The Gift

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Jessica's boy, Aug 14, 2013.

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  1. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 143

    As of last night the orgasm tally was 4-0 and to enhance her pleasure she has assigned me homework for the days when I am away. I am to search the internet for porn videos that I think she will enjoy watching with 'big dick'. It is beautiful, sweet torture. Me sat frustrated, straining against the confines of my chastity trawling the porn sites for videos to send her for my daily offer (which of course she enjoys without me).
    spider202 likes this.
  2. LilRob

    LilRob Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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  3. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 150

    Wow that has to be a personal best me thinks? 150 days, not bad PUP! It doesn't feel that long ago since I wrote on my 100th day. I guess it's a combination of a couple of things really firstly I'm used to it now, the denial, the frustration, I can't even remember how good orgasms feel, or felt? (I pretty sure they were good though!). We have settled nicely into our lives of my denial and secondly and to be honest, and I think this is the main reason it seems to be going quicker is the wedding. It is getting closer and closer at a scary rate of knots! Not that I'm scared, I can't wait to marry my true love. 214 days baby x

    I'm getting more and more used to my new cage (the A081 I believe it's called), it is ridiculously tiny however. But that does lend it's hand to a snug fit. I'm looking forward to when I hand over my key and be completely controlled again. It make life much simpler! lol

    We purchased some Xylocaine spray (from eBay in the end) and tried it out the other night. It did numb my penis but not totally, I guess I was expecting to feel nothing! So although I showed her a good time it still left us somewhat desiring due to my orgasm growing and then us having to stop. Perhaps next time we'll use more that 3 sprays. Another downside of it is that she does not like the feel of me in a condom, I assume the spray will last a few hours so I think next time a little more forward planning is required and 30 minutes or so before love making I'll numb my member and then wash it off just before we start.

    The only problem with this is that it seems so clinical and planned, which sex isn't really for us, we both enjoy the spontaneity of it. Sometimes a little kiss in the hallway erupts into sex in the kitchen for example, this is life and planning sex just seems to take the tarnish off it for me. But we'll see.

    Speaking of spontaneitiness (not sure thats a word!) my Queen did wake me in the early hours of the morning one school night last week for middle of the night hot, raw, animalistic sex and that is what I delivered! No creams, sprays or potions - which tells me I've still got it, lol. I just need to harness it. It was good old honest old fashioned sex, you know they kind that has you both on such a high the following day. Mmmmm bliss
    Strict Sir and Ellen58 like this.
  4. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 158

    Allow me to set the scene....

    Tantra music is playing softly in the background, the room is darkly illuminated by candle light, in front of a roaring fire there is a duvet laid upon the floor and draped on top of the duvet is a beautiful naked goddess waiting to be pleasured. I walked into the room nude save my cage "Shall I remove it?" I enquired, she pondered her answer for a few moments before telling me too.

    Naked and knelt by her side I allowed my hands to brush over her body's smooth skin, slowly introducing my touch as I gently caressed her. Once I felt we have be properly reacquainted I covered my hands in the warm oil and began the massage. I took my time enjoying the intimacy of the occasion, slowly kneading and working my way all over her gorgeous body. I started with her back and shoulders giving them all the love and attention they deserved, then I shifted to her gorgeous behind for a playful glimmer before moving on to her right leg. I manipulated my way down to her foot and then back up the inside of her thigh just close enough to make her pussy throb then her left leg got just as much affection.

    I whispered for her to turn over, she opened her eyes and I caught her glancing at my erect penis, she simply smiled and then rolled over and made herself comfy ready for my touch again. I oiled up her inviting body and proceeded to massage it, manipulating her gorgeous breasts and the inside of her thighs I soon found myself knelt between her spread legs. As I admired my Queen from this position I felt truly blessed, she looked absolutely breathtaking, the oil on her body glistened from the glow of the fire. Her delicious pussy displayed in it's full glory, she looked majestic.

    It is no wonder I am a slave to this woman, she truly is divine. My hands stroked her inner thighs, tantalising her pussy as they creept closer and closer to her lips until finally they were touching. She likes to be pleasured and teased this way, very slowly, and who am I to deny her of such delights. I spent a lot of time gently caressing her most delicate of parts, playing with her engorged clitirous and her beautiful pussy lips.

