A chipped man

Discussion in 'Member fiction' started by richard, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    A Chipped Man

    When I voted for the policy I never foresaw what would happen. I was one of the 90%
    majority who voted for all men to be chipped. I was persuaded by my wife's arguments
    and the debates on TV. It would be in the benefits of the safety of women. A complete
    elimination of sexual crime against women.

    I knew many men wore chastity belts these days, but I had never done so. They were
    more a control thing, an SM toy. We are a very a vanilla couple. I knew that being
    chipped I was no longer going to be able to have an erection unless permitted by my

    When I got home after being chipped. I was met with my wife's glee, as she aeagerly
    tried out her remote control. I quickly pulled my cock and balls out of my trousers
    and pants for her, and within in no time I had no more than 5 cylces of erections and
    limpies. Then with my erection erect, I was brought to the edge of coming.

    "Woooowwww, what's that?" I declared.
    "Oh I can edge you at my choice of speed, but you cant cum unless I press the Cum
    button, dear".
    Then she pressed another button and switched off all feeling to my cock. I looked
    down and it was there, still erect. I just couldnt feel it.

    "Can you feel that darling?", my wife asked.
    "No, I cant feel anything".
    "That's called dildo mode", she said smiling.

    Then I felt a hand holding my balls. I looked and there was nothing there. Then the
    grip got tighter and it started to hurt. I moaned.
    The invisible hand pulled me forward, then left, then right, on to my tip toes and
    then down to the ground.

    "Wow, better than I thought" she said.
    "You know I have buttons for kicking and punching your balls on here too."
    I looked at her like a scared puppy. I wasnt sure what was happening.

    "OK, here are the new rules. When you are in the house you will have an erection at all times, but I am going to switch it into dildo mode so you cant feel it. And outside, you will be limp, again in no feel mode. If you do a good job with you erection, I may switch the feeling back on. That will be something to look forward to. Oh, and I expect your cock and balls to be worn outside your trousers at all times. Bot in the house and out. Dont worry you wont be alone."
  2. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    So, the future is bright after all.

    Total female control would solve so many problems.
  3. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Part II coming soon.
    and Part III.
  4. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Part II.

    So it was Saturday. I awoke to the realisation that I was being dragged under te douvet and down the bed onto the floor by my balls. I landed on the floor and looked up in a half-sleepy haze to see my wife sitting up with the remote control. "Go and make breakfast dear." she commanded, reinforcing it with the press of another button which squeezed my balls. Off I went to prepare breakfast.

    After breakfast, I got dressed in a new pair of trousers which had a special groin hole for placing my genitals through. My wife gave me a shopping list and off I went for my first trip outside in my new state.

    The lady next door spotted my leaving the house and gave me a cheery "hello, hey nice looking willy you have there." I was embarassed but replied "thanks, nice morning". And off I went.

    Our local supermarket is only a small one. And I had spent the last year or so flirting with the small cute asian girl that was a regular behind the till. This time I was a bit embarrassed as I stood next to the belt as she scanned the goods. My genitals were exposed at her eye level. My numb cock hung lifeless and limp in front of her, resting on my full balls.
    "Nice to see you again" she said smiling looking at my exposed articles. She pointed the scanner at my cock and pressed the scan button. "Sorry, I thought it was a chipolata." she said grinning.
    Then after scanning the cucumber, she flicked my cock with it. "Ooo sorry, I hope that I didnt hurt you".
    "No, it's in total numb mode - it cant feel a thing".
    "Oh that's a shame".
    "And these?" she said, proding my balls with her cucumber.
    "Those have full feelings".
    With that she took a quick look round to make sure noone was looking and wacked me in the balls with the cucumber.
    "Oh sorry sir" she said to make it look like an accident.
    I stepped back out of reach, to get my breath back.
    She continued to scan the rest of the items.
    I went to the end of the belt to pack my shopping.

    Now it was time to pay the girl. As I approached her to count the money, she grabbed my balls and pulled me towards her.
    "I know you fancy me. I will give you my number and if you phone me and do as I tell you, you will get to see me naked, snog me, and eat my pussy. If you dont, I will take these balls off you". She squeezed one last time and let go. She took my money. And gave me my change, a receipt and her phone number.
    "See you soon", she said as I wandered back home with the shopping.

