Room 901

Discussion in 'Book and movie reviews' started by xcitex2, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. xcitex2

    xcitex2 Back from the past!

    May 15, 2008
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    Private Security.
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Local Time:
    4:27 AM
    The night was slowly coming to an end and I found myself tired from a long days work that was preceded by an otherwise senseless drive. I found myself in a foreign town with no colleagues to chat with or share the moments of the day.

    As I decided to retire to my hotel room I noticed the time was early and decided to try my luck at finding a snack in the hotels bar. I made small talk with locals and we chatted about the weather and otherwise boring details of everyday life. It was just as I was about to leave when I saw her.

    She, a name not yet known, a face not recognized, walked in and softly smiled as she sat next to me. Ordering a drink she noticed our tastes were similar looking down at the rum and coke I had in front of me. She smiled and made a comment about the drink then got up to play a few tracks on the juke box across the way. By the time she returned I had already turned my attention to the sports scores on the tv as she sat down. The first song caused me to turn towards the box as it was a familiar song by Puddle of Mud called control. I assumed she must have played it as the others had their share of country songs throughout the night.

    Do you like this song? she asked noticing it caught my attention.
    Yes, I replied quietly, it is not a song I here others play much. I guess it just surprised me to hear it here

    Common sense would tell most people to change the subject but I decided to ask what it was that made her play it. Thus began our small talk where it seemed that each of us skated around the real theme of the song playing nave to the songs real intentions. This game of cat and mouse continued on for a few drinks till I finally realized I had to use the restroom as the drinks had finally got the best of me. When I came back to the seat a few minutes later she was gone. Not as much as a goodbye or a thank you for the conversation, just gone. However to my surprise was a note with three numbers on it, 901. I had no idea what this was but supposed it must had been a room number.

    Now I not being the one who would ever take on a one night stand with a complete stranger simply ignored the note, smiled, and retired to my room. It was about 45 minutes later that the call came in.

    Hello? I asked as I answered the phone in my room.
    Seeing as you have had your shower now, dont you think it is time you come thank me for the music selections?
    How. Was all I could get out before the call disconnected. How did she know I had taken the shower and how did she know where to find me was the real question at hand. In all honestly this violation of my privacy pissed me off. Just who the hell did she think she was and why did she call. I was not sure, but I was sure of one thing, I was not wasting anytime. I was marching myself up there right away to find out who she was and just what game she was trying to play. No one was getting the upper hand on me like that.

    Many thoughts ran through my head as I took the elevator up to the 9th floor. This floor was reserved for the more elegant suites of the hotel and had a small lobby all its own. There were only four units up there and it appeared the three were empty as there appeared to be no lights coming from under the doors and the welcome tags all hung on the doors, all except 901. Just as I had raised my hand to knock on the door I heard her soft, yet firm voice come from behind the cherry oak door.

    Dont waist my time, its open.

    I walked in slowly as now I began to second guess just what I was going to say. It had hit me that she knew her phone call would get me up there and she even knew to the precise second when I would be knocking on her door. As I entered the main room I quickly picked up the scent of an otherwise intoxicating perfume but did not notice her. The room was an L shaped room and it was not till I fully entered the room that I caught her appearance. I was instantly taken by her stature. This otherwise quiet woman whom I just shared small talk was standing there in the corner of the room next to the wet bar.

    Lets see, Mike a rum and coke was it? She said softly as she proceeded to poor me a drink.

    Um yes I stammered as I now was fully caught off guard.

    You see her appearance down stairs was simple, almost that of the traditional grade school teacher who hardly knew a thing about the wilder side of sexual intimacy. I could see right here before me I was wrong. Here she stood in the room with a sleek black dress that fit her every curve perfectly. The skirt of the dress barely covered her shapely ass and the intimate stockings that were only slightly hidden under her black leather thigh high boots were just calling attention to her legs. In the boots she stood almost as tall as I and it was now as if we were on equal ground. I began to think this was far cry from the truth as this woman had already known so much about me.

