Herlicker 1970
Last Activity:
Sep 26, 2018
Feb 7, 2018 at 7:35 PM
Likes Received:
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Local Time:
1:11 AM
Jan 9, 1970 (Age: 54)
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
BARRIE Ontario Canada
Property manager

Herlicker 1970

Long term member, Male, 54, from BARRIE Ontario Canada

Today is day 31, hope this is the new normal. I may get a release tonight if I’m lucky. Jun 4, 2018

Herlicker 1970 was last seen:
Sep 26, 2018
    1. Herlicker 1970
      Herlicker 1970
      Today is day 31, hope this is the new normal. I may get a release tonight if I’m lucky.
      1. Rectrix
        Why do you want a release if you hope this is the new normal?
        Jun 4, 2018
    2. Penney
      Thank you for the likes.
    3. Herlicker 1970
      Herlicker 1970
      Staring over day 3 today.
    4. Herlicker 1970
      Herlicker 1970
      I’m on day 10, hoping it goes to 30 days this time
      1. Strict Sir
        Strict Sir
        Wishing you luck! 10 days was your previous longest, looks like?
        May 3, 2018
    5. Truly Tasty
      Truly Tasty
      Would you mind if I followed you? I am from Ontario as well!
      1. Herlicker 1970
        Herlicker 1970
        Sure no problem
        Apr 30, 2018
    6. Penney
      Thank you for liking my photo.
      Herlicker 1970 likes this.
    7. Herlicker 1970
      Herlicker 1970
      I use my phone to access this site, so I’m not sure if I’m limited by that or not.
    8. Mash2214
      Welcome to a fellow Canadian eh
      Herlicker 1970 likes this.
    9. Strict Sir
      Strict Sir
      Welcome to the Mansion! It's a good, helpful, friendly place!
      Herlicker 1970 likes this.
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  • About

    Jan 9, 1970 (Age: 54)
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    BARRIE Ontario Canada
    Property manager
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    Chastity devices:
    Holy trainer 3
    Chastity resume:
    November 29th 2017
    New to being locked up looking for support and ideas. Luvgoddess72 is my wife and key holder. Currently wearing CB-6000s but also have holy trainer3 in pink :)
    I enjoy wearing my panties around the house for my goddess.
    The longest I’ve been locked in Chastity with out release has only lasted 10 days, looking to go longer.
    Sleeping has been a ruff road, night time errections are painful, I’m a grower not a shower.
    I’m not permitted to watch porn or see naked photos of woman any more, my goddess is the only woman I need to see.
    I’m very happy to be summiting wholly to my goddess.
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