Last Activity:
May 13, 2013
May 19, 2010 at 3:35 AM
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January 14


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I have been away...and I do mean away! I am living in Europe now and loving every minute of it!! I am in Germany but lots of travel... May 13, 2013

ms-laurel was last seen:
May 13, 2013
    1. ms-laurel
      So I guess I get a little wordy....but I thought this was a great quote from my book....have a wonderful day....It's FRIDAY!!!!!!
    2. ms-laurel
      Just think what it would be like to have a knowledgeable, kind and passionate parnter that cared for our feelings yet surrendered to our wishes. The world is full of submissive males. This is probably one of the best kept secrets of our time. These men are not weak, they are not failures, and they are quite capable of competing in a "man's" world. However, they long to treat a woman as the queen that she is. Their world is a world of service to their Queen and Goddess. Their...
      1. slaveDK
        WOW.. Couldn't agree more in these words Ms. Laurel. Many male slaves are strong men who's only weaknes is their female owner.
        Nov 12, 2010
      2. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        I find myself thinking the same thing but have not found the right idea in my mind yet of how it would be truely imaginable??
        Nov 13, 2010
    3. ms-laurel
      I do not want to lead with fear and force. The aggression of the partiarchal society of the past has led only to fear, failure and discord. People that are selfishly dominated are never free to grow. However, everyone is free to follow a pioneer that promotes harmony and well being. It is not so much who you guide as how you guide that will determine your course through life. My compassion guides me.
      1. lockit
        she said picking up her whip
        Nov 11, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        this is true....
        Nov 11, 2010
    4. ms-laurel
      The mansion is oh, so quiet...what's up with that?
      1. mikecb
        Some of us are licking our wounds ;-p
        Nov 10, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        Sounds like you have lots of them, you may be busy for a while!!!
        Nov 10, 2010
      3. white_leather
        No Kidding, Its quiet... too quiet.
        Nov 11, 2010
    5. Ms Passionswhip
      Ms Passionswhip
      Thanks for the friend request; I think I followed through on it correctly. Talk to you soon!
    6. ms-laurel
      A great day is in store....
      1. JJR
        Ah, Going shopping?
        Nov 8, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        no, but I should be....cute, cute...
        Nov 9, 2010
    7. ms-laurel
      Today my focus is on my unique gifts as a woman. I cherish thse gifts and work to continue growing. I have leadership qualities and the compassionate wisdom that is original to my gender.
    8. ms-laurel
      Feeling better and making veggie beef soup on this cool autumn day...smells good!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ms-laurel
        Thank you...hope you are well too..
        Nov 6, 2010
      3. lockit
        ahhh home made soup you are making me home sick.
        in a very nice way
        Nov 7, 2010
      4. lockit
        nice to hear the soup is working its magic
        Nov 7, 2010
    9. ms-laurel
      Better but only because its Friday and I know I have a few upcoming days off....
    10. ms-laurel
      I think I'm getting the fall crud that's been going around...came home sick from work and slept 3 hours today...yuck!
      1. ozoner55
        Dear Ms. Laurel,perhaps the thought of keeping me locked for an extended period of time will help you feel better. In your service palmer
        Nov 5, 2010
      2. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        I doubt it will, Palmer.. but expect her to take you up on your offer anyway!
        Nov 5, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        You're right Becca, it doesn't help the sickness but locked he remains!!!
        Nov 5, 2010
    11. mistress_lae
      I am honored.. Friends it is!!
    12. ms-laurel
      ms-laurel mansion withdrawal...what's up with that?
    13. ms-laurel
      Tough day at work today...Mondays can be like that...
      1. chastesoon
        I know the feeling, after 2 weeks off, tough to go back!
        Nov 2, 2010
    14. tiny_tim
      Thanks for stopping by Ms Laurel.
    15. ms-laurel
      Wonderful weekend..beautiful weather, lovely views and good company; can't ask for much more than that. Love the holiday spirit!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        The dog or Palmer?
        Nov 1, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        the dog...
        Nov 2, 2010
      4. ms-laurel
        did you see a pic of him somewhere else?
        Nov 2, 2010
    16. xcitedsisssy
      Enjoy your Weekend its a beautiful time of year to be in the woods
    17. Amber
      You have a great weekend to :)
    18. Artemis and Himerus
      Artemis and Himerus
      You are so active - Have a Great Weekend
    19. ms-laurel
      ms-laurel idea...maybe take a few toys...go deep into the woods and tie Palmer to a tree...this gets better all the time!
      1. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        Should we ask who will get the better experience out of the trip????
        Oct 29, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        yes, I will have a wonderful time; don't be fooled, he really loves all the attention!!
        Oct 30, 2010
    20. ms-laurel
      Off for a weekend of rest and relaxation in the beautful and peaceful woods and rivers of MO...I'm looking forward to it after a difficult week at work. See you all on the flip side...
    21. ms-laurel
      Its just been a long and busy, busy work week...too much work and never enough time (or sleep!)
      1. mikecb
        heh. I managed to get enough sleep yesterday..... because I forgot to set my alarm, and overslept by 90 minutes. Oops! lol
        Oct 29, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        That's really kind of sleeping in...
        Oct 29, 2010
      3. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        Pretty much on a normal basis I get up around noon and I still sometimes don't get enough sleep.
        Oct 29, 2010
    22. chastesoon
      That is a very nice pic, very flatering, and I just love other "dog" people.
    23. ms-laurel
      Is it Friday yet?
      1. Amber
        I wish it was :)
        Oct 28, 2010
      2. slaveDK
        Only one day more..What's happening on Friday? ;-)
        Oct 28, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        A few days off work...
        Oct 29, 2010
    24. lauren1fem
      Love your profile picture. Nice Cocker!
    25. ms-laurel
      I hope everyone's day is just as good as you want it to be...I know mine will be...because that is my choice for today...a mellow and happy autumn day, even if its a little chilly outside. :D
      1. slave & slut
        slave & slut
        So far so good... Thanx Mistress Laurel
        Oct 27, 2010
      2. ozoner55
        Chilly outside, but you dear Mistress warm my heart,and other parts too
        Oct 28, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        {wicked smile} in your dreams
        Oct 28, 2010
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    January 14
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    He will never be any better than I expect him to be. If a man cannot fully fathom the concept that he is to be an asset in my life then he is indeed a liability. I am the Gift; I will teach the men in my life how to ready themselves for me. I have expectations of goodness for those I love.​
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