As usual I am in a mad, hectic rush. I know I should follow my own advice, surf our site, compile information and make my own conclusion... but I'm taking the short cut. Long story short, the Lori device has been nothing but a year (or more) full of pain, unfulfilled promises, financial loss and disappointment. I'm sure once I can prise it out of pet's hands I will sell it. I think the only way forward is a full belt. Full belt wearers: What are the advantages, what are the disadvantages, which is the best for long term wear, easy cleaning, comfort, discretion... What about weight loss/gain? I'm sure once the discussion starts I will ask further questions. Thanks people! :animal0008:
1) Definately get a hip belt, they are more comfortable and easier from the weight gain/loss point of view. 2) some degree of flexibility of the rear is really good, personally I would go for a string type, with a coated cable rather than solid. 3) Make sure that the diameter of the tube is large enough for partial erection, this makes sleeping a better possibility. 4) The front tube section of any design chosen, needs to be very narrow between the thighs, otherwise chafing will occur and he'll end up walking like John Wayne. 5) Don't get the thickest material possible because you'll need to bend the parts slightly for the best possible fit. 6) I wish it was me.
I use a "My-Steel" hip belt,and it is very comfortable once it is properly adjusted.This belt is unusual if not unique in that it can be adjusted by at least an inch on waist and crotch,so weight gain should not be a problem.It is essential to try all combinations of adjustment in order to get the right one,and it is then very comfortable.Obviously,the more accurate the initial measurements are,the better. As regards discretion,it is not visible under normal trousers.Cleaning needs care,and ample use of the shower to really flush everything out every day.Bowel movements are no problem,you just make sure that the hole in the under body strap is exactly in the right place. And of course this strap has a locking system for keeping playful plugs in place!
I am curious - when a Mistress decides to make the move from a chastity cage to a full belt is that like trading in an economy car for a sportscar? What I mean is when the belt is locked on, does Mistress say "Now little subby, you are going to find out what real chastity is all about - you are all locked away and will stay that way until I decide you have earned release." Is it a step forward towards more Control? I like what snuffle said about making sure the tube is large enough to allow a partial erection - I think that may actually add to subby's frustration - only partially swollen - a half erection... what delicious torment...
I would love! a full belt system. It’s the only way forward in terms of real long term chastity. The thought of not being able to see my clitty is an extra bonus for a sissy such as myself. I’ve never been convinced that steel chastity devices are any more secure than the likes of the CB range unless the sub is pierced, even then I’m sure there are ways to gaining some sort of release such as with the CB2000 and 3000. When Master and I have enough pennies I’m sure we will invest in a Neo Steel the only real choice in my opinion taking into account what I’ve read. The Masterpiece Arch is looking to be my favorite at the moment.
Thank you so far everyone. Miss D... I just think we've had such an awful time with the tube type devices, this is the only other option. More questions.... Our problems are to do with pet not being circumsized... how does that work in a full belt. Also - piercing, is it a necessity or a problem or neither? Thanks again. :animal0008:
Thank you, snufflepig. This is a good list of things to think about--especially number 3, as Miss D points out. A partial controlled erection is perfect for a sissy gurl. And yes, dollyanne is in agreement with number 6--she wishes it were her too! Huggs,:animal0008: dollyanne
Mistress Watchful, dollyanne remembers that sissysophie had a problem with her neosteel device from not being circumsized. Skin or something was being pinched in the end of the tube. Dolly doesn't know if sophie is still active here or not, or whether her problem got resolved, and her blog seems to have been put on an "invitation only" status. Still, there may be some messages or information around describing her problem and attempts to solve it. If You wish, dollyanne can try to check on this for You. Curtsey,:animal0008: dollyanne
Dear Mistress Watchful, when it comes to full steel belt i definitely feel summonded to reply. After all, i am locked in a Neosteel for a couple of years and can consider myself as well accustomed. When it comes to the question of advantages or disadvantages i must say that i have no experiences with other belts than the neosteel and thus nothing to compare with. However, when i see all the tube devices - steel and plastic - i must say that the first advantage is the look. It fully hides the male genitalia and when sissification is an issue a tube style looks absolutely out of place. Nevertheless there are some things you need to pay attention to when considering to acquire a full steel belt. You certainly know that the good belts are much more expensive than tube devices so You must make yourself aware that it is an investment for a lifetime. What looks like a bargain in the first place can easily turn out as a black hole for money. First comes measuring: Neosteel offers a measuring kit so you can take "home measuring" ... that might work but remember, You want Your pet wearing it nearly full time! Why taking any risk? In case you decide for the Neosteel You can both take a flight to Frankfurt and from