    Please sit, she said as she handed me my drink, and dont make me ask you twice

    Like a lost soul I picked the closest seat and sat down accepting my drink. As she sat directly across from me she sat almost intentionally parting her legs giving me a direct view of her sex. Nothing, and I mean nothing but smooth skin and she knew it. As I pulled my eyes away quickly she smiled.

    You see Mike, she paused I dont get that reaction to that song very often. It usually means the person I am talking to is either into BDSM or has curiosities about it. They of course are either a top or a bottom. Judging by the way you have so far carried yourself, I would say you are about to become for the evening

    Now wait a.. and with that she raised her hand in a stop fashion and smiled as I did just that.

    The fact that you just stopped, tells me all I need to know that I am right and it was with these words she came over to my chair, removed my drink from my hands, and placed the most sensual kiss I had felt in ages right on my lips. The soft warm breath of her was met only by the soft moan I tried to hold in. Here I was captivated and at a complete loss for words. The mere fact that I knew little to nothing of this woman did nothing to stop the inner voice from screaming, RUN, Run away. Before I could get out the first syllable of my next word she gently placed her index finger on my lips and kissed me softly once again.

    Tonight she started, You will relax, let go, and experience what it is you long for deep within yourself. You will address me and speak only when asked a question, and even then you will call me Mistress Alexis, understand?

    Yes, I think and with that I felt the firm slap across my face met with the stern voice that followed.

    It is Yes Mistress Alexis and you are not here to think. Your body, soul, and mind are mine tonight. You have two minutes to decide on whether to go or to stay. Your decision must be decisive and it is final. Now decide! Her voice was stern, her demeanor strict, her power.intoxicating. I found myself helpless to do anything. I was paralyzed. I had never in my wildest imagination been so taken, so quickly by such a sexy and powerful woman. Could this have been all a dream was all I could think. Surely that was it. I must had fallen asleep in the bath soaking and here I found myself in a dream. I knew that not to be the case however. After all tonight I opted for the shower. The shower she knew I took in the room she knew I was in. It was as if I was the prey and she had successfully identified and hunted her trophy target right down to this minute. As my mind raced with hundreds of thoughts I realized I had not answered and almost in fear I had replied, Yes Mistress Alexis I could not believe I had just uttered those words. What was I thinking, what had I just said and why?

    The next few minutes were certainly a blur as I barely remember how I got to the bedroom but all I know is there I was standing in the middle of this massive room where she had set her next trap for me to fall into. Lain out on the bed were a series of implements that I was sure to feel, experience, and come to despise all in due time. I was unaware how in the last few minutes she had seductively removed my clothes and led me to this room. It was not till she reached down grabbing my balls when I realized just where and how I was being displayed. I was caught alright. I was drugged with her power, and was breathing in the toxic fumes of her scent that with each and every breath only caused me to go deeper into her hypnosis.

    Before I realized it I found my arms bound with rope and attached to the mahogany headboard. Just as I began to test those restraints she pulled me by the ankles and I found myself stretched to the other end of the board now with no slack in the binds that secured my hands. It was then I realized she had plans for my legs as well when a steel spreader bar found its way to secure my ankles and to it a rope was attached to a point somewhere across the room to keep me taught.
    If we exchange more words that night I dont remember because what followed was a series of events that sent shivers down my back and entire body. She started by using her luscious lips to caress every area of my body only to end up sucking on my cock which by now was giving her all the evidence of my pleasure despite me yelling no stop every few minutes. She knew by the size of what she now held in her mouth I was not wanting to stop. She took me to the edge many times till I lay on the bed panting and begging of her to finish. Not saying a word she stopped, crawling ever so slowly up my body kissing every crevice of my mouth teasingly as if to say I own you. When she had me wanting more she went back to work on my swollen cock again stopping many times just as I thought I was going to explode. She knew the precise moment each time and instinctively stopped keeping me on the edge each and every time. What did she want? Why was she doing this? I was ready to do anything. How long was she going to keep me this way? She knew I was here for a few nights in this hotel. I had made the mistake of telling her that in the bar. Was she going to let me out, did she plan on saying anything to me again. I did not know but all I knew was I needed so badly to cum it was driving me insane.

