Chastity through TSA and airport security?

Discussion in 'Chastity in vanilla life' started by Ffcman, Feb 19, 2021.


Should I wear my cage through airport security or take it off?

  1. Wear it!

  2. Take it off and pack in luggage.

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  1. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Repeated arguments that aren't relevant? Really?

    Amid a lot of other functions that I do or have done, carrying explosives and contraband through security to test and train security is among them, as well as testing and training dog teams and handlers, and other functions. Those are a very small part of what I do or have done, but rest assured that security issues (which will not be discussed in detail here, let alone trivial irrelevancies or emotionalisms) are not something about which I become emotional. Nor is it something that I visit once in a blue moon, nor confine observation or participation to in one or two places on an occasional basis.

    Security responses vary, even in the same location, intentionally. One cannot say this will work, or that will work, or you may get away with this by doing that. It doesn't work that way. The response is varied. This is with good reason. I carry credentials that allow me to bypass security screening, but even those credentials are frequently rejected and I am sent for random screening. This is supposed to occur. I should be able to pass unhindered, and often am, but I am also screened with every measure, and that's really the point. I can't predict it, and shouldn't be able to, because if I can predict it, so can someone else, and that's the security threat. It's a maze, and it's supposed to be.

    People complain when they see a child patted down, or an old woman, or an inspection of a wheel chair. Yet people have placed devices on children and in old women, and have rigged wheel chairs. When people make comments such as "A guy with his penis locked in chastity is not concealing anything threatening the safety of others," it smacks of ignorance, and is very incorrect, and does stand up for correction. Clearly you don't know, and clearly you don't like to be told. Your response to being told is to be dismissive and call it "emotional." It's anything but, and yes, it's very relevant.
    1mlockedup and Tom Allen like this.
  2. Giles_English

    Giles_English Chaste slave

    Dec 8, 2011
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    So what you are saying is that even non-metallic devices will now turn up on scans?

    I differ from @Tom Allen in that I think for some of us, our devices are part of our identity. In an ideal world, we should just be able to present ourselves as we are, and go through additional procedures same as anybody else who doesn't fit the standard mould.
    However, we don't live in that world, so I think, given this information, I will be unsealing for when we finally get on an airplane.
  3. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Yes, given that much of the world has migrated to various microwave, milimeter, etc, scanning technology, an item does not need to be metallic or ferrous to show up on your person, or hidden on your body, under your clothing, etc.

    As I said before, do as you will. Just do so informed.
  4. dre8car

    dre8car Always Locked and Rarely Cum - Steel Werks

    Apr 28, 2018
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    The flights in my Lori so far have been intraprovincial. I may fly east in a couple years. I'm thankful that I have zero compelling reasons to go to the US.
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  5. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I'm sure the US is thankful that you have no reasons to show up, so it's mutual.
  6. boisub

    boisub Inaccessible member

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    Hey, now…
  7. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Perhaps when someone says they're grateful that they don't have to go visit another country, they're blissfully unaware of how offensive that statement might be. Unfortunate.
    1mlockedup likes this.
  8. Peter Rabbit

    Peter Rabbit I'm her bunny

    Jul 15, 2014
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    It’s very simple. For a security line at the airport:
    • If I don’t want to be imaged, I submit to a pat down. I politely say l “opt out”.
    • I paid for a background check to not be imaged, and I go through a metal detector.
    • If the metal detector line is down, then I opt out of a pat down again.

    Both my wife and I are used to the professionalism of a public pat-down as we both opted out. We have both experienced non-eventful private screenings, completely unrelated to any kink whatsoever. We have both had chemical swab tests of our luggage and clothes.

    I remember the eyes of the security staff checking my demeanor as I calmly waited for my wife’s private screening. If you’re calm and assured, they will be.

    You just need to have the right attitude.

    I say all this completely independent of wearing something non-vanilla or non-conformist under my clothes.

    I don’t go out of my way to challenge or test the security apparatus. When I was pierced in 2014, I already was well practiced in opting out. Eventually I gave up and tested the millimeter wave booth. No one challenged that I had titanium through my penis.

    Once I figured out my cage was well and truly non-magnetic, I was confident to go through the metal detector. I knew I wouldn’t trigger a false positive.

    My own time is valuable to me, and I respect the individuals working to provide security. But even if I had to go through a pat down, like I said, we’ve had zero issue with any individual security staff member.

