Is my Steelheart too tight?

Discussion in 'Chastity device discussions and reviews' started by mr_slave, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. mr_slave

    mr_slave Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    I posted a similar question on another forum. But I figured more/different opinions might be found here too. Maybe @BlueEyes has some thoughts on it.
    So one thing I notices is when cleaning while wearing, using the Thumper method, no (or little) soapy water flows out the end while I have the front plugged with my finger. This makes it difficult to do a thorough cleaning.
    Also when I took the tube off after 24 hours, my penis looked a bit anemic and pale. I wonder if it was getting enough bloodflow.
    Urinating is not restricted or blocked in any way. But it is a bit of a mess. Also it doesn't feel overly constricting. It just feels like there is no available room.
    I ordered a 38mm, the next size up is 44mm, and that seems like it would be too big.

    Also I would say it hangs lower than my other devices. I have low balls. Does anyone have any suggestions to rectify that if I order a new one?
  2. BlueEyes

    BlueEyes The lifestyle pumps in my veins...

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    Cleaning: Always In shower : I pull back as much loose skin as possible ( Remember I have the PA- fixing) That leaves room for a small special toothbrush to access from both sides - well soaped ( Of course my member needs to be flaccid - Think of a visit do the dentist- and You will be in the right mood Lol....
    While the water is running: The toothbrush makes way for water and soap to enter and the pull back allows water to drain out through the hole in the bottom. After that I push my member back in as much as possible and I then use soaped Q-tips to clean from the bottom hole - still while water is running into the hole. I rinse with plenty of hot water - from the shower.

    That makes it so well for me - and I can tell You that it s cleaned all right. The proof is that my wife has no problem in hours to come after this cleaning to unlock me and tease her cock with her mouth - straight from the cage. Convinced?

    About moist: Well I do not dry my member , as many seems to be very occupied with. It sort of happens by it self. But some condensation is bound to occur inside the tube, depending on the outside humidity, temperature etc...

    I now clean every second day, - and have it in the open for like 30 minutes afterwards - before it goes back in.
    Thats a real tease - I can tell you.
    I think that this "air-time" is crucial to its wellbeing. If You need to be cuffed or not - I don't know. I am not, but no way in hell I would dare touch myself at all during this airtime.

    The pale color etc. - Yes I see it myself- But relax- It goes away in a mater of few minutes. It is more a thing coming from the encasement in total darkness. You get a suntan when you are in the sun - right? Otherwise you stay pale...;-) I should not have anything to do with bloodflow. Bloodflow can however be an issue in your balls, -when you are trying to get erect inside device. It sort of narrows the passage to the balls. To me that is visible especially when I get my nightboner Lol... Do you experience this as well?

    Not sure if you have the PA-fixing, -but it sure leaves lines on the cock, but again - don't worry, they will vanish in no time - and will leave no trace...

    About splashing: when You pee: It must be a matter of alignment because I manage to pee nicely. But in general I do sit down when I pee- old habit from long term use of PA- ring;-)

    About size of tube: As You can se in the attached image of my order at Steelworxx, I am also in a 38 millimeter, and can only enter when flaccid. I'm a grower and reach out like 7" when erect. I don't have the perimeter numbers but I have never heard any complains ( Just had to pull that off- Lol...) When I try to erect inside I sure feel a tremendous pressure, -but that is a feeling that I treasure, and I work hard in my mind to calm down again. It adds to my submissiveness :)

    About hanging low: I think you are right - There steel heart tends to hang low, but pulling your balls down while pulling the device up now and then helps... BUT the main reason is due to the weight of the device. Newton did not die in vain;-) I like the heaviness of this device so much- it also adds to my submissiveness :) And the device is still so much more "stealth" than other device. The polished tube and the integrated lock and fixing leaves hardly any trace in your pants...
    Of course a 44 mm tube will be more noticeable.....

    One word about nighttime erections. The pressure over time Sometimes you can be asleep for quite a while before you wake up in agony;-) and the pressure inside the tube can lease to temporarily build up of lymph fluid in the top of the foreskin. When I first noticed I was a bit scared to me honest, -but while I looked into the matter on the internet, it retracted nice all be it self. It took like 30 minutes. I never feel it , and I don-t see it at all when I'm not having airtime the morning after this nighttime erections . When flaccid the setup allows for the lymph fluid to retract even inside the tube- when erections are gone in the morning...

