Chastity without a device (stop orgasm desires)

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by PuppyMastersPet, Jun 6, 2008.

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  1. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I havent worn a chastity device for months now and have managed not to pleasure myself nor been pleasured by my master. Not to any degree of enjoyable release anyway.
    With my masters guidance and training I have now come to see release and orgasm as a bad thing. I now tell my master if ever I have selfish thoughts and I am punished and reminded why cuming is so bad.
    I was trained by being teased and tortured and then master would stop. He would then ask me to remind myself why cuming was so bad (along the lines of) cuming is selfish and would stop me being able to serve. I would repeat this till master could see it in my eyes that I meant it. Nipples clamps, clothes pegs and a crop helped along the way.
    After a few months, once a week of this I dont think any sissy would want any selfish orgasm or release.

    If any one else has any other training methods, master and I would love to hear them. I hope day that I can relinquish myself of these male urges.
  2. goddess_christine

    goddess_christine Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    You could try hypnosis. No, seriously.

    I know of at least one test subject who now remains at a high state of arousal throughout the day, is unable to become erect unless permission is given, and can almost (but not quite...sorry) bring herself to orgasm by playing with her nipples throughout the day.

    Now I would be sceptical about this, except the person I speak about is my hubby and the hypnosis has worked far beyond my wildest dreams. :angel:

  3. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I've wondered about this. They say that you can't make someone do something under hypnosis that they don't WANT to do. However, if someone is truly submissive, and they WANT to relinquish that control, could they be successfully hypnotized to prevent erection or orgasm unless ordered? It's what they WANT deep down. Could that be enough to make it work? It's an idea that I find really compelling.
  4. Bobbybig

    Bobbybig Member

    May 14, 2008
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    This is an excellent example of how effective conditioning, with repetition and reward/punishment, can be. A strong confidant personality can cause a willing subject to change behaviour to such an extent that the subject will eagerly seek further submission. This happens in religion, politics, industry, marriage, and chastity. A powerful person gathers followers like a magnet gathering iron filings.

    After accepting the new behaviour the subject will look for people, materials, and events to reenforce what he now sees as a revelation to a new life.

    We all do this everyday. We accept things that agree with our beliefs and ignore the rest. In the case of hypnotism or conditioning we relax the input filter and allow the new belief to take effect. Self hypnosis works the same way. Sometimes it is called practice. First the goal is fashioned in our nind, then comes daydreaming of ways to get there, then practice until the goal is achieved.
  5. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I think conditioning is great and I'm the one being conditioned. Makes chastity and denial so much easier. I think all subs should be conditioned in this way. It's slowly helping me break away from my selfish thoughts. It's so much more fun being teased and tortured anyway. :wink:
  6. PuppyMaster

    PuppyMaster Puppy Master

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Slave Kris is taking very well to the conditioning, although sometimes she can be hard work and can be quite demanding. I think conditioning is the best way to train her to be the loyal selfless sub that i desire. Have any other masters/mistresses found hypnosis to be a benefit?

    Kris' Master
  7. goddess_christine

    goddess_christine Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    It is true that you can't force someone to do something under hypnosis that they object to strongly. The question is WHY do you object strongly and can that be changed over time.

    For instance...I tell a heterosexual male to wear panties during his first trance...he rejects that out of hand as he has no desire to do so and feel awkward at the suggestion.

    Instead over time I plant the idea of how smooth and silky panties feel. How nice and aroused he feels just thinking about them. It won't hurt to just put them on for a minute or two just to enjoy the feeling...after all what man hasn't done that in secret. Perhaps plant a female conscience that helps guide his actions.

    See what I mean. If you can find the right keys, you can wear down their resistance over time. There are just some keys that are harder to find. For instance I have had little difficulty getting wendi to accept her new role around the house as a sissy maid, something the old hubby would have never dreamed of. However piercing seems to be a hard limit due to some bad previous experiences. Although I am getting closer. :angel:

  8. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Is it possible to train yourself in hypnosis Goddess Christine? I think (from my poor memory) that you were trained by a professional weren't you?

    Hypnosis is mentioned lightly a lot on the boards, but we never seem to get down to the nuts and bolts.... I wonder why?
  9. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Need to find somebody who can explain the process. I’d love not to want to climax it’s such and unnecessary distraction.
    The web doesn’t seem to offer much in the way of information other that tapes and mp3s which you have to buy.
    Master has done well up to now but I still get selfish thoughts from time to time.

