My Wife really isn't into KHing. Trust me, You have a great thing going, even if this lady isn't your lover. You don't want to mess it up.

    I think Mistress Watchful raises a great point that you should let The Boss surprise you. By all means be open with her - "Boss, this is SUCH a turn on. It would be SO cool if other women teased me." Then let HER work with that. Maybe you'll visit her some time to find a bunch of her giggling friends, asking about your device? Maybe you won't... but the mystery is a turn-on all on it's own.

    Regarding being able to climax in the device... I'd be wary of adjustments or POIs without testing first. Don't stick 'em in, and impulsively mail off the keys. Sometimes an adjustment will work for hours, but not for days. Remember that even if you CAN climax in the device, there is still a great submissive aspect to being trapped in a device you can't remove.

    Another thought, in parting.... at some point, just having no access to the keys for days/weeks at a time will be boring. Perhaps you and The Boss need to put on thinking caps about next steps. Perhaps she should order you to do certain things, and prove it, before she sends the keys. Again, let your mind wander and brainstorm WITH her.... but then, you should leave the decisions to HER. :)

  12. S&S_MISTRESS's boy toy

    Oct 15, 2008
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    I remember when I was first experimenting, I too found myself playing. It wasn't so much that I wanted to orgasm as much as to find out what the limits were. Like you I was initially very disappointed when after 13 days of self-lockup, I pushed too far and reached orgasm while wearing my device. In fact, I didn't wear it for several months after that.

    From what I've read, very few devices are secure enough to prevent a man from achieving orgasm 100% of the time. I also believe that for a man, mental stimulation is often more important than phsyical stimulation in reaching an orgasm. Because of this, I think most men could achieve orgasm in almost any device if mentally stimulated enough while being denied and teased.

    I feel very lucky to have found S&S_MISTRESS and to have her be so open to this lifestyle. Since we have been experimenting for the last three months or so, I find my attitude is totally different. I don't want to push the limits and disappoint or let her down. I was also honest with her about the previous failure during self-lockup and suggested a serious discipline punishment should I ever push too far and achieve an unauthorized orgasm while under her control. We both agreed and I pushed for a severe enough punishment that the fear of it will hopefully prevent me from failing.

    Try not to let this disappoint you. Use it as a learning experience that can help you tailor your situation later when you have a more permanent situation. There is likely to be ups and downs along the road but try to focus on the ups while learning from the downs.

    PS. I have long considered getting a PA piercing but have not done so. I have spoken with S&S several times about it. Last night she asked me when I was going to get it done. I responded, "I don't know. You haven't told me yet." I would love to hear about yours and see more photos that S&S and I can learn from if you wouldn't mind sharing.

    Good luck as always,
  13. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Mistress Watchful,
    your right ive never been one to accept bein told i cant do something. and if i could afford a steel waist belt i would order one today but i cant, so ill try to make do with what i got. since we are gunna have to make a new trial fitting, and see if the adjustments i make are gunna be alright for lenths of time, i spose that ill just have to wait for suprises lol, thanks for stoppin in again.

    "Men are from Mars, Women are from Alpha Centauri"if theres ever been a statement i agree with more i havent found it yet, but we've both promised to be totally honest and say exactly what we mean when it comes to this, and i have to trust that shes doin that, but i have decided to not tell my friend, at least for a while, i kinda have a way of jumpin off the cliff before i look down, and as for makin the adjustments i agree. shes givin me one of the keys back tonight and im gunna try the adjustments for at least a week before i try with out a key handy. as to it bein boring we have talked bout this and she has assured me that once it begins for real that shes gunna make it intresting for me, so im excited (well as much as i can be lol), she refuses to tell me what she has planned other then it fits into my turn ons, so we'll see.

    the first time i climaxed in the device i also didnt wear it for months. but right now im way to eager to start for real that im not put off, im just gunna make adjustments and keep on keepin on, lol, and im tryin to look at only the ups, im pretty good at that, normally i forget to look for the downs before i jump into something and thats why when i find them i am so disappointed, but such is life. and as to the PA, let me know what you wanna know, im all for sharing. in fact more of my friends know bout that piercing then my septum just cause they were curious and i had a girl that couldnt keep her mouth closed and i lived in a small town where rumors spread like wild fire. but the thing i have to stress bout a PA is dont push faster then it wants to go, i did and had to let it heal back up more then once, but i love it now, so once again just let me know exactly what you wanna know or see and ill see if i cant hook you up.