there it is only a stone's throw away. Mr. Mende from Neosteel is an expert in measuring and having a belt that really fits definitely woth the extra costs. Of course, You being English Tollyboy in Sheffield is a temptation but well, have look and collect your own impressions. Once the belt is delivered don't believe You can lock it to Your pet and that's it. Measurements and shape are two differents things. You need to bend the belt almost at all edges to find the right shape. If You are lucky it takes a couple of weeks, if not, it might even take a few months. That takes patience but it worth it. Of course Your pets skin needs to get used to the belt as well. Use the creams recommended by the manufacturer. Everything what has being said about the tube is right ... long enough and wide enough. You definitely must decide for the "climate tube" for good air conditioning. (The climate tube has small holes all over the tube to let the clitty breath) Another important issue is to develop a suitable regime of hygiene. Showering twice a day and your pet has to wear panty liners at all times. Don't drink to much when there is no chance for a clean toilet when being away. Unlock the belt every third or fourth day for a thorough cleaning for the belt AND Your pet. Last but not least which belt model is recommandable? Hip version in any case as it is almost independend towards weight gain or loss. As for me i lost about a stone and a half since i was being measured for the belt and it still fits like a glove. If You decide for a Neosteel i would go for the Masterpiece as there is no silicone lining which can be a weak point of the belt. Same goes for the rear solution. Here i would suggest the "ergo-rear-module" which can be moulded to the wearer's body and is fully covered in plastic. Little disadvantage is - at least i think so - there is no butt plug solution available for that type but after all, a tube style never can offer a solution for that :confused0086: I hope this helps a little bit and if there are further questions so don't hesitate to ask. *curtsey* maid katrin
Thank you maid katrin, as informative as ever! I would hope if we did decide on a full belt, we would go wherever to be fully measured. My huge concern is still circumcision. It's not something I intend to follow with my pet (I was tempted, but having done research, it's a no-go... definitely a "damaging of property" route I do not intend to take) I wonder what happened to sissy sophie. :animal0017:
Dear Mistress Watchful, as from my experience i don't see any problems with or without being circumsiced. I am not and with the proper regime of hygiene - daily showers and blow drying afterwards, frequent openings for a thorough cleaning - there are no problems with a fully intact foreskin. *curtsey* maid katrin
Dear Mistress Watchfull, I am circumcise so I cannot help with that question. I do press against the bottom of the tube while reading things at these web pages, and when Mistress is teasing her Cock. And for the piercing question, I will let you know, just got a PA today and soon as it heals the Neosteel will be going back on. Should be interesting having the ring rattling, pressing, squeezing the end. Soon I will find out first hand. Please e-mail the Mende's with any question or concerns, they are wonderful to deal with and devoted to Chastity. I understand they are sometimes a little slow with replies, I think just busy with all the belts being order, but they have always gotten in touch with me. You both will enjoy meeting them in person and being fitted. They both made a possibly uneasy purchase and sizing a most relaxed and enjoyable one. I too had been interested in Sissy Sophie's problem and solution, check her blog and watched her threads, then gone. I hope as others have said, their just taking a break, we all need that once and awhile, and soon will be pleasing us with her return. I recommend the hip belt style and if I not mistaken they started making one that is adjustable. You can almost forget its their, almost. I have the She-Male Sports Model with the heavy cable up the backside, I can just slip to one side enough for defecation and anal penetration. It dose hold a plug in place, but you will have to get one of the ones Neosteel offers if you want it locked in. I have the vented penis tube, nice. Maid Katrin listed a lot of the answers better than I could have and has much more experience being Belted long term. It took me just take over 1 year of bending, adjusting, me and the belt, to get to a point I can wear at most times. I admit I haven't been forced, and use Chastity more for pleasure than a requirement, but that is slowly changing as I am growing to love being locked-up, and the Mistress/Wife is liking the change in attitude and ever increasing pleaser she is receiving. Just keep asking question,Missy Tanya
Hi Mistress Watchful, Your questions seem to have been answered very well, though I have one comment. Someone mentioned getting the penis tube sized to allow for partial erection. I would advise- no on this. I am 1 1/4" diameter and my first tube was that size. I ended up having sex with it and defeating the purpose of the belt. I got a second tube which is 1 1/8" and although getting in is more difficult there is only a pressure when erection tries to happen. Sensory deprivation and no orgasm possible. I also am uncut and when installing myself in the tube am currently using lube and pushing it in. This way I don't get the outside skin sticking out from the far end of tube which can be a pinching situation. I've tried the nylon stocking trick but it's hard to not pull that extra skin I don't want. Good luck. For me after the trials the result is worth it. Is it Christmas yet??
