Mistress meeting a friend

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by subhub1, Jun 12, 2009.

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  1. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Hi everyone,

    It's a while since i posted something here, sorry for not posting sooner.

    My Mistress wife made me Her cuckold some time ago, however, She grew tired of Her last boyfriend and having finished him didn't feel like finding another young stud for a while.

    That was until 4-5 weeks ago while out with a few girlfriends Mistress met a young man in a local pub, the Ladies have popped into the same place a few times since and the guy has shown Mistress alot of attention.

    Well, from what Mistress has told me it is only a matter of time before this hot young stud will get his way with Mistress, much to my excitement as you can no doubt imagine.

    Mistress and Her girlfriends are out again tonight, Mistress teased that Her young friend had a drink waiting for Her last time She went in the pub, he said he knew it was Her walking in by the sound of Her stiletto heel boots on the tiles.

    Boots bought by me of course and never worn when i am with Mistress, just for Her nights out with 'real men'. Mistress put me into my CB3000 at the begining of the week and i can say i will be shaking with the usual dreed and excitment as Mistress leaves the house later today.

    Mistress has said that because i have been so very good lately She may send me a few text messages tonight to keep me exicted, Mistress has hinted She may stop at her girlfriends house tonight !!!!

    I will update here 'real time' as things happen.

    Mistress has just told me one of Her girlfriends have tipped this guy off that they will be out tonight, just to be sure he will be there, Her girlfriends know i am a pussy whipped cuckold and think it is 'so cute'.
  2. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Mistress has just collared me and attached Her leather handled dog lead to the collar, i am soon to be gagged with a ball gag and blindfolded, after which i will be lead to our downstairs closet, the dog lead will be secured so i must stand in the closet until Mistress is ready to leave.

    Mistress knows the great excitment it gives me to watch Her prepare and dress before going out, therefore as part of Her teasing She denies me that pleasure, Mistress may have a little suprise for me to endure while locked away in my own little world, nipple clamps or a butt plug have been used in the past.

    As soon as i have finished this update i am to report to Mistress for boot cleaning duty after which i will be 'put out of sight' until She is about to leave, i will be allowed the briefest of looks at Her outfit before She leaves which i have been given permission to update here for those who may be interested.
  3. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Enjoy your visit to the closet sweety. You are such a sissy cucky!
  4. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Thank You so much for Your comment Miss D.

    My Mistress left a little time ago, i was made to stand in the closet for two and a half hours while Mistress got ready to go out. Mistress had me put on a pair of 4 inch stiletto shoes before i was secured, i was in agony by the time i was let out, having to stand perfectly still in 4 inch heels (Mistress does not really like to Femme me, however, She enjoys subjecting me to stiletto torture as She puts it).

    Before Mistress shut the door i was told to hold my upturned hand out and asked to decide how many strokes of Mistress's cane i should take, as usual to few and it would be doubled.

    I said 12 and of course Mistress laughed and said 'oh sweety, i was only going to give you 6, but if you insist' i recieved 12 stroke on each palm, after which i was immediatley cuffed to stop me from rubbing my hands to ease the pain.

    Mistress then shut and locked the door and left me in that tiny room in complete darkness, waiting until i heard the tell tale sound of Her stilettos coming towards me.
  5. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    As promised Mistress's outfit for Her night out. Mistress wore Her new black platform stiletto heel ankle strap shoes with sheer barely black stockings (Mistress doesn't wear pantyhose) a tight black skirt with a silvery white cleavage top. I was honoured to be able to kneel before Her and kiss Her slut red painted toes through the peep hole of Her shoes, i was immediatley excited in my CB as my lips dusted across the shimmer of Her stockings above Her toes.

    Mistress kept me there until Her girlfriend arrived to pick Her up, a couple of sharp cracks across my bottom with Her cane and She was gone. The door was closed and locked before i dared to raise my head.

    As usual i have a long list of chores to complete while Mistress is out, when completed i am to wait at the door like a dog to welcome Her back, 'if i come back tonight' She had laughed.

    I asked if She would tell me if She planned to stay out all night, 'no' was the reply, 'you will need to decide if you go to bed or not, but if get back and your not at the door you will pay a heavy price slut' She had said.

