First Anniversary Surprise

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by Mistress Kate, Jul 22, 2009.

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  1. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    It is Cobweb's first anniversary in his CB in a couple of weeks time and, after the initial excitement of it all, life has got in the way a bit and he has accepted his chastity as just normal. The constant attention I was getting at the outset has drifted which, in turn, tends to lead to the benefits for him drifting a bit too. He's had a change of jobs after the firm he was a director of went bust etc etc ! Just in need of a bit of a relaunch I think and I'm going to use the first anniversary to do that but I want something that will really surprise & shock. He's into CDing but it doesn't really do much for me - but any other ideas very welcome please !
  2. parrotman

    parrotman Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    Impose a longer sentence? Couple of months maybe? Or even threaten full time lockup.
  3. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    As a chaste cuckold slave husband i am always going to suggest You start the process of making him Your cuckold Mistress Kate. Although of course, it is not to everyones liking.

    However, the mind is a strong tool to play with, even if You have no intention of taking a lover Your man does not need to know that, the odd night out with the girls can easily become a date or indeed a boring few hours working late can become a hot meeting with a guy for fast and furious fun in the office.

    As mentioned above, not everyones thing but may be fun to try.
  4. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Like that subhub1. The only thing is I did give him a real mind-tease once before where I made him think that, whilst he was tied to the bed upstairs, I was downstairs having a session with another guy. I was going to string him along for a while but he reacted so badly that I ended up having to tell him that the other guy was just a builder who had come to give me a quote for some work to the house!

    You've certainly set me thinking though because it did surprise & shock him - which is what I really want to achieve again.
  5. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I was thinking that outting him as a CB wearing sub to someone - a close friend, or at a play party, would be a delicious next step.
  6. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Yes I like that one too Mike - perhaps he/I should tell one person on each anniversary - so that the longer he's in chastity the more people get to know about it. I can see that one proving a real shock to him - i've got no idea who he would be prepared to tell. Perhaps I will give him an opt out but in return for a penalty that he will find equally as unpalatable - like subhubs cucking threat suggestion.

    I think it is beginning to take shape - thanks !
  7. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Further to mikecb's suggestion....i had completely forgot the terrible shock of first being 'shown' to a friend of my Mistress.

    Maybe You could CD him and put him in some form of bondage before one of Your trusted female friends came round. Let Her in on the plan of course, so that when You lead him in (blindfolded) She can say 'Oh, what have we got here then', have Her lift his skirt and play with his chastity device. Have Her ask him how he feels locked up and femmed. If She is game for it ask Her to threaten a punishment over Her knee..
  8. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    You guys are in a rich vein of form today !

    I've only got one friend who I would trust this much but, although she doesn't know about the chastity, she knows we've done bondage and it'll not be too much of a shock for her !

    The CDing would be right up Cobweb's street but not so much for me but I like the idea of offering him three options - telling one of his friends that he wears a CB pretty much 24/7, securing him somewhere for my friend to 'play' with him or me finding a male friend to 'play' with me !

    I can hardly wait to see his face when faced with these options !
  9. Petite Salope

    Petite Salope Sissy Cherry

    Apr 3, 2009
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    A male friend for Cobweb to play with... If he never done it, he can become a cock sucker...

    Or you can use a strap-on on him in front of your female friend.

    You can go shopping with him while he's wearing a slave collar or dress in gurl clothes.

    You can go do the grocery with him handcuff to the cart and wearing a collar and a cardboard on is back saying something like "I should have listen to my wife/mistress"

    Go to a shop for woman clothes and make him ask the salesperson/clerk if he try a dress.

  10. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Thanks Cherry - I think the only one I would really contemplate is the second one - although not sure about doing it in front of my friend ! I would need to purchase a strap-on but I don't think there would be too much of a problem actually using it - his Neosteel Total has the anal plug and although it's been used only occasionally for punishments, I could easily find a reason to leave it on a bit longer if I wanted to prepare him for that !
  11. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    The possibilities are endless. The thing about chastity - what makes it work - is the tease and denial aspect. True torment that will have him crazed with lust and eager to please you requires tease and denial.
  12. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Thanks Miss D. Yes the T&D has drifted a bit of late - because he's not been loved up & attentive enough ! It's simple enough - all he's got to do is be as loved up & attentive as he was when we started out with the chastity & he gets as much T&D as he can handle !