    On the way back home, there were more people out on the street than before. All the guys with their genitals equally exposed as mine. And many girls enjoying the new scenary.

    I got in. To be informed that my sister-in-law was coming over later on to visit.

    End of Part II.
  5. locked4her

    locked4her Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    When are these going to be available :)
  6. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Love the story, can't wait to see what the sister-in-law does....
  7. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Part III.

    Well here we go. The doorbell rang. I was naked with a raging numb hard-on. I went to the door to open it. In she came, my wonderful sister-in-law with her husband in tow. As me naked with a raging hardon.

    "I see your pleased to see me" she says smiling.

    I have never got on with her 100% and we have always been battling for the high ground. This was her time, she was here to celebrate my ultimate defeat.

    I pecked her lips as we usually greet. My cock must have touched her clothes. I didnt feel anything, except the pain as I hit the floor from her knee in my naked balls. "Watch what your doing with that thing of yours!" she scorned.

    They entered the lounge, and I served them tea. My wife says "I have to nip out for 10 mins I forgot to pick something up from the off-license." With that she points her remote at her sisters and presses a button.

    My sister-in-law grins "ok, let's have some discipline around here guys".
    She looked me in the eye. "Now I've got you beat, you little bastard. I am gonna make you pay!"

    She presses her remote and her husband, Tony and I hit the floor in pain.
    She used the remote to drag us back up on our feet before flooring us again and again.

    Now she switched the feeling back on in our erections and edged us with another button. It felt like I would cum if I moved, I was so on the edge.
    Looking at Tony's face he was on the edge too. And then another ball punch.
    We were on the floor again, this time on the edge of a big O. And then again and again. It was agony.

    "On your backs boys!".

    We complied. The feeling went from our cocks, and then I started ejaculating onto my tummy. It was like a lake on my belly. A gloopy lake. I just kept cumming and cumming until nothing was leaving my cock. She had emptied my balls totally. My balls were pumping and aching.
    Tony was in the same state.

    My wife re-entered the house.
    "SUSAN, What are you doing?"

    "Sorry I got carried away but dont worry they didnt enjoy it. It wasnt an 'O'. Making them cum is just an inconvenience to them. Another embarrasement."

    "Ok then, I guess it's ok".

    "I have an idea. Next time we could have a sort of gun fight. Or take them outside and try and get their cocks to shoot gloop on some poor innocent bystanding lady. Then hold them in position while she makes them pay for our actions".

    "that sounds like fun" my wife replies. "But you've just emptied their sacs, so we'll have to wait". With that she opens a bottle of champagne and pours her and her sister a glass.

    Tony and I served the ladies, did as we were told, and received a variety of pain to our empty balls through the evening. At various points I had to go over to Susan and present her my balls, resting on her palms as my wife pressed the buttons to cause me extreme pain. I apologised to Susan for bing an arsehole to her. And informed her that she was smarter than me, and better than me. and that she should have busted my balls years ago.

    I begged her to forgive me.
    "I dont need to forgive. I have won. You have lost. Look I have your balls in the palm of my hand. You are defeated."

    We retired shortly after that. Things had changed so quickly. There was a lot to sleep on.

    End of Part III
    qwer75, manintyres and lacy02 like this.
  8. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Wow, i had a feeling his sister-in-law would be even more cruel than his wife
  9. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Part IV - Sunday - Walking the dogs in the forest.

    Susan and Tony slept over last night and after a late start to the morning, Tony and I prepared pancakes for breakfast and tea. Tony and I were naked, a state we were becomng accoustomed to, with our numb erections jutting out in front of us and our sagging slowly refilling ball sacs dangling below.

    "OK, let's all go for a walk in the woods" chirped my wife.
    "I have just the thing" Susan interrupted, fumbling in her bag.
    She pulled out 2 long dog leashes.
    "Lets tie these to their balls and they can be our dogs."

    Tony and I just looked at each other in disbelief. There was nothing we could do. We were about to be humiliated in public, in my neighbourhood.
    Walked on a leash like dogs.

    "Come on boys, let's get you ready."

    So off we went throught the door into the outside world with leashes attached to our balls. To make it worse, as we exited, Susan placed a doggy rubber toy in our mouths to carry.
    "That should keep them quiet" she laughed.

