Told To Tell... Here it is...

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by SheLovesMyLock!, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    This started out to be a reply to a post but has evolved into a true erotic adventure. I completed it to date Oct 21, 2008 and am posting it here. Please share any comments and thoughts.

    We, my wonderful wife and lover, are new to chastity. I spent a few afternoons/evenings reading various websites and forums such as this and then shared with my lover the good stories and sites I had found. The idea intrigued her so I ordered the CB6k three weeks ago - This is my first post and so far our experience with chastity and the CB6k.

    The first day it arrived (Friday) I was excited and couldn't wait to get it on and she was just amused by the idea. I soon learned that it did take time to figure out what combination to use for a proper (without sever pain) fit would be.

    I found I could pull out at first and I showed her that I could but I had also ordered the G3 series from which I learned makes the pull out part impossible without SERIOUS difficulties. - She wanted to make sure that I could not escape after I put on the G3 per the instructions, so she oiled me up real good - iced me down and slipped me in. Click. I felt a tearing sensation as my shaft was being pulled out and ripped apart at the same time as the G3 held it in. She pulled to her delight and was finally satisfied that I would/could not pull it out anymore and added that if I did/do remove myself without permission somehow, I will be receiving a Prince Albert and a cable lock.

    My size is 6 3/4" erect and I fill the device when flaccid. I learned to use the following combination over the next three day 'break in period' which was the only time I had access to the key.

    1) The next to largest ball ring,
    2) The next to shortest spacer and pins,
    3) The smallest g3.

    This combo seems to work well for me and there is not much discomfort except when I wake up in the mornings with pain from my involuntary erections and have to walk them off. My CB6k does not come off or move down the shaft any more or cause pain in my balls unless I am aroused.

    At that point key was removed and I was secured from that Monday morning until Wednesday night. No complications. She wanted to know if I could drop down one ball ring size without any problem for extra security, so that night I fit the next smaller ball ring on (tight!). Friday morning my sack was swollen and she released me until the swelling went down and I went back up a size ball ring.

    I had a camping trip Sat and Sunday locked up as she was not present (stated it was to cold and came back home). I had no further problem with swelling and everything seemed to be ok. I am/was still getting used to it though (a little sore around the ball sac area but nothing I couldn't live with). I came home Sunday afternoon early and ready to be of service for/to her hoping I might be set free. After a couple of hours of ensuring her enjoyment I was rewarded accordingly with release and some really hot sex. That brings us to week two

    Week 2 - I made it 5 days 24/7 (Mon - Fri) without any problems and when I was rewarded with removal on Sat, it felt strange to be out of it. I am becoming accustom to wearing it now and am learning how to keep everything 'clean and fresh' (small challenge) too. offers a handy cleaning kit that really helps to keep everything clean while still being secure.

    I believe I may have awoke a monster because as more time is passing she just absolutely loves the sense of security it provides her. More and more she is thrilled that I cannot touch myself while she is away or at work, in the shower etc. She and I have also noticed that I look forward to pleasing her more, better, and more often than I used to. This too causes an erection but I just ignore the pain and eat away...

    Sorry for rambling but thought I would share my experiences. The only problems I have had so far (after learning what combination fit best for me) is after the five days straight, the skin on my shaft seemed dried out and flaky especially around the head when she removed it Saturday. I'm not sure if I may have left soap on it by not rinsing well enough or? This week I am going to try putting a little baby oil back on the head and shaft with q-tips after I wash.

    We are in week three and I am secure. I don't foresee release until at least this Sat . She loves this new teasing game she has invented, I am finding it rather painful to play, also she is establishing a 'rule book' from what she decides she wants to make up as a rule and that which she finds interesting on the net.

    I am starting to wonder what I have done to myself... I really did bring this upon myself but I also have to admit - I am loving the renewed relationship values it is teaching me. I am beginning to see why some KH and chastity sites recommend that initial lock up period be at least three weeks so a man can truly begin to understand what it really is to be chaste and unfortunately so is she.... Honestly my attitude is different when I'm free and she is beginning to warn me that if it doesnt changeFreedom will be a thing of the past.

    P.S. Five days can really make one Very Sensitive! I am also going to try numbing spray so I can last a little longer for her next time.... (If there is a next time, I only lasted two minuets, Im ashamed of myself but I couldnt walk for a half hour either WOW!)