    So don’t be nervous and you’ll be fine. Behavioral observation is just as important.

    I’m talking about consensual screening for a security line (before boarding an airplane or ship, or entering a ball park or secured facility).
  9. Peter Rabbit

    Peter Rabbit I'm her bunny

    Jul 15, 2014
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    My last post addressed the OPs original question. He made the decision to wear his Lori cage through airport security and was fine.

    This posts addresses a separate discussion of persistent, not explicitly consensual, surveillance using advanced imagining sensors. For example using X-ray backscatter imaging and millimeter wave imaging devices.

    I agree. These things exist. But I’m not going to stop wearing my chastity cage because someone in a ZBV (Z-wave backscatterer van) is looking for weapons, or illicitly carried cigarettes or alcohol. See the links below.

    If they choose to see what pierces my penis, is trapped around my balls, or is stuffed up my butt, then I can’t help them. It’s their choice. They know what they are getting into, operating such a machine.

    I can be both ignorant and apathetic (I don’t know and I don’t care).

    In fact to help train the artificial intelligence that does auto detection (so human operators’ eyes don’t get so weary) we’d all be doing the security industry a favor of NOT changing our behavior just because we think we might be imaged.

    We’re “normal” and they’ll get the right sample frequency of men in male chastity devices. I really am serious here, though I’m happy to laugh about this too.

    Folks are getting very serious and judgements. It’s of course a personal decision, and a gut reaction.

    No one wants to be harassed. Those of us who want to brave the security and surveillance apparatus will be happy to do so. Judging for making that choice is a bit much.

    One might read the links below and be completely encouraged to wear chastity. To me, the fact this exists makes me shrug even more. Maybe my avoidance of the airport scanner is a moot point.

    Anyway, I think my advice in my prior post holds up.

    I hope the folks in the industry appreciate my 10 year old links to Z-wave tech. There’s no need to discuss more recent advances. You all can just assume there’s persistent covert penetrating imaging sensors. There’s a lot of basic physics involved with natural limitations, not just imaging.
    nuts69 likes this.
  10. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    You don't get to pay to not be imaged. That's not an option. You can request, but a "background check" (if that's what you think it is...are you talking Global, or Clear View?), but that does not entitle you to not be imaged. Your request to "opt out" may or may not be granted. Bear in mind it's a permission granted, not a right.

    When you enter a secure area, known as a SIDA, your entry constitutes to consent to search you, or any of your belongings, and you do not have the option to decline: it's a condition of entry. Where possible, accommodations may be made, but you are not entitled, regardless of what you think you paid for. Your option to forgo search of you, or anything with you, ends when you choose to enter a secure area.

    The pilot of your aircraft is not exempt, and he carries considerably more credential than what you think you've paid for. That pilot is subject to the same terms and conditions, despite his credentials, and he's got full access and full control of the aircraft: he's subject to the same conditions, same search, and can be subjected at any time. As a passenger, your privilege is not greater than his. Moreover, when you get on the aircraft his authority to search you or your belongings is absolute, too.

    Security personnel may subject you to a body cavity inspection, should they choose. You can't pay to opt out of that, either. Any treatment you receive is a courtesy, subject to the decision of screening personnel. "Opting" for a tactile inspection ("pat-down") is no different.

    What is a "false positive?"

    If you're talking about a metal detector, it's either metallic, and ferrous, or not. Nothing false about it.

    If it's any kind of mapping technology, then either it's seen, nor it's not. If what you're wearing represents a change in density, then it's seen. Nothing false about it.

    So what's a "false positive?"
    1mlockedup likes this.
  11. Mrloched

    Mrloched Long term member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man...

    Do you think because you have a bonner for security stuff, maybe you have a biased opinion?
    Just a quick question has the Tsa ever found a bomb. From what I have herd the detection rate is abysmal. I was of the impression that intel on passengers is what keeps the airlines safe. The TSA is little more than theatre, They are a deterent sure, but been an insider you must know how poor detection rates are.

    The fact you claim to have a pass that often allows you to bypass security sounds like a huge red flag to me. If i clonk you over the head and take your pass can I 50/50, just walk though security with "fake bombs" ? Really......

    If the TSA only provide an illusion of security what does it matter, really.
  12. Peter Rabbit

    Peter Rabbit I'm her bunny

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Correct. There’s no guarantee you’ll avoid being imaged if you get prescreened. Even if you opt out they can make you go through it.

