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Jul 27, 2024 at 4:52 AM
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Long term member, Male

Looking into buying a full metal belt. Jan 9, 2024

vengash was last seen:
Jul 27, 2024 at 4:52 AM
    1. vengash
      Looking into buying a full metal belt.
    2. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      I'll lay it all out there. I am only interested in men who see chastity as a lifestyle, not a temporary tease. Who accept frustration and controlled, supervised, pleasureless seminal drainings as a sacrifice to me; the cost of being my "sexual" partners. I don't have time for traditional sex or people who only want winking "chastity" for five minutes before giving up and cumming anyway.
      1. vengash
        There is always risk with any arrangement. I'm pretty honest and that will always be beneficial - I think. I am looking for someone or a method to hold me accountable.
        Jul 5, 2023
    3. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      I can never tell if you're into chastity as a way to actually submit to women and refocus your misdirected energies on their needs, or just as a hot thing to think about before wanking yourself silly. I'm all in favor of the former, but bored as all hell by people pursuing the latter.
      1. vengash
        It's a little of both I think - but, if you ask me I'll do my best to avoid those physical trappings that get me into that loop.
        Jul 5, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
      2. vengash
        Yes, part of me wants to be controlled and I think that is because I do like making people happy. But, I have limits too. If you just want me to stop touching myself, masturbating, edging - then I can do that. Creating well thought out and complicated videos - not likely. But, getting back to the former there is just something magical with being hard-up and horny for someone.
        Jul 5, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
    4. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Submission is agreeing to do something regardless of how tired, sore, frustrated, or inconvenienced it makes you. It's about putting someone else's wants and needs above your own, instead of basing your actions on fleeting short-term lust and self-gratification.
      1. vengash
        You're right.
        Jul 5, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
    5. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Just think of slipping and sliding along my wet lips when the chair fucks you over, and I'm sure you'll be oozing all over yourself in no time.
      1. vengash
        When that happens the urge for me to masturbate will peak. May I?
        Jul 5, 2023
    6. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Mmm, how about one slow, long slide of your shaft up the outside of my wet lips? A single "thrust" along the edge, but never allowed inside paradise? Instead, it's back into cold hard steel. I wonder if you'd burst just from that one slippery stroke?
      1. vengash
        That is exactly what I was thinking but failed to articulate - no penetration. And, yes, I believe if I were held in chastity long enough, and made to endure endless hours of The Chair while listing to erotic hypno - not only would I lose my mind - but all my cum instantly should I find myself any distance less than one meter from you.
        Jul 5, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
    7. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Thanks to my pics, you're going to have a really huge load to eventually drip away! You could be spraying it up my ass, but no; you're going to leak it all in a little denial puddle after some quality chair-fucking time. Too bad, so sad.
      1. vengash
        Wouldn't it be nice if your pussy just touched my denied cock - even if it were for just a fleeting moment? What if that were to happen - if my dick were only allowed to briefly touch you in that way and then I was caged seconds later - and not allowed any pleasure beyond that one kiss. Would you masturbate to that?
        Jul 4, 2023
    8. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Or maybe you'd prefer my ass? Thing is, men don't last every long in it; it has a way of turning them all into premies. I guess that's why I mostly save that for women.

      Oops, what am I saying! You're spoken for by your frustration chair! Silly me!
      1. vengash
        You have no idea how much precum leaked away just from your photos. I have them all. I know that ass very well. You're right - chastity is a bitch.
        Jul 4, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
    9. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      I bet your balls and prostate are getting sooo full, you'd do anything to just throw me down and aggressively fuck my brains out; blasting your seed deep inside my tight little pleasure pussy.

      But no, that would be cheating on the chair. Only slow, drawn-out dribbles for now!
      1. vengash
        I would LOVE that. now I'm throbbing again.
        Jul 4, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
    10. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Getting fucked by a chair must be SO humiliating! Just sitting there as it teases your cock; unable to make even the tiniest thrust without it calling a time-out?

      Must give you a lot of time to think. Do you lay there and wonder what real women would think about this? Does that just frustrate you even more?

      Careful, don't twitch! You don't want the chair to put you in the corner again.
      1. vengash
        Yes. It is frustrating and humiliating that this is my only sexual outlet. I've got to be honest - I want to thrust. I want to fuck while my balls are caressed. Instead, I'm placed in this endless loop of lust - leading nowhere. I hope I can orgasm though. I would really like that.
        Jul 4, 2023
        Rachel Denialist likes this.
    11. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      Boys become so malleable and compliant when they have to dribble instead of spurt. Don't you agree?

