Pure male

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by paulp123, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. paulp123

    paulp123 Christian Chaste Virgin

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Hi, I am a male virgin interested in chastity support not for kink reasons but purity reasons. I think this site is a good forum for all kinds of people and their interests and am hopeing that it could help support a guy like me with the interest in becoming free of the habit of masturbation in the goal of personal purity.
    Is there anyone that knows of a sort of masturbators anonomous site where people trying to master masturbation can go to for support, encouragement in purity and accountability in this area?
    I would be very appreciative for any help, open to any positive suggestions and would consider practicing any abstinence guidenence which might help me in this effort.
    Thanks in advance for any info on a service or site that is supportive of my goal.
  2. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Hello paul and :welcome: to the Mansion.

    I must say well done for being brave enough to pop in and say hi, I think most people would have done a runner for the door by now!

    I'm sure everyone here will wish you well on your journey, and hopefully someone will pop along with the advice you seek on your personal reasons for chastity.

    I just went on a swift Google for abstinence and chastity for religious reasons, and came up with NOTHING! That's not very helpful! Maybe someone else has a link to something more spiritual about chastity and devices.

    Hope you stick around, maybe you can teach us a thing or two. :love0001:
  3. lauren1fem

    lauren1fem Gurl

    Nov 14, 2008
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    There is a sex addicts anonymous organization. It is patterned from AA - alcohol anonymous' 12 step program. They exist in many cities. I attended 1 meeting in support of a friend from high school. (No, there's no story there). He continued to participate for many years and I think he got a lot from it. That was in Los Angeles, CA.

    I felt very welcome at that one meeting. There was no judging or pressure and it was very relaxed. No one asked for my personal information or anything weird.

    Here's the main site for Sex Addicts Anon: http://saa-recovery.org/
    I think you could find a meet-up near you too.

    Good luck in your journey!
  4. paulp123

    paulp123 Christian Chaste Virgin

    Jun 13, 2009
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    I have looked on the web too for chastity support and found very little.
    I have been a member of True Love Waits but it's really for younger kids and doesn't really each out to people my age.
    I am not really giving too big a problem as I do not view porn and masturbate too often. I am just trying to become purer in my practices. I have gone over 300 days without masturbating so I don't really even want to call it a habit, it is just something I am working on.
    I respect women and don't lust after them in thoughts, I was just looking for a place of support to help hold me accountable so I might have less of a struggle and a place that would encourage purity instead of laughing at it.
    Thanks again for the encouragement And help.
    I'll keep trying.
  5. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Well, we can keep you accountable, especially if you keep a Journal in the Vault of how you are feeling day to day.

    You can also create a ticker from the last day of masturbation, and we can keep an eye on you! :happy0028:

    There are a couple of people here who entertain chastity without a partner, so in some respects their circumstances are similar to yours.

    I think using a device to help keep you focused is a great idea. :anim_19:
  6. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

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    Hi Paul,

    You're of course welcome here, so far as I'm concerned. However, I will raise one thought. I personally enjoy chastity devices because the induce a feeling of bondage, and actually enhance my day to day sexual experience. If you've been successful in avoiding masturbation for as much as 300 days without a device, you may risk making your journey MORE difficult by experimenting with a chastity device. Realize that all chastity devices take a lot of time and adjustment to get used to. During that time, your attention is drawn to your nether regions, whether you like it or not!

    If you're trying to avoid porn, I presume you're also trying to minimize handling your genitals, to avoid temptation. Well, you will handle your genitals a LOT while adjusting to a chastity device. So, while in the long term you may wind up with a device to help you avoid temptation, in the short term you'll be experiencing a lot MORE of it.

    Also, as you read the goings-on in Chastity mansion, it basically will serve as erotica for you. Again, it's a temptation you may have been trying to avoid. So, while most of us will be supportive of your wishes, our community may be providing a lot of stimulus you'd rather not see.

    I just wanted to share that concern with you.

    Best of luck, and you are most certainly welcome here, should you choose!
  7. paulp123

    paulp123 Christian Chaste Virgin

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Thanks for the thoughtful guidrance. I really was considering this sites help in the two areas that I experience the most trouble in.
    During the day when I'm busy, things are fine and I don't think I'll wear a chastity device then or need this sites help.
    But at night, when I'm alone, going to sleep after a frustrating time being abstinent that's when I am usually tempted to touch myself and when I thought a chastity device would be beneficial for me, when my oun willpower is too weak to stop me. It was then that I would have the added protection afforded by a chastity belt to keep me safe.
    The second reason I am joining the site is to both hopefully find some encouragement in my efforts and some accountability I currently lack.
    There is no one in my life that I can discuss my interest in being pure with as all my guy friends just assume I should be having sex all the time whenever possible. A lot of them don't even know I'm a virgin. Practicing chastity as you know is difficult so finally finding a place where I can get some encouragement to do this and some answers to problems that pop up would be great.
    Also, I lack accountability in the area of my purity. I wish to be free of the habit of masterbation but since it is a secret pleasure, there is no way for anyone to know whether I am masturbating or not. It's not like the habit of smoking which is public and people would know you smoke and all.
    I feel that if there was simeone that would ask me specific questions on a regular basis about my touching myself, my thought life and if I had stimulated myself at all, let alone to the point of orgasm, I would keep to a much more strict schedule and be able to better attain my goals.
    I will be careful of the material on this site if it begins to work at cross purposes to my needs and though I may find the use of a chastity device sometimes more stimulating and a reminder of what I am missing, I think it will provide the extra layer of protection I am now lacking during the toughest times.
    Thanks again,
  8. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Thank you mike, I had hoped you would come along!

    paul definitely needs a male perspective on this, something I couldn't really help him with! I must admit I was wondering about the photos and Journals as being too much of a stimulus, so I'm glad you brought that up too!
  9. Lock Up Male

    Lock Up Male Permanently Collared

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    :happy0195: Your right there, Well for a start paulp123, you can turn off off the avatars and any images contained in posts. goto Your Options and scroll down the page, untick Show Images and/or Show Avatars then press save changes at the bottom of the page. Though that wont stop the stimulus the normal text provides. And if you find yourself wondering in to the Gallerys and photos I'm sure Mistress Watchful could get Pet or Admin to limit your access into those areas.

    The one thing I will say is have you thought about nocturnal erections?
    Things are not so bad for me now, But things were a different matter when I started wearing my CB6000s (might be different for different devices but I've only used the cb6000s). If you plan to sleep in a device you will most likely find to start with you will be woken up by your nocturnal erections, which I can see leading your more to thinking about your nether regions as mikecb talks about getting used to them.

    I understand about what you mean that you find it hard to talk about these things in Ummm public is the wrong word, but with close friends. Have you got any close girl friends you might beable to confide in?
  10. paulp123

    paulp123 Christian Chaste Virgin

    Jun 13, 2009
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    No, I don't have a close girl I could discuss this withbut I would be a lot more comfortable talking with a woman than a guy, I just think they would be more receptive and encouraging.
    Thanks for all the thoughtfuladvice and though I don't think I would ever go into the galleries, I am. Not against the idea of limiting my access right now to. Help make sure I'm not tempted in a time of weakness or frustration.
    I am looking forward to someone to actually hold me accountable as I feel this would be a great blessing.
    Thanks all.
  11. joseeke

    joseeke Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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