    The point is you can minimize the impact on your time, their attention and the waiting time for others. Opting out is one option to go directly to manual pat down as your first (and very likely last) screening. And currently*, programs like TSA PreCheck give you the ability to go through metal detectors.

    You bringing up the fact the TSA has the right to conduct body cavity searches is correct, but not relevant to the decision making process.

    I’d rather have my cage be discovered locked on my person by a professional, rather than have it hauled out of my luggage in front of a throng of passengers. I would find that more embarrassing personally.

    I’m not denying any of your statements, except one* below.

    I actually don’t know your stance, Richard.

    What do you recommend? You’re proving you’re in the field and obviously dominating the conversation with information. But what do you think someone should do?

    Perhaps you’d say never wear chastity through security because there’s no guarantee they won’t find it. Or is your advice to Put it in your carry on? Put it in checked luggage only? Leave it at home?

    Do you feel security would abuse or harass someone wearing chastity? I personally don’t. I’ve always given and received respect.

    Are you saying those who wear chastity through airport security are wrong to do so?

    Anyway, what I meant about a false positive was me being a distraction from what they are looking for: a security threat.

    *Richard: I’ve gone through many metal detectors in my 316L stainless GlansArmor2 cage and it’s never tripped any of them. I confirmed it’s quite non-magnetic with a 13,500 Gauss permanent magnet. That was the strongest I could find. I don’t know what else to tell you. I haven’t bought one of those metal detectors people use at the beach. I don’t doubt some device could detect it. I certainly would not wear it for an MRI.

    I’m trying to find agreement here. You’re obviously well informed and familiar with the industry. I don’t want you to think I’m implicitly dismissing TSA security in my words or actions.... I wrote this sentiment earlier in the thread.
    1mlockedup likes this.
  13. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    No, it isn't. Yet, how dismissive of you.

    I haven't offered you opinion or what I think. Would you like me to? You won't appreciate it. That, I guarantee.

    You heard wrong, and yes, explosives, weapons, drugs, and numerous other items have been found, and confiscated. What you've "heard" is entirely incorrect.

    My comments here are NOT confined to the USA, either. My comments are based on knowledge, not opinion, and on a global basis, throughout the US, Canada, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, South America, etc.

    I didn't tell you what I do, and have no intention to do so. I told you a little of what I've done, and yes, I do know exactly what the TSA is, does, and their success rate. I also know that you have no idea what you're writing about. None, as in, complete ignorance, and what you're posting, because it is written in complete ignorance, can be nothing more than opinion.

    If you've ever tested their detection, I'd love to hear about your personal experience in which you can offer little more than ill-informed opinion. Something relevant, other than misinformed, ignorant dismissive drivel. Please, go right ahead.

    You want to "clonk" me over the head and take my credentials? Please, give it a shot. It won't end well. We all make choices in life. That would be a bad one, on your part. You're welcome to try.

    However, should you have my credentials, and attempt to use them, that won't end well for you, either. It's not a magic pass without support, you won't have my ID, my picture, my fingerprints, and you won't be in a computer data base in several systems, supporting those credentials, and at that point, you'll be in more trouble than you can possibly imagine. So please, give it a shot. Report back. This should be entertaining.

    Yes, I am credentialed, and yes, I do bypass the security screening areas, based on those credentials. Why, and what, is not for discussion, and not relevant. Your dismissiveness aside, it comes back my original point in mentioning them. Those credentials do entitle me to consideration that you will not now, nor ever receive, and I do take them seriously. I am screened based on those credentials, and supporting documentation, which I am required to carry. I am verified against a database. Despite that, i am at times referred to the same line and the same service that you may undergo, including scanners, and pat-downs. This is with good reason, and it is done at random, as well as with a specific selection process.

    If I do not get to choose, and I am subject to that screening regardless of credential, clearance, employment, title, or function, I guarantee that neither you, nor anyone else is subject to any less.

    Yes, I have carried items into secure areas, both for training, and testing and checking of security, at airports, and those items have included explosives. They were not "fake bombs." To date, detection has been 100%, and the amount of oversight of the events, and over me during those times, is significant. The specifics will not be discussed, and the only point in allowing this much is that this is NOT opinion, is NOT conjecture, is NOT guesswork, and it is informed.