      Eventually, the change becomes permanent. You always just dribble, and you always obey. The two go hand in hand. You can never spurt, because you have to obey. And you have to obey, because you can never spurt.
    12. Rachel Denialist
      Rachel Denialist
      You probably never envisioned the hottest relationship you ever experienced being with a chair, huh? Welcome to your new "sex" life! Can't wait for you to consummate your new arrangement with a full-on drain for it. Maybe you need to up the length of each session until you do give it what it wants. All the more time to listen to brain-warping reprogramming!
    13. vengash
      Wait. I have followers?
    14. vengash
      I'm getting that pervy feeling again - punishment will surely follow.
    15. vengash
      Chastity Mansion needs a faster server - much faster. I'd be willing to pay a monthly fee for that.
    16. vengash
      I think I'm a sexual & visual fetishist. However, I do enjoy making people happy - giving flowers or baking cookies for someone.
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  • About

    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Other - (Explain in "About You")
    • Vanilla
    • Switch
    Chastity devices:
    The Curve made by CB-X and also the CB-3000 (also by CB-X)
    Update January 2024

    Hello and thank you for visiting my profile page. Many know me from my 2017 CBT video. And, some may remember me from the old Orgasm Denial website that I joined around 2002. My chastity journey has taken many paths over the decades.

    Fast forward to today - where I’m at today. I like being caged because it gets me off. No, not cuming or orgasming - but, I get off to the feeling of being horny 24/7 with no control. For the first time I locked myself up for a long period (more than a month). Initially, it was just something erotic for me to do. I was being controlled by a young Domme through the Chaster app. I added video security to make my fantasy as close to real as is possible. And, it was pretty real. Basically, I had to video every instance when my cage was off. I couldn't touch myself. I slept with the cage on.

    This was a very different experience for me - because, in the past I would abide by the honor system without using a cage. This is a very practical method - for sure. But, the whole wearing a cage 24/7 scenario is a game changer for me. Now we're talking next level incarnation. Seriously.

    After some careful thought - I’ve decided to buy one of the most expensive chastity belt options - a full belt made by Behind Barz. Why? I want my chastity cage to be as comfortable as possible - as if I weren’t wearing a cage at all. As many wearers know the so called “ball trap” devices can be uncomfortable - even rather painful. This makes it difficult for me to wear one at night while keeping up with my duties the next day at work - as well as other outside obligations. Ball trap devices interrupt sleep and that's a big no no in my book. This is the main reason I want to try a full belt. I know a full belt will not be perfect - but, it does sound like the better option compared to what I have tried (CB-3000).

    My main point about writing this is to disclose that I DO feel a kind of pleasure while locked up and controlled as if I were serving a prison sentence. This is where the fun stops though. It might be one thing to imagine yourself trapped in a chastity cage while jerking off - but, quite another thing when you really cannot touch yourself. I want to go there.

    I don’t know why I’m like this. I just am.

    UPDATE - September 2023

    When I first joined Chastity Mansion (in 2017) I read a lot of Lucy's posts about men - and that made me realize that I'm in it for myself - my penis - my fetishes - and so on. No big surprise there. But, this is something I want to change about myself. I'd still like to be in chastity - but, instead of fetishizing chastity play - also learn how to please a woman (or a man?). Maybe it is possible to convert all my fetish energy toward my dominant partner. I might have a lot to offer if I just tweak my thoughts a bit.

    Below this line is what I wrote when I first joined Chastity Mansion. It isn't untruthful - it's where I started. I can change.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Full Disclosure

    It's about my penis.

    Let's just get this out of the way first.

    I enjoy chastity because I get aroused by it. (especially when under the control of a woman) It's nothing more than a sexual fetish with me. Call it augmented masturbation. Or, maybe it's best described as Orgasm DELAY. For the most part I'm mostly a soloist and calling the shots. But, I have given control of my bits to past partners in real life and also online during the past 15 years to a hot and sexy Dominate woman.

    At this time I don't want a relationship with another human being. Intimacy for me is through a computer and the automated pain machines that I've designed.

    Now, if you're still reading, let's continue.

    I'm vengash from I'm a real person who likes chastity - since the 90s. Mostly, I like to use my own inventions and try to make my adventures entertaining to others by producing videos, photos, and writing about experiences - with an occasional tilt toward humor.

    Oh, I suppose I should say that I never use a chastity device. I go by the honor system. Besides, I'm reasonably sure you can defeat many chastity devices anyway.

    That said - I have recently contacted a couple of custom manufacturers asking if they could produce a chastity device large enough to accommodate a full erection. I believe this is how I found Chastity Mansion - Google searches for cages. This forum seemed a bit more modern compared to OrgasmDenial - so I thought I'd join and give it a whirl. Why not?

    I have recently purchased something called The Curve directly from the manufacture CB-X. It isn't something I wear 24/7 or even over night for that matter - at the moment I wear it when I'm getting too fidgety with myself and on the verge of having an accident.

    A little deeper:

    I need fetish devices between intimacy. I need pain to relieve the guilt. I need to repeat these things to relieve some unconscious trauma from the past. I consider it therapy - but, you might see otherwise.

    Your Role in the Chastity Lifestyle:
    • Typically, I say I'm a "switch" - because I do enjoy dominating - although I haven't done much of that at all.
    • I didn't check "Pro Domme" because I'm not making money doing that sort of thing (that's how I interpreted the meaning)
    • Yes, I'd be happy to be your key-holder if you're not incredibly needy or annoying.
    • I don't produce chastity equipment. I produce punishment machines using my hardware skills as an engineer in my real life.
    • Mostly it's Chastity combined with creative genitorture
    • Sex for me is the Punishment Pussy


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