    Eventually she demanded more and Big Dicks vibrating ears were placed on her clitty, before she could cum from them she stopped and slide him inside herself. I held her and ran my hands all over her body as she enjoyed a loud and powerful orgasm. Once it had subsided I entered her, her pussy perfectly wrapped its glorious self around my hard dick. I was in heaven. She told me to go slow as she was very sensitive, as we made love I felt so close and connected to her, it was warm and loving and fucking hot!

    I started getting to excited and so pulled out and watched as she had another intense orgasm with the vibrator. She then rode me and brought me to the brink of orgasm with her pussy. Knowing how to read my signs climbed off me but then started to tease my hard dick. What followed next was 15 minutes of intense tease and denial. She expertly masturbated my penis, bringing me to the edge and then denying me time after time again. I moaned with pleasure like a little bitch, which she commented on telling me to man up. Her cock skills are amazing, second to none, but it was the headfuck that she was giving me that really drove me insane.

    When I was asking her to stop because I was scared I'd cum she would ask why? Men don't ask to stop, they don't ask not to cum. Do you not want me to touch your dick? You're sending me mixed messages here, do you or don't you want me to touch you? Does you little dick like that? Awww look at it.

    I don't know why but the more she humiliates me the more aroused I get. Just like when she slaps my balls between strokes, now don't get me wrong I love the pleasure, but I also love the pain! Again I don't know why? She could beat and humiliate me and it would do is just want to make me serve her more and submit to her further!
    subdomain and knightservant like this.
  5. LilRob

    LilRob Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Ultra Hot, you're very lucky.
  6. Strict Sir

    Strict Sir Long term member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    Another nice post, PUP. Your love and devotion really come across. And your selfless sacrifice for her, for her pleasure.
    PUP likes this.
  7. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Thank you Strict Sir, I would sacrifice everything for her pleasure, my needs are beyond compare to hers. I would gladly spend everyday denied and frustrated if it pleased her. She has made me a servant to her greed of luxury and satisfaction.
  8. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 169

    Readers I have a confession... as of late I have been neglecting my Lady. She has not been receiving the devotion that a Goddess like her deserves. Bad, bad PUP! The orgasm count thus far this year is 18-0. My aspirations was for her average one per day (as I thought this was a reasonable amount) however after talking to Strict Sir he stated that one per day was probably a good number for a Dom but as a women are capable of multiple orgasms perhaps this number is insufficient and a greater number would be required.

    So now I feel even further behind with my pursuit! Thankfully I have been blessed with a saving grace, an opportunity to redeem ones self if you will, a sojourn at home for twelve days straight. I intend on making it twelve days of luxury for my Queen, pampering her, waiting on her hand and foot, committing myself to her needs and of course her sexual pleasure. I will pledge this opportunity to redeem myself. Watch this space!
  9. Strict Sir

    Strict Sir Long term member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    Well said, PUP. And bravo to you for making the commitment to worship and pamper your Lady properly. And 12 days should be adequate to catch her up on the orgasm count and, hopefully, exceed one per day. So get busy, focus, and make it all about Her. And yes, please keep us updated on your progress.
  10. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 188

    The mathematicians amongst you we have calculated that we now are past the half way mark. Six months down and only six to go! I guess the first question one asks at this milestone is has the last six months passed quickly? And if I was to answer honestly I would say that on the whole it has. Sure when I think back to August and my last orgasm it seems like a lifetime ago, it actually feels that long ago that I almost cannot remember how good it felt to cum. Although watching my Queen when she orgasms I do assume that if still feels really, really good. When she first broached the subject of doing the 'year' I though it impossible, not a chance! However with time my view has now reversed, after a few months I settled into the denial and the frustration sort of plateaued. I now see how people live in a state of permanent denial (although I must stress this is not what I long for) I just get that it is do able, you sort of get used to it if you like. Notwithstanding this the main reason the last half year has gone so quickly I believe is the excitement I feel in declaring my love to my beautiful fiancée in front of all our friends and family on our Wedding Day, I simply cannot wait!

    As far as the orgasm count is concerned there was one fatal flaw in my plan. Once per day was what I thought she deserved/should have, not what she wanted. You see she is sexual content with having sex one day and then maybe going a few days without, and then having four orgasms one afternoon and maybe more that evening, maybe not. It varies for her. The point I'm making is along as she is sexually appeased then I am doing a good job, my vision of her climaxing at least once per day was irrelevant as it did not take this in to account how satisfied she was. But just for the record we are at 35-0.

