Seeking budding writers to share/discuss/swap ideas.

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by Violet_Noir, Jan 13, 2019.

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  1. Violet_Noir

    Violet_Noir Active member

    Nov 13, 2018
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    Firstly, I hope this is the correct place to post this. I haven't a story to post (yet) so I figured the Library Thread wasn't the best place for this, hence posting it here.

    I've always had a passion for writing and would really like to try my hand at writing erotica. I have a vivid imagination and lots of ideas for stories with themes like sissifaction, cuckolding, bdsm and of course chastity to name a few. But what I'd really love is someone to share ideas with or discuss writing with. It helps get the creativity flowing, opens up new possibilities and not to mention helps get a story together much quicker.

    Ideally this would be mutual thing, we'd help each other with new ideas, plots, characters. Some proof-reading and general things like that. I'm open to discussing almost any kind of topic, story etc. But WILL NOT discuss those with underage characters EVER!

    So, if you've an interest in writing or want to give it a try then let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

    eatpreyloathe likes this.
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