Little extracts from my boring chastity life…

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by IB-Chaste, Sep 7, 2022.

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  1. littleguy3

    littleguy3 Adoring husband

    Apr 26, 2022
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    Bondservant to my wife
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    This is too rich! Haha

    As soon as I read the first two words of your post, I had to Google them since I'd never heard the axiom. Being from "the other side of the pond" (do you like that I'm using the British expression? :rolleyes:), I understand Murphy's law. But Wikipedia informs me that Sod's law is very British and is Murphy's law on steroids. Your post and circumstances seem to me to be the perfect example of this played out in real life! Would it be correct to say, "You are such a Sod!"?

    Now there are some on this forum who would probably label your post as fantasy. But I am not one of them. Being a bit of a student of literature, your post contains some great details of apparent authenticity* that someone only in your shoes could think of and express. I can somewhat relate because my daughter is divorced and her ex-husband left within a month of finding out she was pregnant with their 4th child. He's now filed for a court hearing to extend his visitation so he can reduce his child support payment. Yet he pulls stunts like your wife's Ex.

    What's even better about your story is your wife's sadistic nature that is consistent with your previous descriptions of her. :p Being the Sod that you are, you probably didn't realize she was setting you up! (Ok! I know that was mean but "it takes one to know one" and I fit the same characterization). Your wife HAD to know her period was imminent when she "promised" you PIV for New Year's Eve! What a great sense of humor she has! No wonder you love her so much! :)

    Great post! Loved it! But I'm sorry for you, old boy!

    *Details of authenticity - this is one of the arguments for and reasons I accept the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life as factual and worthy of full consideration.
    Chaz69 and Stephplayswithyou like this.
  2. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Well that’s an odd one. As Sod’s Law and Murphy’s law to me are very similar. I’d say, (and some would disagree perhaps, but such is the beauty of language) that Murphys law would be born out of actions of stupidity, where as Sod’s Law was something more of an occurrence that happens irrespective of your own actions.
    That’s more my interpretation as there is a long standing stereotype of the Irish being stupid. Unfair I would say. But with Murphy being an Irish name that’s when I’d use that one…
    To call someone a sod, well I’ve only ever heard my mum use that phrase and that’s basically when someone has done something to upset her. Like she’ll call the dog a sod if he steps on her toes (he’s a big dog!) or knocked over his water bowl.

    Firstly, I imagine people would actually have to read my posts before they actually labelled them as fantasy. Turns out unless you’re female, or a writing to extremes your readers switch off. I’m ok with that as I write these for my own amusement as much as anyone else’s.
    I can honestly say they are 100% real.
    If there are parts that are not genuine it would be the parts that are left out. The uninteresting parts. Like in between telling me we’d have ‘fun on new years Eve’ and telling me what that actually was I went to the bathroom. Cleaned my messy cage. Put my dressing gown in the wash. Got some different clothes on and got under the covers… just don’t feel those parts need adding :p.

    There are parts that others may find unbelievable I understand that, I was telling a colleague at work how I do all the ironing and cooking and cleaning. I found myself wondering whether she’d even believe that herself… so I ended up telling her it was just because it wouldn’t be done if I didn’t do it. Which I didn’t like as it makes my wife sound lazy which isn’t the case… but was easier than explaining how our relationship has improved through caging my penis!

    Oh, I could write for hours on court appearances and difficulties on that front. My wife and her ex actually keep the regulation of custody between them relatively amicable, which is why he can take the piss to some degree. It’s not the same with me and my ex-partner, she’s vindictive. One of the main reasons I’m so accepting and more comfortable in chastity is because of what I went through on that. After 5 years of going through courts, battling to see my children, Social service involvement, psychological analysis (which tells us she’s not mentally fit to manage the situation) etc… I’d finally decided that the only way this would stop would be for the children to reside with me. That didn’t go down well with my Ex and in turn she reported me to the police for rape! Every little detail of a relationship I could barely remember was scrutinised. You don’t exactly get the details of the accusations until further down the line but turns out it was far more extreme than just her doing it for my benefit even though she didn’t want to… so that’s more detail than I normally go into but I didn’t ever want to be in that position again, and so am far more happy to be in a position whereby we are only having intercourse if my wife has chosen to do so. It wasn’t the reason per se we tried it but it’s a major benefit to me.
    As it turns out chastity can be a whole lot of fun too!

    I actually believe that she didn’t know. She’s only been off the pill for the last 4 months or so… I’m not exactly sure how many cycles in truth but after most of her adult life having these controlled by birth control I can believe she doesn’t know her body as well as most women would…
    I do know she took great amusement in telling me. I think she saw the funny side and really enjoyed the situation. She’s actually quite caring beneath her manly, non-cuddly, non-loving, never let anyone see you cry exterior. She’ll probably treat me in some way regardless of the situation. If she’s in the mood to that is. She can be pretty snappy at the wrong time of the month… she only gets angrier when she’s hungry!
  3. littleguy3

    littleguy3 Adoring husband

    Apr 26, 2022
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    I prepared brunch for D yesterday and told her i had a "funny" story to share with her, but first I had a question to ask her. "Before menopause, when you were still having regular periods, could you tell when your period was about to start?" She answered in the affirmative as I expected based on comments she had made back then. I then proceeded to share your most recent post / update. She thought it was amusing although I had to explain the part about most of your O's being ruined vs full. She acted like she didnt know what a ruined O is even though I've described them for her before. She was a bit repulsed by the detailed description ("dribble") thankfully so I don't think it has any appeal to her and given her any ideas for our intimacy. Fingers crossed and :pray:.

