Comments on photo id 28733 in the album "My homemade caption photos" created by L-u-c-y

  1. Guest 3021
    Guest 3021
    You are my drem
  2. steviepie
    a dream come true!
  3. bhechastity
    Yes, Head Mistress Lucy. Chores will be completed as instructed by you.
  4. falke66
    This sounds serious and dangerous at least you are giving the sub / slave / servant a fair chance to obey I would. Thanks Miss Boss Lucy to allow us a view in your household and nice trench coat.
  5. hardbodysub
    This "like" is all about the idea of constant surveillance. Such control!
  6. filltee
    For saome the idea has a lot going for it
  7. Tommundelein
    What pet expects Mistress.
  8. 703
    It is a dream of a servant to have a Goddess as Goddess Lucy to serve. Courtsey Madame Lucy.
  9. filltee
    I believe I could respond well to that level of control
  10. Bhaskar Jha
    Bhaskar Jha
    Yes Mistress Lucy, I will finish all my chores.
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