    One the subject of sex I will share a succinct account of last nights escapades, we have been experimenting with the Xylocaine spray recently and found it yields the best results when sprayed on my penis when flaccid and given around 30 minutes to work. Whilst watching a film before bed I suggested using the spray, she pondered this for a moment before agreeing. I sprayed and let it take it's numbing affect. Once retired to bed we started to kiss and fool around, our hands explored each others bodies whilst our heartbeats rose. Our frolicsome behaviour continued and soon I found myself inside her, now it must be said that the spray does not stop me feeling everything it merely reduces my sensitivity and turn my pleasure, so it still feels like heaven to be inside her but I can handle it better.

    The sex was intimate and passionate, it made us feel really close and connected, and she enjoyed two orgasms from my dick before we pushed him to far and he had a ruined. It felt amazing though to be able to make her cum form my cock again, like I used to do back in the day. After my ruined she managed to have another orgasm from my cock before he went to floppy and out of action. She then asked for Big Dick (her vibrator) and relished two more climaxes from him. I remember when she first started asking for a vibrator when I was done, I used to feel a little bit hurt - like I wasn't good enough to satisfy her. I now realise that I am lucky to have a woman who is open and honest enough that she can ask for more if she wants it, I love the fact that she is greedy and always wants more. I hope she never changes!
  11. Darling

    Darling Member

    Oct 28, 2013
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    This has all the makings of a Twilight Zone episode. You go the entire year without orgasm, then on the wedding day, she doesn't show up and you've gone through all this for nothing. And you have no key to get out.

    Not wishing this on you at all, my friend! Nor do I expect that will happen. Best of everything getting ready for your big day!
  12. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    #62 PUP, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
    DAY 195

    We have come to an interesting juncture on our journey...

    Last night my beautiful queen informed me that she would like to take a break from the denial. Now as you maybe aware we are just over the half way through a year of denial, so although her words came as a shock to me they we not necessary unwelcome. You see as of late I too have been feeling shall we say, a little deflated? With the whole denial thing, it has just become much the same. Now please do not misunderstand me, I love being denied and left in a perpetual state of frustration, unsatisfied and locked up. I love how every step that I take whilst wearing a chastity device reminds me of queen and I love that she has become the centre of attention in our bedroom. But when we started this game, my gift was my orgasms - for her to do with as she pleases, not only to deny me for as long as she likes but also to reward me with them if she choses too, and with the 'year' it felt like they where not in her control. Before when she played with my dick or we had sex there was always that element of the unknown, would she let me cum? Wouldn't she? We lost that mystery, I miss that.

    Now I have enjoyed this period of denial of 195 days, it has been fascinating watching my lady's dominant side flourish. Just last weekend for example we were having sex with her on top, I had a ruined orgasm and she then rode my cock again. Nothing unusual about this at all but it was what happen next the enticed me, scooping up my own cum with her fingers she rubbed the dirty mess over my face and into my mouth, and as I felt a big glob of semen dribble down the back of my throat I couldn't help but think how not only was this whole situation über hot but also how much she has matured as the dominant part of our relationship. And just has she has become more dominant, I too have changed as time past, I feel more and more sexually submissive to her. The big question I guess is, is this because of the denial? Or would this of happened anyway due to the natural dynamic of our relationship? An interest one, the answer to which I'm unsure of but I honest I believe it's the later.

    So what happens next? Well I gave her my orgasms and I hope she keeps them, except now she is completely in control them not so much the 'year'. I guess really that was always my gift, it's not the denial, but the management of my orgasms and pleasure. I guess only time will tell where we go from here but I am very excited about the future! And the prospect of cumming!!
    Strict Sir likes this.
  13. filltee

    filltee Junior Member

    May 21, 2010
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    You gave her the keys and gave her control.
    Now see where it goes. It looks as though you will not be topping from the bottom as many of us with a new partner may have intially done, and may have to again... initially.
    Getting out and getting to cum periodically can be good for you both even a little chastity holiday.
    It reminds you what you gave up and hopefully why. It reminds your partner just how much control she has whilst you can show her how much you want her.
    You have it seems achieved the state you wished for.
    Rule 1: Its all her choice
    and if there is any doubt what so ever
    Rule 2: See Rule 1.
    Good luck I really hope it all works out for you.
    Argentus likes this.
  14. Strict Sir

    Strict Sir Long term member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    I'd say it's a very big step forward. Like filtee said, 'It's all her choice.' You gave the gift... she accepted. If she changes the rules or denial times, it's totally her prerogative... and it shows how much she values and appreciates the gift. Nothing is lost... and so much is gained with this cementing of her authority, I would say.
    Argentus likes this.
  15. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 200

    Another milestone! What an interesting experience it has been thus far; there has been many nights of turmoil and aching with me being left wanting, frustrated and unsatisfied, but none so much as the past week. Ever since she told be we are to take a break from the year of denial.