    Thanks everybody for still checkin up on me, i love havin the support that you guys and Mistress Watchful offer,makes me feel good.

    well til later
  14. S&S_MISTRESS's boy toy

    Oct 15, 2008
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    Please give us an update when you have time. I hope all is well for you.
  15. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    sorry for the long time between posts, i tried a few different things and have settled on switching to the cb2000 cage witht the smallest POI, i have to admit that everything is way more comfortable then the cb3000 unless i get excited of course, and i did a trial period and i had no problems so i am now locked up for real again, this lock up started on 11-19 and its gunna last til atleast 11-24, and at this point i am startin to feel frustrated but at the same time im kinda likin it, sleeping is still a pain (no pun intended) but im making it alright, and i have gained some serious respect for those of you that are in for a long time, thats amazing, but from some things that the Boss said last night im pretty sure that im gunna have to try it in the not so distant future. well thanks thats all i got to report for now.
  16. hope2blocked

    hope2blocked Junior Member

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    patiently waiting for updates
  17. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    well i didnt make it completely thru lock up again, even with the POI's i could manipulate things enuff, and i got really frustrated and Boss decided that i should just take a break for a while, so i have been out of any device for almost a week, ive changed out to the medium POI's and have swithced to the second smallest ring and am in the process of trials, so far the combination creates enuff feedback that i dont even want to try to manipulate things, but its been less then 24 hours, and i was 4 days in to it last time when i finally overcame the feedback to reach a climax in the device, so we'll have to see what this does for me. with the Boss encouraging me an enormous amount and helpin me stay logicall about this i think ill find a way. thanks
  18. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    well thought i would update and let all of you know that today starts a new lock up with the boss, this time we have decided that its gunna be for real as we can make it, shes got complete control over when i get out and she has refused to tell me for how long she thinks its gunna be, she just replies "soon enuff" and "thats for only me to know" so we'll have to see how it goes, i switched out back to the larger ring and went with a smaller spacer instead, and am still using the medium POI's tho, i have to admit that click never sounded so final before, and im really nervous bout this time cause im thinkin its gunna actually do what i want it too, but im diggin the feelings and the mental aspects of it again, thanks for listening to me again off to bed got work in the morning :anim_43:
  19. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

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    Woo hoo! Congratulations on being back OUT of control! hehe. It sounds like the Boss is firmly in charge. Let's hope that your latest adjustments to the CB prevent any cheating!!
  20. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Keep at it, you'll get there in the end!

    That which does not kill us makes us stronger... or hornier! :manga_exclaim:
  21. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    well so far its been 3 full days locked up, and with the weekend comin up im lookin at atleast another 4 days til possible release, and the feedback of the POI's has kept me from even tryin anything yet.
    i asked the Boss to make sure im locked up next weekend and from some things she said today i think she's plannin on just leavein me locked until after that weekend and its got me kinda worried, i did ask for this but thats a really long lock up for me
    the only complaint i have at this point is that im gettin some of that burning sensation at the base of the sack like just bout everyone complains bout, but its only a temporary thing and only happens when i walk around alot. some skin lotion and no movement for a while and it feels fine again.
    i do have a question for you guys tho, ive found that the longer i go the more often i try to get erect, is it the same for you guys? thanks for still checkin up on a newbie
  22. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    ok so another day and a lot more frustrated, i dont know what it was but tonight i am so much more horny then i was last night, like im ancy as all get out and i cant stop thinkin bout sexual things, the smallest things set me to straining against the device, its slightly maddening, maybe ill calm down some tonight, i hope so anyway, but thought id give an update until next time
  23. cks

    cks Banned

    May 18, 2008
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    please be assured that what you are experiencing it very common. i personally experience the same "effects". a whole range of emotions flow unexpected thru a locked submissive as the time of helplessness increases. for me it's a wonderfully intoxicating feeling knowing the a beautiful Dom cares enough for me that She/He would be so generous in Owning this cock. my frustration and excitement builds and builds rather than decreases as some do. knowing that i amuse and entertain my Owner as my submissive lust and desire to please Her grows makes me the happiest.

    simply some personal random thoughts. it's meant to encourage you and remind you of truly how lucky we are.

    enjoy! day 58 by Mistress Michelle's command.
  24. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Yodermanks, yes, it gets increasingly frustrating. For many of us, the 7-10 day range is the worst. You're younger, so it may be worse earlier.

    Do keep after the lotion, and keep things clean behind the A-ring. You may find you'll be raw, and need to heal for a few days after your next time out. That happens until the skin toughens up.

  25. Yodermanks

    Yodermanks Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    its been quite awhile and i thought i would write an update

    after my super horny/frustrated day it calmed down a lot, like it was almost as if i was on my first day of lock up. It was quite a releif but kinda disappointing to(heavy on the relief) while my frustration level had increased steadily ever since and today has been almost as bad as day 4.

    Do you guys have any experiance in fluctuations like this? is it normal? does it happen often? any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

    On the plus side i get released tomorrow so im really lookin forward to that, but after a week in the device i have to say that i really do forget im wearing it quite often.
    I need to leave it off for a while so that i can heal up the irratations from the A ring, and the POI's, the area that the POI's hit is gettin super tender and im worried bout long term situations but i guess we'll see tomorrow how it looks.

    thanks for any and all help the people on this site have provided
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