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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by rabbieg, May 23, 2008.

  1. rabbieg

    rabbieg seeking 24/7 ownership

    May 23, 2008
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    Local Time:
    10:02 AM
    hello Mistress Watchfull,

    let me start by thanking you for another site for us all to visit & hopefully get to know one another on...

    i came about your site through the chastitylifestyle website, another great place...

    i have been into the scene for a couple of years without true embracing it, although i know serve an online mistress (Miss Nikki) from femdom society, i am hopefull to one day meet a wonderfull member of the superier speces who will want to own & controll me 24/7 & have me worship her in her own wonderfull way...:wink:

    at present i am unlocked, due to having difficulties when last locked up...
    my device caused a spot to grow on Miss's toy's shaft, which then burst & became infected, so i had to ask Miss Nikki to send my keys back so i could sort out this problem... it nearly all healed now though...
    so i expect to locked away again soon...

    anyway misstress thank you for allowing me to join & hope to chat to everyone soon...
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