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Aug 16, 2017
Nov 10, 2014 at 8:26 PM
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September 1
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Active member, Male

I'm finished renovating the "Mom Cave"! Tonight I can move some furniture back. Maybe I get released this weekend? 4 weeks so far! May 4, 2017

ChasteDilf13 was last seen:
Aug 16, 2017
    1. ChasteDilf13
      I'm finished renovating the "Mom Cave"! Tonight I can move some furniture back. Maybe I get released this weekend? 4 weeks so far!
      1. Felix cum ea
        Felix cum ea
        Good luck, handy man ;)
        May 4, 2017
      2. Kontraband
        Good luck; hope your hard work is rewarded.
        May 4, 2017
    2. ChasteDilf13
      KH just asked I inspect her shaving job... She went fully smooth for me. Some things are still hard to process after 4+ weeks of lock-up!!
      Kontraband, LadyS, fkfk and 4 others like this.
      1. Felix cum ea
        Felix cum ea
        I wouldn't mind viewing a picture of your lovely KH going fully smooth.. ;-)
        Dec 26, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      2. LadyS
        I just did this for hubby!
        Feb 4, 2017
    3. ChasteDilf13
      Day 19 - Last night wifey let me out for playtime and edging. Soo frustrated!
      LadyS likes this.
    4. ChasteDilf13
      Today is day 16 of my 2 month lockup. I'm happy to serve my wife's longer lock-ups. No Christmas PIV for me this year!
      LadyS, Eranhuman and danijean001 like this.
    5. ChasteDilf13
      10 Days into new lock-up. Last time was my longest, 4 weeks. Wife said this time it's 2 months.
      greenmike79, slavetoby and AlanThom like this.
      1. slavetoby
        My lock up time is now extended to 120 days
        Nov 30, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      2. ChasteDilf13
        If my wife continues her pattern of aggressively lengthening my lock-up, I'll be starting a 4 month lock-up in January!
        Nov 30, 2016
    6. ChasteDilf13
      On the 12th, I was let out after 4 weeks of lock up! My Wife/KH now has me locked again, she's hinted for 2 months this time.
    7. ChasteDilf13
      3.5 weeks into my month long lockup. Was giving wife a massage last night and she suggested she may leave me locked until Christmas!
      slavetoby, LadyS, danijean001 and 3 others like this.
      1. joe01
        Did you thank her?
        Nov 10, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      2. ChasteDilf13
        I said I'd be happy to if that's what she wants!
        Nov 10, 2016
        danijean001, Felix cum ea and joe01 like this.
    8. ChasteDilf13
      Today is day 23 of my one month lockup. It ends on the 15th, but my wife will probably let me out the following weekend. So, 18 days left!
      LadyS likes this.
      1. LadyS
        Have you been let out at all?
        Nov 7, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      2. ChasteDilf13
        I've played soccer twice so I was let out to play and clean. So about 4 hours in total over the last 3 weeks.
        Nov 7, 2016
    9. ChasteDilf13
      On day 10 of my first month long lock-up. Wife has agreed I only get ruined the at end, and that every lockup will be longer than the last!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. john locked
        john locked
        At least you will be allowed to cum. Ruined or not, orgasm is orgasm ;-)
        Try to have fun ;-P
        Oct 25, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      3. danleft1
        So it is day 17 ... how is the journey?
        Nov 1, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      4. ChasteDilf13
        Two days ago I got to please my wife and she let me post an update to Tumblr! I'm past my longest previous lock-up and I'm feeling more comfortable than ever before. My wife likes me like this ;)
        Nov 1, 2016
    10. Nicoftime
      My kh was at first not sure about dildos. I am small but she didn't mind. After the first one made her cum so hard we have gotten bigger and bigger
      ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      1. ChasteDilf13
        Indeed!! I remember when I gave her the first dildo. She thought it was too big! Now she uses the bigger one and thinks its amazing!
        Oct 22, 2016
    11. ChasteDilf13
      LadyS likes this.
    12. ChasteDilf13
      LadyS likes this.
    13. john locked
      john locked
      BTW, is your KH also user in the site or She just reading through your account?
      Maybe it is better, that She will get information from first hand not filtered by you. ;-P
      ("filtering" is of course joke :-) )
      ChasteDilf13 likes this.
    14. CagedAnimal2
      I feel the intent of the Mods here is to make it more friendly to new females. Thus increasing knowledge of our lifestyle. The friendly factor is huge. Please have faith in the Moderators and their goals. I'm patiently waiting to see where this goes....
      AlanThom likes this.
    15. CagedAnimal2
      Great new blog!
      john locked likes this.
      1. ChasteDilf13
        Thanks. CM's policy change towards pictures means I'll be moving content over to Tumblr instead.
        Aug 26, 2016
        john locked likes this.
      2. CagedAnimal2
        Good to know, keep us posted.
        Aug 26, 2016
      3. frankie teardrop