    As said before, do as you will. Just do so informed. You are not, and clearly don't wish to be. In your case, apparently doing so in ignorance is your preference. So be it. If that makes you feel better, knock yourself out.
  14. Mrloched

    Mrloched Long term member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Wow so angry.. Do you get so angry with your wife ? What about the kids ? You should work on that. It's not healthy.

    First things I think you need to look up the definition of opinion. If what you are staying is not an objective fact that is an opinion. It's not just me that is aparently misinformed about TSA detection rates.

    David Inserra former Policy Analyst for Homeland Security and Cyber Policy said.

    "The results of the tests showed that the TSA screeners failed to detect weapons, drugs, and explosives almost 80 percent of the time. While the exact failure rate is classified"

    Is it classified because it's so good? Or because it's just theatre and its effectiveness is based on the belief by the public that it works ?

    As much as I would like to take the word of an angry shouty person on the internet. I think I'm going to go with the homeland security analyst on this one. He's not alone by the way.

    Jay Brainard, the highest-ranking TSA official in Kansas
    "TSA officials have prioritized speed over security by reducing the sensitivity of metal detectors, disabling technology on some X-ray machines, issuing orders to keep the baggage conveyor belts moving in certain circumstances and ordering policy changes that result in fewer pat-downs."
    Do you think that might have some bearing on there utterly abysmal detection rate ?

    If the TSA cant get above a 30% detection rate they are theatre (thats an opinion by the way).
    You claim they have found explosives. I don't belive that is really true. They have found things that can explode some black powder smoke grenades stuff like that. I'm not saying black powder should be let on planes but flour and baby milk can explode as well. I'm sure if the TSA found a bomb they would make sure everybody knew about it. Still I'm happy to be wrong, feel free to point me towards any evidence you may have. But i stress evidence, shouting about how awesome you are doesn't count, it just make you look like a bit of a dick if im honest.

    I can see you completly misses my point about your "pass" which is a shame as you present yourself as some kind of security expert. You seem to think it was some kind of matcho contest, Let me educate you on some security matters. Firstly your security is only as strong as you weakest link. If a pass exists that alows a person to walk past security that is a serious risk.
    If you think your so amazing you could never have it taken from you, your dumber than I think,and honestly thats a pretty low bar already. I accept that there may be multiple layers of security but that still sounds like a problem to me.
    Whilst we're on the subject of risks, if i was your employer I'm not sure I'd want a person who will divulge details of my security operation on the internet. Whilst I'm sure it makes you feel important, security wise its not great. If i make you angry enough what else will you divulge ? Are you just as easy to manipulate in other ways. I'd be worried about kompromat as well, although I doubt your much more than a red team guy.

    Sorry to other users in this site for the unpleasantness. We have a very nice community here usually, but I didn't like the way this knuckle dragger was speaking to people.

  15. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    You have zero experience to share, then. Got it.

    What I do or say to my family is none of your fucking business.

    What you think you're "sure" about is irrelevant, as you have no knowledge of whence you speak.

    You want evidence of what has been found by security, get a clearance. Until then, you may remain in ignorance.

    When people make stupid statements here, as have been made regarding chastity devices, and those statements are addressed, your ignorance doesn't help. Neither does your dismissiveness. All you need to say is that you haven't a fucking clue what you're talking about.

    What you do have is a group of men obsessed with their genitalia who seek justification for wearing it through security, and in the ensuing discussion, nothing but ignorance of the fact.

    As I said, go if you will, but do so informed. You are not informed. You're simplky really convinced of what you don't know, and it's very obvious that you don't know.

    On the one hand, you say I should share data and information. Prove it, you say. On the other hand, you say that if you were my employer (there will never be a chance of that), you would be concerned about someone who shares secure information. Which is it, genius? You can't have it both ways.

    As I've repeatedly stated that certain information will not be discussed, it's quite clear that I have not, and will not discuss specific information. It's very clear that the misunderstandings of many here are at such a basic level that the difference between imaging and metal detectors is a revelation to some, and that's neither classified nor secure information. It's well known. Just not by some here. Hence the discussion.

    If credentials allow someone to pass through security present a risk, why have credentials? Again, you have no concept of whence you speak. That's the point of being credentialed. Show credentials, bypass the security lines. It's why I'm issued them. This isn't "matcho" (sic), isn't anything more than what I'm issued in the course of my employment. Clearly you've never been issued such credentials, else you'd know what you're writing about. You don't.

    "I think," "I heard," "I don't believe," and other non-sequitur claptrap is opinion, vague, and speaks to ignorance and guesswork. Stick to that. It's what you do best.