    Feel free to ask more - if i have not covered your questions - or you have more. Same goes for others, I would like to spread the word about this device.I feel sorry for those poor newcomers like myself - that thought that male chastity was all about purchasing a CB6000. It was not!!!
    What a peace of crap. If not steel - go for the Holy Trainer second edition. It only lacks internal PA-fixing. Otherwise it is very close in concept with the Steelworxx devices...

    Have a great day...


    PS- the penisplug is never in use- She did not like it much:spank:
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  3. mr_slave

    mr_slave Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    Wow! Thanks @BlueEyes for that detailed response. I too love the look and design of the Steelheart. I do have concerns if I got the fit right and if I should go a step larger in diameter, or just try to work with what I have. I have a few follow ups. I think mine might be way too tight to get any type of fixing in there

    Cleaning. I don't think I could fit a small toothbrush or swap in there. But I will try next time I am in the shower with it. Like I is said, the girth of my flaccid cock seems to create a mostly water-tight barrier. But maybe using something to pry (like swab or toothbrush) will allow things to flow.

    Moist. There is definitely not any kind of air flow that would allow things to really dry. So should that be a concern about it being in a moist, unaired environment for an extended period of time? I like your method of cleaning and freeing it every two days for 30 minutes. I might ask the same from my KH.

    Pale. I was wondering if lack of bloodflow was an issue. But I guess if I can pee, blood must be able to flow there as well. I noticed the pale color after 24 hour check-in. But it did return to normal color after a bit.

    Splashing. When I was last wearing it would come spraying out at weird angles, even though I was trying to slow down the flow. It might be my urethra was just pressed up against the tube. Maybe I can try to position better so it is more lined up next time I am putting it on.

    Tube Size. I am at 7" erect too, and am also a grower. What size overall length did you go with? I went 95mm and I am about that length flaccid, however the Steelheart hangs low, and I am almost always pressed up at the end. I was wondering if I had it 10mm longer then it would sit a bit higher naturally.

    Hanging Low. I might try to go with a smaller lower gap if I order a new one. Also if I order a larger tube there will naturally be a lower gap due to closer ring size with cage size. I believe. This might help it hang higher.

    Nighttime Erections. This is one thing where I really like the small cage. Since it constricts erections from happening in the tube, I mostly just get an erection behind the base ring, and it does not pull enough on my balls to be very painful. This is unlike some of the other cages I have, where nighttime pain can get excruciating.

    Basically I am stuck in a place where I like the benefits of the small tube (more concealable, limited nighttime pain), but the downside is difficult hygiene, concern about penis health, no room for future fixing, and concern if I should have gone a tad longer and a tad wider.

    Overall I think the Steelheart is pretty awesome. Thanks again for all your answers.

    P.S. I had the Holy Trainer 2, but found the tube there was much too tight for me.
  4. mr_slave

    mr_slave Member

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    also this is where it hangs on me. I think it is a bit low.
    I was thinking of getting my next device with a smaller bottom gap (9mm) and maybe a tad bit longer since I am always pressing towards the end.
    Do you think this will help it hang a bit higher or is this hanging normal for a Steelheart?
  5. BlueEyes

    BlueEyes The lifestyle pumps in my veins...

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    Taken from the photo you seem to be having a rather short tub e- that could be part of the problem. Also the perimeter of your member seems rather small for a 7" ( really sorry!!);-) it could be the photo!!!!, - but Perimeter and overall length are not necessarily tied together. I took some photos this morning to test another theory: If Your foreskin is pulled back when you enter the tube you will face skin wrinkles in plenty and a very difficult passage to cleaning by the way... - and a low hanging. - But if you makes sure that the foreskin goes in along with the glans, you will see no wrinkles - and it will - in my case at least -hang much higher...:) - and stay put by the way....


    total length of the chastity device = 120 mm

    Kind regards
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  6. mr_slave

    mr_slave Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    Thanks @BlueEyes. Yeah I think you are right, that I ordered mine too short. 95mm. I was thinking of adding 20mm to my next device, bringing it up to 115mm. I don't have a fixing so maybe that would be the sweet spot for length.
    I am circumcised so don't have a lot of foreskin to pull forward. But I am a grower and have a fair amount of extra shaft skin when flaccid. I do plan on narrowing lower gap in hopes that will help it stay a bit higher.
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