Last Activity:
Jun 16, 2024
Jun 25, 2022 at 7:55 PM
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Local Time:
6:11 PM

Followers 5

Sep 30, 1986 (Age: 37)
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
Sahuarita Arizona


Active member, Male, 37, from Sahuarita Arizona

I just hit my first full week in chastity. It is an interesting ride. Jul 12, 2022

Wanderer was last seen:
Jun 16, 2024
    1. Wanderer
      I just hit my first full week in chastity. It is an interesting ride.
      Maid Denise likes this.
      1. Maid Denise
        Maid Denise
        The ride only gets better over time . You have time to work up to a month before Locktober . Good luck.
        Jul 12, 2022
    2. Wanderer
      Locked Since July 4 8:30 AM
    3. Wanderer
      Just passed 24 locked by key holder for first time. :)
      Denied7151 likes this.
    4. Wanderer
      Testing out the new cage. Been locked since 0925 am Arizona times this morning.
    5. Wanderer
      My chastity device arrived in the mail today. I am looking forward to, hopefully trying it out tommorrow.
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  • About

    Sep 30, 1986 (Age: 37)
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Sahuarita Arizona
    My key is held by:
    Locked since:
    July 5th: 8:30 AM Arizona Time
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Sissy
    • Maid
    Chastity devices:
    Ternance K345
    Vice - Mini V2
    Chastity resume:
    Total Days Locked Since July 2, 2022: 25 and counting. (July 28th)

    Current Lockup start: Unlocked
    Hello everyone,

    I recently opened up to my wife. I mean opened up completely. We have always had an open and honest relationship however we have taken it to a new level. About two weeks ago my wife offered to be a dominatrix for me. She knows that I like her taking control and that I like making her happy. She has also been a participant with my primary kink, a diaper fetish, for our whole marriage.

    Since she made the offer, we purchased the mistress manual and listened to parts of it together. She is finishing it on her own. I have also opened up about many interests I have had over the years but have never told her about. These interests are varied but include; humiliation and sissification.

    While we have not explored much other than a little light bondage and a simple spanking we will be exploring more in the near future. I have laid out many of my interests and she is willing to explore them with me. Additionally, she has begun to come up with some ideas of her own. She has referred to me as her pony in the past and took a real keen interest in a butt plug with an attached tail when we went to an adult store the other day. I have a feeling that that tail or one like it will be in my future.

    The one area of hesitancy that my wife has is with chastity. From the little I have seen on these forums she issue is not a typical one. She is worried that the device will hurt me. Nevertheless she consented to me buying one and it is expected to arrive this thursday. I purchased a vice mini v2. In the past I have tried a chastity device on my own and found that it did not provide any pain, I always had the key.

    Her other concern is that our children might notice the device if they sit in my lap. For that reason we will not be doing chastity play around the house. At least not for any extended duration. However, I travel fairly consistently and I have expressed to my wife a concern that I am masturbating too much on these trips. I was in the past addicted to masturbation and I am worried that I am falling back into that. Because of this I have asked to be locked into chastity on my work trips. I am about to embark on one and do not yet have the chastity device, but I will have it for my next trip. Since this type of play will still be new to us, I will have a key with me in a combination lock box, that my wife will know the combination lock for. If I need out I can call her and get the combination within a few hours.

    I am really looking forward to the experience. Additionally, I have spoken to my wife about a goal of going 30 days without orgasim, preferably in chastity and she seems open to the idea. This goal is for personal reasons and is something I worked on for a long time as a teen before I "broke" my masturbation addiction. I have only accomplished this a few times in my life and am hoping to accomplish it another time.

    I am joining this forum as a way to learn from others. Additoinally, i like the forums terms of service in that it keeps a lot of the conversations cleaner while still allowing for the discussion of fetishes and sexual topics. I am looking forward to learning more about chastity, but also about sissy play, maid service, and other items which I want to explore with my wife. I am hoping this forum can provide some guidance.

    One of my goals is to improve my relationship with my wife even further. Additionally, I am hoping that a new dominatrix submissive relationship will help me accomplish some personal goals. There are several things in life that I am simply not that good at. Some of them my wife would like me to be better at and others I just simply know I need to improve in. I am hopeful that rewards, punishments and chastity will assist me with prioritizing these issues and getting better. Many of them are simple things that I just have not found a way to prioritize. They simply are not that important to me personally. My wife is important though, so I am hoping this will raise their importance and allow me to make those simple changes which would make her happier or at least her life easier.

    I have a large interest in humiliation, and would love humiliation ideas that my wife can use. I am open to most things and would love to hear any suggestions people have. within a few limits that my wife and I have. We will not be introducing others into our relationship. We are a monogamous couple and will continue to be so. We also will not engage in any breath play as I have asthma and a deviated septum. Please feel free to reach out with any ideas or suggestions you have.

    I look forward to interacting with you all.

    Chastity resume Continued.
    August 2 , 2022 - Aug 4
    July 20 , 2022 - July 28 - 9 days
    July 5th 2022 - July 16
    July 2 2022 - July 3 2022: 35 hours locked.

    Previous to key holder: Small amount of self play looking forward to more experience in the near future.
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