If you are considering a steel belt, and being in the UK I can absolutely recommend Tollyboy in Sheffield. We started with a CB3000, then a year later purchased a Neosteel Male Sport System belt, and wore and used for a year, but found it had to come off regular for cleaning, we wanted a more long term solution. Lately we got a Tollyboy Male Drop front belt, it took 8 days from time of order to completed belt. However it did have to go back as the front shield was too long. Richard turned the shield around same day. Service has been excellant, but like so many others Richard does not answer emails regularly, it may take a few days to get a reply. To the belt... wow, not all belts are the same, or wear the same, the designs are similar, but it sits totally different. The Tube is like a grip, no pullout possible, it is exact flacid size, and it holds, even unlocked it is difficult to remove! The belt is thinner than neosteel, so bending to shape is much easier and it will mold to the wearer over time. Cleanliness - easy, the open tube makes cleaning so easy, and Tollyboy state in their measuring documents that once fitted the belt can be worn permanently! For 530 it is money well spent. I did ask Richard why the site or prices have never changed, he said "Why? the products have evolved and changed slightly with design, but the cost of manufacturer is the same, why should I increase it? The design works, why reinvent the wheel, if people want to pay more, I can charge more" Fair enough! I can hand on heart recommend tollyboy with out question, definitly worth an email if you are in the UK.
hi everyone, just my 2pennies worth, i have been wearing a neosteel [on&off] for the past 3 years. i think that either a neosteel or tollyboy belt are the best choices on the market today. they are very well made and are worth every penny. the big thing i have found an issue with is SECURITY,SECURITY ,SECURITY!!!!.....really for any chastity to work 100% [be it steel or plastic] they must incorporate a locking system for a prince albert or frennum ring to prevent "PULLOUT". i drilled a hole in the end of my tube to put a small lock to make pullout totally impossible !!! steel is an excellent choice and it looks so hot!! [as im not a fan of plastic]. neo & tolly have excellent sites detailing everything you need to know. a full belt looks so sexy on a sissy, it totally hides those ugly man bits.......hygene: using a handheld shower attachment works for me plus i can usually squeeze a finger down the tube to add extra soap. the only downside to steel belts is that the liners tend to wear after a while, but they are cheap to replace from the manufacturer......hope this makes sense? cheers dareena Saw this and thought how awesome and wicked this looked... then saw all the electrostim add-ons. Now all one needs is a satellite system to monitor the slave at all times...:manga_angel:
I have two belts, a Jones, and a Carrera (Goethals) basic. Of the two, I find the Carrera to be the best. It is inescapable, suitable for long term (my longest was 65 days without having it removed), comfortable, and invisable under clothes. I wear mine 24 7 except when flying, or when my wife wants it off for a little fun (she holds the keys).
You're not the only one to have had problems with a Lori. Google for Mistress Anne Blogspot and start at the beginning. Anne got a Neosteel + RCES and it gave her what she wanted....
Latowski I have recently aquired a Latowski belt. Admittedly, more for looks than practicality as I have to work out and see my fysiotherapist, so I'm not always locked (usually only during the weekends). But if you have any questions regarding this extremely nice looking belt, just ask!