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Oct 16, 1988 (Age: 35)


Junior Member, Male, 35

I guess the last days of Locktober, are the hardest.. Getting really abstinent here.. :( Oct 28, 2021

Hexedsub was last seen:
Jul 19, 2024
    1. Hexedsub
      I guess the last days of Locktober, are the hardest.. Getting really abstinent here.. :(
      1. Tochka
        Im waiting for the next locktober ;).
        Dec 3, 2021
        cumplexity likes this.
    2. Hexedsub
      Another year, where I spend my birthday locked in chastity.. :(
      Tochka, Rectrix and MissyB like this.
      1. Tochka
        Because u r such a good boy. I think u should start wearing the cage all the time.
        Dec 3, 2021
    3. Hexedsub
      Looking forward to selflocked October. :/
      MistressPhedre likes this.
    4. Hexedsub
      10th day locked up. Double up of my longest period ever. And today my keyholder sent me to work in stockings,because she knows I hate it..
      SwitchGinia, Tochka and CouriousNorth like this.
      1. CouriousNorth
        Sounds like maybe your KH is demonstrating who is in charge. I am no expert in such things, far from it actually. But if you can learn to follow, give up all attempts at control. You might be happier.
        I wish I had a woman To take charge. Focus on trying to please. Them instead of how it affects you.. Just my thoughts. Good luck
        Oct 10, 2019
      2. Hexedsub
        Thank you, what is funny is that we are not in a relationship.. However she keeps me locked and does not miss a chance to tease me..
        Oct 10, 2019
        CouriousNorth likes this.
    5. Hexedsub
      Almost 1 full week in chastity.. with only 1 unlock due to some personal reasons. I've never been locked for so long straight. :(
      Tochka, Dannysub and MistressPhedre like this.
    6. Hexedsub
      Barely the second day of locktober and I am already leaking and balls are aching.. And my keyholder is constantly teasing me :(((
      CouriousNorth and Tochka like this.
      1. Maid Denise
        Maid Denise
        You have to try not to think about sex even when your being teased. I know. It takes time and training . Keep busy doing things around the house . Play X-Box or some other game. . You need to start counting the days you have made it and not how many are left in Locktober . .
        Oct 3, 2019
        CouriousNorth likes this.
      2. Hexedsub
        I am trying, but no matter how busy I am at work and doing side things... I can't stop thinking about my condition. And also my keyholder is constantly teasing me with pictures and videos of her.. :( I see how fked I am and how not ready I am haha :)
        Oct 3, 2019
        CouriousNorth and Maid Denise like this.
      3. Maid Denise
        Maid Denise
        It doesn't sound like you been in chastity for to long. I didn't do Locktober last year because I wasn't ready for it yet. Was only 24 / 7 for 6 months at the time. After 18 months of 24 / 7 I am just now ready to try Locktober . This year I don't really have a choice.
        Oct 3, 2019
        CouriousNorth likes this.
    7. Hexedsub
      Gladly, there is some hope to not be locked for the entire October! :)
      Ma’ams Slut and Tochka like this.
      1. Tochka
        Of course sweety ;). Hope dies last you know.
        Oct 1, 2019
    8. Hexedsub
      Apparently I have to prepare for locktober.. and the longest I've been locked is 5 days..
      Tochka likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hexedsub
        Guess we will share the struggle.. :/
        Sep 29, 2019
      3. Maid Denise
        Maid Denise
        Hey at least I am used to going 10 to 14 days . The best part is I think my wife is into Locktober this year.
        Sep 29, 2019
      4. MistressPhedre
        Locktober is great fun!
        Sep 30, 2019
    9. Hexedsub
      I am back, after years of absence :)
    10. Hexedsub
      Soon about to start my longest and hardest journey in chastity..
      MistressPhedre likes this.
    11. Hexedsub
      Just got back from a long time being away from here. :)
      1. Trey Jones
        Trey Jones
        Welcome back! I know it was last week, but Happy Birthday!
        Oct 20, 2015
      2. Hexedsub
        Oh, didn't expect someone to greet me here! Thank you so much :)
        Oct 20, 2015
    12. Hexedsub
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  • About

    Oct 16, 1988 (Age: 35)
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    Chastity devices:
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