    Still waiting for my perinium piercing to heal. then my chastity can begin properly.
  10. PT109

    PT109 Senior Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    You asked about ways to not want to climax and Goddess Christine mentioned that her sub plays with her nipples and nearly climaxes. When I was first starting to become feminized a lot of time was spent playing with my nipples. My wife would twist them tightly while I knelt before her. She would kiss me lingeringly while she twisted mercilessly. We also used clamps and clothespins as well as suction cups to enlarge them. After they were enlarged I would place a narrow piece of tap around them and enlarge them further. More twisting and some flogging across the nipples etc. Slowly my nipples became more and more sensitive until I could milk myself without having an orgasm as my wife watched me with either soft and gentle praise or occasionally a slap across the face. Now she can simple command me to milk myself or to have a female orgasm. I never touch my penis (unless she decides she wants to see me jacking off). No orgasm accompanies the milking. One hint: it helps to be on your knees gently rocking back and forth, forward and back on your heals. I think this may stimulate the prostate very slightly, thus enhancing the milking process.
    I practiced having female orgasms for some time, until I was able to accomplish it. This may seem phony to some, but you should remember that a significant number of females do not know how to have orgasms and either go without or must be taught. Over time I was taught how to have them. I start by controlling my breathing, slowing it down and breathing shallowly. Playing with my nipples gently brushing them quickly and just relaxing. When you feel a contraction of your lower stomach or solar plexus, this becomes the nucleus of your orgasm. Still relaxing and breathing very lightly, until another "contraction" and so on. After a while, letting yourself go, and letting the spasms happen, they become rhythmic and begin to build. Pretty soon they are not controllable. The spasms build until you start to tire a bit. They peak and then start to fade gradually. Even as they fade they continue to happen with no control and run their course until only the faintest spasms can be felt . At this point you are very relaxed and wrung out so to speak. You lay there in a comfortable haze, very relaxed, just as a woman feels after an orgasm. I know it is not exactly the same, but you will be amazed at how close it comes to a real female orgasm. Oh, and the interesting part no penis spasms, no ejaculation.
    One more comment about nipples. I am so conditioned now that when I get up in the morning and put on my collar and apron and start my chores- The slightest touch of my nipples with the tips of my fingers stiffens them sending a shock of submission into me. It puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step that carries me along throughout the day of serving my lady.
    Conditioning is not the same for everyone but this is how it happened with me.
    I hope this helps.
  11. goddess_christine

    goddess_christine Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    Maybe you need a session yourself :bigsmile:

    While I was given the basics by an expert, I hope I have leaned a lot since then on my own. You can teach yourself the basics of hypnosis, its really not that hard. One resource is There you can find several scripts for different types of induction techniques. Once you learn the basics, its a matter of how you phrase things.

    Bad - No matter what, you can't cum.
    Better - You long to remain chaste. You love feeling hot and horny. You wouldn't want that feeling to end by cumming.

    The first is very negative, the second, while not perfect is better and more positive.

  12. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Thank you, I've book marked the site.

    I guess this "persuasion" technique is something we do as women anyway. Although not hypnosis as such, I used many ways of rephrasing things to get what I wanted out of my husband!

    Maybe it will be easier than I thought. :eek:oh:
  13. kevie

    kevie Junior Member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    Goddess Christine,
    You said wendi has gone under hypnosis and it is working. i would like to know if it was done in person or online. Does the person have MP3's? i would be very interested. if anything could happen at least give positive reinforcement to remain in chastity.
  14. slut_wendi

    slut_wendi Goddess's Sissy Maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Perhaps I can explain a bit.

    You know the old saying be careful what you wish for? Well I am living proof of that. It started when I was surfing the forums on the hypnosis site WarmMyMind. Hypnosis had become a fascination of mine. There was a domme offering free hypnosis sessions and I decided what the hell so I contacted her for an online text session.

    After talking with me for a while, we agreed on some fun little sexy triggers that she would implant, but she also had a few of her own that she insisted using. I asked her what they were, but she was vague and only said that they were some light feminization suggestions. I wanted to know more, but she said that they were a secret and her price for a trance.

