KTB (new version), + SGR + CCC

Discussion in 'Chastity device discussions and reviews' started by petevans, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. petevans

    petevans Member

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I have done a search on the above but haven't been find anything on this. For anyone doesn't know KTB stands for Kali's Teeth Bracelet. Whilst the Intense or Severe are possibly not really suitable for long-term wear - the Mild according to the manufacturer is (www.malechastitynow.com). I only have the Intense Version which I've only being able to wear for a maximum of 3 days. I have uploaded some photos in the Album section.

    SGR = Spiked Glans Ring - this can be used in a number of ways:- intermittent chastity & or CBT. I have used it on its own but also in conjunction with the KTB (KTB/SGR combo - see photo). Today - so far is the longest I've been able to wear being the 3rd morning I've woken up with it in place, not sure how much longer I can keep it on. Whilst it is on - masturbation is not possible!

    CCC = Cum Control Collar - this is similar to the SGR but a lot smaller (narrower). If secured quite tightly it very much impedes ejaculation - although orgasm is sometimes is possible (using vibration e.g. electric toothbrush).

  2. ChasteBr

    ChasteBr Chaste Married Male

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I just read about these, and I think it has really captured my interest. It looks a little too "severe" to be anything that my wife would let me order currently, but maybe someday. I think it would be an interesting dynamic from time to time, you know to where the intense or severe for a day or an hour.
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