    Anyway I know it's no good getting into a downward spiral and the anniversary is time for a relaunch. Chastity was new to me when we got into this last year and, largely, I've danced to his fantasy agenda but I think it's time to remind him that he has asked me to lead our relationship. I'm going to introduce one or two new ideas and make him understand that he needs to earn his T&D. I am planning to make sure that his attentiveness doesn't drift by introducing some penalties for not paying me enough attention - there's going to be a 'standard' which avoids penalties and then 'above & beyond the call of duty' that will get him some T&D treats he hasn't seen before.

    I don't usually get much time on my own to think but I've had two clear days this week and it has been useful.
  13. lockednloaded

    lockednloaded Senior Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    I have to say thought of my Wife having sexual contact with someone else is the one that drives me the most insane!

    We're planning our first trip to a bondage club and she has intimated that once she has strapped me into their equipment in the dungeon, she will be wandering off on her own to "have fun"...

    It's this broad term of "having fun" that drives me wild as it could mean anything from having a drink at the bar on her own to something sexual with a guy, girl, or both.

    I think that would be the ultimate tease-strapping him up then telling him you are off downstairs or out to "have some fun".

    You could be sitting downstairs watching your favourite DVD (ie having fun!), so you will have the him the truth, but he won't know what you are up to.

    Or you could leave him strapped and tell hm you are going downstairs for some sexual fun with a female friend-surely that will drive him wild!?
  14. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I do love the idea of him choosing among a number of alternatives, none of which he really likes. I DO think it's important that each of the alternatives is a turn-on for YOU though. I had originally been thinking that the "cop out" alternative could be something like "Three months without release". While he may prefer that to being outted to someone, it may not be any fun for you. So, I'm thinking that's NOT a good alternative, as I think about it. I think to renew both of your energies toward the lifestyle, you need alternatives that both turn YOU on, and firmly establish that YOU are in the driver's seat. Deep down, that's what he really wants, even if it's pushing his limits.

    Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes!
  15. Petite Salope

    Petite Salope Sissy Cherry

    Apr 3, 2009
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    When I'm not listening to my Mistress, She reminds me of who the boss is...

    She tie me to a chair with a ball gag and She start playing with Herself and after She untie me from the chair and tie me in different possitions to use Her crop or cane to inflict some pain I won't forget or She's gonna do something very embarassing and humiliating that I won't think about anything else than please Her the way She wants.

    Or like this week... She left me home alone while She's spending time with Her family.

    I think the best/worse T&D She can do to me is ordering me to put my straitjacket while She's having fun with Herself with a dildo...
    The only thing I want when She's doing that is jump on Her and getting into the action.

    Like Miss D point out, the way to turn on your sub is endless.

  16. Petite Salope

    Petite Salope Sissy Cherry

    Apr 3, 2009
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    2 things Mistress does once in a while...
    She'll buy Herself a very, very, very sexy outfit. She'll show me the outfit but She won't let me see Her in it until it's time for my reward...

    Second thing is She'll buy a very sexy outfit, show it to me and then ask me for a gentle kiss on Her cheek and a hug. After that She'll let me wait for a few days to see if I'm going to be kind and very attentionate to Her. If so She'll give me the piece of clothe/outfit She bought and give it to me so I can try it on and put it in my regular clothes...

    Sometimes She buys clothes but I never know if it's for Her or for me...
    I can't even take a guess, because I wear about the same size as Her... We both have small body but I'm taller than Her about 4 inches and the size of shoes is different too but for jeans, panties, skirts, etc... W/we're wearing the same size, well almost. She dresses in small or x-small and I dress in small too...

  17. Joroincharge

    Joroincharge Lock em up - 24/7/365!!