    So off we went up our street to the forest. Tony and I 10 yards ahead carrying doggy toys in our mouths, erections still pointing our way forward, and the girls behind holding the leashes attached to our balls.

    For some reason, almost every neighbour was out in the garden. The men avoided contact, hoping they werent seeing what was happening. The women greating our wives. Some being bold enough to say what lovely doggies they had. One lady quipped that we must be some sort of 'pointers'.

    We headed into the forest and after 10 mins came to a clearing. The girls undid our leashes.
    "Ok, it's time to play fetch".

    The girls were enjoying throwing the toys, and we ran after them and fetched them back to them in our mouths.

    Then Susan threw Tony's toy into a thicket of thorns.
    "Well go and get it" she demanded.
    He approached the edge tentatively, then she reached for her remote and pulled him in by his balls. He was yelling as the thorns cut into his legs.
    Inside the bush, he reached down and got the toy and turned around. A thick section of thorn branches were now in front of his genitals. A glint flahsed in Susan's eye. She switched on the feeling to his cock and made it go limp so it was at a better angle to get scrathed and then dragged him out by his balls usig the remote. Tony was screaming as the thorns cut into his limp cock. It put up little resistance to the sharp woody thorns and by the time he came out, his limp penis was scratched, cut and bleeding in several places. Tony was sobbing behind his moans.
    "You should be more careful with that cock!" Susan exclaimed laughing.

    "Well, it's your turn" Susan told my wife. I looked at her pleadingly.
    She threw my toy into some nettles.
    She switched on the feeling in my cock. She then lowered me down by my balls to the optimum hight so that my cock and balls were just below the nettles and slowly dragged me sideways into them.
    My cock and balls was stung by every nettle on the way to the toy. The agony was building as the poison slowly seeped into my manhood from these horrible plants. As I got the toy she turned me around and pulled me out so the other side of my erect cock was stung.
    My cock and balls were bright red with the stinging. And for the 1st time in my life I wished they werent attached. If someone had offered to cut them off me there and then I would have accepted.

    However it didnt happen. The leashes were reattahced and we were walked home. We passed out neighbours again, noticing the very sorry state of our genitals.

    Luckily an hour later and Susan and Tony had left.

    But tomorrow's my first day back at work after being chipped. :-(
    qwer75, manintyres and lacy02 like this.
  10. ebasomik58

    ebasomik58 Junior Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    WOW what a great story...CHIPPED...love it. Wondering how the men were chipped...where did they get chipped.....lot to work with here.... more ?

  11. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Loving the story with it's twists and turns, looking forward to his return to work, office girls can be so cruel when given the chance.....
  12. buggy82

    buggy82 Junior Member

    May 16, 2008
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    I love sci-fi stories with chastity!
    Locked_Up_Tight likes this.
  13. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    An Intermezzo....

    Chris was a master, he had 10 beautiful female slaves varying in age from 40 to 25. All in full-time chastity, except of course when he wanted to shag them. The out came the hand-cuffs and restraints to secure them before he unlocked their pussies, so he could stuff his cock into them.

    Jenny ws the youngest at 25. Chris has been her 1st lover and had taken her cherry before introducing her to his harem and adding her key to his collection.

    Today was his dilemma, Chris was to be chipped. It was law, he had no choice. It had to be done. He was going to have to press a buttons on a control unit to get his normal bodily functions to work. No more pounding the girls till he came. He would have to decide when, and press the button.
    It was law amd now it was time.

    He had to choose one of the girls to pick up the remote from the police station while he went to the clinic to be chipped.

    When he got home, Jenny and the girls were waiting naked except for their chastity belt. "Well Jenny, do the honours press the button and get my cock up".
    She pressed the button, and Chris hit the floor, after feeling a punch in the balls.
    "Wow, not that one, the other one".
    Jenny pressed the same one again, and again, till Chris was writhing in agony.

    10 mins later, Chris had recovered.
    "I want you to unlock me." Jenny said. "Or you'll get more of that."
    "I thought you liked being locked" Chris replied.
    "I did when you were the big strong dominant male." Jenny retorted. "But now you arent. I have total control of your manhood. That puts me in charge. I own you and thus I own the 9 other ladies too. Now get me all the keys."

