Sore Eggs

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by JoannaLewis, May 21, 2009.

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  1. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I've taken a break from chastity for a while, mainly due to not having a keyholder due to being single for 2 years.

    I also had problems getting the CB 2000 to fit without causing me a lot of pain or just falling off.

    Relatively recently I've found a way to use my KSD and it's nearly perfect, except that after 3 days I've had to abandon my test (I left the key with a friend) because the ring has caused my eggs to become sore and bruised a little from my sissy swellings in the night.

    I could have carried on but would have gone through more pain than usual tonight if I had.

    I don't think the CB2000 is ultimately the device I'll spend my life in but it's been with me for some time now and being very small, it should fit.

    Should I put it on for a few days, then take it off until the skin gets used to it or should I stop being so silly and put up with the pain?

    P.S. it's hard to put up with pain when there's no one to share the suffering with...

    Not sure if this the right section but I did try.
  2. Abulia

    Abulia Member

    May 16, 2009
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    I'm new to chastity (5 days!) and my CB-2000 but in general pain is a sign that your body is telling you something important. In this case I would heed its warning. Brief pain is one thing but an extended burning sensation (like what I am experiencing starting out) is probably a sign to try a different A ring, spacers, or just take a break.

    Not all of us can leap into 24/7 chastity on the first day, sadly.

    (And I have an active thread in this very fora on the subject that may have some good advice for you on starting out in your CB.)
  3. Respectful

    Respectful Chaste by choice

    Oct 25, 2008
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    I think the reason I had poor success with the Curve is that I wore it too long in the beginning rather than letting my body tell me to slow down and I developed a negative association with it. Lesions, rashes, or edemas just aren't sexy for me. I suggest you take time to let your delicate parts adjust to the new restrictions.

    I am going to try my Curve again next month. My plan this time is a week of only 1 to 3 hours per day whilst awake, at home, and then slowly adding increments of time if things go well.

    I have learned to live (mostly) with the frustration of not cumming, but I don't look forward to not being able to even get a full erection! This I have not done for a while...
  4. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    After years of experimentation with the 2000 I'm pretty sure I've got the optimal settings. I think that if the ring is tight enough to stay on, it will just rub me up the wrong way during the night.

    I took it off yesterday not because I had to but just in case.

    I guess I'll wait until I have a keyholder and let them work it out!
  5. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    sissy joanna,

    i do not have experiences with the cbxk series but from your description i wonder if the device is the right one for you. May be you should consider a different device.
    In the meanwhile you should not totally abandon practicing chastity even though you do not have a keyholder at the moment.
    As for the pain you should be careful - pain is always a signal of the body that something is wrong. May be you can wear the device for a few hours every day, slowly increasing your lock-up times. May be you can use additional ointments, powders or creams that can help your skin getting used to the foreign object.
    As pretty as you are you will definitely find a keyholder sooner or later and than you must be prepared to be kept under lock and key right from the start ... and besides, you already tasted the sweet fruit of chastity and you do not seriously believe that you will be able to refrain from chastity, wouldn't you?

    Hugs, maid katrin
  6. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    You're right, as usual Katrin. I could never be in a relationship without being locked up right from the start.

    Though I find that yearning for another is what makes chastity really special, I found tremendous inner piece this time which reminded me that it's almost like a spiritual practice.

    I'm wanting to try neosteel but don't know if I believe them when they claim you can do normal every day things in one.

    I have black and red marks where the A ring hugged my eggs on the underside and a similar abrasion horizontally across the base of my clit (on top). It seems to me that any ringed device is going to strain my eggs at night and that any KSD i try is going to make that impression on my clitty that's still sore - and only after 2 nights. It's a shame.

    What device would you recommend?
  7. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear sissy joanna,

    my experiences are limited to the Neosteel only. It was the device i was locked in right from the start and still am.

    Yes, it is highly recommandable when you seriously thinking about long term chastity.

    I do not know what your daily life looks like but yes, i can say that the belt never obstructs doing my chores or everything i do. Of course, somehow i have adjusted my life to the belt - not the other way around. For instance, i never bend over for picking up things from the floor but kneel down in a rather feminine way but i still can swim or doing my aerobics with the belt locked.