    Tuesday (of the third week) tonight I made a dreadful mistake; I didnt realize that she wanted me to take a shower with her when she announced that she was going to take a shower. I mean I asked if she wanted me to and she said no but boy was I wrong! After she got out of the shower she informed me that I really messed up by not reading her right and that she was mad. I was told that one week would be added to my release date and that I am to get showered and ready for a service call right now. I explained that I didnt understand females or their thought process and that I was sorry. She informed me that by the end of this chastity thing I will completely understand, Now Shut Up and Get Busy!

    I went to work and provided my lover with an orgasm and thought I was done. Little did I know She had me sit back and was told not to touch Anything! as she began the most incredible strip tease dance two inches from my face. Naked she went down and sucked my balls into her mouth and played with her vibrator on them. I was told to retrieve the rest of her toys and to watch how she used them to please herself. As the creamy juices ran from between her legs all I was allowed to do was watch. My restricted erection was harder than concrete. I swear my balls were blue and non existent. She checked them and laughed at my predicament and said this will happened every night for the next week!

    I realized now that I did make a mistake I added to that initial mistake by betting her that she couldnt go the whole additional week without the real thing. She said bet now get down here and lick again. This time I worked for 45 min using her toys on her, licking, rubbing, petting and anything else that produced a moan. I know I brought her to one of her most intense orgasms to date! She told me so.

    After she recouped, she told me that the terms of the bet will be for every time she unlocks my lock before the 7 day week is up I will receive ten dollars from her. Every time I whine or ask to be let out I am to give her ten bucks. The game starts now!

    I walked her out to the car as she left for work and she thought writing about our adventures so far and sharing them with others would be fun little did I know that it would cause me to remain hard while writing this and she is gone at work all night (she works grave yard). I think she knew exactly what it would do to me as she opened the car door to leave and gave me one of the most erotic kisses ever and was told to go to work on our story!


    TO ALL MEN - Chastity is a great way to learn how to really and truly love and appreciate the wonderful woman that without out chastity you would just take for granite (she wanted me to make a note about how great this is for all women!).

    Tonight I learned something else new 45 min was nothing to her! The only reason she had me stop pleasing her when she did was because it was getting close to time for her to leave for work.

    Please share any thoughts this is not a work of fiction and I think I am one very lucky guy to have such a wonderful woman in my life!! (trying for points here).. (I can hear it now another week) Thanks
  2. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Welcome to our world!

    You are indeed VERY lucky. My only advice to you is to work your butt off to make sure you are everything she desires. She has agreed to participate in this for you (initially) and now you have to carry through.

    You sound like you have everything working perfectly, so I hope it stays that way... but if it doesn't, we're all here to sympathise and help you get back on track! (pet and I are now a 3 year work-in-progress!)

    As you are aware, this is notorious with CBs! Everyone goes through this.

    Lol... I always expected pet to know EXACTLY what I was thinking in the early days. I would love him to mind read, but there's still a lot of training to be done here!

    Everyone is welcome to ramble here! Most of us do, in the hope that it will help others. :animal0008:

    Good luck, and keep us informed!
  3. xcitex2

    xcitex2 Back from the past!

    May 15, 2008
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    Welcome tot he site and thanks for the post. You are finding out, as I did, that once your lover gets a hold of all the rewards from this that you soon find yourself in an area you had no idea existed, thus my journal "My Unexpected Life" Good luck and enjoy it sounds like you have a very loving and supportive wife. This is key!
  4. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    lovers update after reading last nights post

    She really enjoyed the facts and the way I remembered them. It was a blast to have her sit here this morning and read our posted adventure to which her reply was "We need to add to that. Good Job!"

    I am now even more in trouble because the bet has provoked evil thoughts. I was informed that Friday (her day off) I will be tied to a chair and handcuffed while she is playing stripper music and a selection of video from what used to be my porn collection (now hers) in the background while she dances erotically in front of and on me. (Remember the bet? I'm already losing)

    Today as I arrived home I saw a bag from the local novelty shop. I asked what she got and was told I'll find out Friday in the chair... I'll keep the post updated as long as I have her permission.

    I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such a wonderful partner in life, and our new found game. She is right beside me now helping me put together our little update. I have shown her how to log in to here so hopefully in the future she may have a few words of her own to share about my training and responsiviness.

    P.S. While she has not made up a name for herself yet I was instructed to tell all of you hi from her - her request is that any good ideas about my training that can be shared are and will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    That was from the monster I have woke... My lover and my wife, my friend - on some days she added...
  5. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I was told to ask this question to some of the long term locked participants - does milking relieve any of the sexual frustration or does it add to it in reality? (we fully understand it is the drainage of semen without the "O" for me). Is it best to clean out the night before milking is to take place or just before, half hour or so?