    Very soon Jenny was unlocked and had in her posession 9 other keys.
    "Please Jenny, it's taken me 15 years to collect those ladies, let me keep some of them.".
    "No, the power has shifted. And you are just an ugly limp male member in my collection of beautiful women. If you behave yourself I may let you have an erection and maybe cum from time to time."

    Jenny went to the kitchen where she had left her shopping and brought in a bag. It was full of restraints. She restrained all the girls and unlocked them.
    Then she unwrapped an 8" strap on dildo and strapped it on herself.

    "OK girls this is the sort of hand-over ceremony. You are now my property, and to mark that fact I will fuck each one of you with my new dick. Just to reinforce your new ownership, you will note very soon that my cock is both longer and thicker than your former masters. Welcome to my harem."

    "And everyone please note that the hierarchy is not as you think. I am at the top of course. Your former master Chris is now your slave and servant. Please tell me if he disobeys you in any way as I will have to punish him."

    "OK, let's get and fuck your pussies."
    qwer75 likes this.
  14. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Chipped 4 - Journey to work.

    Well today was Monday. My first workday. Nice of my wife to have had my suite trousers adjusted so that my genitals would be presented so wonderfully. Off I went on my walk to the station displaying all my personal property to all.

    I reached the station, and over at the coffee stall was my friend Karen. We often chatted on the train to work. She was getting her usual latte. She eyed me and smiled. I waited for her to purchase her coffee as usual.
    Her phone rang as usual. She was a criminal lawyer and always busy on the phone.
    "Will you hold my coffee a minute" she asked me.
    I took her coffee, and she answered her phone. She slung her back on her back, and instead of taking her coffee back, she reached down and grabbed my limp penis.
    She proceeded to talk on the phone, and lead me and her coffee to the train, by my cock.

    We sat down. She ended the call and took off her jacket. Her pert breasts were lovely as usual. At this moment I would usually be holding back an erection, but this time there was no sign of life. She looked at my cock and grinned.

    "It's going to be an interesting day today. For you guys and us girls I think. I cant wait to here what my hubby's day is like."
    "Yes, do you reckon it will impact your work?"
    "Oh yes, we predict a massive drop in crime initially. Most crime is perpetrated by males. And now they are all subjugated under female control, they wont have the oppurtunity too. We reckon our biggest 'client' group will be girl gangs now. They will get a surge of power and it will go straight to their heads, and pussies. I dont think my male colleagues will be ale to deal with them either, it will be too dangerous for them. As for the former male gangs members, we think a lot will be hunted down by the girl gangs and castrated. That's how they wil seal their power and send out a message to society that they will take your man's balls. So be careful eh, to those women those delicate little things you have in your sac, can be taken from you to represent their power."

    "My god that's terrifying." I said.

    "Better than before though. Crime will be a lot less. And no rape or violent crime against women." She noted. "It's amazng how times have changed. 20 years ago. I was a lone female in a law firm fighting for everything. And now my last remaining male colleagues will be quitting. 20 years from start to finish to totally win the fight.
    Women are either amazing or men are pathetic. We expected a bigger fight." she went on.

    "Now you're in that state we should do lunch sometime. How about it?"

    I agreed. "Definately."

    "I might even put my pussy on the menu for you. God it's good you guys losing your cocks. hmmmm. I can see it but it's useless. Wonderful. And your balls are flooding your body with hormones to make you want and do sexual things. And you cant use your cock. Amazing. Would you like to see my pussy and eat it, even though you cant use your cock?"

    "yes, I would. I have always wanted to see you naked." I said.

    "What about the cock bit?" she asked.

    "Obviously I would love to get my cock in you. But I cant. And there's nothing I can do about that. So yes, I would still like to see you and eat you." I replied.

    "Wow, there's nothing you can do about it indeed. Your cock is limp and dead. Oh dear. Fantastic. I love it. So much fun for my pussy. No more worries about cocks wanting to fuck me, cos they cant."

    "Let's do wednesday" she said and wrote in in her diary.

    The train stopped and we alighted.

    "And look after those balls. I dont wont them being cut off in the meantime." was Karen's departing words.

