Living Curious
May 2, 2011 at 5:03 AM
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Restoration and Reconstruction

Living Curious

Long-term lockee, Male, from Colorado

I just realized it's been over 6 months of wearing my Lori 8A. Having a device that literally never needs to be removed is a dream come true Aug 30, 2016

    1. Loudogger
      Love to see some pics of the strapon you use to service your wife Do you have different size etc?

      Ever consider the services of s Bull to take care of her needs?
      ololo6795 likes this.
    2. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      I just realized it's been over 6 months of wearing my Lori 8A. Having a device that literally never needs to be removed is a dream come true
      1. CSG in a Pink 18CP
        CSG in a Pink 18CP
        I'm wearing a 18CP. It's not been off in months. I don't even think about it anymore. It's like a part of my body now.
        Aug 30, 2016
      2. erw495
        Just came across your post about 6months. I'm in a Chinese copy of a Mature Metal that would be better with a PA. Or maybe a Lori would be better. Thoughts? has your chastity become permanent or semi permanent? Thanks.
        Apr 30, 2018
    3. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      GC and I are now married :) Going to Australia in a few weeks for our honeymoon and we need the vacation!
      Jblocked and Mascara^Snake like this.
      1. muttlyvb
        May 8, 2016
      2. Mascara^Snake
        Belated congratulations. I'm glad you are still able and willing to post here. I think your contributions are balanced and valuable xx
        Aug 9, 2016
      3. Living Curious
        Living Curious
        Thank you Miss Amanda. I do my best
        Aug 10, 2016
        Mascara^Snake likes this.
    4. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      In the 8A for 6 days straight. I've never been able to wear a device for this long with zero discomfort. Absolutely zero. This is amazing!!!
    5. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      Ms. Lori e-mailed that my 8A in on the way. Should be here tomorrow. Don't know why it was so fast but we're very excited
      permanentslave likes this.
      1. permanentslave
        So fast because because you are special ;)
        Feb 2, 2016
    6. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      Just sent Ms. Lori measurements for my 8A. 3 days w/ the Evotion has me confident it will be a perfect fit. Hope to have if for our big day
      muttlyvb likes this.
    7. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      PA is healing well. Soreness is gradually subsiding. GC loves the way it looks, way more than I thought she would :)
      1. Living Curious
        Living Curious
        And GC absolutely loves that (at home) I'm staying bare below the waist to prevent jostling in clothes and help it heal faster. She keeps giggling and saying I look 'so fricken cute.'
        Oct 12, 2015
    8. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      lock667 likes this.
    9. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      No more blood at all and I was able to pee at the urinal yesterday at work. This is turning out better than expected. Full story tonight!
    10. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      It hurt more than I thought it would. And it bled. A lot. Thank goodness that's stopped. Can't wait for it to heal! So impatient!
      kellysbitch likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lock667
        I'm assuming...a piercing?
        Oct 5, 2015
      3. OwnedbyLeeanne
        Yes need more details as I am close to getting it done.
        Oct 5, 2015
      4. Living Curious
        Living Curious
        Yes, a PA piercing. My previous status said I was getting one so I didn't want to sound redundant and mention it again. I'll post a thread later on with the details @OwnedbyLeeanne
        Oct 5, 2015
    11. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      Going to get my PA today! Hope I'll be able to order a Lori within a few months :)
    12. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      I got my ERGOslim yesterday, so far so good! :D Going to see my fiancee for the weekend and I'll probably be leaving the keys with her
    13. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      Finally finished my sociology paper from hell. Only one more essay and 3 tests before Friday. It's good I'm locked up. Less distractions ;)
    14. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      Finally got around to uploading pictures of my new Jailbird :)
    15. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      Got the Jailbird in the mail! Already locked up and I'm a little nervous about how excited my GF was about it ;)
    16. Living Curious
      Living Curious
      My Jailbird is being mailed today! So excited!
      1. KristysBitchBoy
        Congrats, your going to love it, just try not to get excited when pushing your cherries through the base ring otherwise you'll get stuck giggles
        Oct 4, 2012
      2. Living Curious
        Living Curious
        Oct 4, 2012
      3. maidchrissy
        sweet ....... get read for a frustrating ride !
        Oct 9, 2012
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    Home Page:
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Restoration and Reconstruction
    My key is held by:
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    Chastity devices:
    Evotion Bijou
    Chastity resume:


    Living Curious isn't just my name, it's my philosophy.
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