Last Activity:
May 21, 2023
Jan 20, 2015 at 12:47 PM
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5:13 AM
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Long term member, from California

Out for a few hours today for a full body waxing appointment. ..But I am now re-locked, and the key is back in my time-safe Sep 19, 2021

Alana was last seen:
May 21, 2023
    1. Alana
      Safely locked away again. Starting my 2nd real lockup. Trying to beat 15 days
      jtpii likes this.
    2. Alana
      After 15 days in my cb6ks, I noticed a welt, like the one caused by the Knockoff version after 1 day. Taking a break for a few hours
      jtpii likes this.
    3. henryt
      I just feel drawn to the lifestyle. It comes from a feeling of respect for women.
      jtpii likes this.
    4. CorsetJane
      Welcome...i'm sure you will enjoy it as much as we all do! cj :-)
      jtpii likes this.
    5. elliot_r
      Hey, welcome to CM...lots of good people here to help you in your journey
      jtpii likes this.
    6. Alana
      Looking for a guide, not necessarily a KH
      jtpii likes this.
    7. Mascara^Snake
      Welcome to the Mansion. I hope you find it entertaining and enlightening. :-)
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  • About

    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Other - (Explain in "About You")
    Chastity devices:
    CB6000s (knockoff)
    CB6000s (Genuine)
    Mature Metal Queens Keep
    Qiui Cellmate
    Anodized Steel Holy Trainer V3 Nano
    Anodized Steel Holy Trainer V3 Nub
    Chastity resume:
    I love to be locked. I sometimes find cages uncomfortable (some more than others). But being locked up becomes pleasurable for me after a while. ...and yet I know it could be better. Even though I use a timesafe, I know when I can next get out. I'm missing the blissful denial, the cruelly intimate touch, and the creative tease of a Mistress/Key Holder

    The problem is, I am a divorced shy submissive, and I'm not very good at approaching people I'm attracted to, If my heart decides I'm attracted to someone, my tongue forgets how to talk. In spite of this, I'm Hoping to find a Dominant Woman who loves to touch and tease who might find me worthy enough to hold my key.

    If you are trying to be subtle with me, please don't be surprised or take offense if I don't pick up on it right away. Sometimes I just need a smack upside the head to get my attention. The direct method is usually best with me.
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