Problems with penis tubes

Discussion in 'Novices and newbies' started by zbovka, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. zbovka

    zbovka Design Enthusiast

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I've noticed that despite having experienced 4 different types of chastity devices (one being a belt, 3 are cages) is that I have a problem with the tip of my glans squeezing and poking out uncomfortably as it tries to bend around the corners of the opening slit in all of them except the holy trainer model (which is thick and has a (relatively to others) thin opening slit. But even the holytrainer model has its share of problems so I don't like to use it in the long term.

    I know about the sock trick but my socks are too thick to go be grabbed through the opening of the penis tube and I don't have large materials similar to stocking material that can be pulled through the shaft.

    Also note that my penis is actually bent to the right about 5 degrees genetically since birth and the internal shaft is also rotated unless erect (it straightens out when erect)

    Anyway while I'm at it I might a well do a review. To see the actual model names that they were purchased under look at my profile. All of the devices I've used are chinese rip-offs simply because a multitude of 10 times a cheaper price is more than a bargin for a very little difference in production quality

    Chinese CB6000 standard: - Worn at most 4 days.
    -I don't remember the exact model name but this is perhaps the most overrated cage design ever. And why the hell is it even called a belt, thanks to this it makes shop searches a pain in the butt.
    -Tube is rather long for a flaccid state but is still short for an erect state. I read on the net that the "real" CB6000 has issues with the tube splitting open.
    -The opening at the tip is too wide and too long to be comfortable in the erect state. It is rather flat.
    -The insert-opening is a circle oriented at about 45 degrees so it's rather tricky to get the penis down the tube
    -Comes with 5 ring sizes, but the "secure" sizes are so tight that I risk pinching myself. Pubic hair is an issue with this too.
    -Very difficult to sleep in due to the I-beam style cage cross sectional design casuing pinching and dryness problems
    -Shitty lock. Wrapped it in a rubber band to stop it clinking with the slightest movement
    -Interestingly enough the bridge holding the two support pylons wasn't glued together so even if I lock it, I can escape by simply pushing the pylons out becuase the pylons are the only things holding the ring to the cage.
    -Because it's such a piece of shit I stopped using it entirely
    -I can orgasm in this cage by moving the cage although it isn't satisfying.
    -Sticks to the skin when dry after sweating.

    Holytrainer (standard) - Worn at most 5 days
    -Most comfortable tube tip design at the tip so far yet although there's too much spacing at the bottom of the glans resulting in too much lymph fluid buildup causing swelling. An alternative is to peel back the foreskin but that can cause abbrasion cuts on the underside just behind the glans spacing due to the design of the tube having an open bottom.
    -The rings are supposed to be ergonomical and prevent the tube from lifting up but the reality is, none of that shit is true. In fact over a few minutes of walking even on the tightest rings causes the entire cage to rotate, pinching at least one of the vas deferns and the lymphatic vessels to cut off and swelling can get quite bad.
    -The tube near opening has a little bit of a fish-hook tip which tends to bite into the top of the penis shaft, casuing internal bleeding if worn more than one day.
    -The sock trick doesn't work on this belt because it's too small, but generally hte device is comfortabl enough, and it is also short enough for me to push the foreskin enough that it'll protude past the opening (which will pinch against clothing)
    -The opening og the urethra can catch itself on the tip painfully if I don't insert my penis in a particular way.
    -I can sort of orgasm in this belt by moving the cage up and down as the internal penis shaft will move if not fully erect and periodically hit the end of the cage.
    -The chinese version supposidly also uses the same material as the original holytrainer but honestly, it isn't as soft as it claims. It's pretty hard, but slightly rubbier than the CB6000.
    -Doesn't stick to the skin as bad as the CB6000

    Metal short stubby thing with catheter:
    -Too short to be comfortable or even useful without the catheter
    -Catheter diameter is so wide that it causes internal bleeding. I stopped after two attempts as this is a sign that my urethra is simply too thin to accept it. In some medical cases I read up it causes the urethra to thin out even further.
    -Perhaps the most comfortable ring ever, seriously. The ring isn't compatible with the holytrainer unfortunately
    -Uses same "magilock" thing that the holytrainer uses. Keys are not unique.
    -Generally too painful to use with the catheter, and useless without the catheter so I stopped using this entirely
    -I can probably orgasm in this cage too if I tried.
    -The circular opening is painful without a urethra to straighten my penis.
    -Because ofthe oxide coating on the stianless teel this has no sticking problems although yo uneed to clean out the rust occasionally.

    Underwear Chastity for hot party (unknown origin of model, but most searches around the net comes with a similar name):
    -According to the net this seems to be the most comfortable rigid belt for the cheapest price (~48 USD)
    -Adjustable using screw and hex nuts. Screws are on the inside, hex nuts are on the outside. They are exposed on the outside.
    -Silicone lining (if it really is silicone) doesn't like staying on the belt. Because of its traction, it tends to rip the skin off my fingers. Comes in 3 distinctive parts, the waist band, the rear crotch (until the scrotum cage) and the front cage. The part that tends to come off the easiest is the rear band since the band isn't wide and rubbing it will dislodge it easily. I tried tape but tape is only usueful at making sure the lining stays on the belt while I attach other parts of the lining (since it typically comes off as you place one end on)
    -The lining tends to come off if the metal strap it surrounds bends
    -The silicone lining seems to be important around the waist, the parts of the the crotch and the rear end but the parts extending to the waist belt aren't really necessary for comfort. I'll probably super glue this on later, but if you guys have better alternatives that would be nice to hear about.
    -The penis tube ending is diamond shape and has a triangulated edge and is quite painful to the penis glans. Because the shaft is long like on the CB6000, it is rather difficult to place the penis in without the glans exposing so much of itself. I haven't been able to do the stocking trick yet on this belt due to the curved tube shape.
    -The device came in one piece (despite it being adjustable, they should've shipped it unassembled really) and consequently was bent all all over the place.
    -The rear strap connecting to the waist band is really easy to bend as it is quite thin and I fear it may snap anytime.
    -It's got the secure box lock type with the insertable-rod lock.Getting all three of the straps onto the vase-shaped cylinder is very difficult though.
    -The metal skeleton of the belt has a squared off jaggererd (not sanded down) edge so it is impractical to wear without the silicone lining for longer than two hours.
    -Comes with a solid (heavy) anal plug. First time inserting anything into my anal opening. I'm not sure how people find this pleasurable but I sure don't, it just makes me feels like I need to take a shit. I tried moving it around to see if I can move and hit my prostate but I couldn't feel anything.
    -I haven't tried orgasming in this cage sine the glans getting pinched on the end is painful. The alternative she-male design PrisonBird also offers would solve this problem as it has a smaller opening but its penis tube is in the inside of the belt and requires a plastic tube dangling oddly for toilet business which looks annoying.
    -I've noticed the brass coated lock shaft has already started rusting after one shower.
    martin K likes this.
  2. zbovka

    zbovka Design Enthusiast

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    I don't know how to edit a post but I forgot to mention one thin: A possible side effect of a bent penis is that I can pee standing up most of the time.
  3. danleft1

    danleft1 Long term member

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    pretty much any store that sells shoes ... has a box of nylon foots (just the foot part of a traditional womens nylon stocking) sitting around to use to try on shoes ... grab 4 or 5 and you will be set for quite a while.
    CuckeldBull and Njfuntimes24 like this.
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