Chastity tubes don't work?

Discussion in 'Chastity device discussions and reviews' started by lock4ever, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. lock4ever

    lock4ever Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    I seem to be in the position of not being able to find a chastity tube that is both able to prevent climax and does so without causing excess damage to skin and tissue. I am not keen to proceed further in this investigation after the last incident (1 month+ full recovery time).

    Here's a list of experiments tried, all at various lengths, but the principal factor found as an influence was tube diameter. I used various materials, copper, pvc, exhaust tubing, bilge hose...

    I'm interested to see if anyone else has reached similar conclusions.

    Surprisingly, copper was actually the most comfortable, even over more flexible tubes, although it did exhibit a greater degree of pinching. I used the stocking trick to get into the smaller of these.

    1/2" diameter - I actually got the head through this once (wedding ring) and almost had to go to the emergency room; massive chafing of head occurred when attempting removal after strangled priapism of the head was encountered. This took about two weeks to heal, during which I was extremely sore and not able to walk properly. Obviously extremely dangerous. If you ever encounter this dangerous situation, exit advice: use any lubricant you can find, tie a string (I used a shoelace) around the ring to aid in pulling, then work the corona through starting from the back top. Exit took over 30 minutes and was extremely painful! I seriously considered giving up and dialing 9-1-1 several times until I discovered the shoelace trick.

    7/8" diameter, 1-1/2" length - aborted this attempt after it was clearly impossible or dangerous to proceed

    1" diameter - entry successful, attempted masturbation and was not able to achieve orgasm; engaged in sexual activity (approx 30 mins), significant uncomfortable sensation encountered. After difficulty removing the tube (flaccid, with lubricant), damage was observed in a ring like area around the top and bottom of the tube, and there was significant chafing of skin underneath. A large portion of skin came off like a blister, which took over a month to heal. Ouch, and not fun. Clearly too small.

    1-1/4" diameter - fairly easy entry, painful pulses during tumesence; some ring abrasion at the top and bottom of the tube was detected after removal. It was very obvious that I could achieve orgasm, however, I did not want to at the time (nor did I want more tissue damage). Some more experiments with enclosing the head in this configuration produced similar results and orgasm was still achieved (with some minor abrasion).

    1-1/2" diameter - I was able to put this on without even using lubricant or stocking trick. Absolutely no chastity value at all. I was able to achieve orgasm (in fact, an excessively good one) without any penile stimulation at all (other than the pressure of the tube) merely by stimulating my nipples for ~20 minutes. No real visible damage or signs of wear.

    Obviously, I haven't tried 1-1/8" or 1-3/8" tubes (these sizes are very hard to find in industrial components, although available in marine tubing), but it seems the point is moot.

    In my case, I am able to achieve orgasm with minimal penile stimulation, and am able to do so at such small diameters that there is already a risk of damage just putting on and taking off the tube. I guess I'm not enough of a "grower", or have a high enough pain tolerance that it doesn't matter. In any case, I'm not keen on the possibility of chafing and subsequent infection as a disincentive to orgasm.

    Is there anyone else who has found similar results, simply that chastity tubes don't really work? I'm really not interested in any other type of chastity device other than a full on urethral reroute and ring infibulation (which, btw, from other experimentation, I know will prevent intercourse, but will not prevent orgasm). Because of discretion, belts or bulky cages are absolutely out of the question as well (not to mention, I seriously doubt they would be any more effective).

    So I think I'm content to just let things be as they are. Although chastity might still be a fantasy, the reality of it for me is significantly unpleasant and I have enough willpower that it is not an issue; actually willpower is not even the right word, for me it takes almost zero will whatsoever to avoid orgasm for any length of time, like many here it might be said I actually enjoy it the longer it goes on. I have never required any external means of enforcement, and it looks as if it is staying that way. Too bad, but what can you do? All I have from my experiments is a list of negatives with no positives whatsoever, other than, potentially better orgasms, which is kind of the opposite of what one wants.
  2. duc

    duc Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Yes, many experiences like that. Go on progressively every 2 month a bit tighter. contact me for much more information, because your message is old.
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