    I'm not angry. I've expressed no anger. I haven't expressed opinion, and you won't like it if I do. I haven't expressed anger. You really wouldn't like that, but then you're the guy that wants to "clonk" me on the head and take things that will land you in a federal prison. Again, love to see you try. I say that sincerely. I would really enjoy the event. No anger involved. My pleasure. But again, you won't like it. Good luck.
    1mlockedup likes this.
  16. Mrloched

    Mrloched Long term member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Let the anger flow........
  17. Peter Rabbit

    Peter Rabbit I'm her bunny

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Woah folks. You all should start a new thread just about TSA. This is way off topic.

    What do you recommend? What do you think someone should do? What would you do?

    Take the technology out of the equation. There is a process and system that exists independent of your opinion. The question is what decision do you make, and what do you support in others:
    • Would you never wear chastity through security?
    • Would you ask for a pat down since they’d likely do that anyway?
    • Would you get TSA PreCheck and submit background information to reduce being asked to be imaged?
    • Would you put your cage in your carry on?
    • Would you pack your cage in checked luggage?
    • Would you leave it at home entirely?
    • Do you feel security would abuse or harass someone wearing chastity?
    Do you support informed individuals who choose to wear their chastity through security? Or do you feel they are wrong to do so, independent from what decision you and your keyholder make?

    My advice:
    My experiences with security have been good. I’ve had no negatives. Even when I had opted out of imaging sensors for years before I was pierced and caged. Give yourself time so you’re not stressed. Be calm and self assured. Be polite and listen and respect the individuals.

    Don’t be afraid and act sketchy. Don’t make this part of your kinky thrill either. Don’t smirk. Don’t discount behavioral screening. It’s not all tech.

    Be respectful and submit to the process. That’s my advice. It’s worked for me.
    nsrchof likes this.
  18. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    Just be mindful of where your travelling to, if it prohibits sex toys then don’t wear it, as you could end up in trouble. If it’s not, then wear it, and just be honest. If your that worried but want to be locked, then swap your metal cage out for a plastic one.
    1mlockedup likes this.
  19. Rectrix

    Rectrix Long term member

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  20. Jail Bird

    Jail Bird Long term member

    Jul 13, 2018
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    Whatever she wants!That's the whole package there!
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  21. MissyB

    MissyB Long term member

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    Given that you've said you were okay with being examined wearing the cage, and it isn't illegal to wear one, i'd go ahead and stay cage. That is a good way to demonstrate obedience to your Mistress.
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  22. cogman

    cogman Long term member

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    As the senior security guard said to me, your not the first and wont be the last. Tho it was funny to watch the newby who was instructed to inspect me....the blood kind of drained away from his face...lololo

    Be a man and wear it for your mistress.
  23. cntltx

    cntltx Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    I have gone through many checkpoints now, body scan and metal detector, and never once has there been anything said. I know though that one day someone will likely say something and when that days comes my wife will just laugh at me as I nervously explain. But at least she gets a good laugh.
    Design is me, ugams, cogman and 2 others like this.
  24. sissywannabe2

    sissywannabe2 Member

    May 16, 2021
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    Next week I'll be going on trip which involves 4 flights and security checks in 3 different countries. I know that in Australia they do body scans and I do believe those show more than just metal.
    Since I don't belong to a Mistress and I impose the locking upon myself, I will not take the risk of being stopped, embarrassed and humiliated. I go through Australia, Qatar and UK one way, and Israel and Hong Kong back. I'm not going through the stress and elevated heart rate. Had there been a Mistress owning me , I think I would have obeyed her wishes.
    Since I am also using a butt plug 24/7 , things are ultra complicated.
    In the past, pre 9/11, I travelled a few times caged (plastic chastity, plastic padlock with serial number) and plugged, but back then they only had metal detectors.
    So I'll be careless until I get past security and then will lock and plug myself once the danger is over.
    tomf_22033 likes this.
  25. Chili-boy

    Chili-boy Long term member

    May 25, 2021
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    My plan when I start flying again is to take my HT nano in hand luggage. My wife is relaxed about this. However, She has stated jailbird 100% of the time unless I am flying. nano when travelling and the expectation is that I carry it in hand luggage and then fit when arriving at the destination airport. I am not allowed to leave the destination airport without fitting it. I am cool with that
    nsrchof and ugams like this.
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