    At first I declined, but she suggested that she could first chat with my wife if that was OK. She would clear everything with her, but I would be kept in the dark about the suggestions until after the session was over. Again I asked about the feminization, and she said that it would still be a part of the session, but only what Goddess authorizes.

    After about a week of correspondence I was contacted for my first trance. Mistress told me that everything she did was Ok'd by my wife and that I should just accept what would be happening. I decided to go along with the session, partly because I was convinced that I would be able to sort the feminization (something I don't think I was interested in before) and the other triggers. I was also very accepting because my Goddess given a large amount of input into what was going to be done and I trust her completely.

    After the first session I was convinced that it had been a complete failure. I only remembered bits and pieces of the text on the screen, but I had been responding and typing the entire time, so I was far from the mindless zombies portrayed in TV. It wasn't until the next morning when I noticed a few changes. Firstly I got up, stretched, and went for a short run, something I hadn't done in years. I don't know why, it just seemed like a good idea even though I really didn't feel like it. When I dressed, I remembered that I was told to start wearing women's panties....ridiculus. But, as I looked at the smooth soft material I decided what the heck and put them on. Even to this day I feel like I still have "free will" and could stop at any time if I wanted to....I just don't seem to want to. At least that is what I think I feel.

    For a while Goddess would email Mistress with new suggestions and I would receive another IM text session that would "tweak" my personality a little more. Later Mistress gave my wife and Goddess some scripts that she started reading to me at night. Soon Goddess started experimenting on her own and now I go down so deep I no longer remember a trigger phrase being said and have no memory of what is said in trance. To be honest at this point I am no longer sure what was my original ideas and what thought and memories have been given me. All I know is that I am having the time of my life.

  15. goddess_christine

    goddess_christine Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    As wendi has stated above, the first trances were done online via Instant Messenger, but now I perform them on a regular basis in person.

    There are a lot of misconceptions out there on how hypnosis works. Hypnosis is simply a state of "guided" relaxation. It can be accomplished through voice or text, live or recorded, as long as the subject is open and accepting. It has been said that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis and that everyone has been in a state of trance at some point. Have you ever been so lost in a good book that the characters seem to come alive in your mind, the imagery so real that you blot out the real world for a time? That is a form of trance.

    Like any skill it must be practiced to become effective. Wendi had experimented with relaxation and basic induction mp3s from WarpMyMind for some time before his first session with MistressMelsa. Wendi knew how to quiet her mind and accept before that first session. Would MistressMelsa have been able to put Wendi in trance via IM without this prior conditioning? I don't know. I suppose it would depend on the skills of the hypnotist (she is very good).

    Can you make wearing a chastity more enjoyable using hypnosis? YES!!!

    You can also make lots of other things more pleasurable, arousing, desirable too. So much so that they become irresistable. I can not tip my hand here in public as I don't want Wendi to know all the details and she reads these pages too (sorry sweetie you will just have to stay in the dark :angel: ).

    One final note. Beware of online hypnodommes where you pay for play. While most are honest, we have already encountered one that likes to embed phrases like "you have a burning need to buy as many of my mp3s as you can afford to continue your training" into her mp3's presumably to keep you wanting more of her product like an addict.

  16. ladylionzsissy

    ladylionzsissy male chastity sissymaid

    May 16, 2008
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    hypnosis... that's something Mistress has been interested in for a while, to help 'round out' my rough spots influencing our FD marriage.

    hypnosis. on behalf of Mistress ( 'LdyCarlie' here on the site ) does anyone know of a kink-friendly hynotist around the va/dc/md area?

    thank Y/you all!
  17. sissyboyblue

    sissyboyblue Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    I was trained over an 18 month period by hypnotic suggestion including audio recordings made by my former mistress. This training included orgasm denial, erection denial and feminisation. She used her voice backed by various hypnotic sounds or pulses. I was required to listen to these recordings in bed as i drifted off to sleep and also during my normal working day via an mp3 player. The training focused on her voice being the switch that turned my sexual desires on and off. Initialy the conditioning included pain and punishment for unauthorised erections but this dropped off with time as my body and mind became conditioned, indeed, I saw this lack of pain as reward for not getting erect.

    It worked wonders after a few months i could no longer get erect without permission, I felt guilty if I leaked so much as a drop of precum, I found myself wanting to be as feminine as i could be to please her.

