The Interview

Discussion in 'Member fiction' started by maid katrin, May 17, 2008.

  1. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    "So your Mistress wants you to apply for the job?
    Well, even though this is an All-Female company, you are not the first sissy who has worked for me. My experiences, however, arent the best with sissies they tend to be rather narcissistic, always admiring themselves in any mirror they can catch; the worst of them often sulk , pout and have tantrums again and again.
    Never mind, your Mistress said you are different, arent you? She said youd be a hard working girl, obedient and very submissive. I dearly hope She is right.


    So lets have a look at you, girl. Quite smart outfit you are wearing. Did you wear it on your Mistresss order or did you pick it yourself?
    Good, at least youve got dress sense. For the time being Im going to ignore that your lipstick and nail varnish clash with the colour of your outfit.
    Oh, I see you are collared. Very good, that leaves no doubt who you are.
    Alright, lets explore you a bit in detail. Drop your skirt, sissy.
    What do you mean you are embarrassed? Who do you think you are? I do not like to repeat myself, so drop your skirt this instant! Can you imagine what will happen when you return to your Mistress with the application denied due to disobedience? Your bottom will be sore for weeks to come, wont it?


    Thats better, sissy girl! Dont do that again, is that clear?
    Hmmm, I see you are locked in a chastity belt. Very appropriate. Sissy girls cant resist playing with themselves and a chastity belt is simply a must to prevent them from indulging in this nasty habit.
    By the way, I like those steel bands locked to your thighs. I really wondered what makes your walking so feminine.
    Keep going, sissy. You havent finished yet. Show me whats under that jacket. I dont want to buy a pig in a poke.
    Oh yes, I thought you were tightly laced. Very nice girl, keeps you in good shape and most of all it teaches you servility to Women.


    Dont lift your head like that. Thats not the way a sissy is supposed to present herself in front of a Lady. Lower your head right now. Hands resting on your thighs, feet together. Thats better.


    So why did your Mistress lock the chain around your waist?
    I see, you thought you couldnt bear the tightness so you tried to loosen the laces. Very naughty, girl, very naughty. Didnt your Mistress teach you that beauty knows no pain? Of course She did. Serves you right, sissy.
    By the way, assuming that I give you the job, a tightly laced corset is part of the dress code in My company at least for sissy girls. Whats your waist size right now?

    Good start, girl, but not good enough. Again, assuming that I accept your application, we are going to decrease that down to 20 inches in a couple of months. I will write a note to your Mistress to keep you corseted day AND night.

    ... to be continued ...
  2. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Show me that bracelet. What does the engraving say?


    Very nice, it says you are the property of your Lady.
    "Of course it is locked. It wouldnt make sense if you could take it off yourself, would it?
    Well, lets return to the job Im offering. I told you to bring appropriate office wear. Did you do it?
    Silly girl, what you are waiting for? Go ahead and show me.


    So this is what you think you can wear while working for me? Are you kidding, sissy? What do you think the job is? A secretary? Thats ridiculous.

    Dont you know a good secretary is the heart of a company and She nearly could run the business on Her own? Do you seriously believe I would give that job to a mere sissy?
    Of course NOT!

    The job on offer is that of an office girl or should I say, office sissy, or may be better, sissy maid. Your job would be to make and serve coffee, run errands and give a hand to whoever needs. And, you would have to take orders from any Female in this company.
    Of course from any Female. Even the Female apprentices will be authorized to give orders to you.
    Of course it is humiliating, but thats what you sissies are craving, isnt it? Doesnt it make you feel excited when a young Woman bosses you around? Dont deny it, I know that even the sheer thought makes your chastity belt feel tighter and tighter.
    So is there anything else you brought to wear?
    No? Thats not a good start, girl, not at all a good start. Theres a locker in the adjoining room. Go fetch the dresses in there, on the double, girl.


    Arent the dresses just darling? So sweet and girly, arent they? I bet you cant wait to be dressed in them.

    Of course that will be what my office sissy has to wear.
    So who cares when the Women in my company call you names and make fun of you. Youre a sissy after all and tell me why you shouldnt dress like one.
    Silly girl, do you think there is time to change clothes every time you are sent on an errand? Go sissy, model the white one for me.


    Very sweet girl, very sweet. I do like the corset worn over the dress so everyone can see that you are undergoing a strict waist training.

    Of course the chain will remain locked around your waist and the loose end connected to your collar. Every Woman in my office will have a set of keys to keep you chained to the workplace you are currently assigned to.
    And, just imagine what youll feel like when I give you to both my apprentices after work. Both just turned 18 and they like shopping very much. I am sure theyll be delighted to have someone carry their shopping bags. Imagine what it feels like to be led around the shops on a chain. Im sure you will give a good laugh to the shop girls and of course the other customers. May be they will treat you with a full makeover in their favourite beauty parlour as a reward before you are returned to your Owner.
    Well sissy, let me see the other dress and stop that moaning.

    ... to be continued ...
  3. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Thats better. We should keep you gagged at all times. No one needs a chattering office sissy."


    "That dress is really fetching. Pink suits you.
    Now drop a nice curtsey, sissy.


    Yes, youll curtsey to every Female in my company. Its a token of politeness and shows that you are submitting to ALL Females.
    Well done girl, you got the job. Tell your Mistress I expect you to be at work Monday morning at 8 a.m. sharpAnd dont forget to ask Her for a nice cane to keep you in line.
    Yes, you can go home now.
    What do you mean you cant go like that. Whats wrong with that dress?I think you need a little reminder whos in charge, dont you? Bend over, sissy!


    Stop whining sissy, and put your clothes in the carrier bag over there. You can go now, the interviews over, or do you want me to phone your Mistress?

    The End
  4. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    Loved the story maid katrin, as always, and of course the pictures! My search for a sissy girl is not going so well, but I am still looking. Its harder to find a sissy girl than I imagined it would be, for some reason all of the ones that I find suitable do not seem to live in the US.
    Mistress Michelle
  5. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear Mistress Michelle,

    thank You very much for the kind compliment. It sounds amazing that You can't find a suitable sissy in Your area as there are so many who complain that they can't find a Mistress :cry:
    However, do as i did - never give up searching and You will succeed in finding a sissy that is truly committed and suits Your needs. As we use to say in Germany: "There is a lid for every saucepan."


    maid katrin
  6. dollyanne

    dollyanne Sissy who loves pink frilly things!

    May 15, 2008
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    Wonderful story!

    Dollyanne would like to add her compliments as well, missy katrin. Your stories and pictures are all sooo wonderful! Dolly loves your curtsey picture! You are clearly a superior sissy maid all of us sissies in training can look up to and learn from. Thank you! :kiss:

  7. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Hello dollyanne,

    thanks for the compliments but i should not forget that it was you who corrected my English and so to say, you were the co-author.
    I would suggest that you frequently report about your curtsey training in the powder room.

    Hugs, maid katrin
  8. Kinkish1

    Kinkish1 Senior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    Such an interesting story and very nicely done.
    The pictures are great, also.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Hello kinkish1,

    thank you very much indeed. What can a maid better do to say thanks by dropping a nice curtsey:


    maid katrin​
  10. Julietv

    Julietv Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    Nice story and nice pics.....
    Many thank's Katrin and kiss of course!

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