    She has decided that this is an area of teasing she wants to explore if it will add to my torment and frustration.

    Tonight before we left for dinner, she demanded a service call, at dinner all we could talk about was how fun all of this is - and then we we got home another service call until she had to leave for work.

    When walking out to the car she commented how how wonderful the orgasmic bliss felt and enjoys the floating feeling. With a loving smirk she asked how I was feeling and without waiting for an awnser, she told me to post the question, gave me a kiss and was off. Thanks
  6. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    SheLovesMyLock... just a little tip for you on your milking question: create a new thread asking the question in the Boudoir Section of the site.

    Some people don't read the Vault or take interest in people's journals, so if you post the thread separately, with a milking title, people who have the knowledge will pick up on it easier and help out.

    Hope that makes sense! :animal0008:

    Can't wait to find out what else happens to you...
  7. ladylionzsissy

    ladylionzsissy male chastity sissymaid

    May 16, 2008
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    i feel you're so very fortunate to have someone so interseted in the lifestyle! i wish you a continued, lifelong happy union!! :)
  8. forevermore

    forevermore Long term member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Great posting! I think you describe what many of us are looking for. Welcome to the site and I hope your journey continues with a LOT of FRUSTRATION! Althought my journey is very different, I also post in the Vault "My New Life of Submission". Good Luck!
  9. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    The bet was called off and so were my feelings

    Last night at about 1 am I was pleasantly surprised when my lover woke me and said that she only had a half day at work. I was informed she wanted to play - and this is what happened...

    My lock lover (her new name for now) informed me that the bet was off and she was releasing me. I became instantly aroused and hard as steel. The pain was excruciating as I was still secured while she stripped.

    Off to the bathroom she went returning a few minuets later with a little spray bottle. She placed the key in the lock like she has many times before and turned the key BUT this time she actually removed the lock and handed it to me. I was in heaven and didnt even care that she got out of paying me my ten dollars for losing the bet!

    Something Ive now come to realize is that as the key holder, my lovely lock lover gets to make up the rules as she goes and at least she was kind enough to tell me the bet was off.

    After she removed the rest of my CB6k she gently stroked my shaft until it was standing at complete attention (I think it was less than three strokes total) then came the little spray bottle numbing agent (9.9% lidocaine) spray #1 to the underside of the head, #2 to the top side of the head and 4 more sprays up and down the shaft. She then tore open a condom packet and placed it on my still sensitive shaft and then another over that I dont know where we read about that but isnt the internet wonderful? When those were in place she asked me what I felt and I responded that I could only feel pressure at this point and nothing else.

    GOOD! With that Lock lover sat over my numb hardness and I watched as she slowly descended onto my shaft. OH WOW! What a feeling this is and then it hit me I Wasnt Feeling Anything (except pressure). I tried to thrust harder and deeper and still nothing! My mind was freaking out how could this be? I am making love to the most beautiful woman in the world and yet I am deprived of any sensuous feeling. On the other hand the harder I tried to obtain the sexual pleasure my body and mind were searching for, the louder her moans of pleasure became and the more my mind suffered looking for that matching pleasure! Harder I would thrust and NOTHING!

    She Gasped! OMG OMG OMG! and collapsed on top of me. I asked if I could clean up the mess and she obliged but instructed me to be very careful and gentle. When she recouped a little she removed the condoms and stroked the shaft of my hardness. I thought without the condoms I would have some sensation down there but NOPE! Nothing, just pressure from her hand. She asked and I told her there was nothing and this brought a smile to her face as her other hand grasped the base of what is now considered her new flesh toy and she began to do a hand twist thing that will usually drive me straight up a wall (I cant help it, I showed her where the sensitive spots were and how to drive me nuts a while back and oh no) When she saw no reaction on my part she rolled on her back and wanted to be serviced by tongue then pleased with her new found flesh toy thats attached to me (that I cant feel even without condoms!).

    This went on for the next half hour or so and she had several orgasms by flesh toy and tongue. My mind was going absolutely nuts HOW COULD THIS BE? I was so built up inside it felt like I was literally going to explode! After a few minuets she recovered and asked if I was able to feel anything yet on her naked flesh toy. I touched the head and No I cant, just pressure, I replied.

