Last Activity:
Mar 13, 2024
Jul 21, 2017 at 12:29 AM
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Local Time:
1:30 AM
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
New York


Locked and (just about) OrgasmFree since 1-16-2020, Male, from New York

Still the same lockup, but now at 827 days (as of this update) and counting... Mar 8, 2024

Rkve1 was last seen:
Mar 13, 2024
    1. Rkve1
      Still the same lockup, but now at 827 days (as of this update) and counting...
      Rectrix likes this.
    2. Rkve1
      Just passed my long lockup period (493 days). Day 493 now and counting without an orgasm (of my own). Wife has had many
      Rectrix likes this.
    3. Rkve1
      Another chastiversay passed. One year since my last O and counting. Just two orgasms in the last two years and ten months.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. Rectrix
        Dec 4, 2022
        Rkve1 likes this.
    4. Rkve1
      Still locked with just two orgasms in the last 2 years and 2.5 months. But who is counting?
      Rectrix likes this.
    5. Rkve1
      Today is 2 years locked with release just twice during that time. Wife had enjoyed over 109 orgasms during the same time.
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. Rectrix
        Congratulations! I hope you have become a better husband and that she is happy.
        Jan 17, 2022
    6. Rkve1
      10 weeks locked again as of today. But if I'm going to be locked longer than last time it means 59+ weeks left to go.
    7. Rkve1
      Still locked but enjoying the summer.
    8. Rkve1
      Guess I should add that I relocked myself with the 4ga PA pin. locked in the 6ga for a year and third naturally stretch me out. No issues.
    9. Rkve1
      Released on 4-23-2021 after 493 days. If I knew I might have held out for 7 more days. Next time!. Locked up again on 4-23-2021.
    10. Rkve1
      Laughed at wifes friends telling her how their sex lives are non-existent. She could only smile given our happy situation. Locked 60 weeks
      Rectrix likes this.
    11. Rkve1
      Today is 1 year locked anniversary! (1 year 1 day since my last orgasm)
      Rectrix likes this.
      1. Rectrix
        Congratulations to you and your wife!
        Jan 17, 2021
        Rkve1 likes this.
    12. Rkve1
      Still locked. Orgasm free and locked since January 16 2020
      kinky6666 and nubbin like this.
    13. Rkve1
      Oh, geez, guess I've been neglecting updating my status. Nothings changed!
    14. Rkve1
      I was last released for day after being locked in the Princes Collar for 10 weeks. Today marks the 12 week point this time around. :-)
    15. Rkve1
      It's been about 2 months now that I've been locked in my Steelwerks Prince's Collar and it's not coming off anytime soon. Happy New Year!
      Rectrix likes this.
    16. Rkve1
      Just over 11 weeks since I got the PA, now locked in the Lori 2e. Fingers crossed...
      Rectrix, Manto2021 and PauloChaste like this.
      1. Rectrix
        Good luck!
        Aug 28, 2019
    17. Rkve1
      PA Pierced, waiting to fully heal, then into my Lori device :-)
      Rectrix and sammartin like this.
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  • About

    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    New York
    My key is held by:
    My wife (not a member here)
    Locked since:
    jan 16 2020.
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    Chastity devices:
    Lori 2e (with a pa pin); Steelwerks Extreme Prince's Collar. Prior: CB2000, Access Denied Belt, The Curve, an older lori device 20 years ago, some Chinese devices, The Vice Mini)
    Chastity resume:
    20+ years of on and off playing with chastity. I finally bit the bullet and got a PA piercing in early June 2019. Now pretty much locked full time Princes Collar. Very Happy!
    20+ years of on and off playing with chastity. Very turned on by it but nothing worked satisfactorily. Too easy to pull out of everything and devices also varied in comfort, etc. I finally bit the bullet and got a PA piercing in early June 2019. Now pretty much locked full-time in my Princes Collar. . Very Happy!

    Just released after 493 days locked We had intercourse! Relocked again a few hours later. Who knows how long this time will be for?

    (Update : My current lockup is now well passed that 493 day record, at 827 days now and still locked and counting)
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