    As i typed this Mistress sent a text to let me know She is with Her young male friend, no details just they are together. Oh how i love my cruel beautiful owner for putting me through this dreed and excitment.
  6. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Mistress returned at 1AM in a good mood, i was of course waiting on my knees by the door, after showing the correct respect to Mistress's shoes i was taken by Mistress's dog lead into our front room. Mistress told me to bend and touch my toes, i was left like that for 1/2 an hour while Mistress showered, when She returned She asked if i was looking forward to my punishment, i said i was.

    Mistress then rang Her young stud and had a short chat with him, he must have asked to see a photo because Mistress used Her cell phone camera and sent the picture on a message. I was then punished across the bottom with Her cane, Mistress said She would continue until She saw tears, which came after a while. Mistress then checked my locked cocklette and swollen balls, laughing She said a real man would rip that thing off, throw me on the sofa and take me, but your not a real man are you slut....No Mistress was my reply. Happy with the punishment i had endured Mistress locked me to a pipe in the front room and left me to a tourtured sleep, visting briefly to unlock me in the morning so i could go about my usual duties.
  7. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Moaning forum member alert.....

    First, sorry for moaning......but,

    I have put this post up to allow others to enjoy an insight into our (Mistress and myself) sub/Dom lifestyle. I fully know the way forums work, a few posters with a lot of lurkers, this situation is true with all forums.

    However, at the time of typing 132 views of this post have taken place, with the single exception of the very wonderful Miss D (thank-you Ma'am) no one else has made a comment on this post, my point is this...if 131 people can be bothered to view a post why can they not be bothered to put a short comment on the post?

    I know the usual reply to such a question is, thats the way it is on forums. But that doesn't make it right does it, a few moments to put a comment on a post takes no effort at all.

    Please remember lurkers, if you dont want to put up your own post thats fine, just use a little decency and add a comment every know and then.....ultimatley those who do post will get fed up of 'takling to theirselves' and will stop posting, which is the beginning of the end for any forum.

    Moan over....sorry.
  8. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    you are right subhub, I have read your post and enjoyed it but did not answer it.
    So, great thread subhub, enjoying it. Keep up the good work!!

    Mistress Michelle :sex020:
  9. chastityslavejohn

    chastityslavejohn Mistress Irianna's pet

    Nov 7, 2008
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    not my thing, but all are welcome here.
  10. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    subhub, don't get too concerned about whether you get a zillion responses or not - it is clear your evening of delight was read by many.

    The part I liked best was your stiletto torture in the closet while Mistress prepared to meet Her young stud. Sissy or not, I'll bet you love your heels - don't you? - especially when Mistress is out on a date. It just seems fitting.
  11. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Don't take it personally if people do or do not comment on your posts. In my case, while interested in Femdom and chastity, I'm not into sissification or cuckholding. I enjoyed reading your posts, but I didn't feel I had much to say about them.

    Also, activity on the forums wax and wane. The weekends tend to be a little quieter. People are off having lives! hehe.

    Anyway, all the best to you and your Mistress. :sign0011:

  12. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Thanks everyone, all excellent points.

    I take on board the thought not everyone is into them same thing, different strokes for different folks.
  13. MasterLocked

    MasterLocked Junior Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    @subhub1: I enjoy reading about your experiences, but I don't think it's for me. But it's exciting to read about! :)
  14. maturemetal

    maturemetal CUSTOM CAGES AND TUBES

    Feb 6, 2009
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    Hi Subhub, I looked at this more like a story in the making. I did not comment but I wanted to see what happens next. So far it is a great story!

    Thanks or the story!
  15. ownedbyher

    ownedbyher Member

    May 25, 2009
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    I was the same as mature metal, I didn't want to get in the way of a great story. Kind of thought that a comment from me would break up the flow of the post - it was apparently almost real time. Thanks though.
  16. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    I'd just like to say a really big thank you to everyone who has added a comment, it really makes it worth putting up a post.....what more can i say than thank you all.
  17. maturemetal

    maturemetal CUSTOM CAGES AND TUBES

    Feb 6, 2009
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    ok, so with all that out of the way, what happend next??????????
  18. Respectful

    Respectful Chaste by choice

    Oct 25, 2008
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    I have the same question as Mature Metal! Thanks for thanking everyone who posted (I didn't)... but where is the rest of the story all these lurkers are enjoying!