    She knows from experience that my favorite position is servicing her (with her new flesh toy) from behind and she has this special move that will completely pull every last drop from the bottom of my scrotum up and into what I consider heaven. Armed with this knowledge and the fact that right now I cant feel anything she rolled over to her tummy and said service me from behind!

    I was really excited about this, hoping that maybe in this position I may feel the pleasurable feeling of having intercourse. As I slid in and felt nothing I realized she had complete control of her flesh toy. I refused to give up that easy and thrust deeper still nothing and again deep and hard nothing except pressure.. Over and over with the same result for me but Lock lover on the other hand was in a sexual bliss state I have never seen before!

    This is where my mind really starts to bend because I know Im in my favorite position, making love to the woman I love with all my heart, I want to please her and yet I long to release my seed deep into her depths so my mind starts filling in the blanks (sort to speak). I cant believe it I feel as though I am going to cum without any of the sensation or stimulation that normally I would associate with cumming and this drives me insane. I thrust harder, deeper and faster! The tension is building and I can feel it! I am about to burst I think!

    Apparently she can feel my urgency to cum too and asks if I can feel anything? I tell her no but this is just incredible because I feel like I could cum she just moaned. After a few more thrusts and listening to her moans was all my mind could take and the feeling was overwhelming to release! I asked her Can I Cum NO - GET IT OUT OF ME! I had no choice but to comply as she bucked her hips and shot me right out. She asked if I was really going to shoot? I couldnt speak as the spikes of pleasure had not yet subsided enough. When they did I answer her question with Yes I was, but we are out of danger now. She grasped her flesh toy from behind and asked can you feel this yet as she twisted her hand? NO, just pressure Ok then get back to work!

    Within five more minuets of pleasing her with her new flesh toy my mind couldnt take any more and I asked again if I could cum. I was told ok go ahead and shoot if you can. When I blew what seemed to be the entire lower portion of my body into her, I literally shook!

    The second I finished and started to roll to the side, it was announced that I had better be cleaning up the mess I just made before it gets on the bed. I knew that she didnt mean with a towel either as we have teased each other before about this. Before I cum I feel I could do it but after, well thats a different story and I told her this.

    She gave me the options of cleaning up my mess or being punished I choose to be punished. My mind was a complete pool of gray matter slime at this stage and I was still catching my breath. She commanded me to re-secure myself now (which I did even though I could barley move) and that we will be discussing the punishment later. My mind was racing trying to figure out what just happened and yet I was in an orgasmic mess barley able to even have thought.

    About ten minuets passed and I started to think that I may have made another error by declining to clean. I flat out made up my mind that I have to at least offer to give her another orgasm knowing our juices are still blending inside her. Honey, would you like another orgasm? I asked. Really? She replied. Yes, I have to get over this mental block and you have helped by using a towel to clean some of it. I started down her lovely body kissing her softly here and there and added plus Im afraid of what my punishment might be if I dont try. Just be gentle she said.

    Within a few minuets of softly caressing her love center her cries of pleasure rang in my ears. After a few more minuets I was rewarded with a nice stream of hot love fluid direct from the factory! To my amazement there really was no taste and for all these years I had envisioned in my mind a completely different out come. This always has been a fantasy of mine and now Ive experienced it. As I finished re-cleaning all the cracks and crevices with my tongue she told me she loves me!

    Without making me brush my teeth or rinsing she gave me a passionate kiss and started to discuss some new rules. If you ever cum inside of me without permission its a mandatory 15 days straight - no release. If I ever let you cum in me again it is mandatory you clean up our mess immediately or else! We will discuss the rest of this tomorrow, now rub my back.

    She then drifted off to sleep while I gently caressed her back and I was left wondering where all of this is going to go I have no idea.

    P.S. I was just informed that this has been approved for posting and there will be more to follow! (she just finished reading it and told me to post it, I have to ask does it get any better than this?)
  10. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    Amazing what can be learned when locked!

    Tonight before my lover left for work she had me servicing her. As I was bringing her to an orgasm, my arm that was thrusting a flesh like penis (my replacement) in and out of her locked up and I slid the toy out just as she started to scream and SQUIRT!!! SHE SQUIRTED ME RIGHT IN TH FACE!!!

    I have NEVER witness a live squirt before - WOW!!

    When I realized what was happening I immeadiately started licking up my present!!!!

    My Wife is a squirter - amazing!!

    I never took the time to find this out before chastity - selfishness at its finest, I know. I am learning alot! No wonder she says that she likes the "New Me".