    This training has meant that up untill now I havent realy felt the need to wear a cb, but over time as a single unowned sissy the old desires have manifested themseves again and i have ordered a cb 3000.

    Maybe in the future I will meet a mistress who will use similar tecniques on me and complete my training. Perhaps not every sissy is so receptive to this kind of conditioning as i am. I do think its effectiveness depends on the sub's willingness to be conditioned.
  18. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I thought I would dig up this old post from ages ago. This time asking the question is chastity without a device possible for most sub males?

    My own experiences have meant that I haven’t worn a device for long periods of time and haven’t gotten on with the devices I’ve owned but I would still say that I’m using some form of chastity, it just happens to be mental chastity.

    Master has done a good job conditioning me so that I do not enjoy the thought of having an orgasm and it seems to have worked for the most part. I still have selfish thoughts that’s impossible to stop I think, but I never pleasure myself and if I do have an orgasm it’s usually because Master has pushed me a bit close to the edge or Master has let me cum.

    I wonder though if this would work for most men or am I in the minority? Is it that the conditioning I have had was so good that I almost dread the thought of an orgasm when I get close or have I always had a predisposition towards not wanting to orgasm?

    I read a lot of posts about devices and stopping the sub being able to access his penis but not much about stopping the desire to commit a selfish act in the first place.
  19. chastityslavejohn

    chastityslavejohn Mistress Irianna's pet

    Nov 7, 2008
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    ok, well i'm pretty much on the honor system. there are times when i am tempted to play with myself when i'm alone...but i always tell Mistress everything, so i would confess if i did i just await Mistresses' permission or get severely punished.
  20. male_thing

    male_thing Junior Member

    Aug 11, 2009
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    Today makes 76 days of chastity without a device. 164 more days to go to reach the goal set by by on-line Mistress. Our long-distance relationship depends on my self-administered chastity. I am determined to fulfill my promise and determined to see this through. I'm a little older and not quite so full of spunk, so perhaps I have an advantage. Anyway, it's been working so far...

  21. Redkite2

    Redkite2 Junior Member

    Aug 7, 2009
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    They seem to be very different things, at least to me. Chastity without a device requires a dedicated or devoted sort or personality... ultimately, there's only one person keeping them honest, and thats themselves. Its a choice they have to take. Devices on the other hand are more about removing choices; once the key turns you've given up that control.

    Although I feel I may be capable of medium to long term self-denial (though I've never done it for more than a month at a stretch) I simply have no interest in doing so. If nothing else, there's a certain amount of... passion that goes alongside really, really wanting something and being truly unable to do anything about it try as you might. Its a different state of mind.
  22. male_thing

    male_thing Junior Member

    Aug 11, 2009
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    I can agree with most of what you say, Redkite. However not everyone's circumstances allow for the continual use of a device. There are numerous reasons - family, business, cost, travel - all can play a role. In my case, the person in control of my sexuality is 3000 miles away. I would have the option to "cheat" on my chaste status regardless of a device.

    I have to disagree though when it comes to discovering a "passion" for release while in a chaste state. I am quite sure my desire to have an orgasm is no less than yours. There is a certain heaviness in my groin that I know can only be relieved by cumming. Keeping my genitals shaved is especially trying for me, because the spray of the hand-held shower nozzle is stimulating. It is taking quite a bit of willpower to step out of the shower unfulfilled. I really, really want to experience that orgasm.

    You are correct in that there is a different mind-set in each case. Viva le difference!

  23. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    I trust pet much more these days to not self-abuse! :jerkit:

    I think the main reasons he will think a lot more about cheating me is because he's seen how distraught and betrayed I feel when I find out about it... and I usually do find out!

    In his mind the thoughts of how upset it would make me are hopefully strong enough to stop him!

    Of course, if we have arguments or there is less intimacy between us he will be more likely to cheat!
  24. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I can and do certainly take some pleasure in self-denial, however that rubs a totally different set of buttons with me than actually wearing a device. The device satisfies a "bondage" itch for me. Also, in the case where someone else holds the keys, there is certainly a power exchange going on. When you are controlling yourself, that power exchange is different.

    My self-denial games are, in my mind, a poor substitute for the feelings that "real" chastity play, with a keyholder/Domme, would provide. Still, it's what I have, so it's what I do.

  25. teza

    teza Junior Member

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Sounds like you and your master have a great BDSM relationship. You have been trained well!
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