    After this went on for what seemed like an hour or more she quietly got off of me and went to the other side of the room. She removed her dress ever so slowly making sure I took in every ounce of her beauty with my eyes. Smiling in a rather devilish way she walked slowly towards me with something in her hand. I never got to see it at first because the next thing I now she mounted my face straddling me on the bed shoving her wet pussy into my face. I had no choice and at this point I knew better. She grabbed my head holding it still for her to place her sex right there on my face.

    lick it! she yelled and you better finish me off within five minutes or else

    Five minutes! Was she kidding me I was so crazed now I could devour her in minutes I thought to myself. But each time she got close she would pull away leaving me just inches from her. My mouth began to ache as I tried in desperation to get closer. Each time I could sense her orgasm building she pulled away. This went on for well over ten minutes and I had all but forgotten the time restraints placed on me earlier. My passion for my task at hand was so far out of control that I had little regard for the month I was in let alone the minutes I had. When she finally came her whole body shook and she let out the most delicious moans that it snet shiver down to my toes. Here I was completely immobile and still very much erect and on the edge of exploding. Just as I went to say something she wet her finger with the juices from her pussy and placed them in my mouth. As she withdrew her hand she then placed the object now clearly visible in my mouth. The large red ball gag filled my entire mouth and here I found myself with her scent and juices trapped inside my mouth and no choice but to swallow and savor each and every moment.

    As I lay there the she began to place leather wrist and ankle cuffs on my already rope secured hands. I could not phantom what or why she felt the need to do this until I realized what was in store for me. She released the rope bindings and then tugged me up and directed me over to the middle of the dressing area next to the curtained off outside wall. From here she attached each ring of the cuff to a ring already in the ceiling. If there was any doubt as to her intentions early on it was painfully clear now that I was played. This room had been outfitted for this purpose. Who was this woman? Did she own the hotel? Was this her personal suite? How did she know this room had these hooks and how did they get there?

    Within minutes I found myself standing in this area in a X fashion, hands and legs secured to various points of the room, a gag in my mouth, and the next implement of demise a steel ring she had fastened around just my balls. This clamping ring of sort was placed in a fashion that my balls hung there exposed and now vulnerable to her torture. Within seconds I found what that was to be as she placed two small weights on the device so that it would apply even pressure pulling my balls down. I let out a loud moan behind my gag as the pain caught me off guard. This was nothing I ever wanted to experience. I now had no choice. As if things could not get bad enough I heard the knock on her suites door. I tried to move as if to take cover, wich only caused pain in my groin and my limbs. Where the hell did I think I was going anyway.

    Lets put you on display shall we love and it was with this I began to tremble in fear. What did she mean. Surely she was not going to invite others in here. What was happening how did I get here and allow this to happen. In a matter of seconds I heard and saw the drapes to the windows opened up. Here I was exposed the glass floor to ceiling windows exposing me for the world to see. I began to shake and sweat ran instantly down my face. It was just when I though I could take no more that she turned off all lights to the room so that I could see out but no one would be able to see in. It did not matter to me however. All I could think was somewhere out there in the city lights was someone looking in on me.

    After this moment she leaned the door to the bedroom almost all the way closed leaving it slightly open as she let in her guests. There we three various voices I heard as they laughed and talked. Each a female, each very sexy and laughing the whole time. All I could think about was what they were discussing. I just knew any minute it would be me they were laughing at. The conversation went on for over an hour as I strained with all my might to stand there trying desperately not to move as with each movement came great pain. Finally they left and Mistress Alexis came back in.