    You see since then there has been the hope of an orgasm and that little glimmer of hope, no matter how minuscule it is, makes all the difference. Before if she played with my cock or we engaged in intercourse I knew I wasn't going to cum. I had accepted that fact, made peace with it and now, all that has been turned on its head! It is like new life has been injected into our bedroom. My frustration levels are back through the roof, higher than ever! I mentioned in post only a couple of weeks ago how everything had sort of plateau, we had gotten in to a routine, I was used to been denied and accepted that and now? I feel alive!

    I feel like a little kid again! Everything seems so much more exciting now. I am so happy my beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, clever, sexy woman decided to change the course of our relationship. She is wise beyond words and her timing is impeccable, I trust her absolutely and this latest change in our direction is proof how the trust I have in her is not misplaced.

    So where do we go from here? I am not sure, because it is completely up to her, just the way it should be. I might not cum for another 100 days, it might be next week. I have no idea, and that little fact ladies and gentlemen is amazing!

    Thank you so much baby, for you make my life complete and I hope when you read this in bed tonight you and your friend Big Dick celebrate our 200 days, for it has not just been an achievement for me, but rather one for us. I love you so much baby! x
    Argentus likes this.
  16. Strict Sir

    Strict Sir Long term member

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    Beautiful post!
    PUP likes this.
  17. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    #67 PUP, Mar 7, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
    DAY 205

    How good it feels to have sex! Not that we don't, but most times when we do it is laughable. Usually she's only just started to touch my penis or I've barely entered her delicious pussy when we have to stop in case I orgasm.

    Last night I decide she need the good, proper, honest sex I know she had been craving some for a while. We kissed and fondled each other passionately on the rug in front of the fire whilst slowly undressing. Ending up in a not uncommon position for us, her lying on her back whilst I pleasured her with my fingers, me on my knees as she stroked my manhood. As she teased me she commented that I was doing well to receive such pleasure, it was at this point that I had to fess up (I had sprayed Mr cocky with some anaesthetic we had previously bought which really desensitises me) she confessed that she enjoyed wanking a penis 'properly' again and had missed it. One thing led to another and soon we where engaged in intercourse, she rode my cock enjoying a couple of orgasm for herself before informing me that I was allowed a ruined and enquired where I would like to cum. After some deliberation we settled on her scrumptious arse.

    Now I am not knocking a ruined, and then sex we shared was amazing - it made me feel really close and connected to her but I am a little surprised (in a good way) it has been 10 days since we decided to take a break from the 'year' and honestly I thought she would have given me an full orgasm by now. I proud of her for not though, I admire and respect her for it (and also shame on me for being so presumptuous!). My she enjoy my gift for all eternity.

    @Darling let's hope that does't happen! lol

    @filltee love your 2 rules, defiantly good ones to live by

    @Strict Sir your comments are always welcome :)
    Strict Sir likes this.
  18. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 214

    Life is good. In fact at the minute it is blooming amazing! I have the most amazing partner to share mine with. Her beauty is alluring, her personality is captivating and her prowess as a key holder is thriving, she is affectionate and sweet but can be cruel when the time requires. She's developing a rapacious need for her own pleasure while showing no remorse for denying mine. As we share this crucible her authoritarian attitude grows as does my subjugation, I am enthralled by the lifestyle we have chosen and I am happy to surrender myself completely to her self-indulgence. Fulfilled does not even begin to summarise how I feel at the moment.

    Sadly her plastic bull Big Dick meet his demise the other day. But fear not readers her delicate little pussy is still receiving the enjoyment and satisfaction that she has become accustom to, no not by my little dick silly! By means of an old flame, Bradley.

    Yes Bradley is back in town and the three of us had a great time catching up yesterday morning, six orgasms great in fact! Which takes this years tally thus far up to 56 for her and zero for me, something tells me that I am not going to catch her anytime soon!
    Strict Sir and skdssd like this.
  19. Strict Sir

    Strict Sir Long term member

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    Eloquently said!
  20. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    #70 PUP, Mar 18, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    DAY 216

    An interesting thing happened yesterday.... My Goddess disclosed that she'd had a play with Bradley the previous night and ask if I minded that she had not told me about it. I know some of you will be think why should she? I quite rightly too, but she has always been very open about her sexual pastime.