    She asked me "well don't all women squirt?" My answer was not that I know of - only a few are squirters as far as I know... am I wrong?

    Because of this we have come up with a name for my lover and she loves it - Squirtski - the new official name for the greatest thing to ever happen to me!
  11. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    From squirtski aka the lock lover herself.

    Hi to all the women out there who are reading this. This chastity is and will be if you don't already have one the most refreshing and best idea that has ever been invented. I will explain....

    Has your other half ever told you either while he was at work or somewhere else that he in some way is too busy to come home and service you in anyway? Well the fact is is that he does have the time he just did not put you in front of what he is in to at that period of time.

    I have seen a miracle since this chastity has been brought to my attention. He no longer says that he is too busy doing the minor things he told me before. Women out there if your man refuses you consistently like this LOCK HIM UP. He will be at your every beck and call because you are the key holder to the most precious thing he has ever owned. I used to feel sorry for him just like a lot of women did at first but now what seems to be torture to him is heavenly bliss for me!
  12. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    alot lot has happend since last post

    I've learned a few valuable lessons - 1) When I come up with what I think is a great idea, I need to think how great it will be... check out the newest pics... I never in a million years imagined that it would be SO frustrating to watch my lover riding herself to glory on me, without me! The photo album is titled 'newest torment'.

    My original intent was to have something for her pleasure to use in case I fell short servicing her with her new flesh toy (being overly sensitive and all) from the lack of use. The numbing spray worked great but I still came three times this weekend and she still wanted more. I bought her the most realistic penis, close to my size, I could find (she says that I fit perfect! Not to big, Not to small) and of course a harness.

    I got to thinking and boy howdy, I never thought about the frustration factor!

    The next idea/lesson #2) - While I was on a service call for her Friday night my tongue became a little adventurous and sought out the 'Forbidden Zone' a little further down. After I completely held on for dear life and rode out the intense wave of pleasure that over took her body during another 'out of this world orgasm', I cleaned up the mess and I asked if she felt what I did down there. I asked if she liked it?

    Not only did she feel it and like it but it has went from STAY AWAY! to becoming a territory that is demanding the service of my mouth muscle too!! This weekend and tonight I serviced her brown eye more than I ever have in my complete and entire life. I have to admit that I like it doing it for her because I have always thought of licking down there as taboo myself until now. It's amazing! Nothing at all like I thought...

    Our milking experiment started Friday night too! - Lesson #3) - It is a rush to feel the fluids being pushed up the shaft and see the moisture flow from the end... The lesson here is that she took to shoving that milking toy up my ass and playing for the next half an hour a little too easy, (I think!).

    I was told to get some latex gloves (I'm also going to get a couple of fleets) this weekend when we go shopping because now she wants to feel my prostate. I am also going to do a cool water cleaning as suggested before we play next time, but I'm not sure how. I am going to investigate this little more. I don't want to mess this up.

    Saturday morning was a wonderful day. I was allowed to go and play after the house was picked up but I decided to stay home and comfort squirtski, she was feeling tired. I should say I decided to stay home and please her. I really enjoy pleasing her!! The day was all about her and I enjoyed her enjoyment of it! She rewarded me with release at 3 oclock in the morning, but I got into trouble again because I didn't clean up my mess right away!

    Sunday was a busy day for both of us and Sunday night was GREAT! Squirtski asked if I wanted out again, which I did (YES!) and under orders of not touching myself I began pleasuring her in every way I could! My reward later was sex in my favorite position and it didn't take long before I was ready to blow for the third time this weekend! I asked her if I could cum and she did'nt say yes or no, I couldn't hold it back and after a few shutters of my body I released! She didn't seem mad and I can't remember the last time I came three times in a weekend! MIND BLOWING ORGASMS TOO!

    After my orgasmic bliss wore down a little, just a few minuets this time, I asked if I should be cleaning up the mess and she said no. I knew right then and there something was wrong! She told me that now that I am completely drained I should be completely thankful and devoted to her for taking such good care of me. I should be thinking of nothing else except of how to please her - I AM, I AM! I thought - since you came without waiting for me to answer and after you came all you did was roll over and ignore me. Well that's it!

    28 days! NO RELEASE - NO GETTING OUT - Then we will see how you are behaving... She then gave me a kiss on the cheek, snuggled into my arms and told me she loves me.