        frankie teardrop
        She is such a natural tease and temptress I would have thought She would be perfectly at home here. Surely one of the great delights of prolonged chastity is being teased beyond endurance - and then further - by a beautiful Goddess. I don't really understand why Her photos have to go.
        Aug 27, 2016
        CagedAnimal2 likes this.
    16. ChasteDilf13
      1. john locked
        john locked
        Hehehee :-) i like your blog. Your KH should insist from you to fill it at least every second or third day ;-P
        BTW, i am locked up at least for next 20 days and you are distributing such teasing pictures ...
        Aug 26, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      2. ChasteDilf13
        Thanks. CM's policy change towards pictures means I'll be moving content over to Tumblr instead. I should get the opportunity to make a new photo set over the weekend. Until then I'll upload a few of our old sets. Good luck on your 20 days! ;)
        Aug 26, 2016
        john locked likes this.
      3. Felix cum ea
        Felix cum ea
        I follow you on Tumblr too now, you both (and the blog) show such a great dynamic between you! (the blog merits the Gold medal too, I think ;)
        Aug 27, 2016
    17. ChasteDilf13
      My KH and I both got really sick last week. We are finally on the mend, I'm starting to feel like myself again. I'm back online, yay!
      CagedAnimal2 likes this.
      1. frankie teardrop
        frankie teardrop
        So glad you're both feeling better. We're fortunate to have your beautiful wife's photos to lift our spirits daily.
        Aug 22, 2016
      Thanks for liking my pictures!
      ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      1. ChasteDilf13
        My pleasure! What's not to like! ;) Thanks for sharing.
        Aug 16, 2016
    19. ChasteDilf13
      I posted an update to my Journal Trials and Tribulations for those interested. There's also a small gallery set. sry, most shots were blury
      john locked likes this.
    20. ChasteDilf13
      I've started a Journal for anybody interested. It's about my wife putting me through the Sex Olympics. I hope you enjoy.
    21. ChasteDilf13
      KH warned me our Sex Olympics semi-finals are tonight and to expect a higher degree of difficulty. Any tips to better survive edging?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChasteDilf13
        Haha. I've actually tried to keep my mind wondering before. Last time I closed my eyes and she put her breasts in my face. I may need to memorize something even less sexy than baseball.
        Aug 12, 2016
      3. greenmike79
        You could try desensitizing cream, but don't get caught. The international sex Olympic committee might consider that cheating and ban you from competing next time
        Aug 12, 2016
        john locked and ChasteDilf13 like this.
      4. ChasteDilf13
        OMG. I have Stud 100, a desensitizing spray, and I actually considered if I could use it while still caged. ;)
        Aug 12, 2016
    22. ChasteDilf13
      KH has been putting me through the Sex Olympics. Edging sessions with an increasing stroke target on a time limit. Almost lost last night.
      joe01 likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChasteDilf13
        I'm just lucky I'm not competing against anybody else. I think my stamina is below average, I wouldn't stand a chance!
        Aug 12, 2016
      3. john locked
        john locked
        Aug 12, 2016
        ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      4. ChasteDilf13
        Lol, I'd be fine so long as her goal was for me to get to 10 strokes. ;)
        I think she's been aiming for 100 strokes in 3 minutes (spm of 30). I was OK in the first 2 challenges, but in the last round she was naked and teasing and aggressively massaging the head while she did it. She said I only had seconds left. ;)
        Aug 12, 2016
        john locked likes this.
    23. ChasteDilf13
      KH bought new Yoga clothes today. Wanted to "try them out" by playing Dance Central. Told me to grab a beer and come watch. God help me
    24. ChasteDilf13
      http://Locks.Club is now online. Get your partner and go play! See my post in The Tower for more info
    25. Jblocked
      Very sexy wife looking at her picture makes me wonder were she keeps her key dose she wear it or hide it.
      ChasteDilf13 likes this.
      1. ChasteDilf13
        In one of those shots you'll see the cage doesn't actually have a lock, it uses a security screw. Unfortunately the "key" for the screw is like an alan key, it can't really be worn. :( She normally keeps it locked in a box next to the bed, so she has *that* key on a charm bracelet.
        Jul 29, 2016
        Jblocked likes this.
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  • About

    September 1
    Home Page:
    Your chastity role:
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    I began with chastity in 2014. Since then my lovely Wife and Keyholder has grown in confidence and now takes full control of my orgasms. I service her whenever she asks, and in return I'm rewarded with regular edging, and when my KH sees fit, am allowed to orgasm.

    I'm the creator of Locks.Club, an online chastity game for couples. Give it a try!

    You can usually find me hanging around in the CM live chat.
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