Last Activity:
May 13, 2013
May 19, 2010 at 3:35 AM
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January 14


Junior Member

I have been away...and I do mean away! I am living in Europe now and loving every minute of it!! I am in Germany but lots of travel... May 13, 2013

ms-laurel was last seen:
May 13, 2013
    1. ms-laurel
      Today I realize the strength of women will change the world. Through her men are offered a direction and freedom not previously available. When the driving force of life is love and not arrogance, our spirits will be united for our common purpose; love, peace, and fulfillment.
      1. muzzledman
        Dec 5, 2010
    2. ms-laurel
      Off to Kansas City for the weekend...I will miss you all............
      1. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        Have a wonderful time xxx
        Dec 2, 2010
      2. maid katrin
        maid katrin
        Have a nice weekend ... and thanks for the bd-wishes
        Dec 2, 2010
      3. suburbanboytoy
        Have a great time!
        Dec 3, 2010
    3. ms-laurel
      Everything just is. How simple is that? I have a good life because I have chosen to live a good life. Today, I realize that my head and my heart work in concert to liberate me from the daily grind that destroys many other people. I am strong because I am free.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ms-laurel
        The balance of life was never so good as a man locked and a woman with the keys.
        Nov 30, 2010
      3. muzzledman
        beautifuly said.
        Nov 30, 2010
      4. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        I agree ms-laurel, a mans place is to be denied self confidence of controling his man hood. I feel very confident in saying that now that I have limited control now!!!
        Nov 30, 2010
    4. ms-laurel
      Went to Home Depot yesterday....such an interesting shopping many TOOLS. I had a blast!!!
    5. ms-laurel
      People say motivation often doesn't last; neither does bathing; that's why we recommend it daily---Zig Ziglar---The start of a new and beautiful day, cold, but beautiful!! Have a great day everybody, its Friday!!
      1. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        Have a great day yourself mistress...
        Nov 26, 2010
    6. ms-laurel
      Sometimes life just sucks, ya know!!
    7. ms-laurel
      Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate...its always good to be grateful however, I know I am blessed beyond measure!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        Happy Thanksgiving ms-laurel
        Nov 25, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        Thank you so much...its been a great day...lots of food and friendship, very nice.
        Nov 25, 2010
      4. lockit
        wishing you a very happy thanksgiving
        Nov 26, 2010
    8. ms-laurel
      Believe it or not...going to work helped...I'm feeling better...I'm glad, plus it always helps to stop by the mansion. :)
    9. ms-laurel
      Better but not yet up to par...times seem draining these days but that too will change...
      1. penis prisoner
        penis prisoner
        I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better my Godess taake care of yourself today
        Nov 24, 2010
      2. suburbanboytoy
        Good to hear You are feeling better ms-laurel. Be well
        Nov 24, 2010
    10. ms-laurel
      Sometimes I just need to take a day off from life and sleep all day long.....its been nice
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ms-laurel
        Thanks...I'm a little better.
        Nov 24, 2010
      3. Burger_01
        :) you and everyone else! glad to hear you enjoyed your R&R
        Nov 24, 2010
      4. mikecb
        Nov 24, 2010
    11. suburbanboytoy
      ms-laurel, may i ask what an "everlocked slave bracelet" such as the one You put on Palmer is? i cannot find it on the MM site. i am curious about how it works and what it does. i must confess i am more into the physicality of being dommed such as taking cp by crop, paddle or whips than wearing chastity devices such as the KTB, which somewhat frightens me, if You can understand what i m...
    12. Red_Flag_Sam
      Wow, awesome. Sounds good! Is it work you enjoy? I've loved what I've done so far of youth work!
    13. Red_Flag_Sam
      No, looking to be a youth worker. Although, with the youth work qualification, it should open up all kinds of doors, such as counselling to me. Though I'm in my final year, so should get thinking about it I guess!
    14. ms-laurel