    Mar 10, 2009
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    How about a new toy? Say something like one of those remote control shockers from extremerestraints...
  18. Petite Salope

    Petite Salope Sissy Cherry

    Apr 3, 2009
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    I got one... and trust me when I wearing it I'm doing whatever She ask of me because it hurts at medium setting (5-6) and I don't want to try higher level so I'm doing every request...

    There's 10 level, 1-2 I barelly feel it, 3-4 mild shock but it doesn't hurt, 5-6 it start to hurt enough to get my attention and I never tried 7-10 so I can't say how much it hurts and I don't intend to find out soon.


    ALLORNOWT Senior Member

    May 29, 2009
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    Mistress Kate you are quite right in what you say with regards re-invigorating your stalled domination routine and it would only be right as Mikecb says to make sure that whatever method you use is the method to suit YOU. It is far to easy (i know from my own experience)for the person who suggests the mistress/slave relationship mostly us men to want everything to be just as we imagined with all the perks and benefits but none or very little of the effort bits .i know on several occasions i have let my mistress down when it came to doing something that she wanted done but because there was no sexual involvement or tease and denial readily available i did not respond as well as i should have. i do try but sometimes my mind is led by my penis as is commonly known and it is these times that a mistress must be at her most strongest . There has to be a complete belief and fear in your submissive of the consequences if he fails to please you or the relationship will always be just a sexual fantasy bult on HIS needs only.:confused0068:
  20. Petite Salope

    Petite Salope Sissy Cherry

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Sometimes Mistress ask me to prepare a cup of coffee for Her but before She ask me to come next to Her standing up and She pull my pant and panty down, grab my cuck, play with it for like 30sec., gives it a kiss and tells me if I want more I have to go prepare Her coffee and after that She said I'll finish you later... Well that's what She says and almost never play with my cuck until I cum, She stops right before and then tells me if I ever want to cum I have to obey Her every words. So tease and denial is very normal, She like it a lot...

    Sometime for some nice T&D She gets naked and start touching Herself in front of me and says that I can't touch...

  21. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Thanks for all your thoughts & ideas - it's been a real help.

    I'm going to go with the three options I suggested earlier (although I will look into the remote shocker for another time !) because I know that he will not want any of them.

    I'll give him a few days notice ahead of the anniversary - so will announce the relaunch (which will please him) and then drop the bombshell. I've no idea which he will go for - I'm quite looking forward to it actually !
  22. countachcx

    countachcx Senior Member

    Dec 12, 2008
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    keep us posted on what the decision was :)
  23. Mistress Kate

    Mistress Kate Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Cobweb's Anniversary is a week today & last night I sat him down to tell him that I thought things had been allowed to drift a bit and that he needed to do better if he wanted to continue to enjoy my keyholder services. I told him what changes I was proposing going forward and he was instantly turned on - it always amuses me how he now seems to get the most turned on when I'm really hard & bitchy and yet prior to chastity if he thought I was bossing him about he soon used to get uptight & moan !

    I told him I'd a special Anniversary Challenge just to remind him that chastity wouldn't always be easy for him and he was struggling to contain himself - I knew he would calm down when he found out his three choices so I took up the opportunity of his eagerness to please before I gave him the options.

    He was very quiet for the rest of the evening. He did say that there's no way he's telling any of his friends about it because he'd get ridiculed - so it looks like he's deciding between letting my friend play with him or me getting a male friend to play with me. I think he knows which of my friends it would be and he said that could be worse for word getting around (although I would ask her not to talk about it, I couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't). I reckon he might go with me getting a male friend in because although he hates the thought, it kind of puts the 'problem' in my court and he thinks/hopes that I might not go through with it but I've already made enquiries of a male escort agency as I'm not happy to involve any male friends.
  24. lockednloaded

    lockednloaded Senior Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    Way to go, sounds utterly fantastic and a complete turn on!

    I can feel my cock straining in my 6Ks just having read about it, so I can't imagine how Cobweb must have felt when you actually told him, or how he feels now!!

    What a lucky guy to have you as a Mistress!!
  25. Greatcornbow

    Greatcornbow Member

    Apr 17, 2009
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    For the remote, maybe his birthday, or yours, or wedding anniversary or something other significant date.

    Meanwhile, have great fun....

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