    Smiling she said nothing, not a word. Just released me from my bindings leading me to the bed. She need not secure me at this point as every limb was week and ached for relief. I could not fight if I wanted to. She removed the weights from my balls and the relief alone caused me to collapse on the bed in a small puddle of helplessness. She had broken my will and she had broken me. As she kissed and caressed me again the hard-on now gone from the pain of the ball stretcher was beginning to take form again. It was then she began to tease me again with her mouth. Sucking ever so slightly on my sensitive balls and stroking my shaft to the brink of orgasm only to stop just as I the pre-cum began to seep out. Again I was going mad and again she made use of it. Removing the gag from my aching mouth she quickly turned her body so that her shapely legs were caressing my body and I once again had no choice but to service her orally in a way I now knew she enjoyed more than anything else. It was during this moment when something told me things were going to get worse. She had left the room earlier to visit with her lady friends taking only a robe. How would they not realize they had interrupted something. At this point it did not matter I was going mad and I was willing to do anything to cum, and I said so.

    Perfect she smiled and giggled aloud, then cum you shall but only after you fulfill my wishes

    Anything Mistress Alexis There I had said it. Even knowing I should not have I had endured over three hours of her torture mixed with pleasure and while she had multiple orgasms at my demise I still had not yet had one.

    With this she continued with her teasing and stopping and teasing and stopping. On at least ten accounts I swore each time would be the one time I would cum only for her to stop and laugh louder each time. What was going on and what did I need to do. I found out very soon.

    Ok my pet here are the terms, she had the most devilish smile on her face, you will wear a chastity device fore the next two days of your stay here. You can conduct your business as needed during the day and each night you will return to this room. When you get here you will be hooded so you will only be know by me and you will service each of my friends who were just here, two per night. When they are done with you I will edge you five times for each orgasm that each woman has that night. You will then be placed back in the device only to repeat the next night. The morning you are to leave I will allow you to come back here and I will give you the best sex you have ever had and allow you to orgasm anyway you want. If you choose not to accept this I will place you back in the standing X and leave you for housekeeping the next morning. The choice is yours

    I could not believe my ears. What the hell. Would she actually follow through with that? Could I even take the chance? I did not know these other women, I did not even know the one I was with. I was already aching now from not being allowed to cum how did this woman expect me to service two women each night? My head raced for minutes and as she held up the ball stretcher I made a rash decision I was sure to regret. I was then she walked over to the dresser, retrieved a pair of handcuffs and place them on my hands and used a rope to secure the chain to the headboard once again. From here she took a lotion from the nightstand and rubbed in generously all over my swollen and aching penis. The cream worked quickly and I soon found little to no sensation in that area, perfect I assume for what she need to do. I found myself a half hour later secured in a steel contraption, the likes I had only fantasized about. It was the click of the lock that brought me out of fantasy land and I realized the next two days were going to be hell. I had no idea how I was going to focus nor did I have any idea on how I was going to cope, all I knew was I now had no choice I was hers. I had crossed the lines of knowing better and was now getting the better of it. You can imagine my surprise when she left me just that way the remainder of the night. Hands secured to the bed, her laying next to me, the scent of her perfume filling the air, the taste of her still very evident in my senses. There was no need to dream of about what was to be, I knew in my mind. I knew somehow somewhere this woman of mystery had reached into my inner being and captured my deepest, darkest, most hidden desires.

    In the morning when I woke after what seemed like hours of restless sleep I found myself free from the bed but not free from my demise. She had somehow had my clothes delivered to the room and hanging on the door was my suit for the day. Clothes were freshly ironed and breakfast could be smelt out in the other room. Next to the coffee was a note that read, Dinner is a seven PM, dont be late
  2. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    5:27 AM
    Hot, hot, hot! Nicely done! :)
  3. xcitex2

    xcitex2 Back from the past!

    May 15, 2008
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    4:27 AM
    Thanks Mike! Had a great inspiration, something like one hot dream! LOL
  4. Goddess Jen

    Goddess Jen Expert in tease and denial

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Oh, my. can write, too? You have many talents my friend. Great story, Mike!!! Very erotic and exciting. Nice.
    Lockedbytrace likes this.
  5. manintyres

    manintyres Junior Member

    May 20, 2010
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    That is such a great story thanks for sharing
    Will you be continuing it with what happend over the next two days and the final morning?
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