Comments on photo id Red Chili! in the album "My collection pt 2" created by Deleted member 37616

  1. MistressS
    I feel it's good that it's getting smaller. It's only use is to pee.
  2. Deleted member 37616
    Deleted member 37616
    You are so right Mistress S!
  3. Oscarowitz
    Wow! That is an elaborate design.. I get African vibes out of that.. Nice.
    Deleted member 37616 likes this.
  4. majorsk
    Like the look of this cage, where did you get it from?
  5. Deleted member 37616
  6. Temptation-ectomy
    Would you buy a Red Chili again?
  7. Deleted member 37616
    Deleted member 37616
    I have three different models! I absolutely love them all!
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