      Today is my one year anniversary. One year ago I put a everlocked slave bracelet on Palmer, took him to the woods and whipped him soundly and accepted him as my full time slave boy! Its been quite a year of growth for us both. Lots of fun.
      1. mikecb
        Congratulations :-)
        Nov 22, 2010
      2. penis prisoner
        penis prisoner
        Congradulations Ms Laurel palmer is a very lucky slave!
        Nov 22, 2010
      3. suburbanboytoy
        yes, ms-laurel, i too would say Palmer is most fortunate to have You, Congrats!
        Nov 23, 2010
    15. Red_Flag_Sam
      I'm studying Youth and Community Work with Applied Theology. Although this essay I'm writing for atm is on Research Methods. So much fun lol!
    16. Red_Flag_Sam
      Hey Ms Laurel. Thanks for the wall post. How are you?
    17. pikmin1
      Hey Ms. Laurel. Thanks a lot for the friend request. Unfortunately things did not work out so well but it is okay, hopefully I will find someone else, soon. Hope all is well with you. Congrats on the new slave!
    18. ms-laurel
      I have a new slave boy...I will call him Shy-boy. This should be interesting.......
      1. Goddess Jen
        Goddess Jen
        Congrats! I just adore the shy ones :)
        Nov 21, 2010
      2. penis prisoner
        penis prisoner
        Thank you Ms Laurel I like that knick name I am a very shy boy!!!
        Nov 21, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        I'm glad you like it Shy-boy...of course it wouldn't matter if you did or not now would it? :)
        Nov 22, 2010
    19. ms-laurel
      Today I contemplate the truth of my superiority. By birth and hard work, I have created a powerful force that will be recognized and supported. When I can fully recognize and acknowledge my worth, others will see it as well. It is not strange that others seek to encourage and support me, for I am worthy.
    20. ms-laurel
      Better this AM...a new day, a new start with a more positive outlook...besides, isn't it FRIDAY? I don't want to work....I want to bang on my drum all day....
    21. ms-laurel
      Sometimes the sadness and pain in the world is so overwhelming...
      1. mikecb
        Nov 19, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        Yes, you're right thank you for the smile, plus after watching that I went and loved on my kitties and feel somewhat better, thanks again. ;)
        Nov 19, 2010
      3. muzzledman
        absolutely,i stopped trying to save the world & saved myself-live how you want tolive.out side the globe.
        Nov 19, 2010
    22. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      Thank you for the compliment on my profile picture. It was one of the happiest times of my life having my pet here with me. :)
    23. ms-laurel
      I love my life as a dominant woman...I can think of no better way to wake up each morning and then to lay my head on the pillow each night knowing what I know today about the truth of the matter...
      1. susie q
        susie q
        It doesn't get any better than that ms-Laurel,Curtseys
        Nov 17, 2010
      2. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        We shall love you for it for every breath of egsistance we endore.
        Nov 17, 2010
    24. ozoner55
      Dear Ms. Laurel i just wanted to express my love and gratitude for being allowed into your service. You are the most wonderful, loving, kind woman I've ever met. Plus you provide the firm guidance that i need to progress in my devotion to you. Thank you Mistress, palmer
    25. ms-laurel
      I consider what ties me to my former beliefs. Are these restraining beliefs genuinely mine or were they foisted upon me by others? Do I need them to feel safe, limited and therfore secure? Can I rightly see which ideas I need to cast off and exchange for those which will better suit the new woman that I am today? This is liberation; this is freedom. It is mine to claim.
      1. ladylionzsissy
        i honestly admire your introspection, MsLaurel. it leaves me speachless!
        Nov 14, 2010
      2. muzzledman
        all of our beliefs on thi planet have been passed on to us, its up to each of us to evaluate them & come up with our own uderstandings constantly.
        Nov 15, 2010
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    January 14
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    He will never be any better than I expect him to be. If a man cannot fully fathom the concept that he is to be an asset in my life then he is indeed a liability. I am the Gift; I will teach the men in my life how to ready themselves for me. I have expectations of goodness for those I love.​
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