    I didn't have time to post last night (Sunday) as Squirtski had promised in her post because I was busy (squirtski found out she had the night off and put me to good use for her own selfish reasons) but tonight before her time to go to work, I was called into service and after she was completely relieved of any 'pre work tension' she told me again - "28 days - BEGINNING TOMORROW!!! And, by the way, be ready to service me at six (am) when I get home, I'm going to be tired and want relief for a good nights sleep! Post our adventures tonight."

    WHAT? Aughh!!! Key holders sure do change their minds a lot...

    In summary for this post - I am thankful for this learning experience about how to please a woman properly (not just sexually either). I am thankful for the kind comments about our pictures and adventures, and I am thankful for finding a nice group/forum to share in the adventures of chastity - Thank you Mistress Watchful, Mistress Michelle and everyone else, and ESPECIALLY Mistress Squirtski whom I love with all my heart!
  13. Bobbybig

    Bobbybig Member

    May 14, 2008
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    I'm really enjoying reading your adventures. Thanks for taking the time to post it all.

    Just a friendly observation:
    Prostrate = Lying prone, or with the face to the ground.
    Prostate = A partly muscular gland at the base of the bladder in male mammals.
  14. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    creampie delight - 28 days worth

    Tonight as Mistress Squirtski prepared for work I went into the bathroom and gave her a hug and asked if she would like servicing?

    I found out she was mad - just a bad day building up inside (not me so much) and I listened for the next couple of hours.

    When she had everyting off her chest and was feeling better I promptly obeyed as she requested servicing! I just love making her orgasm with my tognue!

    I brought her to a climatic and refreshing finish pretty quickly (she had ten min before she had to leave for work) and I was in heaven for pleasing her so completely! I mentioned that I really like it when she has a mind blowing O and that her powerful O tonight reminded me of this past weekends O's for me. Upon hearing mention of this she stated "Why do you think you are being locked up for the next 28 days? - I'll tell you - After I took care of you, you just rolled over and left me hanging - That Will Never Happen Again!"

    "I think after 28 days you'll be ready to do anything it takes to please me. And, you'll do it when I want you to not when you feel like doing it. You are going to have time to think about this and time to imagine the size of the mess you'll be cleaning up".

    I told her that cleaning up the mess has been a fantasty of mine for a long time and before I cum I think I can do it but after the fact - NO WAY! I just can't.

    Well I found out that there is going to be a way OR ELSE ... and I'll find out the way 28 days from today. If I fail the mission then I am going to be locked for 56 days, Minimum.

    (Last week after I worked up the nerve I headed down south after a session but she had also used the towel before I arrived and the Y and dove in. I really wasn't so bad. Time to expand the horizons...)
  15. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    It's fun not feeling...

    Today Squirtski wanted servicing early and I obliged her accordingly with fantastic oral orgasms (three total so far tonight). Afterward, as she caressed me for a job well done, she asked me how it felt not being able to feel her hand caressing me through the plastic confinement portion of my cage which of course covers the most sensitive spot and the reason I'm in lock up in the first place (as informed I had a tendency to touch it to often).

    I explained that it feels like getting robbed of what you know you should be feeling down there and it's missing - frustrating!

    She continued to play with me and then I spotted the answer, the perfect way for her to have a complete understanding of what it feels like and the frustration involved - her numbing spray bottle with the lido cane was on the headboard.

    I reached for it and carefully applied a small amount to her clit and rubbed it in for a few. I waited 5 min. Then I carefully wiped the area of any excess (so my tongue wouldn't go numb) and I headed down south again. I am pleasantly surprised to be able to say - now the frustration factor is fully understood about 'not being able to feel' LOL!

    Needless to say I created myself more trouble - Me and My Bright Ideas!!! She has announced that I can be let out anytime I want as long as its in front of her and she has more spray to play... Then she drifted off to sleep.

    This is a short one tonight as I am off to the kitchen to cook her dinner for when she wakes... :character0028:
  16. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    Bad Break

    Squirtski teased me relentlessly Thursday night and when I woke Friday morning to a pinching pain on my shaft, at first I thought it was the typical hardon pain but as I became more aware the pain grew worse. I complained and Squirtski was kind enough to allow me to remove it to investigate. My new CB6K split down the center on the bottom side.

    I called cust service at and there is a new one on its way already. He only asked me to send back the broken piece. We are waiting for the new one to arrive.

    He informed me that there is another retooling that is taking place again in two weeks and if this new one splits too he will send me one of the retooled models. Apparently one out of fifty are still failing.

