Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2018
Apr 2, 2014 at 8:22 AM
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1:52 AM
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Still the mansion's fairy godmother. ;), from London

No. No flag on my profile please. Kindly remove it ASAP. Jan 13, 2018

SubVerity was last seen:
Feb 9, 2018
    1. SubVerity
      I need cheering up. Someone has to say or do something nice ok? I'll even tell you why, but first cheering up! Please.
    2. the odd tease
      the odd tease
      Drawers down, yes, cage off -- sadly not
    3. SubVerity
      This site is up and down like a whore's drawers.I just wish my Wonderful would have my drawers down as often!
    4. Wendygirl
      Lol I thought I had better make it clear or you know what will happen xx Wendy
      1. SubVerity
        Hee hee. You can just imagine lurkers deciding that they too have GDID and all of a sudden it becoming an on-trend wave across the US...... :D
        Feb 12, 2015
    5. SubVerity
      I miss erections, but I love it when my She is close, I thrust into her but the sensation is missing. So frustrating I could cry. I love it.
      guodor and Rachael_ like this.
    6. SubVerity
      Well, me and Mistress B had a good chat last night and cleared the air between us a bit.
    7. Mistress B
      Mistress B
      Nice to know your opinion about me. If saying confused is being critical then heaven help us.
    8. Victor38
      Thanks for bailing me out just now. I was a little hurt and offended that someone on here would post critical things with no suggestions or advise or anything. I appreciate your level head! I may be girlie sometimes, and submissive, but thats to my WIFE, not some random member who has the word mistress in her name. Sorry for the rant, and thanks again.
      1. SubVerity
        Let's hear it sister/brother! Your rant is welcome here. :)
        I cant believe how come she's a mod here tbh. She is so negative in her posting style, and always shutting people down rather than opening things up. What is that about?
        Dec 1, 2014
    9. SubVerity
      A slight change of status, she decided she was missing my orgasms, so.... No timeframe, fun when She/we want it!
      Sig Wyrminorb likes this.
      1. Lucy
        That's always an interesting position to be in :)
        Nov 24, 2014
    10. the odd tease
      the odd tease
      I finished a four month stint back at the end of summer... it was quite a ride but 'fun' in our special way too!
    11. SubVerity
      Just started a 2 to 3 month locking. My next penile orgasm will be at the end of the period. I'm a little unsure about it all, and unnerved.
    12. SubVerity
      Contemplating a formal 3 months. Would be locked for much of the time, and no release for 3 months. Excited and scared at the same time.
      1. Kontraband
        I admire your determination, someday I'll try and do one too.
        Jul 26, 2014
      2. SubVerity
        I managed over 2 months not too long ago. After she took the keys we agreed 3 weeks or so, but it became a tad longer.
        I'm sure I can do more.
        Jul 26, 2014
    13. SubVerity
      Rockin out to DWV. Just hilarious parody vids.
    14. SubVerity
      My lady is working on BH Monday! She listed cleaning to do and told me to put on my maids outfit and a plug! I'm in love and cleaning. <3
    15. SubVerity
      What a session! in the middle of it, I asked if she would like me to give her the key. She said Yes and then Queened me! I love her so much.
    16. SubVerity
      Not cum for 11 days - getting really quite horny now.
    17. robb123xyz
      sexy avatar verity ! u r so sweet.
      1. SubVerity
        Thanks. I'm happy you think so robb.
        May 8, 2014
    18. SubVerity
      She's back!! Hugely happy to see her, hold her, feel her skin, etc.
    19. SubVerity
      Day 4 of my ladies absence. So far, success! 2 more evenings to go..... It's getting harder.....
    20. CorsetJane
      tired verity?... anyone would think you've been burning the candle at both ends... any more pic sessions tonight then?
    21. CatherineSeverine
      Looks like you and I are long lost twins. Recently, (1/1/14) got into the chastity thing, self locked, but long time crossdresser. And, of course, submissve, but that goes with the territory.
      SubVerity likes this.
    22. katielane1
      Hi verity , sexy avatar ,and a great profile

      Love kt .x
      SubVerity likes this.
    23. SubVerity
      Self locking submissive cross-dressing male. I'm quite new to the chastity thing, so this status may change.
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  • About

    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Other - (Explain in "About You")
    Chastity devices:
    Holy Trainer v2
    Chinese cheapy - metal with rings and bars
    Steelworxx steelheart - sold
    Steelworxx Looker 2 - love it!
    Last but not least - my mind.
    Discovered chastity about 3 years ago, shared it with Wonderful who is slowly learning to use it to her benefit. Almost immediately on buying a device and being locked more or less 24/7 it had a massively beneficial effect on our relationship.
    Oddly it encouraged and enabled new forms of communication (yes, we'd grown....stale?) and provided a physical reminder that sex existed in our relationship......somehow. We're always learning, growing, changing, and chastity has now become a solid part of our journey.

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