    Hugs and kisses, maid katrin
  8. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    OK so it looks like there's a 50 50 chance the wounds have gotten infected and are worse than I thought when I started this thread. Some discomfort walking without the device on and the black colour isn't pretty.

    Tomorrow I'll have to hit the pharmacy for some anti-ceptic something.

    Not my sexiest thread...
  9. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Umm, I am not a doctor, but I might consider seeing one at this point.
  10. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Thanks Chastiman,

    In England it's a bank holiday on Monday so no Doctor then and today there's no more appointments at my surgery.

    If it gets worse i'll have to go to the hospital I guess.
  11. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    So the update is that I did go to the hospital as the pain became quite noticeable. I couldn't even walk straight on Friday. So I went to the hospital but they said there was no infection.

    I'm not 100% better but they're on the mend.

    I won't be able to go with the CB XXX devices anymore, but all other devices are hard to try without laying out a lot of money is seems. Thoughts?
  12. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Well, I cannot help with any other devices as I am only familiar with the CBxxxx versions. I had minor problems with the CB2000 and 3000 and not problems at all with the 6000.

    I am glad to hear that medically you are all right.
  13. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Dollyanne is sorry to hear you've had this problem, Joanna, but is glad you are ok. Dollyanne has also had a problem with the cb-2000 involving infection and squeezing, though it sounds different than yours. Nevertheless, dolly has been out of chastity while healing. Dolly has been wondering if the new birdlocked device might be easier on the tessies in the sense it doesn't appear to squeeze them as much between two rings like the cb series does. Dollyanne doesn't know for sure whether it would be better or not, but have you considered this as a possibility? The birdlocked device is relatively inexpensive, and you can get a mini, which apparently is similar in size to the cb-2000. Plus, it's available in pink! Dollyanne is thinking of possibly trying it next. Anyway, it's just a thought.

  14. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Hi Dollyanne,

    I took a loot at their site and was confused by the materials they use. On the one hand they say they're 100% secure and on the other, that you can get out with a pair of scissors.

    I'll look into it further and thanks for the tip.


  15. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Joanna, it's all a matter of perception. A stainless steel full belt is 100% secure, but it can be removed with a dremel tool. I've got one on my workbench.

    100% secure is a myth. I prefer to think in terms of "undetectable". :chores008:

  16. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Hi Mike,

    I understand what you're saying. However, I don't own a dremel tool, have no idea what one is and even if I did have one, wouldn't be able to use one. I also don't have a workbench and again, would be pretty lost if I did have one.

    Even picking a low security standard master padlock is beyond my powers of handyship. I'm a very impractical girl.

    And anyway, for me, the more secure the better, as being in 'inescapable bondage' sends me into sub space very fast!


  17. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    I am glad to hear that there is no lasting damage to you joanna. You were wise to seek medical attention. I'm curious though - what explanation did you give them?

    As for going forward with your chastity - maybe the best thing is to wait a bit - a new owner may have their own particular choice for your chastity. As gurly as you are, and if I were your owner, I would insist on neosteel or a suitable substitute.
  18. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Thanks for your kind words Miss D. I'm on the mend now though they're still red.

    Are ultra girlie sissies better suited to neosteel devices Ma'am?

    Ok so I'll tell you the story of what I told them at the hospital, as it was quite funny...

    So I'm not waiting long and a nurse calls me in. She's a middle aged African lady and we start off talking about how busy they are (it was the end of a friday night in our equivalent of ER).

    Then she asks me what the problem is and I tell her the symptoms as accurately as I can. She nods and then asks how I came by the wounds alluded to in my previous utterance.

    I told her that I'm a single submissive without a keyholder. She didn't get it straight away so I had to explain that though I'm currently single, I like to be locked up by a significant Other who then controls, teases and uses me without me being guaranteed any satisfaction whatsoever.

    She looked surprised and asked me why I'm single, seeing as I'm so good looking (which I'm not particularly in male mode). I explained to her my dilemma over not knowing which sex I should have my next proper relationship with and she looked 'interested' in that.