    We went our seperate ways.
  15. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Love this story
  16. toni

    toni Small Member

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    Yes, great story!
  17. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    OK, it has been a few years, surely you can continue with this!!! We all need to know what happened on Wednesday. This story needs resurrecting.
  18. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    ha ha...I'll give it a bit of thought then.
  19. CagedAnimal2

    CagedAnimal2 Long term member

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    Please do, it's so original!
  20. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Wednesday lunchtime came.

    Karen insisted in coming over to my office to meet me. We met in the lobby.

    She showed me a testicle leash. "I'm going to attach this to you for your own safety."

    In front of the receptionists and 2 junior female colleagues of mine, she attached the lead around my balls and led me out the door.

    She walked me out of the City area into the east. As we headed East the concentration of males on testicle leashes increased.

    A few streets later we passed a couple of young street dudettes. "Hey Lady, nice junk. You should get yourself a nice trophy belt like us innit."
    They pointed drawing attention to the 3 sets of cocks and balls hanging from their belts.
    "Nice belts ladies." Karen smiled.

    Shortly after we headed into a cafe/restaurant with 2 bouncer ladies on the door both with trophy belts containing a couple of sets.

    We were shown to comfy chair with a side table. Karen undid her skirt and sat down. She was not wearing knickers.
    "No need for knickers anymore" she giggled..

    She indicated for me to sit on the floor between her legs. I complied.

    "Wow what a change it's been." she started to tell me. "We really own our own pussies now."
    "You can start licking mine - gently while I tell you what I've seen happening."

    "For 1 if you arent on a testicle leash in this area then you will be on a trophy belt pretty damn quickly."

    "It started with ex-wives and girlfriends collecting trophies form ex-partners. There were too many incidents for the police to handle so they have stopped for at least 2 weeks. Since then it has become a free for all, any cock and balls can be collected. It seems that women wont touch a man on another woman's testicle leash though. It's like the leash is an extension of a woman's trophy belt."

    "lucky you're a lawyer then."

    "Dont bet on it. One of my colleagues has a trophy belt. And if you dont do a good job here you will be the 1st on mine. So get licking boy, conversation is over for now."
    qwer75 likes this.
  21. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    Well I survived lunch and was lead back to my reception on Karen's testicle leash and was let go.

    "Nice lunch. See you later" she smiled.

    A few hours later I received a text.

    "It looks like the girls of the East are running out of trophies here and are organising a harvest of the City.
    So be prepared.

    I'm going to join them too. It sounds like fun so if you see me then run....if I catch you I WILL harvest you."
    qwer75 likes this.
  22. jemima

    jemima maid for my Mistress

    Dec 19, 2011
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    This is a bit scary i think. How do the Ladies chop off the bits. It must hurt a lot.
  23. DonnaSue

    DonnaSue Long term member

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    I would volunteer to be chipped - in a heartbeat! The ultimate submission!
  24. jemima

    jemima maid for my Mistress

    Dec 19, 2011
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    my cat is chipped and it dint hurt her so i wud as well and then if you got lost and forgot who you was it wud be easy to get home again. :)
  25. richard

    richard Just me

    May 17, 2008
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    A TV advert for a new product....

    A smart business woman addresses the camera.
    "Ladies now you can protect your personal space with our state of the art newly developed personal space protection bracelet."

    A woman dressed in lab coat speaks as we watch the business lady approach a business man.
    " If a chipped male were to step within 1 foot of the bracelet. A light shock is applied to his testicles. Enough to alert him. "
    We see the business man make a small jump.

    "He has 3 seconds to withdraw from this space. After 3 seconds on the protected females personal space. A harder shock will occur enough to take him too his knees."
    The business man falls to his knees on queue visually distressed.

    " After a further 7 seconds a third charge will occur. This time enough to decapitate him on the floor for 10 minutes."
    We now see the man fall flat on his face and role into a ball holding his crotch.

    "The bracelet also has a temporary disable switch for those crowded social moments and for intimate greetings."
    The business woman approaches a second man who kisses her on her cheek when she offered it.

    The business woman turns to the camera.
    "This device is for private purchase not via the state chipping programme. The women at male monitoring products do believe that this is a must have item.
    And I think you'll agree."

    "Never again let a limp dicked male muscle in on your personal space."

    After the ad.

    "Wow that was seriously cheesy" my wife mentions. "But what a product. I'm going to try and get one straight away."
    qwer75 likes this.
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