    On the bad side of life Squirtski and I had a quarrel this weekend about my selfishness. She was unhappy that I wanted to go and do things (fly airplanes) instead of being by her side. This started Saturday morning and by this evening I think we are going to get all of this worked out I love her! (Im not sure if being out of the lock had anything to do with it or not but I feel as it certainly couldnt hurt to have one attention focused by chastity).

    Short one tonight. By all
  17. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    28 days

    Hi Everyone,

    Today begins day one of the next 28 days of NO RELEASE. Squirtski and I have agreed to these rules.

    1) Failure for me is "cumming without permission".
    2) Failure for her is "allowing me to cum" (in a moment of weakness).

    We are borrowing Mistress Michelles clothes pin idea. 3 rounds of 10 min for both nipples within 24 hours for the commission of a failure and time starts over (another 28). If I pull myself out or cut off my device, a Prince Albert and a cable lock will be the consequences.

    The new device arrived yesterday but she didn't make me wear it right away. Tonight she asked for service and I made some comment about I didn't feel like it right now because my back hurt and she said fine get your lock!

    After I showered and had a pain reliever I began her service call and really enjoyed bringing her to full orgasmic bliss. Then she even allowed me to make love to her in the normal fashion all the way till I was on the very edge and that was it. She told me to get back down there and finish her off with my tongue.

    Im going to put the locking device on my flesh toy and this is it for the next 28days! Lets see how much better you become. Ive allowed you to be free for almost a week and it seems to me that you have reverted back to your old ways before we received the device. You just dont seem to care. I want you to teach me how it goes on because you will not be touching yourself at all, even when in the shower for cleaning, I will be taking care of that!

    I gave her precise instructions and she placed me in it perfectly. I showed her (explained actually) where the skin could get pinched and how to avoid it. With that she clicked the lock and told me to write tonights post after I walked her out to the car.

    I asked if we could start this journey first thing in the morning, she told me to add another day to the calendar. Make that 29 days now and an extra day for every time I ask to get out.

    The rest of the rules she has written so far have the punishments per infraction posted and all of them are going to apply too. I will post the rules (our contract per say) to stimulate ideas to further the journey and exploration of this adventure, for us and everyone here.

    I must admit that in the last month (since the arrival of our CB6K I have experienced feelings and emotions I have never known before Longest time without any release so far 6 days. She has always taken me out and provided relief before the time was up. She said she felt sorry for me

    I mentioned this to her and she said that she could make it no problem. Her nipples are far to sensitive for clothes pins and she has seen how I behave when treated to a kind release.

    OH NO! What have I done?... lol :confused0086:
  18. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    new improved cb6K is here

    The new re-tooled CB6K is in stock. The people at took it upon themselves to send me one because of the problem I had a few weeks ago with the seam splitting. It arrived in the mail today,

    I have not been feeling well and have had a problem with my back - mri was done yesterday and that is why I have not been around here.

    Thought you guys might like to know about the "improvement" - The plastic weld on the shaft housing down the middle is definitely improved! You can physically see that the plastic is in fact fused along the entire seam top and bottom.

    28 days ended in a surprising pleasurable way on day 10. Much to my relief...
    We are going to start again when I feel better.
  19. DAVINA


    May 21, 2008
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    love your posts very entertaining
  20. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Oh dear, did the punishments have to be employed for stopping your 28 days early?
  21. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Your journal is really fascinating, SheLovesMyLock! Thanks for the information on the re-tooled cb-6000--that's nice to know. Dolly hopes your back is better and you didn't do the mri with the chastity on--especially the lock! That might be an interesting effect. Dollyanne is looking forward to reading about your contract too. Thanks for offering to post it here! Dolly hopes you are feeling better and on...:character0100:

  22. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    kind words

    Thank all of you for the kind words and the encouragement - This truly is a great site - Thank you everyone!

    Yesterday Squirtski and I have set a new date - Christmas Eve. She locked me up tight yesterday morning. Today without thinking I made a comment that added an additional two weeks... (39 days)

    She mentioned that she was looking forward to spending time with me for the rest of our lives. I jokingly replied "I am looking forward to spending time with me too". Woops... Being good humored she responded "think that was cute? Try this - Two more weeks!"

    After our last "game" she is becoming far more educated in how this "game" is played. This time I am worried that she will actually make it stick. She has become much better at answering my questions open ended and leaving off any conclusive promise of anything. For example: Do you mind if I go to the (rc) flying field this morning? "I'll think about it and let you know after you are done servicing me." She is getting really good at this too, a complete change overnight it seems. I am loving it!

