Comments on Profile Post by Jasmic68

  1. KatyTwilight
    I hope your hung over is not that bad! I might see my self forced to have one or two more drinks than usual to overcome my cold turkey symptoms! Don't want to replace one addiction with an other though!! ;-)
    Apr 14, 2016
    Jasmic68 likes this.
  2. Jasmic68
    Not too bad, and we finished work early at 13.00, so I am back in my hotel room and resting. And you definitely don't want to swap one addiction for another!
    Apr 14, 2016
    KatyTwilight likes this.
  3. jemima
    hangover is horrible. i sometime have one on a Saturday cos Friday my nite off and its like having a fuzzy head all day. i hope you get better quick jasmic. xxxx
    Apr 14, 2016
    Jasmic68 likes this.
  4. Jasmic68
    That is very sweet of you Jemima, I am feeling much better now. I have had a sleep for a few hours and now my tummy is rumbling so I am going to find some food somewhere. I might even go for a run.
    Apr 14, 2016
    jemima likes this.
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