time to introduce myself

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by filmriss, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. filmriss

    filmriss Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    hey there folks,

    ive been a long time lurker here, short time member, but since i now am (finally) in chastity (kh is goddess/girlfriend of 6 years), i thought i should start contributing.
    i have so many things to say, i dont really know where to start... lets begin by pointing out some topics on this wonderful site:

    *i am a college student (grad)
    *it was both our ideas (although i sorta leaned in the direction)
    *since my gf/kh is naturally dominant, to say she was happy about the idea would be an understatement ;)
    *i myself am deeply submissive, as i fortunately told her about when i began dating her
    *no, we are not into sissification/cuckolding (yet)...

    that should be enough info for now, but let me just add some thoughts on chastity below.
    since this is my first time being sexually controlled, at the beginning i must say i didnt feel all that much different. then came day 4. and im not complaining about the first 3 days of teasing and playing with me.

    but on the last days of the first week some funny feeling in my tummy came up whenever i tried to touch myself but couldnt. then i inevitably thought about using the signed and wrapped safe-key i keep in my wallet (which goddess checks whenever she gets home from work), but i was just too afraid of the punishment. so i let it linger. now, as the days go by, that feeling is much more wonderful than i could ever imagine.

    i dont know where to go from here, since its only been 2 weeks since ive been locked up (we agreed on daily supervised showers with me taking the device off for personal hygiene - the only thing i insisted on in our agreement)

    oh i almost forgot: since im new at this goddess and i agreed on starting out slow, although i can see now how that could be coming back at me at some time. see, i wear a birdlocked (personally modified, details later; im quite handy ;) ) and i qiute like it, goddess decided this should be the weapon of choice from now on.
    to let me put that in perspective, goddess chose this exact device after she made me put it on and then had me try to jerk off inside it. yes, it was soft. yes, it felt nice. but i tried for a whole hour and couldnt get myself to orgasm. it simply didnt work. i was soooooo close. goddess really liked that.

    so thats it for now, i guess my next post will be how i modified my birdlocked for more comfort and security.

    have a splendid evening,
  2. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

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  3. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    :welcome: to the Mansion and what a wonderful introduction!

    Sounds like you've got it all sussed out right now, let us know how it goes.

    We always love to be nosey, especially when it comes to playtime!
  4. Arrested

    Arrested Member

    Jan 15, 2010
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    We're just starting this. I'm now attached to a CB6000s with out any fitting problems.

    Let us know how the birdlock works for you.

    I can not get any sensation in to my dick no matter how I try. The mistress says it is because I’m to unworthy to have an orgasm. She says when I prove myself she will allow me to have one.

    Once the penis is taken out of sexual pleasure intresting things begin happen.
  5. filmriss

    filmriss Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    to make a long story short, i should not have spoken about the birdlocked as a, how do i put it, really comfortable device. goddess knows that im posting here, but i simply didnt know goddess would be checking up on my postings on a regular basis (i'm guessing goddess will have her own account sooner or later...)
    anyways, today i was ordered to go to the post office tomorrow to pick up a parcel in goddess' name (goddess mentioned something the likes of a cb6000); in goddess' perspective, i was simply sleeping too comfortably. dont get me wrong, the birdlocked is a fantastic device (in the sense that the silicone hugs your skin so tightly that no matter what i tried, i couldn't get it off for the life of me - i would also like to thank the ball-seperator for that ;)) oh, and i am also expecting a locking ball stretcher to wear with the new cb.
    I AM IN WAY OVER MY HEAD!!! but i just love it.
    from europe, with love

    i almost forgot:
    arrested, the birdlocked works wonderfully. since this is the first device of this kind we had, i was just simply amazed at how comfortable it was. i am a very active person (swimming, cycling, running, wii-fit ;)), after a few days you simply forget it is there. it is the male equivalent of those old tampon commercials - i bet i could ride a horse and go skinny-dipping in an amazonian rainforest without having the slightest pinch. but, those days seem to be over. another 10 hours and it's off to plastic prison for me. personally, i'd prefer the silicone ;)
  6. Respectful

    Respectful Chaste by choice

    Oct 25, 2008
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    Welcome to the Mansion!
  7. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Good. We're a friendly lot and do help each other out "behind the scenes"...

    You forgot rollerskating... apparently we get an irresistable urge to rollerskate too!

    Good luck, and hope you see your Mistress here soon.
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