    Update: I have not heard back from the docs yet on the mri results, and no Dollyanne I didn't wear my CB6k to get the films taken. Squirtski has informed me that medical trips are ok to be free as long as I schedule them so she can be there too which is easy since she works nights.

    Example: Tonight I had lasik surgery on my eyes. Squirtski had to drive me there so I asked Squirtski if I could be released before the appointment? The answer was a flat out NO and I should give you more days for asking! (No reason to be released and she knew it - I was just testing the waters, she knew that too). Surgery went fine and has made a difference in my vision I can tell already.

    My promise has not been forgotten, I have to finish the rules to get them posted and I am still working on the video of the teasing I take occasionally so I can get it posted too. I am learning the editing process of Nero 7 to make it "just right."

    Good night everyone, my eyes are sore and I am calling it a night - Again, Happy Birthday Mistress Michelle I hope your special day was filled with that special passion only a locked man can provide!!
  23. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    She Loves it When you Are Locked....

    Very interesting writing - splendid. Please do continue. But could you find a name for us to call you? Something easier and less formal than "SheLovesMyLock"?
  24. SheLovesMyLock!

    SheLovesMyLock! Keyless and Tormented!

    Oct 22, 2008
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    NST - Nipple Sensitivity Training

    Hello Everyone,

    Squirtski and I found a new pleasure to share – Nipple Sensitivity Training (NST)

    I read about nipple stretching somewhere on this site and had mentioned it to Sqiutski again.

    We had been in a novelty store and had purchased some toys along with a nipple suction device with rubber band rings but really never used it because she said it hurt. After reading the post it reminded me of the toy and I asked her if I could try it. She said NO! I explained that I ment try it on me...

    I wore it on each nipple for about two hours. Lots of water came out of my nipples and they were Very Very sensitive! She thought this could be a great addition to our games of torment.

    The problem is that the nipple squeeze bulb is to big to wear around the house or to be able to wear publicly etc.

    The solution – A Vacuum Cap Assortment. Available at any auto parts store just ask for one to fix a vacuum leak on your car (nothing to be embarrassed about).

    The kit I purchased Sunday contained an assortment of sizes along with several 3/8” caps that when squeezed and placed over wet nipples were perfect in size, applied a perfect amount of suction draw, stayed in place, and are not ‘that’ noticeable under my shirt (I wear a tee and an over shirt).

    Today I wore a set to work all day (approx 9 hrs total) and I will assure you that if you would like to explore what sensitive nipples are all about then this is a perfect and erotic (and cheap) way to do this!

    Squirtski rubbed my nipples tonight before she went to work so delicately I thought I was going to cum from the pleasure and then without warning she started to laugh while she flicked one – after I peeled myself off the ceiling, I jokingly laughed with her and mentioned that it kind of hurt a little bit (lol)…

    Before I kissed Squirtski good by for work she mentioned that NST is now mandatory at her request along with reminding me of the fact that I am not going to be released any time soon (as she caressed her secured package).

    My nipples were still pretty sensitive from the big nipple toy and that was from Thursday night well into Friday morning. When I placed the vacuum caps on this morning I was fine for the first hour. I headed to the rest room to check on them and they had lost a little vacuum so I re-squeezed them making them draw more. I was again ok for about an hour. I headed to the rest room and once again I tightened them up – after just a few minuets this time I really noticed how hard they were pulling! The rest of the day my mind was totally connected with my nipples – I couldn’t wait to get home and ask if I could remove them. This was allowed after I took her shopping (another hour).

    Somewhere years ago I think I have seen metal and/or plastic nipple rings (non piercing) for men and at the time thought ‘whatever’ – does anyone know where I might be able to find them again? I would like to surprise someone with a new adornment.

    We hope you might find the enjoyment we have discovered and this is why we share, and of course, if you have an improvment on my little 'discovery" we are all ears! (except for what is in her cage) - Night all!

    P.S. Miss D requested a name so after some thought I would like to be called "Lockedtite" or Wes would be fine too.

    P.S.S. Squirtski announced that for an anniversary present she would like a steel belt for me - after reading some of the complications, I'm a little nervous as too who, what, when, where and HOW MUCH to get it right. Suggestions would be welcome as we have 7 months to go before our anniversary.
  25. crystalcruiser

    crystalcruiser Junior Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Great write up i'm enjoying it immensely, i'm also looking forward to the video!
    Keep up the good work
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