Madame Domina
Aug 24, 2009 at 9:50 PM
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Feb 11, 1975 (Age: 49)

Madame Domina

Junior Member, Female, 49

Haven't been here for a looong time... Something happened at the same time the Queens Keep arrived. I really don't know what. But everything just turned to crap for four month and it just got worse. But now I think we have found our way back and tried the cage on a week ago. Now we're on our way again, on our way up from the darkness to the light!! Aug 30, 2012

    1. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Haven't been here for a looong time... Something happened at the same time the Queens Keep arrived. I really don't know what. But everything just turned to crap for four month and it just got worse. But now I think we have found our way back and tried the cage on a week ago. Now we're on our way again, on our way up from the darkness to the light!!
      1. Dumb1
        congratulations i hope all works out well for you in your quest.
        Aug 30, 2012
    2. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Queens Keep on its way!!! :D
      1. MelCooley
        yeah! Can't wait to hear about your fun!
        Apr 22, 2012
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Haven't been here for a looong time... Something happened at the same time the Queens Keep arrived. I really don't know what. But everything just turned to crap for four month and it just got worse. But now I think we have found our way back and tried the cage on a week ago. Now we're on our way again, on our way up from the darkness to the light!!
        Aug 30, 2012
      3. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Haven't been here for a looong time... Something happened at the same time the Queens Keep arrived. I really don't know what. But everything just turned to crap for four month and it just got worse. But now I think we have found our way back and tried the cage on a week ago. Now we're on our way again, on our way up from the darkness to the light!!
        Aug 30, 2012
    3. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      The Queens Keep is on it's way. Very exciting!
      1. MelCooley
        Right on! A reminder note: I've mentioned this before, but just remember that if it is not the exact fit your husband needs, the folks at MatureMetal are very good about suggesting a proper tweak to get it just right. I actually sent my Queen's Keep back twice for adjusting it to perfection. That was frustrating, becuase I was really eager to hurry and get the program GOING! But it was worth it. My device is now a perfect fit, and I have gone 6 weeks without taking it of...
        Mar 18, 2012
      2. Sissy_Aline
        That's good to know and hear - leaning toward a Mature Metal so very much now.
        Mar 18, 2012
      3. Knight1115
        Mine should b here any day now but im already convinced that mm is the way to go :)
        Mar 21, 2012
    4. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      The Queens Keep is on it's way. Very exciting!
    5. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Four days off. Just wonder where the sun went that has shone the last few days...
      1. MelCooley
        Aw, man! Bummer. Ain't it always the way? Shuold it start getting warm there now? I heard some chirping birds outside yesterday, and I just thought, "Yeah! Come on, springtime!"
        Mar 1, 2012
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Well, we're getting there... :)
        Mar 10, 2012
    6. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Lovely! Friday night and a horny hubby, no way near being unlocked. ;)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MelCooley
        MelCooley problem. As you said, you probably needed the rest. Just look at it this way. You got some rest, and that frantic, locked up cock is still right where you left it. And that's where it will stay, until whenever YOU are ready to play.
        Feb 19, 2012
      3. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        That's true... and I broke the dicegame this morning. I just needed a good "shag". I must admire both my skills and my hubbys willpower, because it wasn't until the second I came that he asked if he could too. I said yes, and there it was. I made him go down afterwards and he was locked up right away. I really needed that :)
        Feb 19, 2012
      4. MelCooley
        Good to hear that you got what you wanted! Rock on, Madame Domina. Good decision to re-lock him right away.
        Feb 20, 2012
    7. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Teased my pet crazy last night. He´s been locked up for 10 days after a long break. At the end I let him cum. He´s a happy, and again very horny, pet today eager to please me further.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MelCooley
        Perfect! Well done!
        Feb 5, 2012
      3. subkeyholder
        Sounds like great fun :)
        Feb 6, 2012
      4. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        It was, thank you. :)
        Feb 6, 2012
    8. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Still so damn cold. And more snow is coming. Gah! No fan of winter...
      1. jemima
        The cold weather is soooo dreadful
        Feb 3, 2012
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Hate it!
        Feb 4, 2012
    9. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      I'm so cold. It's freezing here.
      1. MelCooley
        Maybe your cold toes would feel better if they were nestled inside your husband's warm, wet mouth...
        Feb 2, 2012
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        They probably will. :)
        Feb 3, 2012