    She then went on to tell me how fine it is that I live my life how I want and others how they want and went into a story about back home in Africa, the thread of which I completely lost although I think the gist of it was that we should all let each other live in peace, which makes sense to me.

    Telling the Doctor wasn't as fun. He just looked a bit shocked and said I should throw the device away.

    I heard him asking a nurse what antibiotics to use for a random latin phrase and figured he was having a laugh but since I stopped studying Latin when I was 13, I can't translate!

    Anyway, I guess I should wait for anOther to decide as and when...
  19. susie q

    susie q Dear friend of the Mistress Michelle clan

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Hi Joanna im not sure if this will help but just a thought.Maybe your body (eggs as you call them)cannot handle such devices and its not worth hurting yourself maybe permanently god forbid. Have you tryed some control panties ..maybe a size to small pull your clittie behind you and tuck it ??? its real secure as i have done this before i ever tryed chastity devices... takes some self control though as it made me horny as all hell .. maybe give this a shot see what happens??? good luck in your journey i wish you the best :anim_25: :evilgrin0036:
  20. susie q

    susie q Dear friend of the Mistress Michelle clan

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Ps i think you are very cute in your outfit :love0070:
  21. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    You're right Susie, so I'm not going to go with a ring type device again. I'll look into Neosteel and other designs in the future.

    Unfortunately, I don't think anything but security will stop me being naughty...

    You're also a lovely girl Susie :)
  22. Abulia

    Abulia Member

    May 16, 2009
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    I believe you did too much too soon. As I said earlier in this very thread, some of us take time for our bodies to adjust to chastity. I'm not sure why you thought your testes had become "infected" because there was no tearing in your scrotum, correct? Now certainly sore -- and I can relate -- but that is just as easily a byproduct of using too tight of a ring, abrasions from the ring, etc, etc.

    First, the 2000 is archaic to the 6000 in my estimation. They are like night and day in my opinion. The 6000 is much better designed and the A rings more oval shaped and considerably more comfortable. The B ring fits better, the spacer arrangement works better, and the device performs the same function as the 2000 (chastity) in a better and more comfortable manner.

    As and aside, I took 30 minutes and some very fine sandpaper and removed the slight flashing edge of the plastic on the inner A ring and my already-comfortable 6000 became even more comfortable.

    Of course the decision is yours but it doesn't sound like you gave your body time to acclimate to the device. I'm on day 10 of chastity and my daily (comfortable) wear is between 8-10 hours a day. Eventually that will reach 24.

    You have to walk before you run.

    And I would still recommend you check in on my thread on this topic. There's plenty of good, general advice that's germane to your issues.

    Best wishes.
  23. JoannaLewis

    JoannaLewis Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Hi Abulia,

    I am not that experienced when it comes to determining whether the skin on my eggs is cut or not but I can say that there were signs of infection as I saw it. Turns out that the increased pain was the healing process, but it was a strange, uncomfortable and indeed worrying experience.

    You're probably right about going into it too fast and maybe when I'm owned the pace can be set by by owner.

    I might try a 6000 but I'm a bit scared to go back to the range.
  24. Abulia

    Abulia Member

    May 16, 2009
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    That's why when you're in pain you should stop and let your body rest/heal. Then go back. Pain is your body sending you a message that damage is occurring. Without more details it was likely bruising of the testes, I'd imagine with the associated discoloration.

    In my case when wearing the CB crosses the threshold from "uncomfortable" to "painful" I remove the device (after informing my KH's).

    The first rule is to protect the Master's property at all costs.
  25. lockedupsub

    lockedupsub Junior Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    When I started....

    When I first started wearing the 2000... I had a burning in the lower scrotum. Turns out after trying things, that applying baby oil twice a day prevented it. Granted I only get the burning when shaved up to a few days after. I also noted that I had tried the tightest ring and it was worse. I am now on the largest, and that with the baby oil, and the ROI, I am comfortable, and secure... Just my two cents

    lockedupsub :anal:
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