    For those unfamiliar with our circumstances, I work away and she adores orgasms, so of course she will play in my absence and truth be told this is something that I have always embraced. I used to watch her on webcam or listen on the phone but she confessed that this diluted her orgasms, as she felt she had to play to me instead of focusing on her own pleasure. Since her satisfaction paramount in our relationship we agreed her time with her 'cocks' would be intimate between them. However she always told me when she was enjoying herself. I found the whole situation erotic, frustrating and slightly humiliating - she's indulging herself on our bed while I am 230 miles away, chaste and denied.

    But this time she did not tell me. She denied me the enjoyment I gain from knowing she's satisfied and the twisted kick I get out of being locked while this is occurring. So, do I feel betrayed? No, that is far to harsh of a word. Hurt? Yes, perhaps a little bit, but not in a bad way. Maybe jealous is more apt? I'm not sure, I can't conjure the exact word to describe how I feel. I'll get back to you with that one ;)

    I guess she is blossoming in to a libertine and thatmakes me feel like the luckiest boy on the planet because I get to share the rest of my life with this truly remarkable woman.
    Breathe likes this.
  21. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 231

    All has been quiet on the kinky front the past few weeks. Not through any particular reason other than life its self, what with my working away, a trip with the in-laws and dose of the flu - it is not always easy to factor in playtime. The good thing about being a chaste male is even when there is a lax in play you still have the denial factor; my balls keep getting fuller and my frustration levels keep on climbing. However I am in symbiosis with my Queen's pleasure, after all the only sexual satisfaction I receive (and you could argue require) is enjoying my Lady's orgasms with her as she cums.

    Fear not though reader, for the future looks bright! This weekend we go away to a lovely little lodge we know of, and I intend it to be fest of devotion, servitude, prosecco and hot tub leisure. One is truly looking forward to it.

    On the trip we had with the in-laws the other week I did not bring my device with me and whilst there my Queen enquired why not. I replied that I thought it might be inappropriate (now please do not mistake me, I have been locked many times in front all members of our family). She disclosed her disappointment and informed me that she preferred me chaste saying that I was a lot more attentive.

    This is when I realised I now wear the device for her.

    A strange thing to say you might think but allow me to divulge. You see when we first started locking up my penis it was for my benefit; it stopped me touching him, it increased my frustration and arousal, and it made me feel owned. But now it is done for a different reason entirely, it is done for her pleasure. It satisfies her need to dominate and control me. She uses it as a tool to keep me subdued and focussed on her needs, making sure that she can receive all the sexual pleasure she wants and never has to feel obliged to return the favour, it empowers her. Of course it still affords the original benefits that were received by me but they are a by-product now just a bonus.

    I guess the real shock is me not realising that she likes me chaste! Otherwise why else would she of denied me the pleasure of an orgasm for 231 days straight!?
  22. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 233

    Heard on the radio earlier that panda's only have a 36 hour window per year when they can successfully mate.
    Now why is that starting to sound familiar? Hmmm I wonder??
  23. Strict Sir

    Strict Sir Long term member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    36 hours seems overly generous. I bet after 231 days, 36 seconds would be plenty! ;)

    In-laws AND the flu... yikes!

    You two continue to grow, each evolving into your roles. Please keep us updated on your journey.
  24. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    DAY 239

    Last weekend we escaped to the country to a lovely little lodge we know of, the place is tranquil, easygoing and rejuvenating, everything you could ask for from a relaxing break really. On the Saturday we where joined by a couple of friends; the vino flowed and good times where had by all. As the evening progressed we all ended up in the hot tub and it didn't take long before the boys where naked and the girls topless. There wasn't any sexual chemistry or anything like that in the air, we where all just having a good time and a laugh. But looking back now with hindsight, the whole situation is testament to how much my Queen's confidence and sexual aura have matured. She was not fazed by having her 'girls' out in front of another couple or by being in the presence of another naked male.

    When they left on the Sunday we enjoyed some quality time together with her treating me to a most heavenly tease and denial session. Her cock skills and adroitness are remarkable, she had me in the palm of her hand (literally!) for over an hour. All through this torture she watched a TV show called Arrow (on it the main character looks like he belongs on the cover of Mens Health and he spends half the episode topless - no prizes for guess why she like it!) this extra ingredient of humiliation spurred me on and added to my frustration as she nonchalantly played with me. She treated me to a ruined orgasm and then I watched Big Dick give her a glorious one, he is so good to her!

