Chastity tube

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by petlucy, Feb 23, 2009.

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  1. petlucy

    petlucy Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2009
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    I'm interested in a really specific type of chastity device...
    A metal ring/tube that is just long enough to cover my little dicklet shaft, leaving the head exposed and no ring to trap balls. Most likely held in place by a piercing.

    Basically the only one like it I've seen online is lori's #3 device, it's a frenum piercing type, which is perfect. The problem is, I'm a college student that can't spend $450 on a chastity device right now. I haven't seen any picture online of anyone wearing the device either.

    I imagine this type of device would solve all the problems of trapped ball devices, be easier to hide, etc. It might allow a chaste cock to "grow" out the front and back of the tube (like what trys to happens in a cb3000 and then it tugs hard on your balls..) and may even be open enough to allow a rather uncomfortable orgasm..

    Anyway.. I'm curious if anyone has seen or experienced a chastity device like this?

    Attached picture is another example.

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  2. mikecb

    mikecb Long term member

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    That's exactly the kind of device I intend to make myself. A bit of stainless steel tube, and a properly placed hole for a PA piercing, and it should work fine.

    I've prototyped one with a bit of plastic PVC tube. It seemed OK, though it annoyed my piercing - there were some rough edges near the hole. I'll keep you posted as I make mine, but it should be fairly easy.

    I would think that there are lots of places to find acrylic tubing that might be perfectly serviceable for such a device, in plastic. That would be pretty inexpensive.

  3. locked4her

    locked4her Member

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    Chastity Device Tube

    Centurian Online do a a couple of ones that you are after but have cut back as they used to do about half a dozen. They are expensive as well. What you want will have to be a custom job.
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