    I then mentioned my thoughts about your wife being sadistic based on my assumption she knew her period was about to begin when she promised you PIV NYE. I told her she was grinning when she informed you her period had started. When I told her about your reply that she had stopped taking birth control earlier this year which may have an impact on her cycles and she wouldn't necessarily have sensed it was coming on, she asked "Why did she stop?". I told her because you rarely have PIV anymore. She then asked why you two just didnt use a condom. At this point, the conversation was vearing off course and I didn't think it would be beneficial to explain emla cream & condoms or strap-ons. Too much kink all at once would overwhelm my vanilla wife!
    Chaz69 likes this.
  4. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Ok, I’m somewhat astounded that my boring little chastity life has become something worthwhile sharing, even if this is just because other a find amusement in my current predicament. You never know, your next orgasm she could take you by surprise and put into practice some of the principles you have explained!

    I like the confusion that chastity can create without full understanding, trying to get her head around the use of condoms and naturally forgetting that normal couples outside of chastity would need them. It makes you realise how strange a situation I am currently in.

    I’m still not sure whether she fully expected her period or not. Last night we had some fun and she eluded to the fact that it wouldn’t be substantial as she didn’t want to ‘ruin my full orgasm’. So it might just be in the cards.

    Only 4 days from my last ruin she had me out for more of the same. A blowjob… ruined… followed by a handjob… tantalisingly close, but ruined!
    Eventually, we started a having a chat about things we hadn’t done in a while or at all.
    Side story: with all the house decorating we’ve been doing I’ve spent some of my money I was saving for something special. She offered to pay it back… or I could have something special as way of reward. We actually share finances pretty much 100% so I think this is her sign of her appreciation for the work I’ve put in. Anyway.
    So the conversation eventually turned silly, her suggesting we’d never put a beer can in my butt (we were pretty drunk after spending most of the evening working on my sons bedroom)… this turned into pouring beer into me. Which I explained was dangerous. After a conversation about vodka in the eyeball, she concluded she’d have to just put semen in my butt. I don’t have the details but think 2023 is going to start off weird!!
  5. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Entry 33:
    197 days since 24 hour release
    PIV: 5
    Ruined orgasms: 12
    Anal orgasms: 4
    Full orgasms: 0

    The End

    New year, new journal.

    Decided to get serious about my numbers as they were only really ever an after-thought, and add-on to my journal.
    I’ve been considering the aspects that matter to me and I’ve decided to go with:

    The total number of times my wife has instigated the release of semen without an orgasm in 2023. Including in this caged orgasms; they feel different to ruins outside of the cage but with the pain and lack of enjoyment I consider these in the same vain.

    P-spot orgasms
    The number of occurrences I have ejaculated from anal stimulation only.

    Time out of cage
    The total amount of time I’ve been out of the cage. Ok, this will be a rough guesstimate.…. I hope no one expects me to get the stopwatch out. I’m intrigued how long it will be come the end of the year.

    Time in vagina
    Really want to think of a better name for this. As with release time it will be a guesstimate. It won’t include any time I’m covered in Emla or delay cream etc. Purely skin to skin intercourse.

    Total number of full orgasms
    I’m assuming this number will be Zero but my wife has a habit to surprise. We shall see.

    Last full orgasm
    Date of last orgasm. Clues in the title. Currently 19th June 2022.

    If anyone has any ideas about other things I could track (without taking the fun out of things) I’m open to ideas.
    Looking forward to having some more adventures to document.
  6. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Coming soon….

    CagedBadger and Chaz69 like this.
  7. Chaz69

    Chaz69 Long term member

    Dec 11, 2021
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    I would suggest splitting the ruined Os into 2 categories, caged vs. non-caged. The caged ones are pretty much just a milking, whereas if the non-caged ones come from a nice BJ or BJ or even PIV, those can be amazing because the build up is 90% of the fun.

    Also, you might want to keep track of erections, as those tend to be in limited supply for the chaste male. I wish the tracker spreadsheet had a column for them.
  8. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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    That might be a good call. They are different entities entirely I guess.

    I think that’s where it becomes difficult. When I was tracking PIV there was times I forgot. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s the entry without cream that I hold in a higher regard. If I was tracking erections I’d be thinking ‘it’s gone down now… oh, it’s back up, is that two?’ And that takes the fun away a little. Like, after I can recall how long I’ve been out but how many times my little guy popped up and said hello? I’m not so sure without conscious effort at the time.
  9. Chaz69

    Chaz69 Long term member

    Dec 11, 2021
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    Let's clarify "erections" as being a release from the cage which include at least one erection. So that's easily something that you can document the next day.
    IB-Chaste likes this.
  10. IB-Chaste

    IB-Chaste Chastity Superman.

    Jun 20, 2022
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