    So last weekend escape to the country and this weekend escape from the country! We are off for a week of Sun on a lovely little island. I cannot wait! She has also made me the promise that I will be eating her pussy at least once a day! How lucky am I!??

    I am also curious as to the length of my denial. She is keeping her cards extremely close to her chest and giving nothing away - she has hinted she knows what day I am being released but never divulges more. I can't help but get my hopes up about the holiday, maybe she will? Maybe she wants me to cum inside her? But if she didn't allow me I still wouldn't be disappointed. I guess it is win/win for me, I thrive off the torment and the unknown, and it is not just whether I cum or not that boggles my mind, if I do will I be made to consume it right away to keep me submissive? Will it be just once and then nothing for another 200+ days? Will I get a week off? So, so many questions and only one person knows the answer.

    But would I want it another way? Not in a million years!
  25. PUP

    PUP Pent Up Prince

    Nov 17, 2011
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    2:06 AM
    DAY 257

    What an amazing fortnight I have just experienced! I do not even know where begin with my documentation of it. We spent the entire time laughing and joking, cavorting from one day to the next, having sex as often as bunnies and generally acting like love struck teenagers.

    Our first week was enjoyed in the sun in a wonderful little apartment we rented. It was fantastic and was just what we needed - just like the break was to be honest. It served as a pause from the mundane and monotony of everyday life, all our petty problems seemed to disappear allowing more important issues came to the forefront, like eating that exquisite pussy she owns! This (to my absolute delight) happen very, very regularly, so much so that I think my tongue muscle must have double in size! She treated me like sex toy, using me for her pleasure and then dropping me when she had had enough. My tongue, fingers and cock where all constantly at her disposal, as well as Bradley of course, we decided to leave Big Dick at home in case he didn't travel well (Bradley is second in the cock hierarchy).

    Her greed for orgasming became insatiable with her racking up 25 in total during the course of the week and on one of the days she enjoyed 10 delightful orgasms. But did she show mercy on me? Did she allow me that innate pleasure that most men take for granted on pretty much a daily basis? That natural feeling of pleasurable release?

    No. She chose not too.

    And now I sit and write this, 230 miles away from her, locked and straining against the confines of my cage and still have not had that almost inherent right of an orgasm. Not that I am complaining of course! I thank her for it. But it is the first time I have every been on holiday and not came but then again in the last 257 days I have also not came for the first time on my Birthday and New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day and pretty much any other time a man might expect such rewards.

    Naturally though for me, her pleasure is the only reward that I have learnt to require. I have become a willing slave to her satisfaction and I actually enjoy being selfless. She did ask the other morning whilst we where in bed that once we are married whether I would like to keep this game up or return to a normal sex life. I thought about it and then told that I would like to keep it up and asked her the same question. She thankfully replied she would, so it looks like she probably had more orgasm during our week away then I will during our first 2 years of marriage!

    She did almost sort of show me mercy on holiday, please allow me to divulge. We had sprayed my dick with anaesthetic to give it a numbing effect and she was using it like a dildo and riding it (although it doesn't completely numb him the pleasure I receive is greatly diminished) anyways; we were in the throws of passion and I felt myself reaching the point of no return. I tried to tell her to stop but she was like a woman possessed, her orgasm was resonating through her and she could be stopped. It happened. I came. But this was no orgasm. There wasn't a hint of pleasure, my dick didn't shoot powerful spurts of cum, there was no reward or satisfaction, the months of frustration were not lifted. This was most defiantly a ruined orgasm. Later she confided that she was glad I didn't orgasm and I was bad for letting the situation get as close as it did. Lesson learnt.

    She has also treated me to some exquisitely cruel tease and denial sessions these last 2 weeks. The most memorable of them all was one while on holiday, I had been edged and denied several times and she had enjoyed 4 or 5 orgasms already. She had me knelt by her side while she was laid on her back, looking sexy as hell and 100% in control. Her command was for me to wank my own dick while she mentally fucked me! "Where abouts I would you like to cum? On my breasts? Across my face? On my beautiful pussy? Or perhaps my arse? Just imagine how good it would feel baby. Imagine the release and the satisfaction!" and other words to that effect toyed with my emotions.

    To be honest the entire two week were amazing, we had so much sex, but it wasn't just the sex that what amazing, just being together and doing everyday stuff was. It was just what we need and it gave us a chance to unwind and reconnect. I feel even closer to her now (if that is even possible) and I am absolutely doubtless that this is the woman I want to devote the rest of my life too.
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