    10. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Got a treadmill last night. Now I'm going to make my sexy behind just a little bit tighter.
      1. MelCooley
        ...and your pet's behind? Shouldn't it get a little tighter, too? ;)
        Jan 24, 2012
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Oh yes! He tried it before I got home, and then he went away on his weekly workout. So I got it all by myself for an hour. :)
        Jan 24, 2012
    11. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Got a treadmill last night. Now I'm going to make my sexy behind just a little bit tighter.
    12. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Today I think is a better day. This is it! Here we go...
    13. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      It.s hard to dress for your pet to see you, when it´s so darn cold!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MelCooley
        Madame Domina, that's the beauty of having a horny, chastized husband. I'm sure you look pretty delicious to him no matter HOW you're dressed!
        Jan 21, 2012
      3. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        OH, you charmer ;)
        Jan 21, 2012
      4. MelCooley
        Haha...well, yes, I AM charming. But when a man has been locked up as long as I have, he has nothing BUT compliments to hand out! On my best behavior 24/7.
        Jan 21, 2012
    14. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Today is a little bit better.
    15. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      A little better day.
    16. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Crappy, crappy day!
    17. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Crappy, crappy day!
    18. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      After a couple of month of too much work and too little time pet and I sort of lost track of our "game" and also each other. Now we´ve had a weekend just the two of us, no children, and hopefully we have found our way back. Pet is locked up again and I´ll start over with breaking him. It makes a difference after a few weeks of freedom. He quickly forgets who is in charge.
      1. SlaveBo
        That sounds like fun, enjoy !
        Dec 8, 2011
      2. Missy Tanya
        Missy Tanya
        Sometimes real life just takes us away from our "game". But its is always fun to start up the game again. Maybe with a new twist this time..
        Dec 8, 2011
    19. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      After a couple of month of too much work and too little time pet and I sort of lost track of our "game" and also each other. Now we´ve had a weekend just the two of us, no children, and hopefully we have found our way back. Pet is locked up again and I´ll start over with breaking him. It makes a difference after a few weeks of freedom. He quickly forgets who is in charge.
    20. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Vacation is over. Tomorrow I'll be going to work again and the kids start school. It feels really depressing. Fortunately hubby and I have had great last few weeks and this weekend was a milestone in our marriage I believe. Maybe this will make everything just a little bit easier...
    21. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Not looking forward to next week when vacation is over. The only good thing is that the kids will be more tired in the evenings when school starts. And my pet will fix dinner every night so I can use my time for other things.
      1. Sissy_Aline
        Very good for You, Madame. And good for Your pet as well to be fully in service. Enjoy the vacation time.
        Aug 16, 2011
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Aug 16, 2011
    22. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Yesterday got celebrated with a good whipping of my sub. He had been a bad pet and needed some punishment. I gave him more than both of us expected when the last strike hit his locked balls. Whops!! I guess he´ll be thingking both two or three times until he upsets me again...
      1. madmed
        I'll bet he will think again before upsetting you Madame
        Aug 10, 2011
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Aug 11, 2011
    23. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      One more week before vacation... *sigh*
      1. madmed
        And counting down,lol
        Jul 20, 2011
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Jul 21, 2011
    24. Madame Domina
      Madame Domina
      Paid for Perk yesterday for both me and my hubby. Feels good and waiting to se my new member title. We had an outstanding night last night. I love you, baby! My little slaveboy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Jul 17, 2011
      3. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Bigger problem for my hubby. I paid for him at the same time but he cannot get in to the perk-pages yet. Hopefully he will in a few days.
        Jul 18, 2011
      4. Madame Domina
        Madame Domina
        Now I´m getting frustrated. I paid for perks a week ago, and it was no problems for me. I couls chat and see the galleries etc from day one, but my hubby cannot, after a week. That is NOT okey, I belive. Very disappointed!!
        Jul 24, 2011
    25. suburbanboytoy
      Hi, i'm an "old" sub with maso tendencies that while not new to the site or to the D/S life style has not been online much of late. i think i understand Your predicament Madame Domina. May i suggest You experiment with someone that is not Your husband, someone with whom Your are less tied emotionally and with whom it is easier to let Yourself go? Ah, if only it were me...
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  • About

    Feb 11, 1975 (Age: 49)
    Chastity devices:
    CB6000 on my pet.
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