    Get on with your tale please :)

    The Silent Majority
  19. imbriannagirl

    imbriannagirl Senior Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    i'm with everyone else on this. Look at all this time wasted on such trivialities. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?????? LOL

    i've been enjoying reading your "story" as that's the way it came across, so please do keep us informed of your going's on.

    brianna :)
  20. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Ha ha, to be in such demand.

    The conclusion will be coming soon (unlike me lol)
  21. Petite Salope

    Petite Salope Sissy Cherry

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Sorry, was busy with Mistress this week-end. She gave me a few minutes on the forum to add some pictures and read a few posts after She release me from my straitjacket and bondage session.

    But the main thing is to please Our Mistress... isn't it?

    Great story, keep up the good work and be a good sub.
  22. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    The conclusion of my little tale, any further updates will be on another post.

    The following day Mistress kept me busyier than usual, i wasn't given a chance to stop and wonder what Her night had been like, i guessed things must have worked out well because Mistress had returned in high spirits.

    Some of my work that day included laundering Mistress's clothes including Her very feminine underware, i hardly dare speak of such things here, but there was no sign of Her young stud having his way with Mistress that night.

    Towards the end of the day Mistress told me to stand before Her, i was ordered to strip and told to put on a pair of shiny black PVC boxer shorts with a black fishnet panel at the front (clearly showing my CB3000).

    Mistress then went on to expain She had had a wonderful night with Her girlfriends and Her new young male friend, 'all the girls think he is so hot' Mistress said. She then explained that She had not made love with Her new man as She meant it to be a special occassion the first time they were together.

    I was then told Mistress had devised a special test of my devotion to Her, She had invited Her new man round to our house that night. 'I want you to welcome him into our home and be the perfect host to my special friend' i was then put in my closet (in stilettos of course) until Mistress was ready for me.

    At last the closet door was opened, i was allowed some time to adjust to the light and not having 4" spike heels on my feet, Mistress then warned me to be on my very best behaviour. Shortly after the door bell rang.

    My heart was pounding as i opened the door and saw him for the first time, i have no homosexual thoughts but i had to admit he was beautiful and i could see why Mistress was so interested in him. I quickly invited him in, Mistress was in the front room in a wonderful sexy short dress, stockings and heels.

    The two embraced and kissed as i stood and watched in awe, after they had enjoyed their embrace they sat down on the sofa. A little small talk and then Mistress told me to kneel. She pointed at Her shoes and i immediatly feel to Her toes kissing as i had been trained. Mistress clicked Her finger and i sat up to attention.

    Then began the hardest point of my submission to Mistress, Her new boyfriend then casually and methodically questioned me on my behavior, he made me explain why i wore a CB3000, why i kissed the shoes of my wife, why i took punishments with Mistress's cane, why i happilly kneeled infront of Mistress and him without being a man and throwing him out of the house. All this from a guy almost 20 years younger than me, but with 20 years more confidence.

    He systematically tore me down, crushing any sign of resistance and impossing his Alpha Male status in the room. I was putty in their hands within half an hour. As he finished with me he made me show my CB3000 to him and explain the feelings i got looking at him and Mistress together, as i explained he raised the skirt of Mistress's dress, reavelling Her sheer black stockings and sheer black panties, while i spoke he slipped his hand inside Her panties and Mistress moaned with desire.

    My final humilliation came as he stood up, took the handle of my dog lead and said to Mistress 'do you mind' Mistress laughed and said 'of course not'. He led me to my closet and simply said 'good boy, in you go i'll come back for you if we need you' Mistress shouted through 'make sure our slut wears it's heels while in there' needless to say a quick look at those painful shoes from him was enough for me to quickly slip them on.

    My heart sank as the door closed and locked, then i heard the two of them going upstairs. I have to admit though, i was rock hard in my plastic cage as i heard the sounds of their sexual pleasure together.
  23. charles

    charles Member

    May 10, 2009
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    Great story, thanks for sharing it with us.
  24. kustomline1955

    kustomline1955 Junior Member

    Jun 15, 2009
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    Read with delight by a newbie, great thread subhub1.
  25. gabby

    gabby Lets try this all again

    Feb 23, 2009
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    I've only gotten back from being away with work (Looking at the mansion on work laptop not advisable!)..

    Anyways, great descriptive story of what's going on!!! Not my thing, I'd cry if Mistress.K cucked me... but I love the idea of the stillettos!!!

    I'll keep reading though... you are very good at writing!

    gabby :cat:
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